Chapter 17

When Love Stops

      “Hye Ri, are you coming along with us?” Ha Eun asked when she realizes that I’m not following the both of them during the beginning of recess. I shook my head in reply.      

      “Wae?” Joo Ee pouted. Gosh, I don’t know how to explain it to them. I don’t want them to tease me nonstop about Kris. What should I say?

      “Eeerr…” I was in the middle of trying to fake my way out.

      “You’re having recess with Kris, that’s why,” Ha Eun crossed her arms.

      “Really?” Joo Ee asked. I nodded my head slowly. How could Ha Eun knew about it?

      “Yah..! Why didn’t you say so?” Joo Ee beat my arm.

      “It’s because… I don’t want everyone to know… about it…” I explained. Both of them were staring at me like they had seen something weird in front of their eyes.

       “Bo yah! You can’t hide it… like forever. After all, all of us are going to know that you’re going to have recess with Kris just because you’re not having recess with us today,” Joo Ee contended.

        “Errrmm… Alright then. I understand… and I’m sorry… about that,” I apologized.

        “It’s alright, Hye Ri. But next time, you don’t have to hide it from us, okay?” Joo Ee assured. I smiled back in reply.

        “Ha Eun ah? How did you know that I’m having recess… with Kris?” I looked at her.

        “I saw Kris texting you while we’re in unnie’s van,” she answered.

        “Gawd, you’re such a stalker,” I scoffed.

        “Yah… it was so obvious, Hye Ri. And I bet you didn’t noticed that you were smiling to yourself when Kris texted you,” she replied in sarcasm as though she finally won me in a debate. In an instant, those words strike me hard and I didn’t know how to answer her back.

         “Omo! What happened to your face?!” Joo Ee looks shocked. I quickly took out my makeup mirror and turns out, my face was blushing pink. Omo! What should I do?! Kris cannot see this face. NEVER.

          “Hye Ri? You better act fast now. Kris is coming up behind you,” Ha Eun cautioned.

          “What should I do?!” I quickly cover my face.

          “Relax. Breathe in, breathe out. Okay?” Joo Ee was holding my hands while demonstrating to me how to breathe properly. Once I’m relaxed, she asked, “Feeling better now?” I nodded in reply.

          “We better go now. See you in class and… Hye Ri?” Ha Eun said.


          “Hwaiting!” she showed a fist sign at me same as Joo Ee. Then, both of them left to meet their boyfriends and Suho at the cafeteria. When I turned around, I didn’t realize that Kris was right behind me and I ended up bumping into his chest. He took hold of my arms and laughed, “Woah be careful there!” His touch causes my heart to beat faster than normal. All of a sudden, I just felt butterflies in my stomach.

          “Ready to go?” he asked. I nodded my head in reply. Then, both of us were walking towards the cafeteria. I don’t know why but I felt that we’re like a couple walking together… but of course… it’s just pure imagination. As we walked in, everyone’s eyes were on us. Some schoolgirls were whispering and gossiping at us. Kris must have felt my reaction when he whispered to me, “Just ignore them.”

          When he said those words, my level of anxiousness went down the drain and I felt more relax than ever. I tried my best to walk with confidence but that only ended when my gaze were on the table where my best friends sat. I saw Ha Eun and Joo Ee were still giving me that ‘hwaiting’ sign but their boyfriends were exchanging annoyed looks at each other.

         But then, guilt was overriding me when I saw Suho’s face. His face shows a serious expression, not the happy cheerful Suho that you see every day. He doesn’t seem to acknowledge my presence. Instead, he was staring at the phone waiting for me and Kris to walk past by.  Why is he like this? I thought he would be happy to see me. Maybe if I had the chance, I would talk to him later.

        “Are you alright? You don’t look fine,” Kris asked worriedly.

        “I’m fine,” I lied. Then, he brought us to a table where Lay and Xiumin were sitting. Both of them waved hi at me. Once we sat together at the table, every student got back to their mundane tasks and ignored what happened earlier.

           “You want me to get anything for you?” Kris asked as he got up from his chair.

           “A sandwich would be fine,” I smiled.

           “Hyung! Buy us some kimbap please!” Xiumin passed some money notes to him.

           “Aisssh!” He said out frustratedly and he left off buying for us.

           “Hye Ri? Did I get your name right?” Lay asked.

            “Yeap,” I smiled.

            "You know, Kris talks about you a lot, you know?” he said.

            “Really?” Wow, I didn’t know Kris would talk about me to his basketball buddies. I mean, who would ever do that?

            “I’m not kidding! Right, Xiumin?” He smiled while flashing those cute dimples.

            “He’s right,” Xiumin agreed.

            “I see. So, have you decided which university to go to? I mean, after you guys graduate?” I further conversed.

            “Me? I might apply for Seoul National University. Have you decided, Lay?” Xiumin asked.

           “I have no idea which universities should I apply to. But it’s still early to decide, though,” Lay answered. Then, Kris appeared with all the food that we wanted.

            “I better pay you back,” I said.

            “I’ll pay,” Kris replied.

            “But, Kris, you’ve paid so much for me. Let me pay,” I begged.

            “Never mind. After all, you’ve helped me a lot in Biology,” he smiled. This time, I had to give up. Come on, he’s such a hard person to negotiate. Plus, he doesn’t give in easily. Obviously, every man has pride in himself…like whatever.

           Then on, everyone was conversing with each other. And I find that Xiumin and Lay were a bunch of fun people to talk to. Then suddenly, Xiumin took a flask out of his bag. Next, I saw him poured milky brown liquid into a cup. That moment the flask was opened, an aromatic and delectable smell filled the entire surrounding.

          “Xiumin always brings latte to school,” Kris explained when he noticed me staring at him.

           “Did you make them?” I asked as he took a sip from the cup.

           “I do. Do you want to try it?” he offered an extra cup. “Sure,” I replied. He poured the hot liquid into an extra cup and passed it to me.

      When I take a sip, I tasted something milky with a hint of coffee in it. To be honest, it was the first time I tasted latte made from someone not from a shop or a cafe.

           “How is it?” Xiumin asked.

           “It’s super good!” I laughed.

           “See! I knew it would be good. And you’re the first person to try it!”

           “Wait… I thought Kris and Lay were the first ones?” I asked wondering.

           “Them? They don’t appreciate coffee, that’s why. If not, they would be the first to try them.” He gave them a look.

           “You know, Xiumin dreams of being a barista one day,” Lay said trying to change the subject.

          “Jinja? I mean, that’s cool, you know. You can open a coffee shop and who knows… you might be rich,” I joked.

          “Aww… Thanks Hye Ri. At least, I have received some words of motivation from someone I’m not close to compared to them,” he said it sarcastically.

          “Yah yah yah! You know coffee is not my style,” Kris raised his hands in surrender.

          “Puh-lease. Everything is not your style,” Lay scoffed. But it’s weird cause the first tutoring session I had with him, he drank cappuccino.

          “But… Kris? I thought you drank cappuccino during the first tutoring session. Did you remember?” Now, he looks like he has a loss of words wondering how to answer me.

          “What?! You drank cappuccino but you don’t drink your best friend’s latte?! Unbelievable!” Xiumin mocked.

           “Yah… It’s because I didn’t know what to order. So I ordered the same as hers,” he fought back.

            “Fine… If I see you drinking coffee at a café, you better watch for it,” he squinted his eyes at him. Realizing that there is a lot of tension going on across the table, Lay changed the subject… again.

     This time, he said, “Hye Ri?”

         “Hmmm?” I replied.

         “You should one day check out Xiumin’s coffee maker. It’s super expensive and it was hard to get, right Xiumin?”

         “Yah. You’re trying to change the subject, are you? Anyway, Hye Ri, you can come over one day to my place and check it out,” he smiled.

         “You’re serious?”

         “Of course, I’m serious. Since you liked my coffee a lot…unlike them, I can let you try different types of them… and who knows, you can comment on them whether they’re good,” he smiled.

         “But… how about us? Can we come along?” Kris asked.

        “Please.  I only open this invitation to Hye Ri since she’s the first person who tries it,” he scoffed.  

          “So, I’ll let you know one day when you can come over? Alright?” Xiumin showed the “OK” sign at me. I smiled back in reply.

               Soon enough, the bell rang and everyone decided to walk back to their classes. Then, I saw Suho getting up from his seat. I’ve got to talk to him.

           “I’ll see you after school,” Kris reminded.

           “Sure. Anyway, bye, Xiumin. Bye, Lay,” I said.

           “Good bye. Anyway, it was great knowing you,” Xiumin smiled. Lay only flashed a smile back. Then, I quickened my pace to get to Suho in time.

           “Oppa!” He still continued walking. Is he ignoring me? Come on, my voice is loud to be heard.

            Finally, I managed to grab his shoulder in time and then he showed an expression which makes you feel that you should get away from him… now. Suddenly, his expression change into a cheery Suho but it was not genuine at all.

            “Hey…,” he said.

            “Are you okay?”  I asked.

            “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

           “Just now, you don’t look… right. I mean when recess just started,” I said.

             “Nah… I’m alright. See?” He smiled.


              “Maybe it was just your imagination, alright? Anyway, I’ve got to go now. Will chat with you later,” He smiled and then he just disappeared among the crowd of students. I felt something was not right but maybe it was my imagination. You need to get rid of that stupid thinking of yours, Hye Ri. I mean, would he even bother at all about you and Kris? Maybe, he was tired, okay. So, throw those unwanted thoughts away and get on ahead, alright?

         Then on, I decided to leave those thoughts behind and decided to get ready for the next class.

So, what do you guys think? Haha I know it brings back memories of EXO Showtime (Gosh! I miss them T.T) when Kris keeps on saying something is not his style like... pfft. Haha, so please comment and subscribe (I appreciate that alot!) :D

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))