Chapter 24

When Love Stops

      “Okay students, please open your textbook and turn to page 131,” Mr Joo ordered the class. While he was still teaching, his voice went muffled as my mind just went into a state of dreamland. I looked out at the window beside me and I all see was just the clear blue sky with white clouds. I recalled back the argument that me and Suho had this morning. I wonder whether I was being too selfish as in, when I only want to hang out with him, he’ll be there. But… am I taking him for granted?

       Ever since me and Kris have been hanging out more, I tend to hang out less with Suho. Not only that, every time Suho wants to hang out, Kris will come in needing help with tutoring. Gawd, why do the both of them have to come in at the same time? Maybe I shouldn’t have ditched Suho like that just now… I’ll try to see him this recess and apologize to him again. I just hope he will cool down when I see him.

           “Hye Ri!” Mr Joo’s voice rang into my ears. I immediately sat up straight trying to hide the fact that I was daydreaming and not paying attention to his lesson.

            “Yes, Mr Joo?” I answered in an instant.

            “Did you do the tutorial questions that I have instructed all your classmates the other day?” he requested.

           “Yes, Mr Joo,” I replied.

           “Good. So, can you please come up here and write the workings for question. 6?” he asked. I straightaway took the workbook with me and went up towards the blackboard. Once when I held the chalk, I looked at the question in the workbook and I had realized that was the question that Suho had helped me with. That instant, memories of Suho went through my mind.

            “Are you alright, Hye Ri?” Mr Joo asked when he noticed that I was not writing anything on the blackboard.

            “I’m alright, I’m alright!” I brushed it off and then I started to write the workings on the blackboard. After accomplishing it, I walked back to my desk as Mr Joo explains my working to the whole class. Hours have passed by and it was time for recess.

           When I walked out of the class, Joo Ee and Ha Eun had caught up with my pace. “Yah, Hye Ri, what happened to you this morning?” Joo Ee asked. I gave them a confused look in reply.

          “We’re meaning that you’re not yourself this morning,” Ha Eun explained.

          “Oh, I was sleepy and tired that’s why,” I lied to them.

          “Lies! Come on, did something happened that make you being like this just now?” Ha Eun demanded.

         “It’s not that. I don’t have enough sleep, that’s all,” I mislead them another time hoping they would stop bugging me with so many questions that I couldn’t answer.

          “Fine,” Ha Eun sighed in reply after giving up. Soon enough, we had arrived at the cafeteria. The three of us were scanning through the crowd trying to find the boys. Luckily, we managed to find them and we walked towards the table. The boys were happy to see us… except Suho who is still looking glum and disappointed. He didn’t look at us nor acknowledged that we were at the table. When I sat on my seat, I said, “Hi,” to Suho who was seating beside me.

         He looked up and said, “Hi,” with a soft voice. This time, it wasn’t the usual cheerful Suho that you see every day. Now, it’s just the Suho who looks depressed and he’s not going to bother about you anymore. While both of the girls were busy conversing with their boyfriends, they didn’t realize that me and Suho weren’t talking at all. It was until Joo Ee noticed.

         “What happened to the both of you?” Joo Ee asked.

         “Huh? Like what are you talking about,” I asked back in reply.

         “We meant that the both of you aren’t talking,” Joo Ee clarified. Suho looked at me and then he started talking, “We are talking, right Hye Ri?” This time, I couldn’t smile back at him; instead I just gave him a look.

           “Yeah right, Suho. You can’t lie at us. Did you guys have a fight this morning?” Chanyeol asked. Suho just kept silent when Chanyeol said that.

           “You both guys did it, did you?” It was Ha Eun’s turn to ask.

           “Wait… how did you guys know… that we fought?” I was being inquisitive about how they know that we’re in that situation.

           “It’s so obvious, Hye Ri. Okay, we know you guys are like…super close laughing and talking around. But then today, that aura is no longer there. Instead, the both of you aren’t talking and the way the both of you said hi to each other is so… awkward,” Ha Eun explained. Okay, I didn’t know the four of them could so sense it so easily.       

           “So you were lying all along did you? You said you were sleepy but it wasn’t. It had to do with Suho isn’t it?” Joo Ee eyed me suspiciously.

           “Jagi, it’s not only Hye Ri, too,” Baekhyun cut in. Joo Ee looked at him wanting to find the possible answer that Baekhyun was trying to say.

          “You know in class, Suho wasn’t himself. He was daydreaming in class and Mr Kang caught him for doing that,” Baekhyun answered. I looked at Suho. He wasn’t looking back at me. He was just staring at Baekhyun straight in the eye.

           “Then, the both of you had a fight did you?” Ha Eun asked. I nodded in reply. Then, Joo Ee spoke up, “You know what? All of us should just leave this table and let the both of you handle and reconcile it out. What do you say, guys?”

            “I agree with Joo Ee. Anyway, we can still find another table to sit,” It was Ha Eun’s turn to say. Next thing, the four of them stood up from their seats ready to leave the table.

            “Wait guys!” Suho raised his voice in desperation.

            “What?!” Baekhyun and Chanyeol shouted back in reply.

            “You guys can’t leave the both of us here alone!” Suho replied.

            “Hyung, it’s best that you handle these matters out with Hye Ri. We just don’t want you guys to not be talking with each other and it’s not settled out. We see you later in class,” Chanyeol pointed out. Soon, all of them had left the table and it was only me and Suho are still seated at the table.

             “Aisssshhh! These guys!” Suho messed his hair up in frustration. I then touched his wrist and he looked at me.

            “I think they are right, oppa. Maybe we should just… talk it out?” I answered.

            “Alright then. Talk,” he ushered. Few seconds has passed and I was trying to find the words to say. Then I spoke up, “Oppa… I want to apologize you know, for what I did. I know that you wanted to hang out with me… but I’m sorry that I had to turn it down because Kris needs help with Biology.” He paused in silence.

          “Hye Ri, come to think of it, I should be the one apologizing, not you. Maybe I was being too over reactive and since Kris needs your help… a lot, I shouldn’t be too disappointed cause of small matters like this,” he answered back.

         “Let’s just say that the both of us are at fault,” I suggested.

          “Okay, what you say,” he looked at me.

          “So, are we back to best friends now?” I asked in suggestion.

          “Yeap, haha best friends,” he laughed back in reply. But deep inside, I could see that he was trying his best to cover his disappointed and frustrated expression. I think I should hang out with him after the tutoring session. That would make him happy.

         “Oppa,” I asked. “Why not after the tutoring, we go for noraebang?” I suggested.

         “But Hye Ri, you sure? I thought you’re going to tutor Kris the whole day?” he asked in confusion.

         “It’s not the whole day that I tutor Kris. It’s only like two hours. And besides, I feel bad for not making it up to you,” I explained.

         “If you say so… so how am I going to meet you after your tutoring with Kris?” I asked.

         “Ohhh… that,” I was still thinking.

         “Oh why not… you call me after you’re done with him. And I’ll pick you up?”

         “Sounds cool… I guess?”

         “But where do you normally meet up with him?”

         “Do you know that café near my place?”  

         “That new one?” he asked.

         “Mmmm-hmmm. That’s the one,” I answered back in reply.

         “Oh then. That would be ok. You’ll just give me a call and I’ll be there,” he smiled.

          “Sure. Thanks, oppa,” I playfully punched him in the arm.

          “Nah, I should be one thanking you,” he playfully punched me back. Soon enough, the school bell rang. We both got up from our seats and Suho said to me while showing me a call sign, “Call me okay?” I smiled at him. Then, we got back to our classes.  When I walked into class, Ha Eun and Joo Ee were busy gossiping around and they stopped when they saw me walking in. After seating at my table, the both of them rushed to my table standing beside me grinning.

          “What is that for?” I asked suspiciously.

          “So! Did you guys already apologize?” Joo Ee beamed.

          “Yada yada yada I did. Are you guys happy now?” I reply to them in annoyance.

          “Hye Ri. It’s not that we’re happy about it. It’s just that we don’t want you guys to like…not talk at all and be distant just because of some quarrel,” Ha Eun scolded me.

          “Wow. I didn’t know you guys were thoughtful about me and Suho,” I replied.

          “At least we are thoughtful. That’s what friends are for right?” Joo Ee patted me in the shoulder.

          “Alright. Thank you, you guys,” I smiled. Then, Ha Eun asked, “But what was the reason that you guys fight? It can’t be that big, isn’t it?” I sighed trying to think.

          “Both of us are just in the wrong, that’s all. And please don’t worry guys, it’s not some big scuffle between us,” I tried to provoked them.

          “I understand. But at least, you guys are okay…again,” Joo Ee said. I smiled back. Then, Miss Park aka my Chemistry teacher walked in to the class. Everyone rushed back to their seats awaiting for their next lesson for the day. I felt that all of my friends were being there for me and… they were thoughtful and considerate of course. From then on, I kind of knew who are my true friends are. Anyway, I decided to stop daydreaming and focus for the lesson in case I don’t want to get caught by any teachers for daydreaming. Well, let’s just see after that…

I feel like this is a super short update. Haha but enjoy! :D          

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))