Chapter 21

When Love Stops

     When school had ended, I rushed out at the bus stop to look for Kris. Looking left and right, I see no sign of a tall familiar figure. Where could he be? That instant, my phone beeped a message tune. I fished out my phone from my pocket and opened the new text message.

            “Hye Ri, are you at the bus stop right now?”

            “Yeap. I am. Where are you?”

            “I’m in the car. When you see a black tinted car coming by at the bus stop, you get into it.”

            “Ohhhh okay. But why am I going into your car instead the both of us goes together?”

            “I’ll explain to you later. Do you see the car driving in front of you?” I looked up and turns out a black luxury vehicle with tinted windows was driving down the driveway. I texted to him immediately.

            “Yeap, I see it!”

            “Okay. Get inside.”

             As I walked towards the car, I saw students were looking at me from the bus stop never expecting me to get into a luxury car. Let me guess? They thought I was some rich kid? Without thinking those unnecessary thoughts, I just got myself into the car. When I entered the car, Kris was seating on the right side of the car with a phone in his grasp. A man dressed in black clothing was seating at the driver’s seat and he was wearing Ray Ban aviator shades. Kris looked at me and said, “Hey.” I smiled back in reply.

           Then, the driver spoke, “Master, which destination would you like me to drive to?” Master? Kris is his…master? Don’t tell me he’s some rich bloke who own some multi-billionaire company?

           “That mall near the Han river,” Kris replied.

            “As you wish, master,” the driver answered him.  As we left the bus stop, Kris smiled at me and said, “So, I bet you were surprised aren’t you?”

            “I was. So... you were someone rich… all this time?”

             “It’s just that I don’t want the whole world to know I’m a rich man’s son. That’s why I asked you to come alone to the car instead of the both of us going together.”

            “I see. Let me guess, your dad owns a company that I might know of?”

             “You’re right. My dad is the CEO of Black Pearl industries.” Black Pearl? It sounds familiar… Oh my gosh! That multi-billionaire company is one of the famous companies in Korea which deals with everything… I mean everything in telecommunications and business. And you always see their name on billboards, and advertisements in newspapers and magazines. It’s everywhere!

             “Are you alright? I bet you’re too stunned on what I had said,” Kris asked in concern which brought me back into reality.

             “I’m fine haha! But… I didn’t know your dad-”

             “That’s why I didn’t want everybody to know. If they knew about it, they would instantly want to be friends with me. And I don’t like it if they do it to me all because of my status,” Kris explained further.

              “I see,” I nodded in reply.

              “Anyway, Xiumin and Lay only knew about it. So, you’re the additional one,” he smiled.

              “Wow, Kris,” I was still in awe. No wonder, he was willing to pay for everything whenever we go out. I mean, come on, he’s a son of a famous CEO, that’s why!

              “We are here, master,” the driver spoke.

              “Let’s go,” Kris said. As we got out of the car, a giant mall was right in front of us. We walked in and the whole atmosphere was romantic. Pink and red ribbons were plastered on pillars and strings of red hearts were hung on every ceiling. Not only that, the whole mall was playing love songs from various artists. As we walked around, we see couples of different ages.

              “Have you decided which restaurant shall we head to?” Kris asked.

              “I’m not so sure about this place here. Why not you decide since you’re familiar with this place,” I suggested.

               “Okay then. But first thing, are you alright with eating Italian food? Cause I know one which is good around here,” he inquired.

             “I’m fine with anything, Kris,” I replied.

             “Good. Come on,” he said. As he walked along the way to the Italian restaurant, I saw couples were holding hands but it was the opposite for Kris and me. Suddenly, I felt Kris’ hand holding on to mine. My eyes went wide in shock.

             “Kris, what was that for?” I asked.

             “I knew you were a bit disappointed with what you saw. So, I’m doing this… to make you happy,” he laughed while rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

             “But… Kris? It’s alright if we’re, you know, not doing it. I mean, we’re not even dating,” I said.

            “Let’s put it this way that we are dating… only for today. Alright?” he smiled.

            “Ohhh ohh alright!” I blushed. I seriously feel like crying tears of joy. I mean, this is like the best day I have ever lived. Suho isn’t the type of guy to do that…. But Kris? He’s the opposite.

            “We’re here!” Kris announced. When we entered the Italian restaurant, the whole place contains the smell of scented candles. Soft classical music fills the air and all the tables were covered with silky tablecloth. We then, sat at the table which was right by the window which gave us a view of the Han River. The waiter followed us to our table and handed us the menus. After a few minutes of deciding what to eat and drink, we managed to order what we wanted and the waiter left off leaving the both of us alone together. Kris diverted his attention towards me and said, “Hye Ri ah?”


             “I need to buy something for my sister but I’ll be back in 5 minutes time. You can wait for me, can you?”

             “Sure! Go ahead. I’ll be waiting,” I smiled. He got up from his seat and he left the restaurant in a few seconds. While waiting for him, I looked out at the window staring at the scenery. I mean, that’s the only thing I can do right, at the moment? The next thing, I decided to check my phone for any new messages. Sadly, they were none. Then, I noticed something which was not right. It’s been already fifteen minutes and Kris is not back yet. Did he lose his way back to the restaurant? Aisssh! Stop thinking too much, Hye Ri! Maybe he was busy buying for his sister’s things that he might forgot that he has to be back here in five minutes. Relax, Hye Ri!

             Just then, I saw Kris arriving back at the restaurant. But he was walking in a weird position. Both of his hands were behind his back and to be honest, he looked odd to be walking around like that. When he is finally standing at our table, both of his hands were right in front of me. But the thing is, right in both of his hands were a bouquet of gerbera daisies of different colours.

                “I got this for you,” he beamed at me.

                “Wait… all this time, you were buying flowers… not your sister’s things?” I inspected.

                “Nope. After all, I wanted to give you a surprise,” he smiled. “Take it,” he added. I took the bouquet of those daisies and gave a sniff. It has a fresh linen kind of smell in them.

                “Do you… like it?” he asked.

                “I…love them. Thank you so much, Kris. You’re the first guy… to buy me flowers,” I mentioned.

                “But… your friend, S-Suho? He doesn’t do that?” he looked bewildered. I shook my head in reply. “Nah… He’s not the type who buys flowers for girls,” I explained. “Ohh…” Kris said.

            Soon after, the food had arrived and the next thing, we were too busy to start a conversation as we were savouring the food bit by bit. Once we had finished our meals, Kris started a conversation by talking about his personal life… and school life. We laughed and joked a lot especially when we’re gossiping about the teachers that we dislike in school. As we were resting after laughing too much, my phone beeped a ringtone. Without hesitation, I picked up the phone and it was Suho on the line. I made a sign towards Kris that I’m in a middle of a call right now and I decided to get out of the restaurant to talk to him. I don’t want Kris to know what we are talking about, though.

              “Oppa,” I answered.

              “Hye Ri ah? Just to let you know, I’ll be coming over at your place at 5pm. Is that alright?”

              “Err… oppa, why are you coming over?”

              “Jinja! Who’s the grandma now! I thought we’ve discussed last week that I’ll be coming over to your place to watch a movie, remember?” he reminded. Suddenly, that memory had made a flashback through my mind. Crap! I’ve totally forgotten about it. Okay, what’s the time now? I hastily looked at my watch and it was 3:01 pm. That means I have two hours to get ready before he comes back.

              “Yah Hye Ri! Are you there?” Suho’s voice rings back through my ears.

              “Ohh ohh! Sure sure. That means, you’re coming over for dinner?”


            “But, Suho I think its best if you sleepover at my place for the night. I mean, it’s going to be late if we both watch a horror movie together.”

             “You sure? But would it trouble your parents…and your brother? I don’t want to burden them, you know?” he asked in concern.

             “It’s alright. After all, my brother will be back home late for the night and I’m sure he will understand.”

             “I see. Then, I better pack extra clothes for school tomorrow. See you later at 5, Hye Ri!”

              “See you.” Then, I heard a click at the end of the line. I walked back towards the table and Kris stopped looking at his phone when he saw me walking back.

             “You’ve got something to do?” he asked when he saw my flustered face.

             “A friend of mine is planning to drop by my place at 5,” I answered.

             “Ohh... then, we better make a move now,” he suggested.

             “Sure,” I answered. Next thing, Kris paid the bill and we’re out in no time. The, we made our way towards the mall entrance and Kris took out his phone and dial a certain number.

             “Ahjusshi, we are done and we’re right at the entrance,” Kris answered. The next few minutes, the black luxury car appeared and we got into the car.

             “Where would you like to go, master?” the driver asked.

             “Bring her back home,” Kris asked.

             “May I know the address, ma’am?” the driver requested some information from me. I then, told the driver my address and the driver hit the pedals and drove off. Throughout the way back home, it was very quiet between me and Kris. After 10 minutes of silence, we had already arrived in front of my house.

             “We have arrived, ma’am,” the driver mentioned. I thanked the driver. I looked at Kris and I said, “Thank you so much for everything… I mean the flowers and the lunch-”

             “Don’t worry about it. It was my treat,” he shushed me.

            “Oh okay. Then I better get going,” I said as I placed my hand on the car door.

            “Wait!” Kris blurted out. I looked at him. The next thing he did was something indescribable. Right there, Kris’ lips were on my cheek. His soft lips were brushing and caressing my cheek. My heart was beating faster than usual and my hands were shaking. Once his lips left my cheek, he said, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” I don’t know what words or actions to reply him back.

             “Errr… Happy Valentine’s Day to you too,” I stuttered. Gosh, what type of reply is that, Hye Ri?

             “See you tomorrow,” he smiled. I smiled back in reply and got out of the car that instant. His car drove off and it disappeared within sight in a few seconds. I swore that kiss was still lingering on to me even thought that special moment happened just quickly. 

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))