Chapter 3

When Love Stops

       Sunlight was blinding my eyes the moment I first step into the school compound. Noises filled the entire surrounding and it gets louder with each step. The moment I have reached the school assembly hall, my eyes were scanning the crowd of students to look for Suho. It wasn’t easy trying to adjust my eyes as my eyelids were getting heavier due to the fact, that I didn’t have enough sleep.

         God, where is he? I swear if he never turns up, he’s going to get it from me for ruining my sleep.

       In an instant, all I could see was darkness. I felt a pair hands were on my eyes and was trying to figure out who could that be. I tried to pull those hands away but my strength was to no use.

             “Guess who it is?” a voice was heard behind me.

             “What if I have guessed the wrong answer?” I asked.

            “Then, I won’t pry my hands off you,” that mysterious voice chuckled.

       With a loud voice, I shouted, “Yah Suho! I know it’s you and don’t you dare trick me!”

        Suho quickly pried his hands off as people were looking around trying to find the source of the commotion.

           “Gotcha!” I smirked at him.

           “Yah babo! Can’t you quiet down? People were staring at us!” he said.

           “That was only to get back at you,” I smirked.

           “But why do you have to do that?” he pouted.

           “Yah! I’m not that stupid. I have eyes behind my back, you know,” I answered.

           “Oooohhh!! Psychic,” Suho teased.

           “Anyway, I need your help in solving that question. So, where should we discuss?” I said while trying to change the subject.

           “How about over there?” he pointed at an empty discussion table at a distance.

           Soon, we were seated at the discussion table. As I placed the algebra workbook towards him, Suho spoke up, “So, do you want to go out after school? I mean, to hang out?”

           “Where?” I asked.

           “Any place you would like to go?” he smiled.

           “I don’t know. What say you?” I asked in return.

           “How about the snack shop nearby the shopping mall? It will be my treat.”

           “Urgggh, oppa. I wouldn’t want to eat there. The food is so fattening!” I protested.

           “Girls and their diets,” he sighed.

           “Sorry, oppa. I’m on a strict diet,” I gave him a pitiful expression.

           “Since you’re so fussy, you decide,” he gave me a -glare.

           “Emmm….. How about,” as I was thinking, “going for a karaoke?” I suggested.

           “Sounds good, then,” he cheered up.

        While he was speaking, my eyes caught again a familiar figure passing by. Kris. Turns out, his basketball mates are walking behind him. Gosh, he’s so tall… and handsome. That’s few of the criteria’s for my ideal guy. If I could just be an extra 10 centimetres tall, we would be perfect.

       I was smiling to myself like a Cheshire cat not realizing to myself that Suho is still talking to me after all this time.

       In an instant, I felt someone flicked a finger against my forehead which it hurts…a lot.

        “Ouch! What’s that for?” I showed him the ‘-face’ expression.

        “That is for not listening to what I was talking,” he reprimanded.

        “Mianhe, oppa. I was… distracted,” I blushed.

        “Hmmph, distracted by Kris,” he laughed.

     I smacked his arm.”Oppa, not too loud! People might hear us!” I pleaded.

          “Ok ok, I’m sorry!” he surrendered.

      Once I have come to being stable, he asked, “You still like him after all these years?” I nodded.

           “Wow, that must have been long,” he sighed. Before I could interrogate him with further questions, he quickly change the subject by saying, “So, which question are you having the problem?”

             When I showed him the ‘problem’, he scanned the whole question back and forth like a photocopy machine. After taking it in a few seconds, he said, “Aaahhh! I know why you couldn’t solve it!”

             “What’s the problem?” I asked in curiosity.

            “You applied the wrong formula to the question,” he answered.

        After explaining to me on what the proper formula I should use, the school bell rang signalling that classes are going to start soon. I stood up and quickly pack my backpack to head off for the first class, Algebra.

            “Thanks, oppa,” I smiled.

            “Don’t mention it. I’ll wait for you at the school gates after school.” Soon, he left out and disappeared among a sea of students rushing up the stairs to their respective classes.

            As I already reached my class, I saw Baekhyun and Joo Ee were mingling right outside the classroom. Gosh, Joo Ee is blushing red and Baekhyun is fidgeting with his hair. Can’t they just stop acting like this and be a real couple instead? Then, Baekhyun left off leaving Joo Ee watching him from a distance.

           “So, what’s this I’m seeing?” I queried her.

           “Well, Baekhyun-oppa… is asking me out for a lunch date after school,” she blushed.

           “Oh, that’s great! I knew he likes you!” I jumped in excitement.

           “But I’m nervous!” she pleaded.

           “Don’t worry. You’ll do great, okay? Hwaiting!” I lift my fist up in the air.

           “Thanks, unnie,” she smiled.

           “Say, where’s Ha Eun?” I asked.

           “Obviously with Chanyeol,” she rolled her eyes while pointing to that happy couple sitting at the back of the class.

          My eyes scanned the classroom and right there, I saw Chanyeol and Ha Eun were sitting together. Ha Eun was giggling along when Chanyeol tried to impress her with his derpy expressions. Then, Chanyeol stood up and pinch her cheeks and soon, said bye to her.

          When he walked out of the class, he greeted in a joyful mood to us saying, “Annyeong, Hye Ri! Annyeong, Joo Ee!”

            “Annyeong!” we both replied while giving a slight nod towards him. Chanyeol quickly rushed to his class as he doesn’t want to be late for History class with Suho and Baekhyun.

            When we settled ourselves at our desks, we teased Ha Eun sarcastically, “Oohhh! Someone’s happy this morning!”

           “Well, how about you, Joo Ee! I saw you with Baekhyun just now!” she sneered.

         In an instant, Joo Ee blushed a striking red.

         “Omo! Are you okay, Joo Ee?” I asked.

         “I’m fine. Still nervous,” she laughed to herself.

         In a moment, everyone in the class stood up as Mr. Joo entered the class.

           “Good morning, Mr Joo!” the class monitor announced. Everyone followed him. Mr Joo gave an affirming nod and everyone sat down to their seats.

            “Ok, class! Please pass up your workbooks here,” Mr Joo said as he patted his desk.

            “Omo! Did you manage to finish it?” Ha Eun and Joo Ee asked each other.

           I smiled to myself. Thanks, Suho. Without you, I couldn’t have make it.

        “Hye Ri?”

        “Dae?” I asked.

       “Can we copy your answers?” they asked in a pitiful tone.

       “Yah! What is this?” I raised my voice.

        “Pretty please? We’ll promise to treat you bubble tea tomorrow,” Joo Ee begged.

           Gawd, what imbeciles they are? Well, since they owe me bubble tea, why not let them copy the answers.

      As I surrender my workbook to them, they thanked me nonstop for being their saviour. After everyone handed in their workbooks, Mr Joo started to teach a new chapter for today. I could not concentrate when I don’t even have enough sleep.

           To sleep or not to sleep? But I don’t want to be caught by Mr Joo.

          Then, my eyes wandered towards the window, looking out at the big blue sky and the scenery. My mind has been flooded with many thoughts lately thinking on how I’m going to survive in college even though it’s two years away. God, Hye Ri, why are you so  preoccupied lately? Relax and take it easy. Enjoy life in high school instead of being too rigid with yourself.

             While my eyelids were getting heavier, a voice woke me up which brought me back into reality.

             “Hye Ri!” Mr Joo shouted.

           I jumped in shock and answered immediately, “Yes?!” Everyone was staring at me like I’m a scientific specimen.

            “Mr Kang would like to see you in his cubicle,” Mr Joo glared at me. A female staff was waiting for me outside the classroom. Weird. Why would my Biology teacher wants me at this hour?

           As I got up, Joo Ee and  Ha Eun were giving me weird expressions. Soon, I walked out of the classroom and head towards the staffroom. I felt something bad is definitely going to happen. My heart starts beating fast. Okay, what have I done this time? I can’t be missing out on his work right? Besides, I’m been scoring well in all his tests. Oh well, let’s just see what happens next.

          In time, I have reached the staffroom and entered. The staff were bustling with activity running back and forth performing multiple tasks. I looked over where could be Mr Kang’s cubicle and I managed to find it. As I reached the cubicle, I saw Mr Kang seated at his desk but there’s another familiar figure sitting opposite him.

         When, Mr Kang saw me, he greeted loudly, “Ah Hye Ri, there you are!”

           “Good morning, Mr Kang,” I greeted back in reply.

            In a few seconds, that figure sitting opposite him turned his head and I was in utter shock. What it turns out to be was the person that is facing me is the last person that I have been expecting to see all this time.

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))