Chapter 18

When Love Stops

       As I walked out of the café, the weather was sunny and it was just nice to cheer up your mood. Then, Kris appeared out of the café entrance and stood beside me.

           “Thank you… again,” he smiled.

           “Nah… it’s my job, after all,” I joked back in reply.

           “Hye Ri ah…?” he asked.


           “Will you be free after this? I mean, do you have something to do back home later?” he asked.

           “I’m free. Why?”

           “There is this new arcade centre at the mall. It just opened and I wanted to check it out but it’s no fun going there…alone,” he explained.

            “How about Xiumin and Lay? I thought they can accompany you,” I suggested.

            “Oh them? Pffftt, they’re not into arcade games,” he sighed.

            “That means… you want me… to come with…you?” I said it hesitantly.

           “Yeah! You got that right! Wow, you do catch things fast, do you?” he laughed while patting my shoulder. Right now, my heart feels like it wants to leap out of my chest. I can’t believe he wants me to go out with him! Wait… can this be considered a first date? Maybe not, since me and Kris are like not a couple but just friends… but but…but… URRGGGH! WHY?! Gosh, Hye Ri, you’re a one desperate ecstatic girl when it comes to crushes.

           “Eerrr… are you listening?” He gave me a weird look while trying to get my attention by waving his hand right in front of me.

           “Oh! Sorry…,” I apologized. “Errmm… what were you saying?” I asked.

           “I said do you want to come along… since you told me you’re free,” he repeated.

           “Sure thing! But I’ll have to call my mum that I’ll be coming home later,” I said. He smiled in reply. Then, I took a few steps away from him and dialled my home number. Few beeps later, mum picked up the phone.

         “Omma! I just want to let you know that I’ll be home later. Say, late evening?”

         “Ohhh… you got something to do in school?”

         “Nah… I’m going out with a friend.”

         “Is it… a guy?”

         “Eeeerr yes, mu-”

         “Is it Suho?!” she cut in.

         “No, omma! It’s another guy… friend,” I related to her.

         “Ohhh… ohhh I see. I thought it would be him. But, anyway have fun and don’t come back home so late!” She reminded.

         “Yes, mum. I’ll see you later. Bye,” I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I, then put the phone back into my pocket. This is getting annoying. Why does everyone expected Suho when I mentioned that I’m going out with a guy. First, it was my annoying brother, then it was Joo Ee and Ha Eun and now… mum? Aissh. I decided to screw those thoughts away and walked towards Kris. He looked up once he notices my appearance beside him.

         “I’m done,” I smiled.

         “Cool. I think we better take a taxi to the mall. It’s kind of late and it’s super dangerous walking alone together to the mall,” he interpreted.

          “Anything is fine,” I responded.

          “Good. So, we better leave now.” Soon, we managed to get a taxi in no time and in 10 minutes; we have arrived at the mall. Surprisingly, there were many people at the mall even though it was a weekday. When we walked in, it was fully crowded with a bustle of activity. Children were running around gleefully with cotton candy in their hands. At the same time, parents were holding on to their shopping bags and they were smiling as though they had won a prize.

       After turning a few lefts and rights, we had finally found the new arcade centre. The whole place was brightly lit with neon lights and the whole atmosphere was filled with noises of loud music and laughter among the customers here. Seriously, I haven’t played any game in an arcade centre nor I haven’t been there once. When we walked in, I felt a different surrounding as though I have entered a whole new world. Majority of the people playing there were school children and there were so many games I have never seen like a pinball machine or some sort.

       “Your first time being here?” he asked which brought me out of my distractions.

       “Yeap. How did you know?” I asked.

       “I can see by the way you’re looking around like… you haven’t seen them before,” he smiled.

        “So… who’s the mind reader now,” I teased while punching his arm.

         “Haha… So which one do you want to try first?” he examined among the rows of video game machines around.

         “I think… you should go first since you know… a lot about them?”I offered.

          “If you say so… want to check out my driving skills?” he joked. Then, I followed him to a game machine with pictures of cars all over it. As he entered some coins into the coin slot, a female voice appeared from the speaker signalling him to get ready. And in a few seconds, the game started. Throughout the game, Kris was fully engrossed in the game swerving the car in different directions to avoid getting hit at certain barriers. Each second was intense for him. Finally, he won the game. When he got out from the seat, he stretched his arms widely and jumped like a kid, screaming, “I won!!!”

          “Congrats haha,” I laughed along.

          “Now you know, racing is my style,” Kris was self-praising. After a few silent moments, he asked, “So, it’s your turn now. Which game do you want to play?”

          “I don’t know. Errm… are they any stuff besides video machines here?”

          “Ohh… you mean, game stalls,” he recommended.

          “There is?” I queried further.

          “Yeah… I think they do have. Maybe we can just walk around looking for it?” he suggested.

           “Sure!” I smiled. Then on, we walked by every video machine hoping for a possibility that there are some game stalls around the corner. After passing by a few rounds, we found a few right at the corner of the centre. There were few stalls side by side to each other and turns out; they have different games you can try from. Both of us walked by each stall checking out the games which might attract us.

          Suddenly, a furry object caught my eye. Instantly, I ran towards the stall which has the furry object hanging by the side. Turns out, it was a cute white polar bear and I swear that what I saw was the cutest thing that I’ve ever seen. I mean, come on, its black eyes are so adorable that it looks like it’s going to stare at you deep into your soul and it makes you have the desire to own it.

           “You like it?” Kris asked noticing that I was peering at it. I nod quickly in reply.

           “Ahjusshi! What should I do to win this polar bear?” Kris asked the stall keeper.

           “That? You need to shoot 12 red bottles in order to get that polar bear,” the stall keeper smiled.

         “Do you want me to shoot it for you?” He asked noticing how desperate I was for that polar bear.

         “I think I should do it, Kris. Since you know you’ve done for me… a lot,” I refused.

          “You sure? I mean this is your first time doing it-”

          “I can try doing it first,” I cut in. I really don’t want Kris to think that I’m being inferior. Come on, it’s time that I should do something without his help!  

          I then paid the stall keeper some money. The stall keeper loaded 15 bullets into the wooden gun and he passed it to me.

          “Good luck!” He wished. I took the gun into my hands and started to aim at the red bottles. You can do it, Hye Ri! It’s time you should show Kris that you’re good at something for the first time.      

          When I finally aim for the target, I pulled the trigger. But what happens next was a disaster… to me. That bullet flew out and shot against the wall not one of the red bottles. Focus, Hye Ri! If you do this one more time, you will be an utter embarrassment in front of Kris.  I turned to look at Kris and he gave a smile. All of a sudden, I just felt nervousness creeping up on me. Okay, I have to do it better.

            This time, I aimed for the other red bottle. But when I pulled the trigger again, the bullet flew and it hit one of the wooden headboards. This time, I saw Kris chuckling. Oh god, you have finally done it Hye Ri. You should just give yourself a pat on the back for making an embarrassment in front of Kris. I swear I don’t even dare to look at him again.

           “I think you were aiming at the wrong angle,” Kris said.

            “Oh… really?” I answered while rubbing my neck.

            “I think I better help you with that,” Kris took a few steps in front of me.

           “No no no! It’s alright. I can do better again, this time!” I assured him while laughing in nervousness.

           “Okay… As you wish,” he lifted his palms. Then, I went back to my position and this time, I tried to make an effort to do better.

              While I was busy aiming, I felt someone’s chest lightly onto my back. Turns out, Kris was behind me very close… I mean super close. Suddenly, I just felt uncomfortable.

             “Errr… Kris? What are you doing?” I asked shakingly.

             “I’m teaching you how to shoot. You’re doing it all wrong. Here, let me show you,” he said.

          All of a sudden, his chest was pressed onto my back. And then, his hands went up to my hands guiding me and I felt his hot breath onto my neck. Not only that, his hands are way bigger than mine. It just felt like he was giving me a… back hug. That moment, I swore my heart was melting at the same time by his touch.

            “Here… can you see it now?” He asked while showing me which proper direction to shoot. I nodded in reply.

            “Now… take a deep breath,” he whispered into my ear. I did exactly what he said. “And shoot,” and in that instant, I pulled the trigger. And to my surprise, the bullet hit on to one of the red bottles.  I was stunned that I could not move at all.

            “See what I mean?” he laughed.

            “Oh... wow. Thank you,” I said it out sheepishly.

            “No problem. But… I think better help you with the rest of the shots. I mean, you can’t get your polar bear if you can’t shoot properly,” he joked.

            “Alright,” I answered. For the next 11 shots, Kris was as usual behind me guiding me properly on where to shoot. Finally, all 12 red bottles were down and true enough, I got the polar bear!

           “So… the polar bear goes to the young lady here,” the stall keeper smiled while handing over the polar bear. That instant, I was hugging the polar bear cause… I mean, its cute right? You know, you would instantly hug things which are… cute.

      Anyway, I turned to Kris and said, “Thank you so much… I mean it.”

          “No problem. But I should thank you for accompanying me today,” he smiled.

          “I think we better get back home before your mum gets worried about you,” he said.

           “Alright then.”

      Suddenly, just when the both of us turned to walked towards the entrance, I stopped in my tracks. Crap! Is that him? I mean, has he been there all along? What should I do? Cause right in front of me, that familiar figure is standing there staring at me and I have a feeling that he may have been watching us all along.

Omo! Can you guess who is the mystery guy? We shall find out in the next chapter! :D LOL

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))