Chapter 15

When Love Stops

      The next day, everything was a bore. I mean everything, the lessons today that we are learning in class. Throughout the whole day, I was mostly preoccupied looking out at the window, passing messages with Joo Ee and Ha Eun complaining how boring it was today. Finally, recess has started. I bet everyone wasn’t in the mood for lessons. So, when it comes to recess, everyone was in an active mood.

        As we got out of class, Joo Ee stretched her arms wide saying, “Thank God, its recess!”

        “Me too. I wonder why it’s so boring too,” Ha Eun agreed.

        “We better get going before we can’t get seats,” I suggested seeing that a large amount of students are heading to the cafeteria. When we arrived, it was a lucky thing that the boys had already found a table. Once we are seated, Chanyeol said to Suho, “Hyung, buy us food, will you?”  He passed a few money notes to him.

         “Me too!” Baekhyun joined in.

         “Aisssh! Since when are you guys are going to stop depending on me?” Suho said it out frustrated.

         “Hye Ri ah?” Joo Ee said. I looked at her. Turns out, she was holding a few money notes in her hand.

          “Don’t tell me, you’re asking me to buy for you food?” I squinted my eyes at her.

           She grinned at me and begged, “Pretty please?” Oh gosh, when are they going to stop relying on me?

          “Finneee!” I sighed grabbing the money notes from her hand. “Buy for me too!” Ha Eun passed the money towards me. I gave her a this-is the-last-time-you- will-rely-on-me look. As I stood up, I asked them, “What do you want to me buy?”

          “Any type of sandwich,” both of them answered. As I made my few steps away from the table, Suho called out, “Wait up!” Once he is walking beside me, I asked, “You’re buying food for Baekhyun and Chanyeol?”

         “I have to,” he replied. While we were at the sandwich counter, I said, “Oppa, we were supposed to discuss where to hang out after school, right?”

         “Oh, I totally forgot about that!” He laughed.

         “Oppa, you’re seriously starting to become like a grandpa,” I said it sarcastically. “Sorry, Hye Ri but maybe my memory is getting poorer,” he pouted a sad baby face.

         “So, have you thought of any place?” he asked.

         “I was thinking, how about that snack shop near the shopping mall?” I suggested.

         “That snack shop? You sure you want to go there?”

         “I’m sure, oppa! I don’t mind going there,” I said.

         “Okay. So, we meet at the bus stop after school?” he suggested. I nodded slowly in reply. Once we got the sandwiches and paid for them, we returned back to that table. Everyone was busy eating their sandwiches until no one in this table started a conversation. Realizing what Jin Mi reminded me last night, I decided to speak up.

          “Guys?” Everyone looked at me in an instant.

          “Are you free tomorrow after school?” I asked. Chanyeol asked Baekhyun and Suho, “We don’t have to stay back after school for soccer practice tomorrow, right?”

          “Nope,” Suho and Baekhyun replied.

          “Yeap, we’re free,” Chanyeol replied. “How about you, girls?” I asked Ha Eun and Joo Ee. They replied the same answer as Chanyeol did.

           “Is there anything?” Baekhyun asked.

           “It’s just that, my brother and his girlfriend wants to bring me out for a picnic lunch and they wanted me to call you guys to come along,” I explained.

           “That means, there’s food right?! Baekhyun and Chanyeol burst out.

           “There is, you dumbs. Did you hear what Hye Ri said? Picnic lunch? Rings anything?” Suho told them off while snapping his finger in front of them.

           “But, Hye Ri. Why your brother and his girlfriend would want us to come along? I mean, they don’t know us very well.” Joo Ee asked.

            “It’s just that, their classes are cancelled at the last minute. At the same time, they want to meet you guys since I always mentioned you guys during my conversations with them.”

           “Aaaaww… Hye Ri. I didn’t know you would be so nice to mention us to your brother and his girlfriend,” Ha Eun faked trying to be sad.

           “Puh-lease. As if I would forget you guys,” I said it sarcastically. “So, can you guys come?” I asked. All of them replied that they could come.

           “But how of us, are going to meet them?” Baekhyun asked.

            “Don’t worry. They will fetch us after school,” I replied. Soon, the school bell rang signalling that it’s the end of recess and classes are going to start. As all of us are getting back to their classes, Suho reminded, “See you at the bus stop,” he smiled. Then, he had already disappeared among the sea of students.

         Time passes by quickly and classes have just ended. Realizing that Suho might be waiting for me at the bus stop, I quickly said goodbye to Ha Eun and Joo Ee. As I arrived at the bus stop, Suho was as usual leaning against one of the pillars waiting for me while staring at his phone.

         Realizing that my presence was standing right in front of him, he looked up and he said, “Hey!”

        “Ready to go?” I asked. He smiled in reply. Then on, we made our way towards the snack shop by walking.

          “Did you wait long?” I asked. He shook his head in reply. Along the way, we talked about any random stuff that we could think of. By the time we had arrived at the snack shop, there was no one there except the shop owner and the both of us.

         “Anyonghaseyo!” the shop owner greeted loudly. Maybe he was happy he can do some business since finally we customers are here. We smiled back in reply. Once we are seated at our respective table, the owner came to our table for orders.

        “So, what do you two young lovers want to order?” he asked. Both me and Suho exchange shocking looks at each other.

       “Oh! You’re not?! I’m so sorry. Just forget what I say,” the owner realized that we’re not a couple and he laughed at himself in embarrassment. Gosh, I felt bad for him.

       “It’s alright, ahjusshi. We always get that a lot,” Suho was trying to console him.

       “I see, boy. Excuse what I said. So, what do you want to order?” he asked.

       “We’ll have tteokbokki (rice cakes) and hotteok (Korean pancake). How about you, Hye Ri?” Suho ordered.

       “Eeerrmmm… We’ll have odeng (fish cakes),” I replied.

       “Okay. They will arrive shortly,” he smiled. Once he left off placing those orders, Suho said, “Wow… I felt bad for him.”

        “What do you mean?” I asked in curiosity.

        “I mean, he thought we are a couple when we are not and he went embarrassed,” Suho explained.

         “I also felt the same as you, too,” I agreed. Soon, the food arrived. “Wow, that’s a lot.” I was in awe.

         “We shouldn’t have ordered so much,” I commented.

         “Yah… I’ve only ordered both and you added in another one,” he sarcastically said it.

         “Ok fine. I’ll help you finish it, arasso?” I sighed. Soon, we were busy eating when Suho spoke up, “Hye Ri, what makes you suggest that we should come here? I thought you said the food was oily and you don’t want to get fat by eating them.”

          “I knew you wanted to come here, oppa. And it’s always me that gets to decide where to hang out. So, I let you decide.”

          “Aww… I didn’t know my best friend was so thoughtful of me,” he pouted while patting his chest.

          “Yah… That’s what best friends are for, right?” I pushed his forehead with my finger. Suddenly, a different voice calling my name was heard and I felt another presence was in front of us. I looked up and it was someone I didn’t expect. Kris.

          “Hey!” I replied. I saw Suho’s expression. I knew he isn’t happy seeing him but he’s trying his best to cover it.

          “You’re coming to hang out here?” I asked.

          “Nope. Me and my basketball buddies wanted to hang out at the mall nearby and I saw you here. So, I just drop by to say hi.”

         “I see. Oh, I haven’t introduced to you my best friend here,” I pointed to Suho. Suho got up and shook hands with Kris.

         “The name’s Suho,” he said.


       “I just want to apologize for what I did back then for calling you a jerk. I mean, I was in a bad mood,” he apologized. Wait, did he just apologize? I mean why?

       “Apology accepted,” he smiled.

       “Hyung!” Kris turned around as two guys in their basketball jerseys walked into the shop.

       “Oh, I was supposed to introduce them to you,” Kris said. Next, those two guys were beside Kris.

       “Xiumin and Lay, I would like you guys to meet my Biology tutor, Hye Ri,” he introduced. The guy with those big eyes and chubby cheeks shook my hand saying, “I’m Xiumin. Nice to meet you,” he said. The next guy with brown highlights smiled which shows his dimples said, “I’m Lay. Nice to meet you too.” Kris introduced them to Suho, too.

         Then, Kris said, “We better go now. See you in school.” After waving bye to them, they left off and it was me and Suho now.

          “I didn’t know he plays basketball,” Suho said.

          “He is. He’s representing the school.”

          “That’s cool. Anyway, we better finish up.” Soon, we finally managed to finish everything even though we thought we couldn’t finish it up. After that, we decided to get back home and we then walked towards the cashier counter. As I took my purse out, a hand touched mine.

            “I’ll pay for them,” Suho smiled.

            “Oppa, you don’t have to,” I begged.

            “It’s alright. It’s my treat after all,” he said.

            “Fine, oppa. The next time we hang out, it will be my treat,” I gave up. Suho took a handful of money out and he paid the shop owner. The owner wished us thanks and asked us to come back the next time.

            “Wow. It’s quite fast that Valentine’s Day is coming,” I commented realizing that the workers at the shopping mall nearby were setting up Valentine’s Day decorations.

            “Yeah. But I’m just going to stay at home and led time passes by quickly on that day,” he said.

           “Me too. Maybe I’ll just watch a movie.” I added, “Want to watch a movie in my house?”

           “Sure! Maybe we’ll just watch some horror movies,” he suggested.

           “You better not cover your eyes again,” I warned.

           “I’ll promise.” He showed the ‘pinkie swear’ sign.

           I walk forward, and I suddenly trip, stumbling ahead into the road.

           “Hye Ri!” Suho cried out. He quickly tugged my hand so hard that I fall back against him just as a motorcyclist whips past, narrowly missing me. It happens so fast that one moment, I was falling. The next moment, I’m in his arms and now, he’s holding me tightly against his chest. I inhale deeply.

           “Are you okay?” he whispered. I looked up and he was staring deep into my eyes. I can’t move. This feeling was different. “Are you okay, Hye Ri?” he asked again. I nodded slowly. “I better walk you home,” he said once I was released from his embrace.

           “No, it’s alright. I can go by myself.” I brushed off.

           “Don’t be stubborn. I’ll walk you back.” He grabbed my elbow and then we walked back. Throughout the journey back, he was still grabbing my elbow making sure that I’m walking in the right way.

          Once I arrived at my home, we were standing in front of my house. “Thank you.”

          “For what?” He asked.

          “For saving me,” I muttered.

          “It’s alright. You almost scared me there,” he said.

          “I’m fine. But thanks, Suho.”

          “Take care, alright? I’ll see you tomorrow.”

           “Good bye.” I smiled. He waved back. Then on, he left and entered my house trying to forget what happened back then.

That was some intense scene back there, right? :O Anyway, do comment and I'll appreciate it a lot! :D

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))