Chapter 10

When Love Stops

         “I’m home!” I greeted loudly once I entered my home. My brother, Jongin was on the couch watching TV. He turned back and waved, “What’s up, sister!” He then, got up from the couch and we both gave each other a hug.

          “Say, where’s mum?” I asked not realizing that she wasn’t at the living room.

         “She’s in the kitchen. Cooking,” he pointed at the kitchen.

          Without haste, I made my way towards the kitchen. In the kitchen, my mum was stirring some soup in the pot on the stove. “Omma!” I greeted.

         “Aigoo, Hye Ri! How was your tutoring session?” she asked while she remains stirring the soup.

          “It was great. Surprisingly, he was able to understand what I explained to him,” I smiled cheerfully.

          “That’s good, dear,” she smiled.

          “Oh, omma.”


          “Suho called me.”

          “What is it, dear?”

          “He’s joining us for dinner because he just bought this new horror movie DVD and he wanted to watch it with me,” I answered.

          “He’s coming?! Thank goodness, I’ve made extra portions for dinner.”

          “Thanks, mum,” I smiled.

          “It’s alright. Anyway, you should get ready. He might come in anytime,” she ushered.

          “Sure thing, mum.”

          “Aigoo, it’s a long time I haven’t seen that boy. Anyway… get ready first, alright?”

          “Arraso, omma!” I cheered. Then on, I walked out of the kitchen. As I walked towards the stairs, a voice was heard. “So, is lover boy coming?” Turns out, my brother was eavesdropping my earlier conversations with mum. Gosh, look at him. Grinning like some ugly retard clown.

           I looked at him in the eye and spoke confidently with a hint of sarcasm. “Yes, you got a problem with that?”

           “Nope. I just can’t wait to see him. Maybe he and I could have some conversation about the both of you in high school. You know… maybe I could match make you guys together,” he grinned. My eyes went wide in shock.

          “Oppa, don’t you dare!” I whacked his toned arm.

         “Okay okay! I was pulling your leg alright!” He raised his arms in surrender. I glared at him. “Chill girl! I promise I won’t do that, sis?”

         I sighed. “Fine. If this happens, I will tell Jin Mi about your deepest darkest secrets.” I squinted my eyes at him. Jongin looked at the ground and then at me, with a hand extending outwards.

         “It’s a deal then,” he gave a serious face. I shook his hand and it was a deal.

         “Anyway, you better get ready before lover boy comes,” he grinned. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Soon, I was at my room and decided to take a bath. Once my hair was dried after the bath, a knock was heard on my room door. “Yes?” I answered. The door opened and my brother leaned against the doorframe saying, “Lover boy is here~” I rolled my eyes at him saying, “I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

        “You better hurry. You don’t want to make him wait for you,” he teased. Straightaway, I threw my comb at him. Lucky for him, he managed to dodge it and he left my room laughing all the way. *Sigh* my brother is such a tease. But anyway, that’s what brothers are for, right?

       Without thinking straight, I quickly ran down the stairs. Right there, my parents were greeting Suho at the doorstep. Suho who noticed my appearance waved a hi at me. I smiled back. Soon, Jongin appeared right in front of him and they exchanged hugs.

          “It’s a long time I didn’t see you there,” Jongin greeted.

          “Me too. Wow, how many years has passed!” Suho cheered. Then, mum interrupted saying dinner is ready on the table. I went to Jongin’s side and whispered to him, “A promise is a promise, right?” I hoped what he meant what he said earlier. “Chill sis! Trust me. I got it all covered,” he assured. Once everyone was in their positions, everyone’s attention was on Suho asking him about everything since it was a long time they haven’t seen him. Then, everyone was silent as their savour mum’s good cooking.

           “Mrs Kim, I love your food. It’s delicious! Kamsahamida,” Suho complimented.

           “Jinja? Aigoo, thank you, Suho,” my mum blushed. “But I should thank you for joining us today,” she added.

           “No, Mrs Kim. I should thank Hye Ri for inviting me here,” he looked at me. I looked down with slight embarrassment. My brother, Jongin was smirking at me. I exchanged back a warning glance.

           “Suho, why not you stay over for the night? After all, you’re staying in our house till late night. Wouldn’t it be dangerous for you to be back home late,” my dad asked.

           “It’s alright, ahjusshi. I can handle myself,” he replied.

           “I agree with my dad. After all, tomorrow is Sunday. At least, you don’t have to worry about waking early the next day,” Jongin added.

           “But I didn’t bring any extra clothes with me,” Suho answered.

           “It’s alright. You can use my clothes and you can sleep in my room. I have an extra mattress,” my brother offered. Suho was thinking back at his thoughts. Then, he spoke up, “All right, then. I’ll call my parents that I’m staying here for the night. Anyway, thank you, all of you… for treating me as part of the family,” he thanked.

           “It’s fine, dear. After all, you’ve been Hye Ri’s best friend,” my mum comforted him. After dinner was over, Suho called his parents to inform that he won’t be back home. Meanwhile, Jongin retreated to his room due to some project assignments that he has to hand in the next week. Where was I? I was in the kitchen helping my parents with the dishes. After I was done with the last dish I felt a hand was placed on my arm. My mum looked at me and said, “Go and entertain Suho. I’ll finish the rest.” I followed my mum’s orders and went to the living room. Suho was seated alone on the couch. This time, I sat beside him.

         “So, what horror movie are we going to watch?” I asked. He then took out something from his bag and a DVD was held in his hands. “Insidious 2?” He smiled. “We didn’t watch that yet, did we?” I asked in curiosity. He shook his head. “Let’s start!” Suho said excitedly.

        “Oh, one more thing, Suho?” I held his hand. He looked at me. “Hmmmm?”

        “Promise me, that you won’t close your eyes when a pop-up scene occurs,” I explained.

        “Don’t worry. I’m not scared after all,” he denied.

        “You’re serious? Because the last time we watched a horror movie, you were mostly covering your eyes with a pillow,” I gave him a look.

       “Fine. I’ll promise. Can we watch now? I’m so stoked for this movie!”

       “Okay. Calm your horses down.” I grabbed the DVD from him and place the disk into the DVD player. When it played, the TV screen showed darkness followed by the opening credits. “Oh my god. I can’t believe this is happening!” Oh gosh, since when did he get so excited for a horror movie?

         An hour later, we were still progressing through the movie and there was this scene which might lead to a pop-up scene. I felt movements beside me while the cushion was sinking and it made me suspicious. True enough, as I turned my head, I saw Suho was sneakily grabbing a pillow. In an instant, I grabbed the pillow before he could use it to cover his eyes.

         “Hey!” he shouted.

           “Remember? No covering your eyes?” I reminded him.

           “But I’m scared!” he argued back. I gave him a look.

           “But, can I hug you in case anything happens?” he asked with those droopy puppy dog eyes.

           “Fine. You can do that,” I gave in.

          We didn’t realize that the pop-up scene happened because we were lost in conversations. Throughout the movie, Suho was trying to hold on to most of the scary scenes. But what happened next, was something unpredictable.  At the scene, the main character was trying to fight the evil spirits. As we were deeply engrossed in the movie, we didn’t realized that a pop-up scene could occur. When the main character turned his head sensing something was behind him, the evil spirit which was super hideous frightened him. At that moment, we both screamed and jumped in fright and right then, Suho’s arms were around me.

          Soon on, the movie progresses and I came to realize that Suho’s hands were still around me.



          “Can you get your hands off me? I can’t move!” I was really annoyed.

         Realizing what he had done, he took his hands off and apologized.  “It’s alright,” I smiled. Then later on, the movie had come to an end and the ending credits were shown on the TV screen. I got up from my couch and switched off the TV and the DVD player.

         “Well, that was awesome!” Suho cheered.

         “That would be awesome if you didn’t took the pillow!” I answered sarcastically.

         “Sorry, Hye Ri! I was scared,” he replied sadly.

         “Then, why would you want to watch it in the first place?” I asked.

         “It’s just that… I wanted to. But… I see you as someone who will be there if I want to,” he said.

         “I get you. What’s the time now?” I looked up at the clock. It was 11.30pm. Then, my phone rang. I took the phone and the caller was Kris. Without hesitation, I answered the call.


          “Hey, Hye Ri! Am I disturbing you?”

          “Nope, I’m not! Anything?” What the heck, I’m grinning like hell. I bet Suho was wondering why am I being like this.

           “Can I meet you after school on Monday? I’m having a hard time with one of the chapters,” he asked.

           “Sure sure, no problem! The same place?” I asked.

           “Yeap, the same place. I hope I’m not being a pain on you,” he said.

           “Gosh, you’re not. So I shall see you on Monday.” See what I am now? I just became someone who’s too desperate.

           “Sure thing. Good night, Hye Ri.”

           “Good night, Kris.”

      Once I put the phone down, Suho asked, “Kris?” I nodded in reply.

           “He needs tutoring after Monday class,” I elaborated.

           “I see. First time?”

           “Nope. This afternoon was the first time,” I said.

           “I guess that time I called you, you were with… him?”

           “You got it right. And guess what? He thought that you and me were dating?” I joked.

           “Jinja! Aissh! Why does everyone say that we’re a couple?!” He ruffled his hair in semi-frustration.

           “Maybe… it’s rare for everyone to see us being close and being best friends,” I explained. “Anyway… I should better sleep now. I feel so tired.” I faked a yawn.

           “I should go up now.” Suho got up. “You’re sure you’re alright with sleeping in my brother’s room?” I asked concernly.

           “Nah. I’ll be alright,” he gave an assuring smile.

           “If my brother does anything to you, let me know.”

           “Alright alright. It sounds like you don’t trust your brother.”

          “It’s not that. He might be capable of doing something unexpected. Anyway, good night, Suho.” I got up and decided to make my way towards the stairs. Once my head was on the pillow, I went off into snooze land. And the precious memories of the day drifted off.

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))