Chapter 26

When Love Stops

          Many days have passed this whole year. Hours flew by so fast as though you just watched a shooting star pass right in front of your eyes. Things have changed and it was already more than two months since the first time I have been tutoring Kris. We did spend a lot of time together not only on tutoring sessions but also hanging out at the mall a couple of times. But he’s such a total sweetheart, as in he continues to pay for you whatever things that you’re capable of paying. Whenever I insist on paying, he still doesn’t care and continues to pay. Maybe that’s what male pride is all about, doing whatever they can just to impress the ladies. The thing is, we’ve been getting closer in terms of friendship and we would share whatever interests we have each other. Surprisingly, Kris listens to punk rock music which I do. So, I guess we are on the same level, then.

          But then, the more time I spent with Kris, the less time I spent with Suho. I mean, the only time when I get to see him is during recess and we don’t hang out after school like we used to. I do feel guilty at times, when Suho tries to meet up. In the end, I have to turn down the offer because of Kris. The funny thing is, at times when I tried to make an arrangement with Suho, he’s not free due to catching up with his other senior friends, Chen and Kyungsoo. Not only that, ever since then we don’t talk much like we used to before. Every time we passed by each other, it’s only a word of ‘hi’ and ‘how are you?. It just became so formal, suddenly. Then on, I had started trying my best to connect my relationship with him.

           Now, it’s a different thing. Ever since then, I feel like I had the urge to confess to Kris that I had a crush on him. But, I’m just worried whether is it too fast to confess to him and what will he think of it. So, then I decided that I should ask Ha Eun and Joo Ee since they could help me, at least.

          When school bell rang today, I was hoping that I would be able to ask Ha Eun’s and Joo Ee’s opinions in time. When I walked into the class, both of them were sitting together flipping over fashion magazines and pointing over which outfit looks good on that celebrity. When I went to my table in front of them, the both of them looked up and greeted, “Hey, Hye Ri!” I acknowledged them, “Hey!” Then, a teacher whom I’ve never seen before walked in while holding on to a book. He appears to be in his mid-fifties with a balding spot on his head. Everyone got back to their respective tables when they saw him walking in. Wait? Isn’t this supposed to be Algebra now?         

           The teacher looked at all of us and he spoke, “Students, I would like to inform you that Mr Joo has not been feeling well and he’s on medical leave. Since I’m the substitute teacher here, I won’t be giving any lessons. So, you students can do whatever you want as long as don’t make any noise. Do I make this clear?” he peered at us through his eyeglasses.

            “Yes. Teacher!” we all answered him at once. Then, he sat on the teacher’s seat and warned, “Alright. Do whatever you want but no noise.” He opened his book and he was doing some paperwork on it. Just then, Ha Eun and Joo Ee tapped me on the shoulder at the same time. I turned around trying to gain what they were trying to do. Ha Eun made a sign asking me to turn my chair around facing the both of them. I did like what she had mentioned. “Finally, he’s not here!” Joo Ee exhaled in relief. “Want to continue reading?” Ha Eun asked her while grabbing onto a stack of fashion magazines. Joo Ee responded with a big grin plastered on her face. Ha Eun then placed the stack of magazines onto the table and each of us took a copy. Next thing, I decided to pop this question in front of them for their opinion.

            “Guys?” The both of them diverted their attention at me the moment they heard my voice. Both of them stared at me trying to find what was the reason that I called them for.

            “I want to just ask the both of you for some opinions. You don’t mind right?” I confirmed to them. “Of course, we don’t mind! Is there something?” Joo Ee asked. “Errr… yeah,” I was nervously hesitant.

           “Is it had to do with Kris?” Ha Eun mentioned it so suddenly that I was caught off guard. “See, I knew it!” she snapped her finger in confirmation.

          “Wait… wait… wait… how did you know?” I was being suspicious now. Since when did Ha Eun started becoming a mind reader? “Please, Hye Ri. It’s kind of obvious. Every time you ask us for an opinion, it has to do with Kris,” she scoffed in reply.

          “Did I? I thought you were some mind reader,” I muttered back in confusion. “I’m not some mind reader just to know whether it has to do with Kris,” she crossed her arms.

           “So, Hye Ri? What do you want to ask us especially when it’s about Kris?” Joo Ee cut in trying to change the subject. I tried to gather my thoughts on thinking how should I say this to them.

           “It’s just that… it has already been two months. And I don’t know whether I should take it…. to the next level?” I stammered.

           “As in next level… it means confessing to him, right?” Joo Ee asked. I nodded in reply. “But… should I just take the courage to tell him?”

           “Hmmm…. But what makes you want to confess it to him?” Ha Eun interrogated further. “It’s just that it’s been since the 1st year that I have a crush on him and I can’t keep it inside. It’s like… I have to let it out, you know?” I explained what I felt.

           “I understand that. If you feel that it’s the time, then tell it to him,” Joo Ee gave an assuring smile. “What about you, guys? Especially you, Joo Ee, how does it feels like to confess to Baekhyun?” I queried.

           “Me? It was Baekhyun who confessed to me everything. You should ask, Ha Eun,” Joo Ee faced Ha Eun this time. “How about you, Ha Eun?” I asked.

           “It wasn’t me that do much of the confessing. It was Chanyeol who did it,” she opposed. “So, you guys didn’t start… at all?” I questioned them for a confirmation. Both of them shook their heads in reply.

           “The thing is Hye Ri, it’s really rare for a girl to confess her feelings for a guy. It’s mostly the guy that does that cause they feel that they if they do that, they’re being confident instead of being inferior,” Ha Eun replied.

           “So, do you still think I… should do it?” I asked while still being worried. “Nah… you could still do it. Just because girls rarely do that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it at all. If you want to let it out of your chest, then… just do it! The thing is, guys will like it if girls are confident instead of them,” Joo Ee motivated me with her words.

           “Wow… I mean, thank you, you guys. I wouldn’t think I will able to do with it if I don’t ask for your opinions,” I thanked them in gratitude.

          “It’s alright, Hye Ri. So, when are you going to confess to him?” Ha Eun asked. I was trying to find the time slot which I could meet him. “Does recess count as something legit?” I looked at them. “Err yeah… but Hye Ri, if you feel you’re not ready, then don’t go for it. I mean, you don’t want to risk yourself doing something which you’re not ready for,” Joo Ee mentioned.

            “I am absolutely ready for this. It’s been years I’ve been holding on to it and now, it’s time,” I said it out confidently. “That’s my girl,” Ha Eun gave me a high five. I took my hand phone out from my pocket and started to text Kris.

               “Hey, Kris! I was wondering are you free to hang out during recess?” Few seconds had passed and then my phone vibrated in response of the arrival of a text message.

               “Hey! Yeah, sure! I wouldn’t mind J

               “That’s great! So instead of the cafeteria, do you want to go to that garden outside?”

               “Anything’s fine. What’s with the change of venue?”

               “It’s just that the cafeteria is crowded which I don’t want hang out there. And, I need to tell you something…”

               “I see. You know, you can tell me here… on the phone.”

               “Nah. It’s better if I tell you face to face.”

               “Alright, I’ll wait for you outside your class, okay?”

               “Okay J

          I didn’t envision myself smiling throughout the whole text conversation. “So, what did he say?” Joo Ee asked. I beamed brightly at her and said, “He said it will be alright and he will wait for me outside this class.”

         “Omo! See! You can do it!” Ha Eun patted my shoulder. “Wait, is recess going to start soon?” Joo Ee said while looking at her watch. I looked at my watch too. Turns out in 10 minutes, everything will be revealed. Suddenly, I just felt intense nervousness and my heart was beating fast for no reason.

            “Hye Ri, are you okay?” Joo Ee asked while staring at me in worry. I brushed it off saying, “I’m fine. It’s just… nervousness…”

           “Take a deep breath, Hye Ri. Breathe in, breathe out!” Ha Eun advised. I did what Ha Eun had instructed me to do. “Feeling better now?” she asked. I nodded back in reply. “Remember right, take it slow when you confess to him and… don’t rush things too fast, alright?” Joo Ee further advised. The only thing I could do to reply them was just by nodding my head. Minutes have passed and the school bell had rung to announce that recess had started. The three of us stood up from our seats and when I looked out of the classroom, Kris with his tall sturdy figure was standing by the doorpost. He waved his hand at me.

             “Hwaiting, Hye Ri!” Joo Ee and Ha Eun patted my shoulder while showing a fist sign at me. The both of them had left the class leaving me alone at the entrance of the class. Kris walked towards my direction. He smiled at me, “Ready to go?” I smiled back.

          Then, the both of us had left my class. We walked down the stairs and instead of walking to the cafeteria in front of us, we made our way towards the garden. There were a few benches around there and all you see were flowers and just… greenery. We both sat on one of the benches. I took out my lunchbox and offered him a sandwich. “You want one?” He took it and said thanks. While we were eating our sandwiches, we were busy chatting with each other about school and the same interests. After we were done, Kris said, “Thanks for the sandwiches… again.”

           “Nah… you don’t have to mention,” I replied back. “So, how was your Biology quiz the other day?” He sighed. Don’t tell me he failed… He looked at me and smiled a boyish grin, “I scored full marks.”

         “Omo! Congrats! I know you can do it!” I patted his shoulder.

         “You don’t have to wish me. After all, I should be the one thanking you,” she laughed.

         “Then, I guess we’re   equal then,” I smiled. It was silence after that and then Kris spoke up, “Oh, Hye Ri. You said you wanted to tell me something, right? What is it?” Suddenly, my palms were sweating and my hands were shaking. Crap, how should I tell it to him? Relax Hye Ri. Just remember what Ha Eun and Joo Ee told you alright? “Are you okay?” Kris asked when he noticed I wasn’t responding to him.

         I got back in consciousness. You got this, Hye Ri! I stood up straight and faced him. “Erm… Kris, I just wanted to tell you something… which I have been keeping for all this time…. and I was afraid what you might think of me… if I tell you.”

         Kris still looked at me intensely as though he is trying to get better answers from me. “What do you mean, Hye Ri?” You have to say it out, Hye Ri…

         “I have…feelings for you… Kris.”


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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))