Chapter 11: Kai's POV

When Love Stops

          The moment I saw them wishing goodnight to each other, I quickly dash my way back to my room and retreated back to my desk to act like I’m doing some late night studying.

      I don’t think they have realized that I was spying on them all along. Hopefully, I don’t get caught. It’s cute to see them together acting like lovers but sadly, they’re not. But honestly I’ve got to say, they do make a great couple. Like come on, it’s been 12 years since they are best friends and they’re not making a move ahead. The thing is, do they feel the same towards one another?

         A knock was heard on my door which causes me to stop thinking and act straight. I sat up straight and answered, “Come in.” The door opened, and Suho walked into my room.

         “Hyung, am I disturbing you right now?”

         “Nah, it’s alright. I just finished studying, by the way,” I lied.

         “Oh, ok.” He stepped in further.

         “Oh, and if you need clothes to change, you can take any from my closet,” I pointed towards the closet. Suho went on and took out a T-shirt and some briefs. Then at that instant, all I see was Suho’s topless body. And to my surprise, he has sculpted tone abs like mine.

         “Whoa bro! You work out too?” I bewildered in surprise.

         “Yeap. You too?” Suho laughed.

         “Yeap, took me a few months to get in shape,” I joked.

         “Same here. It wasn’t easy but it’s worth the effort,” he said as he put on my T-shirt. Then, Suho came to my side and said, “So, what are you working on?” He looked curious as he saw my laptop screen which was full with words and diagrams that I have been preparing for my upcoming assignment.

        “Oh… that,” I said when he was looking at my laptop screen. “I have to come up with some essay about how kinesiology relates to dance. Like how different parts of the muscles are activated when a certain body movement is involved,” I explained further.

        “Ooohh… Sounds neat,” he was in awe. Soon, the room was quiet. Honestly, we had nothing much in common and I’m not that close to Suho either. Without making the situation more awkward than ever, I finally spoke up, “Wanna hit the sack?”

        “Sure!” he replied. Then on, we were both on our beds after the light was switched off.

        “So, hyung?” he asked. “Hmmm?”

        “Do you have a girlfriend in college?”

        “Yeap, I do. Her name’s Jin Mi. I can say that she’s definitely the love of my life,” I gushed and smiled at the same time. “I see. So how many years, then were you both together?”

        “3 years. We were both an item since high school,” I answered.

        “Woow… that’s long,” he commented. “Mmmm-hmmm,” I hummed.

        “Just to want to ask… What do both of you do to make this relationship work for that long?”

        “Oh well, in my opinion, if you want to make that relationship work with your other half, you need trust, understanding and respect. Come on, you need to treat her like a queen in order for her to respect you as a man. She’s a woman not some trash that you just get rid of easily. That’s why, Jin Mi loves me so much because although she has some flaws within herself, I would still love her and accept her. After all, not everyone is perfect.”

        “Woah, hyung. That’s some deep preaching you’re giving me,” he answered.

        “It’s true. We share a lot of experiences with each other. Of course, we fight and sometimes we feel that we should break up but that’s the easy way out for people who feel hopeless. The more we fight, the more our relationship grew and we grow stronger every day even in our toughest times,” I further elaborated.

         “Thanks for the advice, hyung,” Suho thanked.

         “No problem, buddy. I just want to share this experience to people who needs to know more about it,” I smiled. Then on, we talked everything about my university life was and how’s Suho’s school life is like. Next thing, we were silent again from laughing too much and reminiscing each other’s moments. Then, I finally took up the courage to ask this question even though it might be sensitive or embarrassing for him to answer.

          “Suho, I would just want to ask you this question?”

         “Yes, hyung?” he replied.

         “What do you think of my sister?” I could feel that Suho was being uncomfortable. “I won’t tell her, I promise,” I assured him.

          “It’s just that she has been a great friend to me especially during those tough times that I have been facing. Plus, she would always be the first reason to make me smile and to forget all those worries. She’s been the only friend I can rely on.” Look at his face now. Such a lover boy.

          “I see. Let’s go on to the next question.  Honestly tell me, do you love my sister?” Immediately, Suho coughed in embarrassment. “What type of question is that, hyung?!”

          “I’m being serious. And I’m not doing some stupid prank like those jerks do. Honestly.”

         Suho was silent for a while and then he spoke, “Yeah I love her”. Gawd, I have been right all along. It was all true!

          “I can see that,” I commented.

          “Hyung! You knew all along?!” This time, Suho shouted till the point he was going to burst my eardrums.

          “Shhhh!!! My parents are sleeping!” I quickly covered his mouth.

         “Sorry…. It’s just that… how did you know? You’ve never seen me for a long time and how could you possibly know all of this so fast. C-c-could it be, Hye Ri who told you all of this?” he asked when he calmed down.

         “It’s not only Hye Ri but I’ve been seeing the way you behave at the dinner table and I’m sorry… that I spied on you guys when you were watching a movie,” I explained. Suho looked down.

         “Come on, Suho. The way you look at her is something different like… you’re in love and you were hugging her so comfortably on the couch. Seriously, guy friends don’t do that to their friends of the opposite .”

         “Wow… I didn’t know you could read body language. But anyway, what did Hye Ri talked about me?” he asked in curiosity.

         “Well… she told me a lot of things about you like how you treat her as a friend. Basically she told me everything about you like as though you’re some encyclopaedia. And guess what? She did told me that you were going to confess your love to that ‘special someone’ on her birthday. And I knew it to the point, that ‘special someone’ is… my sister.”

         “She did? I never expect that.”

        “But Suho… I would be happy if both of you were a couple. I’m honestly telling you this. You’re a sincere man which is what I see in you,” I told him with an honest heart.

        “Thanks, hyung. But… I don’t think we’ll turn out… to be a couple.” He looks too unhesitant to say the words out.

        “What do you mean, Suho?”

        “She likes someone just because he’s tall and handsome. And right now, she’s his tutor for Biology. Not only that, the way she smiles whenever his name is mentioned is like a stab in the heart for me. I cannot take it anymore and I feel like giving up.” I can see he’s getting frustrated right now. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me.

        “I know this is frustrating for you. But take this as a challenge to show her that you’re the one meant for her not that popular guy in your school.”

        “But how can I do that? I’m so different from that… that guy!”

        “I understand but just because he’s handsome and tall doesn’t mean that would be his strength to sweep girls off their feet. By right, we should look at the person’s heart not the looks. All I can say is you don’t need to have to have the looks to attract her, it’s your heart,” I said as I patted my chest.

         “I get it, hyung. But thanks. I will try to do as what as you say.” He smiled.

         “It’s alright, Suho. But I’m doing this for my sister. I don’t want her to be sad. I just want her to be… happy. Even though, I’ve never seen this guy before, I don’t want to judge him. But…” I looked at him in the eye. “I know you’re the guy who can make my sister happy.” Suho gulped when he saw how serious I am.

         “Arraso, hyung.”

         “But take it easy on her, alright? Don’t rush things too fast, okay? After all, I trust you,” I said with a firm voice.

          “Okay,” he replied.

          “Anyway, it’s already late. And I know you were super tired. So, see you in the morning,” I smiled.

         “Okay, good night, hyung,” Suho said.

         “Good night, Suho,” I replied.

         Soon after, my eyes went pitch black as I entered into sleep.

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))