Chapter 22

When Love Stops

          When I entered my home, mom was at the couch watching television. “Hey, mum,” I greeted. She turned her head when she heard my voice.

          “Hi, honey,” then her eyes travelled from my face towards the bouquet of daisies that I was clutching on. “Well, who’s that boy you’ve been seeing?” she provoked.

           “Errm…,” I was scratching my head while trying to find the words to say. “It’s that boy I’ve been tutoring,” after finally coming up with the correct words to use.

           “Omo! He did that? That’s really nice of him to do that, isn’t he? So, he brought you out for lunch?” she inquired further.

            “Yes, he did. But I feel bad you know, that he pays for everything and not allowing me to do that,” I pointed out.

             “Honey, maybe he was being appreciative of you for helping him… with the tutoring,” my mom justified.

             “Hmm…. You’re right, mum. Maybe he was trying to pay back,” I agreed with what my mum said. “Oh mum, Suho’s coming over for dinner and I told him that he should stay over tonight since we might… stay up late,” I noted to my mum.

             “Oh! He’s coming over again? That’s great and of course, he can stay over! I don’t want his parents to get worried about him coming back home late,” she asked in concern. “But what time is he coming?” she further asked. I looked at the clock and answered her, “At five.”

             “Okay then. You better get ready,” she said. “Sure, mum.” That instant, I took that bouquet of daisies with me and walked up to my room. I took a clean new vase from my parents’ room, put some water in it and place the daisies into the vase. I then, placed the vase by the window. I gave it a last glance admiring how beautiful it was under the sunlight. Without hesitation, I took a bathe and got to my Algebra homework. As the hour has passed by, I was super stressed out with one of those questions. Why couldn’t I get it right? Wait, Suho is coming over right? When he’s here I could ask him to help me.

           “Hye Ri ah! He’s here,” mum called from downstairs. “Okay, mum!” I shouted from my room. In an instant, I ran down the stairs and at the same time, Suho was entering the house with his backpack. “Suho oppa!” I greeted. “Hey, Hye Ri,” Suho smiled.

           After Suho greeted my mum, my mum said, “I better leave the both of you to yourselves. I’ll be in the kitchen and if you need anything, let me know alright?”

           “Sure, mum,” I answered. Then, mum walked back to the kitchen. Suho diverted his attention to me and ask, “So, what do you want to do now?”

           “Hmmm….” I was trying to think, then I said, “Oppa… there’s this Algebra question that I’m not so sure. Could you help me?”

            “Of course. We’ll go to your room?” he asked. I nodded in reply. Soon, the both of us had got into our room and then Suho suggested, “I think I better put my bag into your brother’s room while you get ready with that question.” He then went off to my brother’s room while I walked towards the desk opening to the page of the workbook to find that question.

           When Suho entered my room, he stopped in his tracks. I looked at him and I saw his eyes were focused on that vase of flowers by the window. “Oh… Kris got me those,” I answered.

            “Ohhh… so you went out with him… just now?” he further queried. “Mmm-hmmm,” I responded. “I bet you enjoyed it a lot,” he sighed in frustration. Before I could ask him what he meant, he quickly switched the subject saying, “So, where’s the question?” I showed him the question and he took the workbook with him looking over the question like a scanner.

           “Yah, Hye Ri. You were making a careless mistake, that’s why.”

            “What do you mean, oppa?” I was curious. He showed me the working that I wrote in that empty space. I looked over again. Nothing seems to be wrong. “Err… oppa. I don’t get it,” I squint my eyes at my handwriting.

             “Aissh. Look properly,” he demanded. I looked properly at my working with great detail once again. Then, suddenly my eyes went wide realizing that I had written the wrong figure. “Now you know, right?” he chuckled at me.

             “Wow… but thank you so much, Suho. I mean, I couldn’t do it without you,” I gushed.

             “At least it tells you to be careful especially when you might be doing that question for exam,” he consulted. While realizing that mum hadn’t even called us for dinner, I asked, “So, what horror movies did you brought it with you?”

            “Let’s see… I have The Conjuring, The Exorcist and One Missed Call. Pick your choice,” he smiled at me.

          “Okay… let’s watch…The Conjuring,” I ginned at him. “But remember what you’re not supposed to do?” I reminded him.

           “Huh?” he still looks lost on what happened the other time when he was trying to grab a pillow away from me.

           “Yah… you were supposed not to cover your eyes,” I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

           “Yah Hye Ri! Don’t worry I’ll promise I won’t cover my eyes. Pinkie promise,” he laughed it off while showing his pinkie at me. Just when I was about to give him a warning glare, mum called from downstairs saying, “Dinner!” We then got out of my room and headed downwards towards the dining table. My mind was replaying back to back on what Suho said that I must have enjoyed the lunch just now. He sounded frustrated but what could be the problem? At the same time, I don’t want to ask him since it’s just a small matter. Anyway, I would just throw those thoughts aside and forget about it. When we are at the dining table, dad was already seated at the table. “Hey, dad,” I greeted and my dad acknowledged it.

           “Annyonghaseyo, ahjusshi,” Suho bowed before him. “Aigoo! You don’t have to do this when you see me, son. After all, it’s great to have you here to join us,” my dad joked. “Arasso,” Suho said.

           “Anyway, have a seat,” my dad offered the seat to Suho which was opposite my dad. As we got settled to our seats, dad asked my mum, “Jongin’s not joining us?”

           “No. He’s out with Jin Mi,” my mum replied. “Aigoo, the both of them. I was hoping that the both of them could get married fast, right, Hye Ri?” he grinned at me.

          “Yeobo! We have a guest here,” my mum shushed him off. “Relax, dear. Can’t you see I’m making our guest comfortable here,” my dad smiled. My mum rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Let’s eat!” my dad cheered. Throughout the whole dinner, dad was asking Suho questions about how he was doing in school.

          After the dinner, my mum told the both of us to go ahead with what we want to do while mum and dad will clean the dishes. Suho, then went up to my brother’s room to retrieve the DVD. After putting the disk into the DVD player, Suho was excited saying, “This is going to be awesome!”

          “Yah… it will be awesome if you don’t cover your eyes,” I replied him sarcastically. “Fine,” he pouted in response. As the movie was playing on, we were fully engrossed throughout the whole plot especially when it comes to the .

           Suddenly, I felt some weight was on my right shoulder. I looked to my right and Suho was dozing off. I pushed him off my shoulder and shook him, “Oppa. Wake up!” He immediately got up when he realized that he was sleeping off.

             “Oops! Sorry, Hye Ri!” he excused himself. I gave him a glare while he showed a scared reaction. Then on, we got on to the scene where the heroine entered an attic and she saw a woman in white walking towards her. The scene continued to be intense as the heroine was trying to fight her off but she could not.

            Next thing I knew, I felt a hand was grabbing onto mine. I looked down to my hand and I saw Suho’s sweaty palm was clutching so tightly on mine. “Oppa… what are you doing?” I asked him in curiosity.

            “Can I hold your hand, Hye Ri? I’m scared.” I sighed in annoyance. Gosh, when is he going to man up one day? What if the next time he watches a horror movie with his future girlfriend, he freaks out in front of her? But still I felt bad for him because he didn’t close his eyes throughout the movie. I should just give him a chance this time.

           “Fine,” I replied.

           “You sure?” he asked another time.

           “If you ask that another time, I’m not going to let you hold my hand,” I replied him with a stern look. In that instant, he shut up. Throughout the movie, his hand was still on mine and I felt his sweat was transferring to my hand. Finally, the movie had ended and Suho released his hand from mine.

            Before I got up from the couch, I wiped my hand off the sweat against the couch. Then, I took the disk out of the DVD player and placed it back in the casing. I looked at the clock and it was 11pm.  Suho yawned in drowsiness as it was late around this time.

            “Do you want to continue another movie?” I asked.

            “I don’t think I can handle it again if you asked me to watch one more time,” Suho brushed it off.

            “But you did manage to handle it except… when you were holding on to my hand,” I told him.

           “But Hye Ri… why did you let me do it? When you know, it kind of annoyed you,” he asked in curiosity.

           “It’s because Suho, you kept your promise and I felt bad as I saw you shivering throughout the movie. So, I just gave you a chance,” I smiled.

              “Aawww… I didn’t know you’re concerned for me,” he laughed while patting his chest.

              “Puh-lease,” I scoffed.

              “I think we should go and sleep now since its late,” he looked at the clock in front of us.

              “Okay then,” I said. Then, Suho who was still lazing on the couch stretched his arms wide in front of me and grinned, “Pull me up, please?”

              “Can you just get up yourself?” I replied back.

              “I’m too lazy to move. Pretty please?” he pouted.

              “Fine,” I sighed as I gave in. I pulled his arms for him to get up. Gawd, he’s so heavy! “Oppa! Did you put on weight?!” I raised my voice trying my best to pull him up.

              “Nope. Gawd, Hye Ri, you’re so weak,” he teased.

              “Yah, I’m not weak!” I fought back.

              “Prove it,” he smirked. This time, I put my own effort to pull him up. But what happens next was the opposite. All of a sudden, I collapsed on top of him with my head landing on his chest.

              “Oofff!” was the sound I made when crashing on top of him. I looked up and Suho was gazing at me intensely. Suddenly, everything feels different. Then, I heard the sound of the door unlocking. Gosh, that must be Jongin! He can’t see the both of us being like this! Suho must have felt the same way as I am and we got off quickly from each other just in time before Jongin stepped into the house.

           “I’m home!” Jongin greeted. Then, his eyes were on Suho and he said, “Hey buddy! You’re here again! Another sleepover?”

           “Yeap, hyung,” Suho replied.

           “That’s great! You guys are going to sleep?” my brother asked.

           “Yes.” Then, Suho looked at me and said, “I think I better sleep now. See you tomorrow morning, Hye Ri… and good night.”

          “Good night, Suho,” I replied. Then, I quickly make my way back to my room and shut the door behind me. I leaned against the door and recalled what had happened just now. Why is it that every time I do something with Kris, Suho will tend do the same? Aisssh! Hye Ri ah, why is this happening? Don’t tell me, Suho has feelings for me? Aissh it can’t be! Maybe it wasn’t me. Just forget what happened alright, Hye Ri? I then, lay on my bed and drifted off into sleep putting those thoughts behind me.

Another awkward scene in the end! Omo O.O So how was it guys?

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Chapter 26 is doneee!!! :D


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Chapter 30: Poor Suho... What will happen to him... Update soon
Chapter 29: It's okay author-nim, I understand. And thank you for the update! :)
I still can't believe that Kris and Hye Ri are officially a couple now. <3
Chapter 27: Authorn-nim! If you're annoyed of my continuous comments, feel free to delete them. Haha! I just want to tell you that this fanfic is awesooome! FIghting :D
Chapter 19: I can't control myself to smile because of Kris!! But I really feel sorry for Suho... Why? :)))
Chapter 1: This sounds good! I'll have fun reading!
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 15: great!!!! i hope kris will join the must be fun.... good job author-nim...^_^
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'll be waiting for the next chapters! :))