allkpop22LOVE: Dancing With You (Hoya)

Infinite One Shots Galore!

Mariah was in Infinite's newly remade dance studio with Hoya as he taught her their latest dance. 

"Then this arm goes out like this," Hoya said, demonstrating it himself.
Mariah copied him and then they put the string of moves together. 
"I did it!" Mariah said hopping up and down. 
She was having so much fun with Hoya. It had been a while since the two had danced together. Before Infinite, the two would dance together all the time. Though it was more Hoya would show off and Mariah would act like a dork. Back then she wasn't confident in her dance ability. But she found she was good once she took it seriously. 
Their dancing soon turned into a dance battle and Mariah was ready to impress.  She was pulling out the break dance moved she learned and Mariah figured she had this in the bag. That was until she landed on her foot wrong. Mariah screamed out in pain and Hoya went to see if she was okay.
"Are you okay?" Hoya asked, worried.
"I'm fine," Mariah assured, trying to put on a smile through the pain. "It was a rough landing, that's all."
To show that she was fine Mariah tried to stand up. The pain shot through her leg but she refused to let Hoya see her in pain. She continued to smile and kept the weight on her other leg. 
"Do you wanna stop?" Hoya asked.
"No. I'm fine. We're continuing!" Mariah snapped.
Hoya stood there shocked at Mariah and looked at Mariah.
"Okay, if you say so."
Hoya put a different song on and Mariah tried her best to act like her foot was fine. She wouldn't let Hoya know that she was hurt. 
Hoya felt something was wrong but Mariah kept saying she was fine so he stopped asking. 
"I should get going," Mariah told Hoya after an hour of ignoring the pain.
She tried to walk to the footwork out limping but stopped when she heard a slow song come on.
"One more dance?" Hoya asked.
Mariah stood there with opening. Nothing was coming out when she knew she had to say no. A slow dance was just the thing that would give away her foot.
"But it's a slow dance," Mariah said.
"Why can't two friends slow dance?"
Mariah couldn't think of an excuse. She stayed in her spot while Hoya strolled over and took Mariah's hand. It took one step on her foot for Mariah to scream in pain and sit down. Hoya knelt down next to Mariah. He looked at Mariah confused.
"Why didn't you tell me it hurt?" Hoya asked.
"I didn't want you to see me like this," Mariah said. 
"We have to get you to a hospital," Hoya said.
He picked up Mariah and helped get her to the hospital. While Mariah was getting x-rays, Hoya paced the waiting room. 
Soon Hoya was entering Mariah's room. He saw a cast on her foot.
"I broke my foot," Mariah told him. 
Hoya brought over a chair next to her bed and took a seat. He took his friend's hand and Mariah looked from his hand to his face.
"Next time your hurt, don't lie. I don't want to see you in pain," Hoya said.
"Alright. I'll tell you."
Hoya kissed Mariah's hand and sat and talked with her until her parents came to take her home. 
"If you need help, feel free to call," Hoya said. "I'll be there for you."
There you go! I hope you enjoyed your one shot!! ^^
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NADAvheart #1
Chapter 6: Oh my god i just love your stories can you please make me one
Am nada and my bias is sunggyu
Characters: Lee Enna (OC) & Kim Myungsoo\L (INFINITE)
Song: Before The Dawn By INFINITE
Genre: Angst, Dark, Horror, Romance.
Plot: Enna was kidnapped by the hand of a vampire Kim Myungsoo, Myungsoo make her his slave, torture and drunk her blood, she want to escape but how? and worst, she fall in love with him?

i really look forward to my request, thank you in advance Author-nim :)
hi! could i have a sunggyu one shot? thank you!
siaangge #4
Chapter 5: i love all your stories :) pls make me one. Me (Gel) and my partner Kim Sunggyu :P i want that me and sunggyu be married. :D HAHAHAHAH! i can't think of a good story for us. Maybe a Lovestory will do. Pls make our's an incredible story. HAHAH Such a demanding :) Thanks in advance :)
Chapter 37: omo~! there's a chapter for me xD
thank you so much~~~
Chapter 2: Sweet namstar <333
Chapter 16: “I love her so much! I love her so much I don't know where to begin!”

“Then tell her. It doesn't do anything to tell me all of this.”

Lol! Typical Hoya!!!
Chapter 11: The mind playing game with L is so cute!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwww! Love this! Woohyun's so great!