PeachCherryProposal: Only Learned Bad Things (Myungsoo)

Infinite One Shots Galore!


It was lunch time and Jihyun still hadn't made an attempt to leave the comfort of her bed. It was chilly outside and being under the blanket was her favorite place as of now.


Not even cuddling with Myungsoo would be better then my blanket, Jihyun thought.


She had her iPod on repeat and she was listening to MYNAME's Message. For Jihyun it was a calm and relaxing Saturday. Suddenly Myungsoo came into the room and turned off the music.


Well, hi to you to,” Jihyun said still under her blankets.


Why aren't you dressed? We were supposed to go the mall today,” Myungsoo said.


Jihyun wanted to ask what the point was. She was going to point out how awful there last few mall dates were but instead she left the comfort of her blanket and told Myungsoo she would get ready. Myungsoo would be given one last chance. If he didn't change his ways then Jihyun would leave.


After Jihyun dressed warmly and put her hair up, her and Myungsoo made their way down to the mall. The first thing Myungsoo did was pull Jihyun over to the music section. For Jihyun it was a good start as she thought that Myungsoo was going to buy her a CD. Instead he went over and grabbed SNSD's new CD.


Sungyeol told me that this album was worth getting,” Myungsoo said and made his way to the register.


Strike one, Jihyun thought.


She left the store and headed across to the jewelry store. She went over to the necklaces and soon picked out one. As she admired it, Myungsoo came over with his paid for CD.


Why did you leave?” he asked.


Clueless, Jihyun thought.


I wanted to look at the necklaces. Isn't this one cute?”


Jihyun held up the necklace and Myungsoo nodded.


Cute. But that reminds that I need to get Sungjong that bracelet for his birthday.”


Jihyun sighed as Myungsoo ran off to the back of the store.


He will buy something for Sungjong but not me? Strike two.


After buying the necklace with her own money she waited for Myungsoo to buy Sungjong's bracelet. They then proceeded to a store with shirts where they ran into Woohyun. Jihyun stood there and tried to patiently wait for Myungsoo to finish talking to Woohyun. When it got to the point it seemed like they would never stop, Jihyun left them to look at the shirts. She soon saw Myungsoo and Woohyun trying on shirts together and that was when Jihyun knew. That was strike three and his last chance.


Jihyun walked out of the store and all the way to the food court. She found Hoya dancing with Dongwoo. A decent crowd had gathered and began to watch. Jihyun watched from afar and ate her fries in silence. She ignored Myungoo's calls and his texts all wondering where she had run off to. Myungsoo after going around the whole mall found Jihyun sitting at a table by herself. Then he saw Hoya come sit in front of her and hand her an ice cream cone. Myungsoo stormed over and stood in front of the table.


“This is our date and you're here with Hoya? What the heck?!” he asked.


“How can you even call this a date? How could you even call any of our mall dates, 'dates'? All you do is shop for yourself. Today you shopped for Sungjong. Sungjong. Not to mention you went off with Woohyun and began to shop with him. So I didn't just leave you with Woohyun to shop. I'm leaving us. I'm done dating you Myungsoo. You never seem to think about me or care about me.”


“I do care about you,” Myungsoo argued.


“Well when is the last time you bought me something? Told me how pretty I looked. When, Myungsoo?”


At first Myungsoo thought it was a stupid question. He told her all the time how pretty she looked. But as he started to think about it he realized he hadn't. Jihyun was right. Lately he had been a selfish boyfriend.


“I do care about you,” Myungsoo helplessly repeated.


“You sure do have a funny way of showing it then.”


Jihyun got up from the table and left with her stuff. Myungsoo sat down in her set and let out a huge sigh. Dongwoo came over and joined them at the table.


“That didn't look good,” he said.


“He just got dumped,” Hoya said.


“I need her back,” Myungsoo said.


“Don't worry, We'll help!” Dongwoo said while flashing his big smile.


“We who?” Hoya asked.


“We as in the whole group. All six of us will help Myungsoo.”


They spent the rest of the day planning and had everything set up for the next day. Jihyun was in the same position as Saturday when Sungjong came into her room. He took her to his house where she saw Myungsoo and tried to make a run for it. Sunggyu came out of nowhere to Jihyun and stopped her from going anywhere.


“Myungsoo has a message for you,” Sunggyu said.


Sunggyu and Sungjong left them alone in the living room and went to the kitchen to spy on them.


“I wanted to apologize for my behavior and I got you something I hope you will like,” Myungsoo told Jihyun.


He took his hands out from behind his back and Jihyun saw he had a CD in his hands. Taking it, Jihyun noticed it was MYNAME's CD.


“I remember that you said you liked these guys and that you wanted this CD. I also spent last night trying to learn the dance for you. There was a lot of yelling from Hoya so if anything, feel bad that I had to get yelled at.”


Jihyun watched as Myungsoo played the song and began to dance. Covering her face with her friend, Jihyun tried not to laugh. Myungsoo was never a great dancer like Dongwoo or Hoya. He wasn't that fluid and he was a bit stiff when he dances. When dancing by himself he almost looked awkward. It didn't take Jihyun long to know who's part he was doing. Jihyun stopped him after the first chorus and pulled him into a hug. She thought the act was sweet and she didn't have the heart to tell Myungsoo she had already bought the CD.


“I'll get back together with you if you never try to dance like Seyong again,” she said.


“Deal,” Myungsoo said as he stood back to shake hands. “Now do you want to go to the mall?”


“The park instead.”


They let the hands that were still shaking drop and walked out of the house. Together they headed down to the park for their best date ever.


I'm sorry for the wait but I hope that you like it!

I don't think MYNAME have a CD out yet because i looked and found nothing. Let's just say they have one though and that I haven't searched hard enough.

I really love this group. Anyone else love them?

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NADAvheart #1
Chapter 6: Oh my god i just love your stories can you please make me one
Am nada and my bias is sunggyu
Characters: Lee Enna (OC) & Kim Myungsoo\L (INFINITE)
Song: Before The Dawn By INFINITE
Genre: Angst, Dark, Horror, Romance.
Plot: Enna was kidnapped by the hand of a vampire Kim Myungsoo, Myungsoo make her his slave, torture and drunk her blood, she want to escape but how? and worst, she fall in love with him?

i really look forward to my request, thank you in advance Author-nim :)
hi! could i have a sunggyu one shot? thank you!
siaangge #4
Chapter 5: i love all your stories :) pls make me one. Me (Gel) and my partner Kim Sunggyu :P i want that me and sunggyu be married. :D HAHAHAHAH! i can't think of a good story for us. Maybe a Lovestory will do. Pls make our's an incredible story. HAHAH Such a demanding :) Thanks in advance :)
Chapter 37: omo~! there's a chapter for me xD
thank you so much~~~
Chapter 2: Sweet namstar <333
Chapter 16: “I love her so much! I love her so much I don't know where to begin!”

“Then tell her. It doesn't do anything to tell me all of this.”

Lol! Typical Hoya!!!
Chapter 11: The mind playing game with L is so cute!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwww! Love this! Woohyun's so great!