hanniehidayah12: I Nerer Regretted Loving You (Woohyun)

Infinite One Shots Galore!


It was evening time and the sun was getting ready to set. Woohyun and HaNi were taking a stroll through the city enjoying the last few minutes of their date.

“Shouldn't you be going?” HaNi asked before adding on, “not because I want you to. I don't. But you told your parents you were meeting with Sunggyu and...”

Woohyun cut off his girlfriend with a kiss and found her stunned expression adorable.

“You just love it when I cut you off like that don't you?” Woohyun asked.

He put his arm around HaNi and ignored her question as he began to walk again.

“Woohyun, I love you but don't you think you should be more serious when it comes to your parents?”

“What's the point? I've been going behind their back for three years. They haven't done anything even when they knew I'm going out with you. It's whatever to them now.”

HaNi dropped the subject and let Woohyun walk her to her job as a waitress at her parents restaurant.

It was a normal day on the job for HaNi. She got in the routine of taking and delivering out orders. HaNi was almost done for the night and went to serve her last customer. She stopped by the table and was stunned to see Woohyun's dad sitting at a table. He was looking around the place like it was the filthiest place he had been in. Seeing that he was the owner of one of the most successful businesses in Korea, HaNi suspected that to his standards, it was dirty. HaNi shook her nerves off as she stepped up to the table and gave a friendly smile to Woohyun's dad.

“H-hello, sir. May I get you something to eat?” HaNi asked him.

“I've eaten,” he said, “I’m here to talk to you.”

“About what?” HaNi asked nervously as she sat across from Woohyun's dad.

“About you dating my son and how it needs to stop.”

“Sir, I love your son and I don't see why after three years you want us to break up.”

Woohyun's dad gave another disgusted look at the restaurant before he gave his answer.

“This,” he said gesturing to the place they were currently in. “I didn't want this relationship to last but anything I told Woohyun went in one ear and out the other. But he is at the age where his mind should be about the business. He doesn't need a girl and surely not one like you who works at a filthy place like this.”

HaNi had to bite back the urge to defend her parent's restaurant. She didn't want to cause anymore trouble with Woohyun's dad.

“Let's say that we continue dating. What would happen?”

Woohyun's dad took out a picture of HaNi with her parents and with a blink of an eyes, he ripped it up. HaNi's heart broke with each ripping sound.

“Your parents suffer,” Woohyun's dad informed HaNi.

He slid the shredded picture in front of her and watched her hurried attempt to put it back together. HaNi tried to appear strong as she silently tried to piece together the photo. While she did so, she contemplated the words of Woohyun's dad.

“Your pretty much telling me Woohyun or my parents?” HaNi asked.

“I am. And if I know your type of person – which I think I do – then I know what your answer will be”

Finding the pieces with her parents faces on them, HaNi knew what she had to do. It was true she loved Woohyun and he loved her just as much. Maybe more.

“Before I tell you my answer I just wanted to say that you can take me away physically but there is no way to take me out of his mind. He will still think about me.”

“Why would he think about the girl that broke his heart into little pieces? I don't want you to simple stop seeing him without saying anything to him. That won't solve a thing. You must go to him. Take him on a date and then break his heart.”

Breaking Woohyun's heart was the last thing that HaNi wanted to do. However, having her parents suffer was right there as well. Both were things that broke her heart. But HaNi knew her parents shouldn't suffer for her choices. The only one who needed to suffer was her.

“When should I do it?” HaNi asked getting a devilish grin from Woohyun's father.

“Anytime. The sooner the better. Just make sure it's done in a week.”

With his task done, Woohyun's dad left the restaurant and left HaNi to tape up the picture. She left once it was all back together and walked out of the restaurant and down the street. Her mind was preoccupied with how she was going to break the news as she stared at the picture. In bed that night, she tossed and turned trying to figure out how to break up with someone she loved so much. Before she finally found sleep she figured everything out. Like a band-aid, she would do it quick. Tomorrow morning she would ask Woohyun to meet up with her at the restaurant. There she would tell him.

The next morning HaNi road with her parents down to the restaurant. They were curious as to why she was going in so early but they didn't ask. Once there, HaNi sat herself down at one of the tables and waited for Woohyun who she had sent a text to on her way. When Woohyun ran in and crushed HaNi in a loving squeeze, she almost broke down in tears. HaNi hugged him just as tight back and while they had breakfast together, she acted as if everything was okay. Woohyun believed it at first until he went to kiss HaNi. She pushed him away and Woohyun looked at HaNi worried. HaNi got up from the table and Woohyun did the same. He grabbed her hand to stop her from going anywhere. She took it away and looked away from Woohyun,

“Is something wrong?” Woohyun asked.

“I... I'm breaking up with you,” HaNi said.

She didn't dare look at Woohyun. It would kill HaNi to much to see him hurt.

“What do you mean?” Woohyun asked, laughing nervously.

“I don't want to date you anymore,” HaNi said raising her voice.

Woohyun tired to hug HaNi but she pushed Woohyun back and turned her back to him. A second later Woohyun wrapped his arms around from behind and laid his head on her shoulder.

“Did my dad put you up to this?” Woohyun asked.

“No, he didn't,” HaNi said while trying to ignore how much she loved Woohyun holding her.

“I don't understand...”

“I don't love you!” HaNi yelled out, cutting him off.

HaNi felt Woohyun's arms disappear and she turned back around to see Woohyun had backed up. His face was hurt and confused mixed together.

“How can you say that? Three years, HaNi. We've dated for three years!”

“Well maybe...” HaNi racked her brain for something to say. “Maybe it was all a lie,” she whispered.

“It was not a lie!” Woohyun yelled. “You can't just spend three years of your life with someone who you don't love. No one does that. When you don't love someone, you break up with them.”

“So that's why I'm breaking up with you.”

“But you don't do it three years into the relationship! Why now? Of all times. Why now?!”

“I'm sorry to have made you believe that I loved you. I'm sorry that it was all a lie. But I can't help it.”

“It wasn't a lie! Whatever my dad told you I'll talk to him about it. I said it last night that he's let it gone on this long without doing anything so let me talk to him.”

HaNi shook her head as she went back to looking at the floor.

“It's not your dad, alright? You just said he's gone three years without doing anything. Why do something on a whim like this?”

Woohyun tried his best to take this all in. The girl he loved was saying everything was a lie. Memories of them together flashed through his mind. He couldn’t see the lie in the words she would say or the way she smiled at him. Then he thought, was he so much in love he made something there that wasn't?

He shook that thought out of his head and realized why she was saying all of this.

“There is someone else, isn't there?” he asked.

HaNi agreed though there was no one else. There was only Woohyun.

“Who?” Woohyun demanded.

“Sunggyu,” was the first thing that HaNi thought of.

This was also the worst person to think of. Sunggyu was like a brother to Woohyun. They had been friends their whole lives. Now Sunggyu had stolen his love.

“Then I'll just go,” Woohyun said as the first tear dropped from his face.

HaNi watched him shuffle out and waited until the coast was clear to sit back down and cry. Woohyun headed home and shoved aside the butler and maids who tried to greet him. He found his dad's gun and hid it in his jacket before leaving the house. He didn't call Sunggyu to tell him that he was coming over. He just stormed over and let himself in. He saw Sunggyu with the rest of their friends. They had all been laughing away but stopped as they heard Woohyun intrude.

“Is everything alright?” Sungjong asked.

“What's with the tears?” Dongwoo asked.

Woohyun ignored their questions and stormed over to Sunggyu.

“You!” he yelled and pushed Sunggyu off the stool he had been sitting on.

“Are you insane?” Sungyeol asked.

“What did I do?” Sunggyu yelled back as he got off the ground.

“Woohyun, calm down,” Hoya said.

He got off his seat and tried to place his hand on Woohyun's shoulder to comfort him. Woohyun smacked away his hand and pulled out the gun. The room fell silent and Sungjong hid behind Myungsoo. Hoya slowly backed up to his seat and no one dared to speak.

“Do you all want to know what's wrong? Why Sunggyu is a traitor? It's because he stole HaNi from me!”

“I didn't steal...”

“Shut up!” Woohyun yelled and pointed the gun at Sunggyu.

He froze with fear and let Woohyun continue to speak.

“HaNi just broke up with me. Said the last three years were nothing but lies. Full of lies! She told me that she found someone new. That she found, Sunggyu.”

“Woohyun,” Sunggyu hesitantly said. “Can you put the gun down and then we can talk about this.”

“You seem to be able to talk fine with this thing pointed at you. What could you have to say?”

“I didn't steal HaNi. I would never do something like that to you. I don't like her and she can't like me when she likes you. We all know how much she loves you. She only has eyes for you.”

“She told me it was all a lie! That she has you. Or wants you. Do you know what that means? My life is a lie!”

“Woohyun, it's not a lie,” Myungsoo dared to say.

Woohyun turned the gun toward Myungsoo and Sungjong whimpered from behind him.

“It is and I refuse to live like this. With this heartache.”

Sungjong peeked out from behind Woohyun and they all watched as Woohyun took the gun and aimed it at his head.

“Don't!” they all screamed.

Sunggyu ran to stop but was too late. All he wound up doing was knocking the both to the ground. Dongwoo was already calling for an ambulance but they couldn't help. Woohyun had killed himself in front of all his friends. The moment that HaNi figured out from Sunggyu, she fell to the floor and began sobbing. She confessed to Sunggyu what she had done and felt like not only Woohyun's life had ended, but hers as well.

HaNi didn't talk to Woohyun's dad at the funeral and stuck by the boys. Before leaving, she handed him a a piece of paper.


Who is going to take over your business now? 



I'm really sorry for making you wait. I hope that even though it took me a while you still like it! :) I'm going to try to update quicker now. I hope I have the next one done by the end of this week! Again, sorry and hope you liked it!

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NADAvheart #1
Chapter 6: Oh my god i just love your stories can you please make me one
Am nada and my bias is sunggyu
Characters: Lee Enna (OC) & Kim Myungsoo\L (INFINITE)
Song: Before The Dawn By INFINITE
Genre: Angst, Dark, Horror, Romance.
Plot: Enna was kidnapped by the hand of a vampire Kim Myungsoo, Myungsoo make her his slave, torture and drunk her blood, she want to escape but how? and worst, she fall in love with him?

i really look forward to my request, thank you in advance Author-nim :)
hi! could i have a sunggyu one shot? thank you!
siaangge #4
Chapter 5: i love all your stories :) pls make me one. Me (Gel) and my partner Kim Sunggyu :P i want that me and sunggyu be married. :D HAHAHAHAH! i can't think of a good story for us. Maybe a Lovestory will do. Pls make our's an incredible story. HAHAH Such a demanding :) Thanks in advance :)
Chapter 37: omo~! there's a chapter for me xD
thank you so much~~~
Chapter 2: Sweet namstar <333
Chapter 16: “I love her so much! I love her so much I don't know where to begin!”

“Then tell her. It doesn't do anything to tell me all of this.”

Lol! Typical Hoya!!!
Chapter 11: The mind playing game with L is so cute!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwww! Love this! Woohyun's so great!