Happy Birthday! (Sungyeol)

Infinite One Shots Galore!


Olivia hurried over to the dorm and had Sunggyu let her in.


“He's still sleeping,” Sunggyu informed her.


She felt the present in her pocket before she went into the shared room of Hoya, Sungyeol, and Sungjong. Both Sungjong and Hoya were already awake and staring at Sungyeol. Olivia joined them in watching the Infinite members. Soon the other members shuffled into the room and Olivia counted to three for them.


“Happy Birthday!” They all screamed together at Sungyeol.


He freaked out at the greeting and sat straight up in his bed.


“What the...?”


He rubbed his tired eyes and then looked at s and fellow friend Olivia.


“Come celebrate your birthday,” Olivia said tugging on his arm.


Sungyeol climbed down off his bunk and used Olivia to keep his tired self up. They went into the little living room and sat down on the floor, surrounded by balloons blown up late the night before by Myungsoo and Sungjong.


“We can start with breakfast right? I'm starving,” Sungyeol said.


Olivia shook her head as she laid out next to Sungyeol. He joined her in laying down and started to mess with her hair. Brushing it with his fingers.


“So what are we doing for my birthday?” he asked.


“We all have gifts for you,” Sungjong said as he got up to grab everyone's presents from Sunggyu's and Woohyun's room.


He brought them all out and put them in front of Sungyeol. He opened Woohyun's first and found it to be Secret's latest CD.


“Yes!” He cheered and thanked Woohyun for the CD.


After opening the rest of the members presents, all that was left was Olivia's. Sungyeol held out his hands but Olivia didn't give him anything. She bit her lip and was now second guessing whether or not she liked her present anymore. Olivia thought about lying and saying that she left it at home. Though she was sure Sungyeol would see through her lies.


“I want to eat first,” Olivia said getting up.


She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a pan to make some fried eggs for everyone. Seeing that Sungyeol was starving and so was everyone else, they all decided her present could wait. As she cooked, Olivia thought about the pros and cons of her present. Something she knew she should have done the day she was buying but at the time it just seemed perfect she didn't dare second guess herself.


While they ate, Olivia tried to get everyone's mind off the present. She thought she was in the clear until Sungjong suggested putting in Secret's CD.


“That's right, Olivia hasn't given her present,” Myungsoo said, hiding his smirk.


He knew what Olivia was giving him. The day she bought his present, he was there with her and even helped her in picking just the right one.


“About that,” Olivia said, “I don't like my present anymore. I think your going to hate it Sungyeol.”


“He won't hate it,” Myungsoo assured her.


“If it came from you, how could I hate it?” Sungyeol asked, “after all, your my best friend.”


The last two words made Olivia sure. Her present would make her look like a fool. She tried to make a run for it but Myungsoo was a step ahead of her and caught her at the door. He pulled the squirming Olivia back to Sungyeol and sat her down next to him.


“Just give him his present,” Myungsoo said.


Olivia looked at the other members around the room and then at her pocket which had the present. She slowly reached in her pocket and pulled the small gift out. She kept it clenched in her hands and put her hands behind her back before speaking.


“Before I give Sungyeol my present, I would like to ask if everyone else would leave the room. I'd rather this be a gift exchanged with no one around.”


Infinite complained but still left the room. Myungsoo peeked out the crack of his door and watched as Olivia took her hands out from behind her back and opened up her hand in front of Sungyeol. In her hand were two rings.


“They're couple rings. I bought them thinking that I'd tell you that I like you today. I guess I am but it was much easier in my head. I started to doubt that this was a good present and I thought if you didn't feel the same then I just made a fool of myself and I thought it would ruin your birthday. So I'm going to shut up now and will you please tell me I'm not sounding like an idiot over here and that you like the rings. Also, maybe tell me you feel the same?”


Olivia bit her lip nervous and watched as Sungyeol took the rings from her hand. He put one on his finger then he took Olivia's hand and placed the other one on her finger. He kissed her hand and smiled at her.


“It's the best present this year, hands down,” Sungyeol told her.


Olivia sighed with relief as Woohyun came out of his room.


“What about my CD I got you?” he asked.


Sunggyu came out and apologized on Woohyun's behalf as he pulled him back into the room closing the door behind him.


“We had made reservations tonight at this fancy restaurant for your birthday and it was supposed to be all of us. Your members plus me. Seeing that we're kind of together now, I think they would understand if we made it just us, right?”


“No we wouldn't,” Myungsoo said coming out of his room, showing that he was also listening in.”I'm happy for you two and I'm rooting for you but I want delicious food from an expensive restaurant tonight and so do the others.”


Everyone came out of their room and agreed with Myungsoo.


“Fine, we can go on a date tomorrow,” Sungyeol said.


He looked over at Olivia to see if she was okay with it.


“We can go tomorrow. I'm just relieved that you said yes. After you threw in that best friend, I thought that you'd say no.”


“He said yes though. You should listen to me more often,” Myungsoo said.


Olivia shot him a glare which made Myungsoo shrink behind Dongwoo. Sungyeol laughed and put an arm around Olivia's shoulder.


“This birthday is turning out to be the best one yet,” he said.


Myungsoo then went to the kitchen and grabbed the cake, bringing it out in front of Sungyeol. Everyone sang to Sungyeol and he closed his eyes and made a wish before he blew out the candles.


“What did you wish for?” Hoya asked.


“He's not supposed to say,” Sungjong said, “or it might not come true.”


“I wished for a kiss on my birthday,” Sungyeol said.


They all looked at Olivia, waiting for her to make Sungyeol's wish come true. She ignored the fact she had the rest of Infinite watching her and granted his birthday wish by kissing him on the lips.


“Happy birthday, Lee Sungyeol: boyfriend.” Olivia told him, a smile so wide on her face.


“Thank you, Olivia Kim: girlfriend.”


They shared one more kiss before it was time for cake. 


Happy Birthday Lee Sungyeol! ♥

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NADAvheart #1
Chapter 6: Oh my god i just love your stories can you please make me one
Am nada and my bias is sunggyu
Characters: Lee Enna (OC) & Kim Myungsoo\L (INFINITE)
Song: Before The Dawn By INFINITE
Genre: Angst, Dark, Horror, Romance.
Plot: Enna was kidnapped by the hand of a vampire Kim Myungsoo, Myungsoo make her his slave, torture and drunk her blood, she want to escape but how? and worst, she fall in love with him?

i really look forward to my request, thank you in advance Author-nim :)
hi! could i have a sunggyu one shot? thank you!
siaangge #4
Chapter 5: i love all your stories :) pls make me one. Me (Gel) and my partner Kim Sunggyu :P i want that me and sunggyu be married. :D HAHAHAHAH! i can't think of a good story for us. Maybe a Lovestory will do. Pls make our's an incredible story. HAHAH Such a demanding :) Thanks in advance :)
Chapter 37: omo~! there's a chapter for me xD
thank you so much~~~
Chapter 2: Sweet namstar <333
Chapter 16: “I love her so much! I love her so much I don't know where to begin!”

“Then tell her. It doesn't do anything to tell me all of this.”

Lol! Typical Hoya!!!
Chapter 11: The mind playing game with L is so cute!!!!
Chapter 2: Awwwww! Love this! Woohyun's so great!