Ch. 17

My Son is An Idol

Woosoon groaned as soon as he woke up, rubbing his forehead in hopes to get rid of the headache from all the crying he did. As soon as Hongchul went in to surgery, he broke down, not being able to handle it. The poor boy was scared to death. He prayed and prayed that nothing in the surgery would go wrong. He couldn’t lose his best friend.

He then looked over to the bed next to him to find that Hongchul was back. He was sleeping, but the still body terrified Woosoon. He jumped up and rushed over to the boy, dragging his IV with him. He shook the boy harshly, ignoring the soft breaths coming from his hyung that said he was alive. There was no way he would lose him.

“Hongchul hyung!” he cried repeatedly as he shook him, tears running down his cheeks. “Hongchul hyung! Wake up!”

“Ow! That hurts!” Hongchul whined, batting at the boy. “Stop it! It really hurts!”

“Hyung! I thought I lost you!” Woosoon cried, throwing his arms around him and crying in to his chest.

“W-woosoon?” Hongchul asked, before immediately hugging him back. “Shh, Hyung’s here. Hyung’s not going anywhere. Not without you.”

“I was so scared,” Woosoon whispered, causing Hongchul to tighten his hold.

“Dont’ be scared,” Hongchul told him. “I’ll always be by your side.”

“Ne hyung,” Woosoon replied, trying to calm himself down. “H-how are you feeling?
“Hungry,” Hongchul replied, causing Woosoon to pout and hit his chest. “Ow! That hurts!”

“That’s not what I meant, hyung,” Woosoon said, burrowing his face deeper into Hongchul’s chest. “You’re always hungry.”

“Okay, I’m sorry,” Hongchul said with a light chuckle. “Honestly, I’m in a lot of pain, but I’ll be okay. I need to worry about my Woosoon now. You’ll be next.”

“Your Woosoon?” Woosoon asked with a small smile, secretly liking the sound of that. Alot.

“Yes, my Woosoon,” Hongchul replied, before realizing what he said and turning a very bright red. “Wait, no, I didn’t say that!”

“Hyung, do you like me?” Woosoon asked, hearing the older boy’s heartbeat loud and clear.

“W-what?” Hongchul asked with wide eyes. “N-no! N-not like that!”

“Hyung, you’re blushing,” Woosoon said, pulling back and looking at his face. “YOu DO like me! Admit it! It’s so obvious now that I think about it. Hongchul hyung likes-”

“Am I interrupting something?!” a voice cried as the door burst open and Dongmoon came skipping in.

“Y-yah! Kim Dongmoon!” Hongchul cried, pushing Woosoon off of him.

“You seem to be doing fine,” Jang replied as he, Kwangsoo and Kangson came in. “And to think you just got out of surgery a couple of hours ago.”

“How are you feeling, by the way?” Kwangsoo asked him.

“Like hell,” Hongchul admitted. “My whole body is in pain, especially my stomach. I want to die! And I’m so hungry!”

“Hyung, you’re always hungry,” Kangson stated, rolling his eyes.

“Are you bleeding?” Hongchul suddenly asked, turning on Dongmoon.

“Huh?” Dongmoon asked, wiping his forehead. “I guess I am.”

“That’s why we told you to stay with us when we went outside,” Kwangsoo scolded him.

“I wonder how Kyle got through that crowd,” Jang said with a frown. “Dongmoon was attacked. So I wonder if Kyle was too.”

“Where’s Kyle?” Hongchul asked, looking around. “And what crowds?”

“Kyle went to see his parents. They’re coming later,” Kwangsoo replied. “And we have millions of reporters and fans asking about your’s and Woosoon’s condition outside the dorms.”

“Speaking of Woosoon hyung, where is he?” Kangson asked, looking around the room.

“I saw him!” Dongmoon cried. “He was hugging Hongchul hyung when I came in!”

“Yah! YOu scared him away!” Hongchul cried, jumping out of bed before collapsing back down in pain. “Ow! It hurts!”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Jang asked, running over to him and forcing him to lay down. “You just got out of surgery! You need to rest.”

“I don’t care! I need to find him!” Hongchul cried.

“You stay. I’ll look,” Kwangsoo ordered.

Kwangsoo looked around before spotting the bathroom in the corner. The door was slightly ajar. Kwangsoo sighed and walked in to the bathroom. Once again, Woosoon was puking into the toilet. Kwangsoo frowned and walked over to him.

“Woosoon-ah,” Kwangsoo said softly, kneeling down next to him. “Are you okay?”

“N-no,” he whispered. “I feel like crap. I’m gonna die!”

“You’re not going to die,” Kwangsoo assured him. “Just hang in there.”

“I-I want Hongchul hyung,” Woosoon whispered with tears streaming down his cheeks, before throwing up once again.

“Just calm down,” Kwangsoo said softly. “He’s right outside. He’s not leaving.”

“H-he said I-I’m his Woosoon,” Woosoon told his leader. “Hyung, Hongchul hyung likes me.”

“What?” a voice asked, causing the two to turn and find Woohyun standing in the doorway to the bathroom. “He WHAT?!”

“D-dad,” Woosoon said with a frown. “Please don’t do anything-”

“Everyone, out of the room,” Woohyun ordered, causing Woosoon to frown even more.

Kwangsoo helped him stand up and Woosoon flushed the toilet. They then left the room with everyone left as Woohyun glared over at a scared Hongchul. Sunggyu exchanged nervous glances with his oldest son before looking over at Woohyun. He tried calming his husband down, but it was in vain. He was very protective over his little Woosoon.




“Why is Woohyun hyung so mad anyway?” Sungjong asked as everyone sat outside the hospital room, Woosoon in the corner and curled up in a ball.

“Dad and Appa are going to kill him,” Kyle said with a frown.

“They’re not going to be THAT harsh,” Dongwoo assured him.

“I don’t know, he looked pretty scary,” Dongmoon stated.

“And he sounded REALLY mad,” Kwangsoo added.

“Sunggyu hyung won’t let him do anything,” Hoya stated.

“I’m with Sungjong though,” Sungyeol said with a frown. “Hyung shouldn’t be THAT mad.”

“Yeah, who cares if Hongchul likes his son,” Myungsoo said, nodding his head.

“Hongchul would take great care of Woosoon-ah,” Jang piped up.

“Yeah! Hyung’s the best!” Kangson cheered.

“My poor poor hyung,” Woosoon whispered, rocking back and forth. “Poor poor hyung.”

“It will be okay, hyung,” Kyle said, walking over to his brother and wrapping his arms around him.

“Your dad might be insane right now,” Dongwoo said, sitting down next to them. “But he won’t do anything. Woohyun doesn’t have the heart to do anything. And especially if Sunggyu’s around, he would be too terrified to do anything. You know Sunggyu won’t let anything happen.”

“But it’s my fault,” Woosoon whispered. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Yah, we had no idea he was listening to our conversation,” Kwangsoo stated. “There’s no way we could’ve known. We were just having a dongsaeng-hyung conversation. Don’t take it to heart, Woosoon-ah.”

“I have one question for you,” Kyle said, looking up at his brother. “What’s your thoughts on Hongchul hyung? Do you like him back?”

“I... Um, I think maybe I do,” Woosoon whispered, nodding his head. “I think so.”

“And there should be be nothing wrong with that,” Sungjong assured him. “Your parents know that, too. Your dad, well, he’s just being a dad. Dads do crazy things like this. I would probably be the same way with my Kang Re and Ma Re.”

“Yeah, we do anything and everything to make sure our kids are safe,” Hoya added, nodding his head. “And sure you’re older now and should be able to make your own choices, but you’re still his baby. We’ve noticed that even though you’re the oldest, you’re still the most precious to your father cause you’re very vulnerable. He loves all three of you the same, but he’ll always make sure to do anything in his power to make sure you don’t get hurt. He would do the same with Kyle and Misun as well.”

“But he’ll give Kyle and Misun a little more slack,” Myungsoo said with a small smile. “Because you’ve seen how independent Kyle and Misun are. Especially Kyle. Everything has to go his way.”

“Yah! That’s not true!” Kyle protested, pouted.

“Don’t lie, hyung,” Kangson said, shaking his head. “It’s so true!”

“Kyle Nam, the most power hungry man you’ll ever meet,” Dongmoon said, causing everyone to laugh. “Kyle, it’s so true! Don’t kid yourself! I’m your best friend.”

“Yah!” Kyle cried, glaring at everyone. “I’m not like that.”

“Oh yes you are.”




“You’re not allowed to be with our son without our permission!” Woohyun cried right away, making Hongchul cower in his bed. “Woosoon is our baby! We’re not letting him go to just anyone!”

“I-it’s not like th-that,” Hongchul whimpered, banging his back on the wall as he backed away even more, crying out in pain.

“Careful, Woohyun!” Sunggyu cried, sitting on the bed and rubbing Hongchul’s back while glaring at his husband. “He just got out of surgery!”

“So you don’t like my son?!” Woohyun asked, ignoring Sunggyu’s comment.

“I I never said that,” Hongchul said.

“Then you do like him?!”

“I-I-” Hongchul whispered, tears falling down his cheeks.

“Stop scaring him, Woohyun,” Sunggyu scolded, pulling the terrified boy into a hug. “Ignore him, okay? It doesn’t matter whether you like him or not. If you like him, then that’s perfectly okay. If you don’t, then that’s okay too.”

“He needs our-”

“No he does not! And if he does, then he has MY permission if he DOES want to date my son,” Sunggyu interrupted him, letting Hongchul go. “It’s their decision.”

“I do like him,” Hongchul suddenly said. “I do like him, and I want to protect him.”

“Then I’ll let you do that,” Sunggyu told him. “We’ll allow you to do that, RIGHT Woohyun?!”


“Stop acting like this, Woohyun,” Sunggyu scolded his husband once again. “Kyle and Woosoon are adults now. They can make their own decisions. If Woosoon wants to date Hongchul, then let him date Hongchul! There’s nothing wrong with Hongchul, and there’s nothing wrong with them dating. Also, if Kyle wants to date... whoever, then let him do that. We can’t control our boys anymore! They’re at the age where they can make their own decisions.”

“I don’t want them to be with anyone who will hurt them,” Woohyun whispered.

“And do you think Hongchul will hurt him?!” Sunggyu shouted.

“Well of course not. I know he won’t.”

“Then he’s allowed to be with Woosoon, right?” Sunggyu asked again.

“Of course.”

“Then why are you making such a big deal about it?” Sunggyu asked him. “I bet Woosoon’s worried to death because of this! Woosoon shouldn’t even be sitting outside the room right now! He’s sick!”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“Now Hongchul,” Sunggyu said, turning back on the boy and smiling softly at him. “Woosoon’s in your hands now. Make sure to always take care of him and always make him happy. I know how much you like him and I’m so thankful for that. He needs someone like you there for him. You are all he needs to feel safe and protected. I can also tell how much he cares about you. If my son is happy, then I’m happy. And I know you’re the best choice for him. Prove to us how much he means to you, okay? That way you won’t get another angry Woohyun on your back. I’m sorry for my husband’s harsh attitude. He’s only like this because he loves his son.”

“I know,” Hongchul said, nodding his head. “And I promise to always protect him and keep him happy. I know right now is when he needs me the most. He’s going through such a hard time. He was terrified when he woke up and saw me sleeping next to him after my surgery. He thought he lost me. I know that he can never lose me. I know what I mean to him, and he means just as much to me.”

“Then hold on to him and don’t let him go,” Sunggyu said with a smile. “I trust you, Hongchul-ah. I know you’re an amazing choice.”

“Thank you,” Hongchul said with a smile as both him and Woohyun pulled the boy in to a hug. “Thank you.”


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Chapter 41: wahhhh that was super cool and nice story...i tried to imagine..what if time will come when INFINITE members finally meet their love of their life and got married and have kids and also us, inspirit have our own family too...and years goes by... until one day our kids love some idol group and will found out that all the members are the children of INFINITE...then will have some time to share with our kids about our fangirling with INFINITE hahhahhahah cant imagine that..maybe im super proud and happy because ive got a chance to have time to my future kids and show them with your collections hahahhaa...

gosh sorry authornim for leaving some none sense comment...but anyway hope you can update the fic, coz i think the chapter 29 are hanging... your not even have some scene where INFINITE finally have their comeback and also the INFINITE & ICEE collaboration (H4 , ll[Infinite -Icee]), Babiez and the Nam family collaboration...... and also the Starfish...ohh by the way i love you insert haru as one of the member and leader of starfish..coz she's my bias in THE RETURN OF SUPERMAN...i really love that girl she's so smart, cute, open minded and most of all, she's so talented...

again hope you can update more authornim~~ fighting!
amykim223 #2
Chapter 41: OMG!... .... Literally dot dot dot... I don't know what to say...
KimchiCupcakes #3
Chapter 41: The first part was emotional but towards it made me laugh
KimchiCupcakes #4
Chapter 41: Lol the ending I kinda expected it tho
shion-chan #5
Chapter 41: this family really has never ending drama, everytime i think they finally have some peace something else happens...-_-
kwangsoo is in trouble now, kyle, woosoon, sunggyu and woohyun are going to skin him alive, not to mention how this will affect the dynamic of icee.
and misun will be grounded for life for sure.
Chapter 41: Ohh damn busted hahaha
i am glad the boys finally made up
It would be so sad if they didn't
Chapter 40: Awwww i wanna buy but i bought stuff online and my mum will definitely kill me if i ask her to buy this for me T.T
KimchiCupcakes #8
Chapter 40: Aww I wish I could go to the concert when they were here in SG but my parents aleady brought me to Big Bang's concert and they don't know I like infinite
amykim223 #9
Chapter 1: Hoya and Sungjong have like the cutest kids...
KimchiCupcakes #10
Chapter 39: Woah........