Guest Appearance^.^

Cupid's Day Out

Chapter 9

You stayed at the shop working, but mostly spying on Cho Hee and the teacher guy, Now how am I going to get them together without my bows and arrows.  You wiped down a table, “Cho Hee unni.”  Cho Hee walked up to you, “Ne?”  You smiled at her, don’t make anything to obvious, “Umm, I just wanted to know if…”


“If…”  Somebody walked in the shop and Cho Hee glowed as she walked over to him, “Oppa!”

“Hey, Cho Hee, what’s up?”  The guy asked.  You walked over to them and greeted him, the guy nodded and asked, “Are you a new employee?”  You tilted your head and looked at Cho Hee, Cho Hee shook her head, “Ani, she’s just filling in for today.”  She grabbed his arm and took him to a table, you turned around and saw the teacher guy leaving, you ran up to him.  He looked at you, confused, and asked, “Yes?”  You bite your lip and asked, “Are you a teacher at Seoul Song High School?”  The teacher guy smiled and nodded, you smiled and asked, “Can you say ‘hi’ to my… cousin at your school, she’s new and she doesn’t know anyone there.”  He blinked, “Wouldn’t you want to ask a student from that school instead?”  You shook your head, “No, I think a teacher would be best.”

He chuckled and nodded his head, “Ok, if you think its best, what’s her name?”

“Ae Cha, Hwa Ae Cha,” you said giving yourself a mental thumbs up. 

“And what’s your name?”


“So I can tell her, her cousin told me to say hi to her, so it won’t be weird.”  You nodded and looked around you saw the menu, Americano, “My name is Ricano, Ame Ricano.”  The guy nodded his head and put his hand out, “That’s an interesting name,” you took his and shook, “My name is Kim Hyun Jung.”  You nodded your head and waved goodbye, he gave a smile and left.


 As you turned around you saw Cho Hee, who looked very confused, “Hi,” you waved at her, awkwardly.  Cho Hee laughed a little too loud and said, “Ame Ricano?”  You smiled and Cho Hee and you walked to the back out of the counter, you saw the guy she called ‘oppa’ come to the counter, “Here you’re favorite,” Cho Hee gleamed handing a cup to him, then she said, “Have fun at work!”  He smiled and walked away, you turned to her, “Your oppa looks the same age as you.”  Cho Hee laughed and bumped your shoulder with hers, “He’s not that ‘oppa’,”

“Eh?  There’s different types of oppas?”

Cho Hee nodded, “He’s my boyfriend?”  You nodded and then widen your eyes, “You’re What?!”



All of them sighed, and Kai spoke up again, “I wonder why?”  Luhan lifted up a piece of meat from Xiumin’s lunch box and flew it to his mouth, Xiumin noticed, “Yah! Don’t think just because you can move things with your mind, you could just take my stuff.” 

“It’s called telekinesis, hyung,” Luhan laughed and Xiumin freeze the ground Luhan was sitting in, “Yah! Hyung that’s not nice,” Luhan tried to move, but couldn’t, “You even freeze me to the ground, now my butts freezing.”  Everybody started laughing at Luhan, Kris sighed, “Chanyeol.”  Everybody looked at Kris then Chanyeol, “N… ne?”  Kris smiled, “Melt the ice.”

“EHHH?” everybody erupted, Luhan turned pale.


  Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows, “Hyung, I can let the light hit the ice to melt…”

“No, I want Chanyeol to master his power, so I’m going to let him do it.”

“Yea, but he can put the building on fire, not to mention Luhan,” Chen pointed out.  Luhan felt dizzy and put his head on Sehun shoulder.  Chanyeol pouted, “Can’t you guys have a little faith in me?”  They all looked at each other and then said in unison, “NO!”

  Kris sighed and walked up to Chanyeol, “Chanyeol, just put the heat of the fire to your hand, NOT the embers, okay.”  Chanyeol nodded and Kris put his hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder.  Chanyeol’s hand shook as he placed it gently on the frozen ground; his hand glowing from heat, Baekhyun said softly, “Focus.”  The ice started melting, and turned to water; Suho lifted the water and flicked it to the other side of the roof.  After the frozen ice was all melted everybody sighed in relief.  “He actually did it,” Tao said.  Kai got up and looked at Chanyeol, Chanyeol lifted his hand from the ground as Kris walked back to the wall again.  “I did it!” he turned to the others, “I told you I could do it.”


“Then could you turn off the flame from your hand!” Chen said staring at Chanyeol’s hand that started producing flames, “Oh crap.” Chanyeol got up and started shaking his hand, Luhan leaned to Sehun, “I’m so glad that didn’t happen when he was defrosting the ground that was attached to my ,” Sehun nodded smirking and drinking his water at Chanyeol freaking out. 


“Chanyeol hold still,” Suho said as he lifted a big blob of water from Lays water bottle, Chanyeol hold his hand still and Suho splashed the water onto it, eliminating the embers.  Lay got up and healed Chanyeol’s hand, “You even burned yourself.”

“Is that even possible?” D.O asked as he finished his lunch.  Lay nodded, “Do you know how many times I had to heal someone at home, because they couldn’t control their powers.”  Kris looked at Tao, who was in deep thought, “What are you thinking about Tao?”  Everybody turned to Tao, Tao said, “Can Lay hyung heal time if I mess it up?”  They all furrowed their eyebrows and looked at Lay.  Lay sighed, “No, it’s not possible.” 

“Well, Tao can turned back time to make sure time doesn’t mess up,” D.O said.  Kris shook his head, “Well, that all depends on how bad he messed up, and also how well he mastered his powers, just like all of us.”  They all nodded and Baekhyun jumped up, “Come on guys, let’s not talk about sad, depressing, serious stuff,” Baekhyun smiled, “Who wants to go first?”

“Well, I saved a girl from drowning,” Suho chimed.

“What girl?” D.O asked.

“She didn’t see you use your powers, did she?” Luhan asked.

 Suho shook his head, “At first I thought she did, since she notice I wasn’t wet, but then she started splashing me, and she’s the girl Seo Ya was looking for, Ae Cha.”

“Ae Cha, Hwa Ae Cha?” Baekhyun ask sitting down.

“Yea,” Suho said, and then remembered, “Oh, right Lay said you took her to the nurses.”

Xiumin folded his arms, “So who else met her?”


  D.O, Suho, Lay, Baekhyun, and Kris raised their hand, everybody looked at Kris.  “Why are you guys looking at me?” Kris asked.

“Well, it’s funny because you hate it when people you don’t know talk to you and such,” Kai said wringing his fingers.

“Well, how did you guys meet her,” Chen asked, “Because of what I heard so far seems like she was on her way to her deathbed.”

“Yea, so far she had the flu, and she almost drowned,” Luhan chimed in, “D.O, how did you meet her?” 

“Well,” D.O started, “I was running to get to class and I ran into her, and she flew like 4 feet.”  Everybody looked at him and laughed, “What?” D.O pouted.


“It’s funny, because first she was sick, then she almost drowned, and now she collided with a beast,” Sehun chuckled.  Kai smiled, “She sounds like and interesting young human girl.”

“Well, for me it was kind of different,” Kris yawned.  Everybody turned their attention to him. 

“How so?” Baekhyun asked with a smile crawling on his face.  Kris squinted his eyes and smiled, “Well, she thought I was going to commit suicide.”  Everybody was silent and then surprisingly Tao snuck out a laugh first, which then started a chain reaction, and made everybody laugh.

“She thought you were going to commit suicide!” Xiumin covered his mouth, so he wouldn’t laugh so much.  Kris smiled and nodded, Luhan cocked his head to the side, “I can’t wait to meet her and see what other accidents will happen.”

“Yea, but we probably won’t even be able to talk to her if Seo Ya has anything to say about it,” Chanyeol sighed and then smiled, “but if Baekhyun has a plan.”  They all turned to Baekhyun, he widened his eyes, “Huh?”




Authors Note:

Oh no Cho Hee has a boyfriend, does anyone know how this will play out.  Kim Hyun Jung made a guest apperance Yay!^^  I hope you enjot this chapter. <(^.^<)

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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too