Memory overload...

Cupid's Day Out





“Soo… you been banished?” was the only thing you said after Cho Hee went on a rant on what happened to them.  Cho Hee and the others looked at you, dumbfounded, “That was all you got from this?”  You blinked and nodded.  They all face-palmed themselves and then Sehun said, “Prince Changmin is evil… now you get it?”

You blinked and then blinked again before you scrunched up your face, “But he’s my fiancé.”

“Even if he’s your husband it doesn’t change the fact that he just wants your power!” Kris said completely frustrated.  You looked over at Mi Ah to put it in simple terms; Mi Ah sighed, “Prince Changmin is not marrying you for love he’s marrying you because he wants something… he wants your ultimate power that could destroy the galaxy… after that he doesn’t need you and he was the one who brought V back to life, because V could that power out of you.  But he’s not using V anymore, instead he’s waiting until you finish your mission, so he could marry you and then get a hold of that power.  He’s planning to rule the galaxy… and if he tries… your father would fight.  But since the power your holding within you is strong, so if he gets his hands on it, he will kill your father which will be like you killing your own father because it is your power.”

Everybody blinked at Mi Ah , the one they thought was a complete airhead.  Mi Ah turned to them and shrugged before turning to you, patting your shoulder, “You get it now?”  You sighed and nodded before turning to the others, “So what do you want me to do?”

“We want you to…”

“AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!”  Everybody jumped and turned to the two, NuNu and Sungjong.  NuNu was screaming, digging her claws onto Sungjong’s shoulders, while Sungjong was biting his lip, trying to keep focus on NuNu’s mind.  Mi Ah widened her eyes and was about to pull NuNu away from but you grabbed her, holding her still, “Don’t.”

“Why? She’s hurting him!”

“Ae Cha’s right,” Cho Hee piped in, “If you separate them now… who knows what will happen with their minds.”  Mi Ah bit her lip and turned around, her chin resting on your shoulder as you held her, watching the scene unfold your eyes and somehow figuring out what’s going on.

~             ~             ~             ~             ~             ~

“Ok, NuNu are you listening to me?”

“Wait… are you speaking to me… is that you Sungjong?”

“Yup! I’m speaking to you with my mind.”

“Ah… I see, so even if we are going to my memories you can speak to me?”

“Not exactly… ok so I’m going to go deep in your mind.  Do you want your first memories?”

“Yes… can you go all the way back?”

“I can, hold on to my shoulders.”  As he said that NuNu automatically put her hands on his shoulders and felt a shock… it didn’t hurt, but it surprise her.  After that shock she saw her life unfold.

~             ~             ~             ~             ~             ~

“She’s…” a man said as he held a baby in his hands, “She’s beautiful.”

“Let me see her,” a woman held out her toothpick arms and the man gently placed the baby in her arms, caressing the baby’s hair before caressing the woman’s cheek, “She looks just like you my leckta.”  The woman laughed and pulled the man’s forehead against hers, “But she has your personality my shono.” 

“And how would you know that?” The man laughed as her pulled back for it is scandalous to show affection in public.  “I can feel it… she has a tough persona.”

“That won’t serve her well here… my leckta you have to show her the way on woman, so soon she can find a mate.”  The woman sighed, “My shono you know…” the woman paused her listening before handing the baby into the man’s arms, “Hide her now… they are coming,” she hissed.  The man nodded and disappeared out the window… the child staring at him as he ran for his life.

Soon they arrived in a house on the mountains, “They will not find us here… for now,” the man huffed as he laid the child down.  “Neneya are you home?” a little girl asked as she went inside the room.  The man crouched down and gathered the little girl in his arms, taking her to see the baby.  “Is that my baniya?”

“Yes, my ponde that is your baniya.”  The little girl tilted her head, “Neneya, why does she have two sets of ear then?”  The father sighed and his smile faltered a little, “That is because your baniya is special…”

“What do you mean?” The little girl wiggled her nose, “I read about those in books at school… they are evil so the government is killing them off,” she widened her eyes, “Are they going to kill my banida?!”

“No, because we are not going to let them.”

“But they say they are evil.”

“They are not… your ancestors… my neneya was even one… she inherited it and so she is special and we must protect her.”  The little girl tilted her head and then looked around, “Where’s nanaya?”

“She will be with us shortly… let us make a feast, where is your banoda?”

“He is still out hunting neneya.”  The father nodded and put the girl down, “How long has it been since he has left?”

“About an hour.”

“He should be home soon then.  Stay with your banida while I wait for your banoda,” he put his hand on her forehead and walked out.  The little girl grabbed a stool and sat on it, looking at the baby with curious eyes while she too looked back.  “You are very ugly,” the girl finally said and the baby just started giggling like crazy, holding her hands up to be carried.  The little girl smiled a little and petted the baby’s ear before flinching back as the ear moved, “That’s scary!”

“What’s scary?” a boy said as he place some stuff down before walking to the little girl.  “Our banida… her other ears move!”  The boy furrowed his eyebrows and looked in the crate in which the baby was placed; he widened his eyes before charging out of the room, pushing the girl back before walking to his father, “Neneya!”

“What is it my pondo?” the father turned to see his son.  The son rolled his eyes, “Why did you bring that creature here?”  The fathers smile fell and looked at the boy with intense eyes, “That creature is your banida!”

“She’s a danger in our family! If the government figures out, they will kill us all!  Dump her on the streets; we cannot have this monster threatening our lives!” The father grabbed the boy’s collar lifting him slightly, for the boy is just a few centimeters shorter, “If you dare touch a hair on your banida, you will be banished from this house… now go and fix your attitude before your nanaya comes back.”  The boy huffed and ran out of the house.  He sat at the foot steps and looked at the darkening skies before directing his gaze at the city; he watched slightly as he could see far away that the government’s military were doing their rounds.  “They’ll be coming to the mountains soon,” he whispered to himself.

“That’s why we have to be prepared,” a smooth voice said and the boy turned around before getting up and pulling the woman into a hug.  “You’re back.”

“Of course… had to be...”

“The hospital… the called the government didn’t they?  Because you gave birth to that monster!”  The woman looked at the boy and sighed, “No they did not, if they did, why would they help me escape?”

The boy looked down and nodded before they both went inside free from the cold.  “Nanaya!” the little girl cried and ran up to her mother; the mother caressed the little girls cheeks, “How is your banida?”

“She’s… she’s very weird nanaya,” she scrunched up her nose.  The mother blinked, “How so?”

“Her ears move and she looks very ugly.”  The mother pursed her lips and pulled at the little girl’s nose, “Are you telling me I gave birth to an ugly child?”  The little girl nodded, “But don’t worry at least you have a pretty ponde right here!”  The mother rolled her eyes and stood up, seeing her husband bring in the baby.  “Let’s eat!”

A couple days have passed and the mother and father were beginning to grow worry for their baby.  They decided that they would go out on a business trip to the other side of the planet.  “Neneya! Nanaya! Why are you making me take care of this thing?!” the boy yelled as he comforted his parents and young sister at the door, “Bring me with you… leave my bandia with that demon!”

“No you are the oldest so you stay… and that child is not a demon, she is your banida,” the father said and then stormed out of the house.  The mother looked at her child, “Stay safe.  Make sure her cap is snug and her tail is tucked in her pants,” the mother placed her forehead and her sons before walking out.  The little girl smiled at her brother, “Take good care of our ugly banida…” she waved and walked out leaving her brother and the baby.


A couple more days have passed and his parents and his sister have still not returned home.  “Here eat,” the boy said as he placed an open jar with a spoon sticking out of it in front of the baby.  The baby stared at it and back to the boy before giggling again.  “Do we really have to go through this again? Are you that stupid?” he grabbed the spoon and then the baby’s hand, “You grab it and then move it to your month as simply as th…” he heard the phone ring and he immediately left the room.

“Hello?” he answered as soon as he got the phone.  “Hey Hoseok! I was just wondering where have you been man?! It’s been days since I saw you… not only me but all of us.  Are you grounded? If only the gov… umm you know allowed us to you know…” the boy, Hoseok sighed as his friend tried to cover up since he knew the government always listens to conversations on the phone, sites, everywhere… mostly.  “I was just at home… we could meet up today if you want.”

“That’ll be great! See ya then!”

“Yea… see ya.”  They hanged up and Hoseok grabbed a bag, checking on the baby who was just sitting down giggling as usual.  He grabbed the baby and put her in the carriage, making sure her hat is snug and her tail was unseen after he grabbed a few things and put it in the bag before running out of the house.

The baby blinked as the door closed and grabbed onto the edges for her to stand.  She closed her eyes and listened for her brother; she got annoyed since she couldn’t here as far so she struggled to take off her hat.  She took it off dropping it in the crib before closing her eyes again; her ears twitched as she heard a familiar sound with an unfamiliar one… but hearing wasn’t enough, her tail popped out from her pants and she countered all her energy on the familiar sound and soon the voices matched a moving picture:

“Hoseok!” a boy waved his hands; Hoseok rolled his eyes at the boy and grabbed his arm, “No one followed you right?”

“Of course not… I knew you wouldn’t want to see other people,” the boy smiled childishly and then sat down against a tree stump, “So what have you been doing?”

“Hunting,” he sat down next to the other boy.  “Don’t lie… what have you’ve been really doing?”

“Taking care of a mon… my banida.”  The other boy nodded, “Well it’s a good thing you came out today… the military is going to the mountain houses today…”

“What?” Hoseok looked at the boys, eyes wide.  The boy lifted an eyebrow, “The military is checking the mountain houses today… you wouldn’t want to be in there when… Yah! Where are you going?!” the boy screamed as Hoseok ran.

The baby opened her eyes and pursed her tiny lips, making her way out of the carriage, falling to the floor where she gave an earth-shaking cry.  Her nails started to grow, paw prints appeared on her cheeks, green invaded the tips of her hair which grew in seconds, and her brown eyes turned a bright shade of pink; she howled in pain showing her canine teeth.

Just then the door slammed open, “Banida!” Hoseok called out as he ran to his sister, widening his eyes at your transformation, but then grabbed her and a bag that he carries when hunting before running out of the door.  The baby continued crying and Hoseok was freaking out running to his secret place before the government figures out what’s going on.

After a day of running he finally made it to his hide out; he collapsed down with the baby still in his arms, breathing heavily.  “Ba… banoda.”  Hoseok blinked at the voice and sat up placing the baby in front of him, “Did you say that?”

“Banoda!” the baby said with excitement, her tail wagging from side to side.  Hoseok bit his lips and shook his head before taking out a blanket from his bag, laying it down; he then grabbed the baby and placed her on it, “Go to sleep monster… maybe whatever transformation you made will go away… I hope at least.”

It became morning and Hoseok woke up when he felt a weight on him; he propped himself on his elbows and looked forward to see a girl on his stomach; he furrowed his eyes at the girl for he didn’t know who she was.  He then looked left to right for his sister yet she wasn’t there; he looked back at the girl and noticed that she had ears and a tail.  He shook his head and had the urge to slap himself, “She’s two today.”  He poked her until she woke up and then realized that he need to get some new clothes that would fit her growing body.

“I guess you grow faster than us,” he whispered as his sister started eating the packet he gave her, “At least you could feed yourself now.”  He got up and his sister looked at him, “Banoda?”

“We are going to get some clothes, but you,” he contemplated on what he needed to do.  He look at his sister noticing that her transformation still hasn’t gone away; he sighed and took off his jacket, wrapping her in it, trying to cover her up nicely, “Hopefully nobody will notice,” he whispered to himself as he adjusted his sisters body in his arms, “Let’s go.”

They arrived in town, everybody was rustling and bustling and Hoseok was getting adgitated.  He was impatient to the sellers and rudely pushing away other buyers.

“Hoseok!” somebody called out just as Hoseok bought a hat; he turned and widened his eyes, “Jungkook?!”  The said boy approached him and looked at the kid wrapped in his arms, “Is this your banida?  Can I look at her?”

“Uh…” Hoseok looked around and noticed a uniform… a uniform that belong to a government official, “I got to go…” he started to sneak away not knowing that Jungkook followed him.

He arrived back at the hide-out and placed his sister down, ruffling his hair, “At least we got what we need for now,” he grabbed his bag and dumped the contents.  He then unwrapped the jacket and threw the clothes to her, “Get changed.”  His sister looked at him blankly and then looked at the clothes.  Hoseok snarled, “Hurry, get changed!”

“H-Hoseok?”  Hoseok widened his eyes as he froze at the voice.  “Hoseok, y-your banida is…”  Hoseok took a deep breath and turned around, trying his best to hide his sister from you, “Jungkook, what are you doing here?”

“I followed you… but that still…” he blinked trying to process what he just saw; a tail, ears, weird birthmarks, pink devilish eyes.  “Did you see anything?” Hoseok asked, knowing it was a stupid question, but hope Jungkook’s slowness would come in handy.

“Your banida is…” Jungkook walked closer and cranked his neck to see the girl, “The government will try to kill her… they’re looking for her kind Hoseok!”  Hoseok bit his lip and sat down, “Jungkook you cannot tell anyone.”

“Of course I wouldn’t! Not after what they’ve done to my neneya.  He was one of them, but they killed him because he didn’t kill some women for doing nothing… I hate the government!” Jungkook looked at the girl and walked closer, tentatively reaching out for her perked ears, before soothingly petting it.

“Kook…” Hoseok choked out after a while of silence; Jungkook looked at him and smiled, “I’ll help you keep her safe.”  Hoseok nodded, his face not showing any emotion at all, “I’ll appreciate it… thanks Kook.”

“You’re welcome,” Jungkook laughed and carried the little girl, “So she’s the reason you ran all the way back to your house… where’s your family though?”

“Somewhere… they’ll come back, but I don’t know when,” Hoseok sighed and then put on his jacket, “I have to get some food can you watch over her?”

“Of course…” Jungkook smiled and then put her down grabbing the clothes that were on the floor, laughing, “But seriously Hoseok how can you expect a baby to know how to put on clothes by themselves?”

“She’s a monster of course I suspect it,” Hoseok sighed.  Jungkook looked at him, “Hos…”

“I got to go, see you later,” Hoseok interrupted quickly leaving the hide-out.  Jungkook looked at his descending figure before helping the little girl in her clothes, “Your banoda didn’t mean it.”


A few months have passed and Hoseok been out more and more, leaving Jungkook to care for the child himself.  Jungkook sighed as Hoseok once again did not return; he was feeding Hoseok’s sister, “Nadia,” he called her name that he have given her, “Come here Nadia.”  Nadia, Hoseok’s sister, walked over to him, stumbling slightly; Jungkook smiled and lifted her up as he praised her, “Good job Nadia! My sweet Nadia!” He caressed her cheeks and pulled lightly on her ears as she enjoys that.

“It’s time to go to sleep my Nadia, ok,” Jungkook set up the blanket and placed her down, lullabying her sleep.

A few hours has passed and Jungkook was snuggling with Nadia when Hoseok finally came; Jungkook quickly yet cautiously sat up, “Hoseok?”

There was a long pause before the other spoke, “Why aren’t you asleep yet?”  Jungkook sighed and light up the cave slightly seeing Hoseoks scarred face; he quickly stood up and walked up to him, “What happened? Why are you hurt?”

Hoseok shrugged him off, “Where’s that monster?”  Jungkook widened his eyes as he saw Hoseoks emotionless eyes, “Ho-hoseok? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said coldly as he set his eyes on his sister; Jungkook blinked and saw something glisten in Hoseoks hand; he quickly ran in front of the girl, “Hoseok calm down.” 

“Move aside Kook; I know what I’m doing.”  Jungkook shook his head and quickly grabbed the girl, “No, you don’t, I won’t let you hurt Nadia!”



“You named it?!”

“Yes.. but…”

“You named the monster that got my family killed?!”  Jungkook blinked and widened his eyes, “H-Hoseok… your f-family is d-dead?”  Hoseok looked away, “I saw their bodies on the pedestal near the government building; they’ve been capture.  It’s because of that demon that my family risked their lives; it’s because of that monster they got killed!!”  Hoseok turned back to Jungkook, “That’s why it should die too!” he lifted his hand, but Jungkook stopped him, “Hoseok if you do this you will have no one… She’s the only one with your blood! You cannot shed it… protect her like your parents did; protect her like your banida did.  Don’t go and do the government’s duty; instead lets fight them…”

“How…” Hoseok croaked, “How are we supposed to do that?  We are not strong enough; we don’t have much people on ou…”

“When you were away I brought Jimin here…”

“You what?”

“Just listen,” Jungkook sighed, “You know he told me he saw something special in Nadia; that we just have to wait till she grows older… we could take care of her till then…”

“No we have to send her away,” Hoseok sighed, “Because we can’t keep hiding especially since A Day is coming.  Get Jimin back here and tell him to bring the others.”

A few hours passed and four men entered, Hoseok and Jungkook stood up, “Welcome.”

“Why you call us? Is it because of that creature Jimin told us about,” one with tear tattoo asked.  “Yes, Yoongi,” Hoseok answered, “We need to know how to send her away… we can’t keep her since A Day is coming.”

“A Day, the time where all male juveniles go to see if their qualified to be in the government army,” Tear tattoo guy, Yoongi said as he nodded, “Where’s the little creature?”

“Her name is Nadia,” Jungkook smiled as he walked over walked back with Nadia holding his hand, “She’s five years now.”  Yoongi nodded and the others widened their eyes, “That’s the creature?!”

“Yes, Jin how many times do we have to say that,” Hoseok answered annoyed.  “You gave it a name?” this time a taller boy asked.  “Yes, Nadia… I gave it to her, Namjoon,” Jungkook said proudly. “Can I touch her tail?” a Jin asked and Hoseok slapped his hand, “No Jin.”

“Where do you plan on hiding her… it is hard to even leave,” Jimin appeared next to Nadia.  “That’s why we called…”

“How ‘bout Tomi Planet?” Yoongi interrupted Hoseok.  “Tomi Planet?” Namjoon tilted his head, “What kind of planet is that?”

“It’s a very peaceful planet.  The ruler is the Cupid King… they have…”

“What is she doing?!” Jin squeaked as he hid behind Namjoon.  Everybody blinked and looked at Nadia who was shaping into something else; Jungkook sighed and picked up the new kind of dog like creature, “She turns into different things… I’ve been trying to teach her how to control it, but it’s hard.  I think she’s getting the hang of it though.”

“S-she shape-shifts?!” Hoseok questioned, not any knowing that his sister could do that.  “Yes,” Jungkook smiled in amusement. 

There was a moment of silence and Jungkook was explaining to them about Nadia’s ability to the max and then told Nadia to turn back into which she did.

“That’s good it would be easier to smuggle her then,” Jimin said, but then sighed, “But it is still difficult to leave the country.”

“Since she could shape-shift into creatures we could put her in the creatures we could smuggler her to the port that’s going to Tomi Planet,” Yoongi suggested.  “How do you know it’s going to Tomi Planet?”

“My Uclin works there… our government wants peace with them so they are sending our lands most beautiful creatures to them, even though they always reject the creatures and send them back…”

“Then how can she stay there?” Jin interrupted, not understanding one thing everybody was saying.  “Let me finish,” Yoongi glared at him before continuing, “Anyway, she is six so she can understand and listen to what we say to her,” he turned to her and kneelt down, “Can you understand me?”  Nadia blinked and looked up at Jungkook for reassurance; when Jungkook nodded she turned back at Yoongi and slowly nodded.  Yoongi then started telling her and all of them what they should do in simple words, so they could all understand.


It came the time in which Nadia had to go; the group stayed behind a huge bush and Jungkook was with Yoongi trying to get you to shift into the perfect creature.  While they were doing that Namjoon, the tallest of them went up to Hoseok, “Are you going to miss her?”   Hoseok flinched and turned to Namjoon before turning back to face the bush, “No.”

“You will look for her,” Namjoon blankly said, “because you miss her.”

“I will look for that monster again,” Hoseok turned to him, his eyes dark, “Because we need her to win.”  Namjoon smirked and chuckled slightly, “Say whatever you need to get by, but just know that I know when someone’s lying even if they don’t know it,” with that Jin and Jimin cam by Hoseoks side. “Hoseok she’s ready,” Jimin said and Hoseok turned around to see a huge beast that was scary yet beautiful.  Hoseok nodded, “She knows what to do?”

“Yes, I told her and she told me she will do as she’s told because it’s to protect us,” Jungkook smiled sadly, petting the fur on her head, “It is time to go.”

They released her and she successfully boarded the pod with other strange animals.  The pod flew off and Nadia tried to hear her brother and the others, but the only thing she hear was, ‘See you soon… banida’; before the pod flew far enough that she couldn’t hear anymore.

Soon the pod landed, roughly and she awoke from her slumber.  Men came in and ushered the creatures out with rods and lightning; she got shocked once or twice until she finally came out.  The creatures were set to be in a line; she secretly made her way out of the line as she was told and ran, but without knowing someone noticed and followed her.

She ran into an alley and change to her true self, “So you are one of those monsters?”  She turned quickly and saw a man with a lightning rod.  “I should finish you off, since your still young,” he shifted his footing and before she knew it, she was stabbed with the lightning rod, sending her shocks all over her body.  Nadia roared and changed into a huge creature and clawed the lightning rod, sending it far away.  She huffed before pouncing on the man as he tried to run and quickly ripped his head with her teeth, sending it far before mangling the whole body.

She calmed down after the whole body was in pieces and turned to her true form, completely terrified of what she has just done; backing away from the body, “B-banoda was r-right…” she muttered, “I-I am n-nothing but a m-monster…”  “Stop!”

“A monster indeed,” another voice was heard and she turned to see other like her, but not like her, “Defiantly not a furry is she?” another voice asked.  “Stop…please!”  The other shook his head and look at the bloody mess, “We’re nice so we should let her out of her misery… is that right?”

“Of course.”  They turned back to her and before she knew it everything turned black.


She woke up after what feels like years and opened her eyes to see blood everywhere, “D-did I do this?” she asked herself as she looked around, “Where is this?”  She looked back at the pool of blood and pieces of skin everywhere, “What am I?”


“Stop! I said Stop!!” NuNu screamed and quickly ripped herself away from Sungjong, who opened his eyes quickly at the pain since her nails slashed him as well.  You looked at NuNu, who was having a freak attack, “NuNu are you alright? What happen?” you asked getting close to NuNu while Mi Ah went to Sungjong, holding his cut down with a towel Kai quickly got.  “I killed a man… I killed two furries… I killed my family… I am a murder!” she said, tears running down her cheeks.

Everybody turned to Sungjong who had a sad and frighten look on his face; he whimpered slightly, “You did not kill your family…”

“No, but I did… even my banoda said so!”

“Whatever this banoda said doesn’t mean you are,” Mi Ah said, “I hate you, but I know you aren’t evil.”  You smiled slightly at what Mi Ah said and wrapped your arms around NuNu, who flinched slightly.  “You are no monster… if killing someone means you’re a monster than we all are.”  NuNu looked at you with eyebrows furrowed and tears sliding down; you continued, “We all killed to defend… everybody that killed are not monster, but everybody that killed for the wrong reasons are.”  NuNu ‘s bottom lip quivered and hastily grabbed unto you; you smiled not trying to cry.

“No, I’m a monster,” NuNu murmured softly into your shoulder, “I hurt everyone around me.”  You ignored what she said and placed a hand on her head softly, making her go to sleep; when she did you turned to Kai, “Take her to a room…” you looked at everyone else, “I need someone to watch her with Kai  when she wakes up, so when she does Kai can inform us while the other watches her.”

“I will!” Junhong volunteered and grabbed NuNu’s sleeping body; Kai touched both and transported away.

“I will help you train,” you suddenly said as the dust disappeared, “And we will win the war that comes… the war that is needed to make peace with all the planets…”

“Really?! That’s…”

“But! Only if we help NuNu’s planet,” you interrupted Cho Hee.

“Why? What’s…”

“Sungjong!” you interrupted Cho Hee… again.  Sungjong looked up at you, wincing slightly as Mi Ah  started wrapping his shoulders with the help of Luhan, who was floating the needed objects to them, “Yes?”

“Tell me her memories… tell all of us what you saw.”


Sungjong told you all he saw… NuNu’s family, her brother, her brother’s friends or group; how she ended up in Tomi Planet.  You nodded as if you already knew this and Cho Hee noticed this, “How did you know about this Ae Cha?”

“Baekhyun take Kai’s position and send him down here… I need to speak with him,” you ignored Cho Hee because in reality you didn’t know how you knew either; it just popped into your mind like it has been your memory.  Tao went to Cho Hee and took her aside, “Her power is growing.”

“I can see that Tao…” she turned to him, “What’s going to happen?”  Tao dropped his gaze, “I’m not sure.”

“Dang it Tao!” Cho Hee hissed silently so the others won’t hear; she then looked at Tao’s sulking figure before patting his back, “You’ll get control soon… I’m sure of it.”


“You needed me?” Kai appeared before you and you nodded, “Can you transport to other planets?”

“Well I never tried,” Kai rubbed his neck and you grabbed onto him, “Try.  Take me to Putina, NuNu’s planet… now.”  Everybody stared and Sehun grabbed a whole of Kai, “I’ll come too.”  You nodded and Kai sighed, thinking strongly of where before they finally poofed away.  Mi Ah stared at the cloud of dust before directing her attention back at Sungjong, “Ae Cha… what’s going on with you?” she whispered, but both Sungjong and Luhan heard her.


“You did it,” you said as you landed on a rocky field.  “I did it?” Kai asked and started looked around, “Are you sure… we don’t even know if were in…”

“No, this is how the planet looks… although were quite far from the city,” you smiled and started walking, “Follow me… it’s this way.”  Kai blinked and leaned over to Sehun, “Is it me or does Ae Cha’s personality seem a bit off?”  Sehun looked at Kai, “It’s you,” and then started walking although he had the same idea.


“We’re here!” you exclaimed as you walked through the crowds with a skip in your step; Sehun and Kai had to rush to keep up with you, once they were close enough they grabbed your wrist.  You flinched and immediately ripped your wrist away from them, “Sorry, I will slow down,” you said before turning around again.

“Where are we going… and why are we here exactly?” Kai asked to break the silence that was between all of you. “Where going to find Hoseok,” you said eyes still in front.  “And who exactly…?”

“Hoseok?” an unfamiliar voice spoke and you turned to your side to see two men one with a tattoo above his eyebrow and another that was slightly shorter then him.  You smiled slightly, “Do you know him?”

The one with a tattoo stepped in front of the other, “No.”  You lifted an eyebrow and took a slight look at the other before smiling, “Oh ok thanks anyway, Namjoon… and Jungkook,” you turned and the two stepped forward, “How do you know our names?”

“I just…” before you could finish people started running in the opposite direction from you were headed.  “Crap!” the two said and Jungkook motion you to follow them in which you did., and once you were out of the city and they finally stopped running Kai asked, “Ok what just happened?”

“Government checkups,” Namjoon said.  “Usually people don’t run like that,” you unconsciously said and Jungkook sighed, “It gotten worse over the years.”  Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows at you, “How would you know?  You’re not from here.”

“You could tell,” you stuck out your tongue as you rubbed your neck.  Namjoon blinked and shrugged, “Just a guess, since no one can really escape and if they had then they wouldn’t want to come back.”

“Ah~” you breathed and both Kai and Sehun slapped their foreheads.  “But really I want to know how you know our names,” Namjoon asked.  You smiled, “Before I answer that we should probably go somewhere a little private am I correct?”  The two men nodded and started leading you farther from the city into a cave; Jungkook lit a few candles as you entered.

“So tell us,” he said as he sat down.  You nodded, “I’m Ae Cha, this is Sehun,” you pointed at Sehun, “And this is Kai,” you pointed at Kai, “We came here from Earth…”

“Earth?!” Jungkook gasped, “That non-magical planet?!  How did you get here?”

“Earth is just where we are staying for now it’s not our home planet.  These two are originally from SM Planet…”

“That planet with a crazy king and even crazier followers,” Namjoon muttered; you nodded.  “I’m from Tomi Planet.”  The two snapped their head at the sound of that planet; you smiled, “That is where I met this interesting creature,” you answered their unspoken question, “NuNu… I named her but I guess her original name was Nadia.”

“Who are you?” an unknown voice growled as his shadow invaded the cave.  “H-Hoseok!” Jungkook squealed before Namjoon stood up and turned to Jungkook, “Get the others.”  Jungkook nodded and quickly passed Hoseok, his eyes lowered.

“I ASK Who are you?!” He growled again.  “Hoseok calm down,” Namjoon warned, knowing that every time Hoseok hears his sisters name he just snaps… more than usually ever since A Day in which he was placed as a government allegiant.  Hoseok snarled, but kept quiet staring at the three of you with blank eyes; you stared back smiling to yourself as you can see quite a similarity between him and NuNu.


Hours passed by and Kai ended up sleeping on Sehun’s shoulder while you slept on the other shoulder; Sehun kept awake just in case something happened.  “We’re here!” Jungkook called out as three other guys followed him inside and sat next to Hoseok and Namjoon, who were across from you three.

“What took you so long?” Namjoon asked keeping his voice down so he won’t anger Hoseok.  “I was waiting till all of them were off, but Jimin here had to do overtime,” Jungkook replied and then looked over at you, “Is she sleeping?”

Sehun sighed and moved backwards letting both yours and Kais head fall from his shoulder and evidently hit each other’s; you both woke up and glared at Sehun who then sat back up.  “Now tell us why are you here and who are you?” Hoseok growled again.  “As I told them; this is Sehun and Kai from SM Planet and I’m Ae Cha from Tomi Planet… the reason we came here is to bring you to Earth with us so we can meet up with the others to come up with a plan to save your planet…”


“A war is coming and we need your help to stop it, but I know you wouldn’t help, so I come up with a deal… a deal in which we help you throw down your government,” you stared at them with a glint in your eye.  Yoongi saw and asked, “Are you perhaps the Cupid Princess… of Tomi Planet?”

“Yes, that is correct.”  The others stared at Yoongi and you and then Jimin spoke up, “Take us…”

“No, I haven’t agreed to this,” Hoseok yelled as he stood up; Jin, the oldest stood up as well and put a hand on Hoseoks shoulder, “Let’s just go… it doesn’t hurt to come with them.”  Hoseok didn’t speak so everyone took that as an ‘ok’; you smiled and clapped your hands, “Great!”

“One problem though it’s impossible to leave this planet… how would…”

“Everyone get a hold of Kai,” you interrupted Jungkook’s question as you instructed them.  They did as told and as soon as they did they, “Ok now… AH!”


“AHHHHHH!!!!” Jungkook and Jin screamed and you tapped them, “Were here now.”  They blinked and looked at their surroundings before both passed out.  “So he can teleport?... expected from someone who’s from SM Planet,” Namjoon murmured again completely ignoring the two who fainted.


“Umm, Ae Cha?” Someone said suddenly and you turn to see Cho Hee right beside you, “Who are these people and What are they doing in my home?!”

“Oh!  They are from NuNu’s planet and they took care of her with her brother!” you leaned to ear and whispered, “Don’t mind their weird accent though… it’s still easy to understand,” you leaned back and clapped your hands, “Well I should introduce you to everyone!  This is Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, and Jongup!” you pointed to the five, “and they are from Planet Mato.  Them over here are Kris, Suho, Lay, Tao, Luhan, Xiumin, Chen, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo,” you pointed to the nine, “along with Sehun and Kai who you’ve already met are from SM Planet.”  You then turned to see Mi Ah sitting with Sungjong and blinked, “OH! And Sungjong is from… Woolim Planet, but as everybody knows SM Planet took his planet under their wing, so technically his part of SM Planet.  And the girl next to him is Mi Ah and she’s from Tomi Planet like me!”

“Guys this is Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi,and NuNu’s brother Hoseok!” you pointed to the confused men and Jimin blinked, “Wait, we didn’t even tell you our names, how do you know?!”

You turned to him and smiled, putting a finger to your lips and winking, “Secret.”


Authors Note:

Hi everyone^^ I hope you enjoy this very long chaper that i rushed to finish so basically i have no idea how it turned out^^  ANyways i just want to thank everybody for sticking with me especially since i always take a long time to update, but soon i'll be updating more frequently after my 2-6 months on hiatus... yup i'm going on a really hiatus for that amount of time.  I'm going to Texas doing stuff and yea... i'm sorry for that, but i will be sure to update once those months are up...



Youngjae the perfect person to be your photograpgher when stubborn son doesn't want to smile... *well that is if your son is Daehyun*


They needed to know... but i think they scarred Jongup for life.... hahaha^^ and Baby Zelo still doesn't understand the process^^ And niether do i... can anyone elabrate?^^


Lose your baby fat... of course that still doesn't help because they'll go for your other cheeks... so the only thing you can do is... RUN!


Himchan: Playboy book?
Zelo: Yea the one under the coach where papa hides it.
Himchan: *Twitch* Under the coach you say?
Zelo: Yea... he reads it when you are not home and tells me not to tell you.
Himchan: Wheres your papa now?
Zelo: Over at the coach...
Himchan: Thank you baby, lets tuck you in
*Tucks Zelo in and then grabs his baseball bat that was in the other side of the room*
Himchan: Oh Guk youre going to get it now.

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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too