
Cupid's Day Out

Chapter 18

Seo Ya pouted and you smiled brightly; Baekhyun joined in in the hug, “Sungjong, how you been it’s been like a million years since I last saw you!”  Everybody chuckled a little, you saw Seo Ya bite her lip.  Kris patted Sungjong on the back, “Good to have you back, I’m sure the others are excited to see you.”

“I hope so.  I mean I’ve been gone for a long time so…” he gaze his eyes toward you and then to Seo Ya’s fierce expression, “I see Seo Ya still doesn’t like you.”  Chanyeol pouted, “Yeah, she been calling us demons, the whole time you were gone, and always blamed us, she even tried to convince Ae Cha not to hang out with us.”


Seo Ya sighed and looked up at Sungjong, “I know their your friends oppa, but I can’t have someone as innocent and naïve as Ae Cha hang out with them,” she put an arm around your shoulder and smiled down at you.  Sungjong smiled and shook his head, “Ok, whelp, guys I’ll see you at lunch, since Seo Ya doesn’t want me to talk to you right now.”  You started to laugh for whatever reason, and they looked at you, “What’s so funny?”  You shook your head and walked away, they remind me of Mi Ah and NuNu… Oh that reminds me, I wonder what NuNu’s doing.


“Ok, let’s see the squirrel told me I should take a left, but the duck told me to take a right, ugh which ones more reliable?” NuNu questioned as she walked on the busy sidewalks.  She left the house as soon as you left for school and she followed a pup all the way to the busy streets; the pup left her saying this is how far it can go, “Pups are never that reliable.”  She looked from the left to right debating on which way to go, until someone tapped her on her shoulder, “Um, excuse me, but are you lost?” NuNu turned and looked at a tall man with abnormally curly hair and a thing covering his chin.  NuNu tilted her head and murmured to herself, “Maybe he could help me?”

“I’m looking for a coffee shop!” NuNu basically yelled to the boy, who she thought should be in school; the boy smiled, “Well, there’s a lot of coffee shop, is there a specific one you want to go to?”  NuNu put her pointer finger on her temple as she thought about what the name was, “Ne, but I can’t remember the name,” her eyes brightened, “but I do know who works there! Do you think you can take me if I tell you an employer’s name?”  NuNu looked at him with expecting puppy eyes, something that she can never shrug off. 

The boy smiled and tapped a finger on his chin, “Maybe, but some employees might have the same name, but I could take you to all the shops around here until you find the right one.”  NuNu smiled, but then the curves dropped, “but I wouldn’t want you to be late for school.”  It was silent for a few seconds, but the silence was broken by an overpowering laugh, “I don’t go to school now since I just moved here.”

“If you just moved here how will you know where the coffee shops are?”  The boy stopped laughing and gave NuNu a genuine smile, “I lived here before and I also I memorized the map,” he looked at his watch, “I was about to go to Exotic Sweets; it’s a coffee shop, so we can check that out first, ok?” he held out an ‘Ok’ sign and NuNu laughed and nodded.

They took a right; and arrived at the coffee shop, just moments later.  The bell rung as they entered and NuNu was intrigued, she loved the sound of bells.  “So, is this the shop you’re looking for?” the boy asked NuNu as they walked over to the counter; NuNu just shrugged and looked at the back of a woman, making something.

“Cho Hee Noona,” the boy whined as the woman turn around and her eyes brightened up as she walked over to them.  NuNu turned to the side, murmuring to herself, “Wait did he say Cho Hee… This is it!” she turned back to them, and abruptly stopped their conversation, “You’re Cho Hee, right? So you must know Ae Cha!  I’m Ae Cha’s… uu-unni… that’s right unni.”  Cho Hee eyes turned to crescents as she smiled at NuNu, “You’re Ae Cha’s unni, Wah! You two are exactly alike!”  NuNu’s eyes brightened and held out a hand, something Ae Cha taught her, “I’m, uh,” she tried to think of a name, “Mi Cha.”  Cho Hee smiled and took her hand in hers, “Well, nice to meet you Mi Cha, I’m Cho Hee.”

The boy pouted and then put his hand on top of theirs, “I’m Choi Joonhong!” the both of them looked at him and he pouted again, “I just didn’t want to be left out.” 


Cho Hee laughed and let go of NuNu’s hand, then furrowed her eyebrows at NuNu, “Wait I thought Ae Cha lived alone…”

“Ah, She does!” NuNu interjected quickly, “It’s just that…” NuNu put a finger to her temple, “Our Eomma, wanted me to check up on her and live with her for a while, and like go to school with her and such,” she let out an awkward chuckle.  Cho Hee nodded, “Ah, but isn’t school just…”

“I’m starting next week, so I can get familiar with things here.”  Cho Hee nodded again and smiled, “Joonhong, here is going to start school next week as well…” she looked down and stifled a laugh, “You guys look pretty comfortable together, so I know you guys would be the best of friends.”  NuNu tilted her head as she looked at Cho Hee; Joonhong looked down and saw that his hand was holding NuNu’s; he quickly ripped his hand away from the oblivious NuNu. 

Joonhong then cleared his throat a little too loud, “Um, Noona I would like the Zelo’s Surprise pleazze.”  NuNu tilted her head and interjected, “Me Too!”  They both looked at her shocked and Cho Hee stuttered, “A-are you s-sure Mi Cha; I-I mean…”  NuNu nodded her head, and Joonhong smiled, “I’ll pay for hers then too, since she’s the first person who’s actually willing to try my favorite drink!”  Cho Hee shook her head, “Ok, well then that would be 10610 won.”

After a few seconds Cho Hee looked up at Joonhong pouting slightly, “Noona, I just came back, can you pay for these just this once?”

“I thought you were going to pay for Mi Cha?”  Joonhong nodded and put his elbows on the counter, “Ne, but my money is your money, so…”

“Fine, but this is the last time,” Cho Hee sighed and went away to make the drink.

Joonhong smiled and turned to NuNu, “Are you excited?”

“For what?” NuNu asked as she tilted her head and squinted her eyes.

“For Zelo’s Surprise… I made the recipe myself,” Joonhong proudly said.  NuNu stifled a laugh and nodded; Junhong squinted his eyes at her, “You know, I don’t know if I should call you noona or not, I’m sorry if I offend you, but how old are you?”  NuNu blinked at the question and put her finger at her temple again, “Uh…” she’s older than you by a hundred years. 

In Tomi Planet, NuNu stays the same age for a hundred years before her next birthday; so her hundred years means she’s just older than you by a year on Earth.

“Um, earth to Mi Cha,” Joonhong waved his hand back and forth in front of NuNu’s face; NuNu put her finger back down to her side, “I’m 18 years old!”  Junhong was taken a back a little and laughed, “Ah, so you are my noona.”  NuNu nodded and patted his head, “Ne, but you’re a tall dongsaeng,” she tiptoed a little further, and smiled straight at him. 

NuNu has a habit to pet peoples head when she’s happy, of course it’s different with Ae Cha.  With you she tackles you, because whatever you do makes her sensationally happy.

Junhong’s breath hitched as NuNu’s face was just a few inches away from his, and pink was invading his face as he stared at her face and he felt the soft pets she’s giving him.  “Well, looky here,” Junhong abruptly got out of NuNu’s pets and turned to see Cho Hee holding two Zelo’s Suprises.  NuNu turned as well and smiled at the cups in Cho Hee’s hands, “Wah! That’s the Zelo’s Surprise… It looks really good.”

“Really?” Cho Hee asked with a wary face as she looked at the greenish, red coffee with tapioca balls and a slice of lime in it’ she swallowed a little, “Well…”

“What’s in it?”  Cho Hee laughed as she handed the cups to Joonhong, “I’m sorry, but I think you should asked Joonhong, because,” pointed to the people in back of you, “You guys are holding up the line.”  Joonhong nodded and walked to a table at the corner; NuNu followed and sat down next to him.  Joonhong smiled, “You could seat across from me…”

“I don’t like doing that, though,” NuNu said as she took a Zelo’s Surprise out of his hand, “What’s in this?”  Joonhong smiled and was about to take a sip until NuNu stopped him, “You can’t drink without me.”  Joonhong his lips as he stared at the cup and played with the straw, “It has pomegranate juice, green tea, coffee bean, tapioca balls, ice, strawberries, milk, cream, a little spaghetti sauce, and a slice of lime.”  NuNu nodded amazed, and Joonhong leaned his body on the table, “Go on try it.”

“I’m not drinking because you have to drink with me.”  Joonhong pouted and leaned back to grab his coffee, “On one, two…” they both sipped and Joonhong saw NuNu’s eyes widen as she quickly let go of the straw, “DO you not like it?”  NuNu turned to him and shook her head, “It’s amazing!” she lifted a hand and placed it back on Joonhong’s head, Joonhong opened his mouth to say something, but NuNu felt something vibrate and took out her phone, leaving Joonhong’s head feeling . 

NuNu widened her eyes as she looked at her phone then turned to Joonhong, “I have to go, but thanks for the drink, “she grabbed the drink and ran out the door; Cho Hee walked to the table and sat in front of him, “Let’s go.”

“But don’t you have to work?”

“Nope I asked someone to take over my shift, so let’s go home,” Cho Hee stood up and walked away, Joonhong following her, with Zelo’s Surprise in one hand.

They arrived at Cho Hee’s home and saw 5 figures standing at the door way; Cho Hee shook her head, “Yah! Why didn’t you just inside?”

The five figures turned to them, one with apple cheeks spoke, “We were going to, but it was lock, and Yongguk was thinking of breaking down the door, but I knew that you would be indignant.”  Cho Hee nodded and sighed, “Sorry, I wasn’t the last one to leave the house, and I didn’t tell them you were coming…”

“They don’t know were here” a tall man with reddish hair, Yongguk, asked.  Cho Hee shook her head and opened the door, “Come in.”

They all sat next to each other on the coach while Cho Hee pulled a chair in front of them, “Cho Hee, what’s the reason you have called us here?”  Cho Hee opened to speak, but apple cheek boy, Youngjae, intervened, “She already told us; it’s to…”

“We won’t need to do that for the time being, so for now I want you to be accustom here and we’ll discussed the other things at a later date, arraseo?”  They nodded and sighed when they heard Joonhong’s slurping.  “Yah! Stop that,” Youngjae said and the younger stopped immediately.  Cho Hee smiled, “You guys will be starting school in a week, and I want all of you to be on your best… no scratch that, be on my best behavior arraseo?”  They nodded again; Cho Hee turned to the smiling one, “JongUp, you can’t smile like that too often,” she then turned to the one with a mask, “Daehyun, you would have to take that mask off, “she looked at Youngjae, “Don’t be a smart allelic,” she turned to Yongguk, “Don’t always talk about war,” she turned to Himchan and Joonhong, “And please just don’t be you and everything will be fine.”


“Will Exo mind if we’re here?” JongUp asked with a smile.  Cho Hee shook her head, “Ani, because they know that you will be of great help to us.”

“I hope we will,” they looked up at the ceiling, and sighed, “I never thought that we’ll come back.”


NuNu left the coffee shop quickly as she gripped her phone and finished her Zelo’s Surprise; she murmured while running, “God humans are slow… better shifted into something fast,” just as she said that she ran into an alley and shifted into a full grown grey hound and ran out of the alley towards home.

She turned into human and slammed the door open, her eyes widened as she approached the bed, “Mi Ah!”



Authors Note:

Annyeong! Wah! its been a while sine i last updated, but this is a double update, so hopefully that makes up for it^^ I hope you guys really enjoy it^^ I have added B.A.P to this because they also are from a different planet haha.  But why are they their and what was it that Cho Hee wanted them to do?  Is the person really Mi Ah or...?  Stay Tuned!  <|^.^<| Oh and doesn't the Zelo's Surprise sound really yummy... if you want the recipe, i will give it to you... maybe.

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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too