Never Trust a Squirrel

Cupid's Day Out

Chapter 23

You ran out of the house not knowing where to go with only one thing on your mind… Find NuNu.  After a few miles of running you made it to a secluded park and saw a group of squirrels playing and stuffing nuts in their cheeks; you looked around, I don’t see any ducks… maybe these squirrels can help me.

“Annyeong do you know where NuNu is?”  The group of squirrels looked at you and then each other before the bigger of the squirrels squeaked, “Are you talking to us?”  You nodded and the squirrels started squeaking like crazy, “Omo, she’s talking to us… haha… she must not be a human… humans can’t speak our language because they are…”


“So do you know where NuNu is?”  The bigger of the squirrel smiled, “NuNu? AH! I think I saw a NuNu go to the ocean… my cousin told me… just go ask a yellow animal killer and then ask them to take you to the ocean… uh probably the one nearest here… ne the one nearest here!  There you’ll find your NuNu, ne your NuNu is there!”  You nodded furiously at the squirrels directions and thanked the squirrel by giving it a cupid kiss; a cupid kiss is a rare kiss that gives the receiver whatever it desires… very different from first loves kiss.

You went into a taxi and asked the man to go to the nearest ocean and after two hours you arrived at the seashore; you thanked the driver by giving him a cupids kiss because well you didn’t have any money and ran out to the ocean.

You walked around yelling for NuNu when all of a sudden, “Ae Cha.”  You stiffened and slowly turned around, “YOU!” you widened your eyes and took a step back from a shadowy figure, “How did you find me?!”  You felt the tides of the shoreline soak your feet, “You were supposed to be dead!”  The shadow clicked his tongue, “Now now is that how you should talk to your cousin?”

You took another step sinking your feet deeper, “W-what… h-how?”  The shadow smirked, “Someone brought me back, guess I’m part of his big plan.”  Who is stupid enough to trust a monster like you... don’t they know how deadly you are?  “Now I think you should greet me more properly…” he said as he grabbed you neck with one hand, “Now greet me with a cupids kiss.”

“ANI!... I … will never kiss… you on th… forehead!” you gasped.  The shadow clicked his tongue again as he shook his head, “Oh my dear Ae Cha, you should know that a cupid’s kiss is more powerful when it’s on the lips.”

“Doesn’t mean I could give it to you… I can change it to a regular!”

“Oh, have you forgotten what I could do,” you looked at him silently as you gasped for air, “I could it out of you.”  He drew you closer just as your lips touched… he deepened the kiss; you tried to push him away, but he was to powerful, every last bit of energy you had until something sliced him away from you.

You unconsciously clutched onto someone, as you watched will slightly blurry vision, others surround you; then all of a sudden your vision turned black.


“Ae Cha! Wake up! Come on Wake Up!!” you heard someone whine as your shoulders shook; your eyes fluttered open and came face to face with NuNu and Mi Ah.  You rubbed your eyes and slowly sat up, “He’s back!”

“Who’s back?” Mi Ah asked confused as NuNu gently helped her up.  You looked at them wide-eyed, “V is back!”  NuNu and Mi Ah gaped and stared at Ae Cha, This can’t be happening?!”


A few moments ago:

Exo went out looking for you; they decided to stay as a group since it would better.  Cho Hee texted them minutes later saying that NuNu has a feeling that Ae Cha went to the ocean and that since they are faster should go there now!

They did; some crowded to Kai, some to Baekhyun and some to Kris and off they went.  They arrived in seconds and heard you calling out ‘NuNu’.  They followed your voice and by the time they reached you; you were talking to a guy, a guy faintly familiar to them.  They watched as he lifted you up by the neck; Baekhyun was going to go save you, but Kris stopped him, “What the…”

“Look closely at who it is.”  Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the man, although it was dark… his eyes and all the others eyes widened, “Isn’t that…”


“V? Ne it is.”

“I thought he was dead…”

“Just as I expected, Prince Changmin brought him back to life,” Tao whispered and everybody looked at him.  “You knew this?”  Tao nodded guiltily and Kris shook his head and turned back, “But then why is he… wait what is he doing to Ae Cha?!” he whispered angrily as they all saw him smash his lips against yours.  Luhan widened his eyes and slammed V away from you while Baekhyun held you as you fell into his arms.

All the others were going to attack when, “Guys not here…”

“Wah! It’s you guys…. Never thought that I’ll see you again, so how’s your parents… oh wait their dead!  Well, good riddance to them; it makes this much easier!”  V laughed; Chanyeol fumed and blue embers came from his hands, “TAKE THAT BACK!”  V looked over at Chanyeol and smirked, “Looks like you guys improved over the years, but you all aren’t strong enough to kill me, if only your parents were back, ne?”


Chanyeol was about to strike until Kris grabbed his shoulder tightening his grip, “Just go!  We don’t want to fight!”

“Of course cause you know you’ll lose,” he laughed and looked at the sky, “I have to leave anyways… bye,” he turned to you in Baekhyun’s arms, “I’ll see you later… love,” with that he disappeared in the night.  Kris huffed and turned to everyone, “Everyone attached yourself to Kai, were going home.”  Without any opposition, everybody did what they were told, and then they too disappeared in the night.


“What?!” Cho Hee’s eyes widen, “Ani! That can’t be possible!”

“It’s true; Tao even said he saw it.”  Cho Hee looked over at Tao, who was cowering behind Chanyeol.  “Tao did it just happen or…”

“It happened when I was sleeping…”


“And there was nothing else?”  Tao shook his head and Cho Hee sighed as she ran her hand through her hair, “Do you at least know why V was with Ae Cha?”  Tao sadly shook his head as they all slumped down into the couches.  Cho Hee ruffled her hair again, “Dang! What does V want from Ae Cha anyways… she’s just a normal human!”

“Is she?” Chanyeol tapped his chin, “I mean if she’s just a normal human why would V choke her and kiss her… and then say that he’ll come back for her… he even call her his love! That just doesn’t make since! Maybe she’s not just a regular human, what if she’s from a different planet like us?”  Everybody looked at Chanyeol amazed and Chen just ruined it, “Ne! Maybe she’s the Cupid Princess…” he shook his head, “She’s definitely not though.”


Everybody agreed that there’s was absolutely no way you could be the Cupid Princess.  Cho Hee sighed and then widened her eyes at Chanyeol, “WAIT! What did you say V did to Ae Cha?”  Kai sighed and looked over to Baekhyun, who visibly clench his fist; Chanyeol repeated himself and Cho Hee furrowed her eyebrows, “That shouldn’t… he wouldn’t do that to an ordinary human,” she paused and then walked to the secret room, “I need to talk to BoA!” and slammed the door, completely forgetting to tell them one important detail.

Baekhyun forced a smiled and then looked around, “Where’s Sungjong?”


You heard a noise come from the kitchen and quickly grabbed onto NuNu, “He’s back! He’s back for me! Get him away!!”  NuNu grabbed hold of you and gently rubbed your back, whispering, “It’s ok, Ae Cha; I will never let him take you away… it’s ok.”

“Ae Cha, don’t worry it’s not him… it’s Sungjong… he told me you guys are friends,” Mi Ah interjected; you furrowed your eyebrows and looked at Mi Ah, “Sungjong?”  Mi Ah nodded and walked over to the kitchen; after a few minutes, Sungjong emerged with some soup, “Ae Cha, I’m glad you’re alright!”  You looked over at him and a smile slowly emerged onto your face, “Sungjong… what are you doing here?”

“Mi Ah took me here,” he said pointing at Mi Ah; you looked at them confused and Mi Ah told you what happened, and after having dinner, a very late one if I may add, that Sungjong made; you rubbed you neck and sighed, “I’m sorry I ran off…”

“YOU SHOULD BE!” Mi Ah yelled hitting you repeatedly on the arm; you winced and NuNu stopped her, “Mi Ah, I think you should take Sungjong home… we already took too much of his time, and he should go to sleep… it’s like what one?” she turned to Sungjong and bowed, “Thank you, for finding Mi Ah before she got lost as well.”

“Yah! You should thank him for the food!” Mi Ah yelled again, pointing her chopsticks at NuNu; NuNu smirked, “And thank you for the food; you should teach Mi Ah… one time I ate her cooking I almost died.”  Mi Ah huffed as Sungjong laughed and nodded.



“You don’t have to take me…”

“Ani, I insist!” Mi Ah didn’t back down and followed Sungjong out of your house.  Sungjong sighed and widened his eyes as Mi Ah grabbed hold of his hand.  “W-wha…”

“What?  This is so we don’t get lost… this is the same thing you did to me,” she smiled and started swinging their interlocked fingers.  Sungjong nodded slowly and kept walking… taking glances at Mi Ah ever so often.


Authors Note:

Annyeong! I have again no idea what I just wrote, but I hope you like it^^  OMO, I made V from BTS the mystery guy>.<   Whats the deal with Cupids Kiss and why did he want it?  And why will he go after you again?  Hmmm… mystery indeed^^  Haha I also added a little fluff with Mi Ah and Sungjong… Stay Tuned ^(~.~<)


gif-luhan1.gif?w=560  Hahaha For some reason i at first thought Lulu needed to sneeze haha

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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too