....Seo Ya...

Cupid's Day Out

Chapter 21

Baekhyun and D.O arrived at Exo’s Secret base and was shocked to see no one there, “Where is everyone? Lunch doesn’t end until an hour from now,” Baekhyun said as he looked at his invisible watch.  D.O sighed and clutched onto Baekhyun, “I think they’re on the roof.”  Baekhyun nodded and they disappeared to the roof.

They arrived in a split second, “Gosh guys, you should’ve at least left a note…” D.O quickly got off of Baekhyun and Baekhyun looked at him as his eyes turned twice as wide; he tilted his head, not knowing why until he heard a familiar voice, “What?... How?...” He turned and saw the person he dreaded the most to see… Seo Ya.



“Will you guys stop fighting and give me a hug?” you pouted as you stood up, hands on your hips.  They froze and both turned to you at the same time, “NuNu doesn’t deserve to hug you… she’s been with you this whole time, now you have to be with me,” Mi Ah lunged to you again and nuzzled her face at the crook of your neck, but again NuNu hit her, “YAH! Stay away from my Ae Cha!”

You giggled and shook you’re head again as your two friends bickered again.  You walked to your bed and sighed, She actually did come… but what happens when they find out?  Ani, don’t think about that Ae Cha, just think about Mi Ah and her quest to find true love something you can’t get.

“Ae Cha, are you ok? Why do you look so sad?”

“It’s all your fault NuNu! If you greeted me properly she wouldn’t be upset,” Mi Ah slapped NuNu on the arm which made her hiss.  You looked up, realizing that you didn’t have your happy face on; you plastered a smile and shook your head, “Nothing, it’s just that I remembered; that, Mi Ah your fiancée.”

“Ah! Don’t worry they won’t find me; I closed off the portal.”  You furrowed your eyebrows at Mi Ah and sighed, “Of course… but are you really going to try to find… true love?”

“Ne, I have my heart determined…”

“Wait! Hold up! You ditched your fiancée to find true love… how do you know your true love would be on Earth?” NuNu shook her head, “You guys already been arranged to marry someone…”

“But it’s not true… I won’t be happy!” Mi Ah yelled, for the first time full of anger and desperation, “Who cares if my fiancée has power and lots of respect, I’ll still be empty, lost… you wouldn’t understand!”  NuNu just stood there and held back tears, “You’re right I wouldn’t understand because I don’t believe in true love, in fact I won’t even have a true love… who needs it!” she walked towards the door, but you grabbed her wrist, “NuNu, she didn’t mean it… she’s just…”

“I know… but it wasn’t my place to speak as well, so I’m just going to leave, see you at dinner,” NuNu gently took your hand off hers and walked away.  You turned to Mi Ah and Mi Ah shook her head, “I’m sorry, but she really doesn’t understand…”

“Mi Ah,” you gently said as you sat down next to her, “You shouldn’t have said that because it just reminds NuNu of her past and…”

“What was her past?”  You collapsed onto your bed and sighed, “That… I don’t know either.”


“Well, I got to go back to work, since it’s half past lunchtime, and Ae Cha’s probably wondering where I’m at,” Cho Hee said as she stretched out of the chair.  They’ve been talking the whole time about random stuff, and Cho Hee knew that if she doesn’t stop soon; she will never get back to work.

“Could I come too?” Zelo asked as he showed his empty glass of Zelo’s Surprise; Cho Hee nodded, “Okay, do you…” She didn’t even have to ask for all of them nodded their heads; they were about to walk out the door until, “Wait!” Cho Hee sighed and held out her hands, “Give me all your weapons.”  They grunted as they handed everything to her, she looked at Zelo, “Don’t use any, arraseo!”  Zelo sheepishly nodded and they went on their way.

They arrived at the coffee shop, “You’re back!”  They turned and saw an over-energetic girl walking towards them, “Ah! Mi Cha, you’re back!”  NuNu stopped in front of Cho Hee and nodded frantically, “I really want another Zelo’s Surprise… It was SO good!!”  Cho Hee gaped, and twitched her face a little, but then looked around the café, “Is Ae Cha coming?”  NuNu furrowed her eyebrows, “Ani, she’s at home for lunch, today.”

“Oh,” Cho Hee hid her disappointed as she made her way to the kitchen.  NuNu smiled as she faced the six boys in front of her, “Ah! I’m Mi Cha! Are you friends with Cho Hee unni?”

“Mi Cha!” Joonhong wiggled his way in-between two tough looking men, “You’re here for Zelo’s Surprise too?”

“Ne!” NuNu exclaimed as she looked at the boys behind him; Joonhong noticed and then wrapped his arms around two, “Let me introduce you!”  NuNu nodded as they all walked to a table at the corner.  “Ok well, first let me start with the person I respect the most, since he’s that made me,” Joonhong started, “He’s Yongguk Hyung,” he leaned in and whispered, “I know he looks mean, but he’s actually a big sweetheart.”  NuNu laughed and nodded; Joonhong gleamed even more, “This is Jongup, he’s a year older than me…” he leaned and whispered again, “He always smiles… and stuff, just telling you so you won’t think he’s being creepy.”

“This is Himchan Hyung,” he leaned in again, “He’s really ‘shy’ in front of cameras.”

“This is Daehyun Hyung,” again, “He doesn’t talk much.”

“And this is Youngjae Hyung,” again, “He’s sort of a smarty pants.”


“You know we can all hear what you were whispering to her,” Youngjae shook his head.  NuNu bursted out laughing as Cho Hee came with two Zelo’s Surpises, “What’s so funny?” she asked as she placed the drinks on the table.  NuNu stopped laughing and put the straw in , looking at Joonhong, waiting… “Oh right!” Joonhong put the straw in his mouth and then at the same time as NuNu, sipped. “So, tell me NuNu, do you like war movies?” Yongguk asked all of a sudden.  NuNu stopped drinking and then looked at him skeptically as a wide grin danced on her face, “~NE!”

“You Do?” all said as they looked at NuNu, NuNu nodded frantically; which please Yongguk.  NuNu turned her attention back to him, “You like them too… I watch them all the time, well ever since I came to Earth.

“I love them!” Yongguk exclaimed, ignoring the glances at their table; NuNu grabbed onto Yongguk’s hand, which made him flinch a little by the sudden action, “We have to watch some together sometime!”  Yongguk smiled as he nodded, ignoring the jealously aura coming from someone.

Cho Hee sensing it, was about to interrupt their talk, but, “Oh! Hyun Jung!” she walked over to him.  NuNu stopped talking at the sound of his name; she smiled looking at them interacting, “True love, that’s Cho Hee’s true love.


“S… Seo Y… ya! W-what are you d-doing h-here?” Baekhyun scampered as he stared at Seo Ya’s shocked eyes.  “I should be asking you! How all of a sudden you appear right before my eyes! Are you a transporter or something?!”

“Actually that’s Kai; Baekhyun’s power is light,” Chanyeol said nonchalantly earning a slap in the head by the indignant Kris. 


“WHAT! You have powers…” she pointed to Kai, “You can teleport?!”

“Guess I have to do my thing, “Chen sighed as he opened his hand where electric surges are coming from his fingers; Seo Ya backed away, fear in her eyes, “WHAT THE HELL! WHAT IS THAT?!”

“Don’t worry this won’t hurt that much… I’m just going to erase some of your memories… this is going to be fun,” Chen smiled as he lifted his free hand, “Of course there will be side effects, like you might lose all your memories, you might be paralyzed, and blah blah; you know all the good stuff.” 


Seo Ya widened her eyes and backed up to a wall, “Yah, Chen let me do this,” Sungjong said as he put a hand on Chen’s shoulder.  Chen turned his head to him and pouted, “But I want to!”  Sungjong shook his head that is when Seo Ya found an opening as she kicked Chen in the groin and ran towards the door of course Baekhyun caught her with the help of Kai.

“LET GO!” she screamed as she tried to struggle out of their grasped; Suho walked up to her, “It’s ok Seo Ya, were not going to hurt you.”  Seo Ya looked at him with disbelief, “Yea, like I’ll believe any of you… Chen tried to kill me!!” she exclaimed which was shocking since it wasn’t about all of their powers, but about Chen.

Kris sighed and whipped his face, “Sungjong, go do your thing.”  Sungjong nodded and walked up to Seo Ya, “Don’t worry, you won’t remember any of this in a second,” he said as he placed his hands on her head.



Back at EXO’s ‘not-so’ Secret base:

“Is she going to be ok?” Tao asked as he wringed his fingers.  “Ne, she’ll just think that it was all a dream.” Sungjong replied looking at D.O, who was hiding behind Baekhyun, who was too occupied by Sun Chips that D.O gave him to do otherwise.  He sighed as Kris said, “Good thing you’re here Sungjong; we would had to rely on Chen… and you know Chen’s not that reliable.”

“YAH!” Chen scrunched up his nose, “Look who’s talking.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kris hissed staring Chen down.  Before Chen could answer, “Kyungsoo, please stop ignoring me,” Sungjong whined suddenly.  Everybody turned to them… well except Baekhyun.  D.O froze and turned to Lay, who was staring back at him now, “…..”.

Nobody spoke for a while; Lay sighed and grabbed D.O from his position behind Baekhyun and walked into a tiny room next to the ‘base’.

“What do you want Lay?” D.O said not bothering to make eye contact.  “You know it’s not your fault,” Lay sighed wiping his forehead, “Stop blaming yourself; people make mistakes… you just couldn’t control your powers yet… it happened to all of us.”


“Yixing, you’re right, but it still hurts knowing I’m the one that hurt someone,” D.O brought the shocked Lay into his arms, “and I know it hurts knowing that you could’ve saved him.”

“So you guys are here… I was wondering where you were at,” a voice said behind them.  Lay turned and saw Baekhyun hugging the both of them, “You guys are Pabos, only blaming your self’s never thinking how the other feels being ignored by the people he loves… Pabos.”




Author’s Note:

Annyeong! Youngbee here!  I hope you like this chapter haha.  Seo Ya figured out their secret, but of course they erased her mind.  But what is Sungjong, who is he exactly?  Oh and isn’t Baekhyun’s character so sweet? Of course you’re the one who made him sweet author-nim.  Oh my thank you!!.... Sorry I was talking to myself again hahaha… I have a funny story about how I made this chapter, but I’m not sure if you’ll guys will think it’s funny so never mind I told you that haha^^ Stay Tuned<(o.o)> I hope you enjoy!!! Oh and sorry for the random jumping.



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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too