
Cupid's Day Out


“Does this uniform look nice on me… I really don’t think blue is my color; I prefer yellow… why didn’t you go to a school with yellow uniforms?” Jong Up smiled and then started dancing intensely, “You know I like it now!”

“Of course, the fabric is good quality and does not limit mobility in our steps; it is the most preferred besides color,” Youngjae said as they continued walking.  “So when did you guys get here?” Suho asked after a few minutes.  “A few days ago I believe… and Youngjae don’t say anything right now I’m not in the mood for your smart talk,” Youngguk sighed.

“Why couldn’t we just use your powers and be at school now, my batteries might run low,” Junhong pouted and grabbed onto Baekhyun, “Use your light power magigy; I’m tired!”  Baekhyun laughed and looked at Junhongs creator, “When did he become so lazy?”

“When we got here,” he shook his head and then leaned on Kai, “Go comrade, your captain is tired.”  They all laughed and all of a sudden Youngjae stopped walking, “Guys, Cho Hee said Ae Cha’s not a human right?”  They all nodded calmly since they took an hour of their lives frantic about the whole thing a few minutes before; Youngjae continued, “So that must mean her sister is not human as well.”

“Wait! She has a sister?”

“Ne, her name is Mi Cha…”

“Hyung was that the other girl at the house?” Sehun asked Luhan and Luhan nodded and then said, “There is also Mi Ah who is Ae Cha’s cousin… it is a possibility that she isn’t human either… which makes sense since we met her and she’s either a complete airhead or is not human… or maybe she’s both.”

“Can you show me an image?” Youngjae asked Luhan; he nodded and looked into Youngjae eyes, after a second Youngjae nodded, “Ne, that’s Mi Cha, she is also coming to the school.”

“If that is true then the possibility that they are not human is quite high, but we need to figure out what kind of creature they are… and since they look like humans it could be a possibility that they just have powers or their just like you with a bunny companion…”

“It’s not a bunny it’s a matokai!” Youngjae said and sighed, “I doubt they are from our world; we matokais can sense our own, but I couldn’t sense anything from Mi Cha.”  Everybody nodded and Baekhyun said, “We should probably go so we can avoid our fangirls… and fanboys.”  The all nodded again and started walking… well more like sprinting.


“Ae Cha where are you going?” NuNu and Mi Ah asked as they tried to catch up to you.  You turned to them in a halted stop and smiled, “I’m going to the archery room and see if I could join the archery club…”

“Why?  You might expose that you’re not a regular human.  Your archery skills are top notch, why spend time with humans who can’t teach you anything?” NuNu furrowed her eyebrows not understanding your logic.  You sighed and said, “I’m wanting to perfect my skills, and humans know things too… they might know more than me, even if they can’t get targets from kilometers away, their knowledge is exquisite and I know if I learn from them I can be the best… shooting bows is not all it takes to be an archer.”

NuNu blinked at your words and Mi Ah smiled, “That’s what I think too; humans are not as strong as we are, but they know things that us magically beings don’t even know…”

“Stop copying Ae Cha’s words!” NuNu scowled Mi Ah; Mi AH furrowed her eyebrows, “I didn’t… I also agree with her!”

“Your just trying to get on her good side so she can say you’re her one and only, but I know you hate humans as much as I do…”  You walked away from them as they continued arguing and soon you made it the building which was right next to the school.  You continued to walked towards it and suddenly you moved quickly to the side as something flew in your direction.  “OH GOD! Are you okay?!” someone asked as that person ran towards you.  You turned and looked at the person before nodding, “You have good speed on the bow, but your aiming is a little off.”

“Yea, I need to work on that, but as they say practice makes perfect,” the person rubbed his nape, “You have good reflexes though to avoid it.”  You smiled and then said, “Are you the club president?”  The person shook his head, “Ani, I’m definitely not; I’m just part of the club, but my hyung is.  Are you looking to join?”  You smiled and nodded; the person smiled as well, “Well come here after school… oh and just to tell you we don’t just take anyone, so be prepared to show us your skills.”  You nodded again and then held out your hand, “By the way I’m Ae Cha, Hwa Ae Cha!”  He took your hand into his and shook, “Taemin, Lee Taemin.”


You ran over to your classroom and was greeted by Seo Ya, “Ae Cha!”  You smiled and walked over to her, “Guess what?  We’re going to have new classmates today!”  You blinked and then nodded; your mind wondering on why humans ask you to guess, but then just tell you right after.  “Oh cham… Ae Cha I saw you out at the archery building… what were you doing there?” Seo Ya asked as people were piling in; you turned and saw a group of people you became familiar with walk in and you waved, but they… they didn’t.  You pouted and Su Min shook you, “Did you hear me?”


“I asked what were you doing at the archery building.”  You blinked and then smiled, “Oh, I’m planning on joining the archery club!”  Seo Ya smiled at you and pinched your cheeks, “Oh my baby is going to play with dangerous equipment… wait dangerous equipment… Ae Cha! You could get hurt!”

“I like archery,” you said bluntly and then as the teacher came in went to your seat quickly.  You all greeted the teacher and she said that they have new students in the classroom; that’s when you remembered that you forgot to show Mi Ah and NuNu around.  “Come in you four.”

Four came in and you smiled when you saw Mi Ah; you waved slightly and then she saw you and waved back.  “Introduce yourself.”  One with a goofy smiled came up first, “I’m Jong Up and it’s nice to meet you I hope we can lift dumbbells together!”  You smiled at his introduction and then another person introduced himself, “I’m Youngjae and I just like to say that the formula the teacher wrote on the board is completely wrong for it used the wrong type of motion which forth that there is…”

“Ok! Next person!” the teacher said and she grabbed the man with a mask, “Take that mask off and introduce yourself.”  The man glared at her, but oblige and slid it down his face, “I’m Daehyun.”  The teacher sighed and then asked Mi Ah to introduce herself, “I’m Kim Mi Ah, everyone and I’m happy to be here… and I just want to say that all of you have pretty legs and feet!”  You laughed and Mi Ah immediately went to you and looked at Kai, who was your seat partner, “Can I have that seat Mr. Kai.”  Kai looked up at her and tilted his head, “…”

“Mi Ah, the teacher assigns seats,” you said gently and Mi Ah pouted, “But I want to sit with my Ae Cha.”

“Ms. Kim, please seat over that seat behind Ae Cha,” the teacher said and Mi Ah pouted, but took the seat anyways, mumbling, “I want my Ae Cha…”


School went by fast, since no one was talking to you… well other than Seo Ya and Mi Ah and soon NuNu found you too.  “What do you mean you’re not going home right now?” NuNu asked in a possessive voice.  You pursed your lips and sighed, “I told you I’m going to the archery club… they have a meeting today.”

“Then were going with you.”

“Ani, if you guys do I’ll aim at you and you know I never miss my target,” you sighed not really wanting them to come because you know you wouldn’t be able to do what you want and try to protect you, “And besides you guys don’t even know a bow from an arrow.”

“Fine we won’t go, but we’re going to have a long talk when you come home,” NuNu said and then grabbed Mi Ah’s wrist, walking away from you. You smiled in gratitude and walked the opposite way.


“Ah you made it!” Taemin smiled and you returned the smile.  “My hyung is over there come on I’ll introduce you two!”  You followed him to a man, “Hyung, this is Ae Cha, the girl I told you about.”  The man turned around and smiled holding out his hand, “So you’re Ae Cha, well I’m Jinki, but everyone here calls me Onew.”  You took the hand, “It’s nice to meet you Jinki.”

“So care to show me what you got?” he asked and you nodded going over to the bows that were hanging.  You grabbed one and then a bag of arrows swinging it around your back; then you went to the line.  “Anytime you’re ready,” he said as people started to look at you.  You took a deep breath and guided the arrow down your bow, directing your target before releasing swiftly.  You quickly grabbed the next arrow so it could follow the first and then you put the bow down and watched as both the arrow hit the bull’s-eye and the second going right through the first.  People started clapping and you smiled and turned to Onew, who didn’t have a smiled on his face at all.

“Do you even have a spirit in which is connected to the bow and arrow?  I have to admit your aim is marvelous, your speed is amazing and your agility is remarkable, but your integrity within the bow is absurd.  You seem as if you’re not even trying; you’re treating the bow like an item more than a part of you.  The archer and the bow have to be one within itself.  Those are the basics in learning archery; if you don’t it I cannot truly say you are the best because in reality that would make you the worst.”  Everybody blinked and turned to you in pity as if you were going to cry, but instead you smiled and nodded, “And that is what I need to learn,” you got to your knees and everyone widened your eyes, “Please teach me.”

Onew sighed and knelt down so that you both were looking at each other straight in the eye, “There is not much I can teach you about archery itself, but I need to teach you the connection between the bow and arrow with life.  I won’t be able to teach you much because I’m not the greatest teacher, but I will show you who will be a greater teacher than me for that person has the greatest connection.”  You smiled and instantly hugged him; he was shocked as everyone else was as well and then after a few minutes you pulled away and stood up.

He turned to Taemin and grabbed his arm, “This is your teacher.”  You turned to Taemin and smiled before hugging him; Taemin slowly hugged you back and Onew laughed before clapping his hands, “Okay now… everybody where going to the other side of the building learning how to direct a bow, but you two…” he turned to the two of you still hugging, “You’ll stay here and teach her how to connected and maybe Ae Cha will teach you how to aim… bye bye!” he quickly ushered everyone away and you finally pulled away from the hug, “Ok! What’s first teacher?!”


Exo, B.A.P, and Sungjong went back home and collapsed on the couches, “I feel bad for ignoring her,” Baekhyun said as he snuggled up against Junhong.  “We had to so we could see how she acts… we don’t want her to know we’re observing her… and it’s still kind of awkward since we know she’s not a human herself.” Xiumin sighed and sat on the floor.  “So what do you think, Youngjae?”

Youngjae tilted his head, “She herself seems fairly calm from what I’ve seen, but that Mi Ah character I could tell what she is off the bat.”  Everybody’s ears perked up, especially Sungjong’s, “What is she?”

“She’s fascinated with legs and feet, and also her cheery personality and her sometimes too high of a squeal and to top it off when I was going by the pool today I saw her admiring the water as if that was her home. To say vaguely she’s a mermaid.”

“A mermaid?!”  Everybody was shocked since there was no way a mermaid could grow legs and feet, “This isn’t like The Little Mermaid where that Ariel chick got legs in exchange for her voice you know,” Chen said.  Youngjae sighed, “Of course not; that’s why I also wonder how she got legs and feet…”

“It’s a pill…” Cho Hee said as she walked in, “It was created by the Cupid King and is used widely among the people in Tomi Planet that have a mission here on Earth.  The pill allows the user to change back to their true form and to human form whenever they please.”

“So they are from Tomi Planet… that makes everything a little more interesting…”  Youngjae smirked, “They could lead us to the Cupid Princess much faster.”

“Why do you suppose that?” Baekhyun asked completely confused.  Youngjae smiled, “Because Cho Hee noona just said that the pill is only given to those that have a mission on Earth and maybe there mission is to PROTECT the Cupid Princess.”


Authors Notes:

An extra long chapter as a sorry for my absence^^ Stay Tuned(^^)


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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too