The Competitor's name

Cupid's Day Out

Chapter 13

Exo walked over to the rooftop door, and opened it, only to see Seo Ya leaning on the roof wall.  Chen growled silently, and the others were about to walk away when, “Seo Ya! Where’s Ae Cha?” Lay called out, after looking around for Ae Cha.  Seo Ya turned around, and rolled her eyes, “What are you, demons doing here?”

Chen opened his mouth to speak, but Kai quickly covered his mouth, pulling him back; Kris sighed, “Seo Ya, we didn’t know you were here, if you want us to leave we will with no questions, arraseo?”  Chen stared screaming through Kai’s hands, Chanyeol whispered something in Chen’s ear, which then he became silent.

“You guys can stay here,” Seo Ya sighed and Exo stood there in surprise, Chen escape Kai’s grip, “Do you think were stupid?”

“Yes, but I don’t know what that has to do with anything,” Seo Ya tilted her head innocently.  Chen scuffed, “Seo Ya, stop acting like an immature, sarcastic, little brat and…”

“I said you guys can stay since I’m going to leave,” Seo Ya walked passed Chen, bumping his shoulder with explicit force, opened the roof top door, and left.

The minute Seo Ya left, Sehun walked up to Chen, “What the heck, Chen?”

“What?” Chen rested his back alongside the wall, “I didn’t do anything.”

  Everybody sighed and sat in a circle, like the other day, and Baekhyun spoke up after a few minutes of silence, “Lay, did you know Seo Ya was up here?”  Lay stopped midway eating, not because he was shocked by the question, but because Luhan stopped the spoon from moving any further.  Lay smiled hesitantly as he looked up at all the member’s glares, especially Chen’s.  Lay swallowed a lump in his throat, “I didn’t know she was there.  Ae Cha told me she was going to have lunch here, so…”

“Ae Cha would’ve told you who she was going to eat with though,” Suho rested his head on his palms, Lay bit his lip and looked at Chen’s death stare, and yelped, “Why do you hate Seo Ya so much… Chen?”

“Yeah, why do you? You’re always are mean to her, maybe that’s why she calls us demons,” D.O chimed in, as they all turned their attention to Chen.  Chen sharpened his glare at Lay, making him shift left and right, Chen sighed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.  I’m just stating my opinion since I have nothing to hide, unlike someone I know,” he looked at Kris and smirked, “Isn’t that right Mr. Sophisicated?”

Kris smirked at Chen’s attempt to change the subject, “Do you like Seo Ya? Is that why you’re so mean to her?”


Everybody gasped, and started murmuring to each other, “It does seem kind of odd,”

“Yea, I mean why is he always mean to her only?”

“And remember at the pool he went up so close to her when it wasn’t nec…”

“Guys! Shut Up!” Chen yelled as a small lightening came almost hitting Tao, who was just eating quietly to himself.  Everybody silence immediately, and scooted away from the lightening mark.  Tao shook as he looked at the imprint, and Suho went by his side to comfort him.

“That was scary,” Baekhyun said, breaking the silence.  They looked at Baekhyun and then the soon-to-be-calm Chen.

“It’s all Kris’s fault,” Chanyeol pouted; Kris glared at him, but Chanyeol ignored the stare and turned to Lay, “Are you going to heal the building from the mark?”

“Chanyeol, we already had this discussion, Lay hyung can’t heal non-living things,” Kai exhaled.  Chanyeol pouted again; the atmosphere was gloomy and eerie again.


Baekhyun didn’t like the feel; he needed to do something.  He looked at the sun and back at his friends; he smirked as he brought one of the sun’s rays directly to Sehun.  Sehun started to sweat; he opened a few buttons from his shirt, and sent wind towards himself, which made Luhan’s food fly away.  Luhan didn’t bother to get his food; instead he floated Xiumin’s food towards him.  Xiumin bit his lip and froze the ground Luhan was sitting on, which made Luhan drop the food.  D.O was indignant as he watched how little they treated the food he made, he ripped Luhan from the frozen ground, ripping his pants off, and pinned him against the roof wall.  Kai sighed and teleported to D.O’s side, making him release the pant less Luhan; Luhan embarrassed, ripped Suho’s pants off of him and threw them over the building.  Suho left Tao’s side and formed a water ball from all of their water bottles, and aim to throw it at Luhan, but ended up throwing it on Chanyeol. 

Before Chanyeol do anything, Kris yelled, “Would you guys stop acting like little kids and…” Chanyeol rammed into Kris knocking him over the roof wall.  Everybody started using their powers on each other and Baekhyun smiled as he watched them; Chen, Lay, and Tao were the only ones who didn’t participate.

By the time Kris came back on the roof, ready for his vengeance, Chen started to laugh, “What the heck are you guys doing?”


  Everybody stopped and watch Chen laugh, they looked at each other and started laughing too, “Where’s your pants Luhan?”

“Hey, I’m not the only one pant less, isn’t that right Suho?”

They started to make fun of each other and the whole roof exploded with laughter, even Kris was laughing.  Baekhyun leaned back, looking at his work and smiled, I am such a genius.

After a few minutes of laughing, they finally realized what had happened, “What am I going to do, I can’t go back to class without pants,” Luhan and Suho frantic in unison.

“I feel defuse, my fire’s not coming,” Chanyeol had tears in his eyes.

“My food has been destroyed, my delicious food,” D.O stared down the ruined food, a tear sliding down his cheek.

“I’m so hungry, so hungry,” Xiumin shivered at the thought.  Baekhyun choked up his laugh and went up to Lay, “Lay, I think Chanyeol and D.O need a little healing.”

Lay nodded slowly and went up to D.O first, because not only is he a healer, he was a counselor.  Baekhyun then went up to Tao, “Tao, do you think you have some food to share with Xiumin?”  Tao nodded his head and quickly went to Xiumin’s side, sharing his food.  Baekhyun smiled at Tao’s attempt to feed him as well, because well Xiumin, was acting like a baby.

Baekhyun slowly walked up to Chen and Kris, making sure he doesn’t trigger any indignant behavior from the two, because if those two are mad at the same time well, uh, let’s just say be ready for the world to end.  “Chen, Kris hyung, do you think you have extra pants for Suho and Luhan hyungs to wear?”  Kris lifted an eyebrow, and Chen glared at you.

After a minute, “Well, of course, but I don’t think that they can fit that tower over there’s pants, but you know I have a better idea,” Chen beamed as he went over to Kai and whispered something in his ear, and then they disappeared.

 “I hope Cho Hee noona’s not home,” Kris yawned as he got up.  Baekhyun’s mouth shaped into an ‘O’, also hoping Cho Hee noona’s not home, because last time they went home to get something, let’s say an extra shirt, Cho Hee was home.  She found them and beat the living… well you get it.  Although she’s now ‘human’, she can still pack a punch.

“OMG, why is it so HOT!” Sehun enunciated throughout the whole roof.  Baekhyun stifled a laugh as he remembered what he did.  He sighed looking at the suffering Sehun, Why doesn’t he just move?  Sehun lifted a hand bringing more wind towards him; Baekhyun saw the danger and immediately took the ray back to its original place, telling Sehun to calm his wind.

“We have to go back to class,” Lay said after drying the wet Chanyeol, making his hair frizz a little.

“Wait no, Suho and I still don’t have…”

“Well, just stay up here till they come back,” Kris rolled his eyes as he walked up to the door, others followed, completely forgetting about the imprint.




“Annyeong!” You screamed as you walked into the coffee shop.  Cho Hee’s eyes widen as she dragged you to the kitchen, “How, Why?”  You smiled, “Well first, since I couldn’t take the roof, I went into an empty classroom, and jumped from the window, and then I asked for directions from these lovely ducks, I took a bus.”  Cho Hee closed her eyes and bent down, you became worried, “Cho Hee unni, what’s wrong, are you sick?” Cho Hee laugh loudly as she pulled you into a hug, “You are so hilarious Ae Cha, wow,” she laugh some more.

After she calmed down, she shook her head, “Ae Cha, really, why are you here?”

“Well, I wanted to see you, and I wanted to… work here during lunch,” you tilted you head, “Is that bad?”  Cho Hee felt as she was about to cry by your naïveness; she walked over to the same bag that held the uniform.  She grabbed the one that was your size, handing it to you, and walked back to the front.

After you changed and put the hat over your eyes, you walked out to the front, “Welcome!” you greeted a person, who walked through the door.

After a few minutes of greeting, the person you waited for walked in, “Annyeong! Mr. Kim!” you waved frantically at him; he smiled and waved back, “Annyeong, Ame.”


“You should say ‘annyeong’ to Cho Hee unni too,” you smiled and Mr. Kim’s blinked, “Ame, I always do that, and don’t call me ‘Mr. Kim’…” you tilted your head, and he laughed, “Only my students call me that, call me Hyun Jung instead okay?”  You smiled and nodded as he walked to the counter and ordered.

You walked over to the counter after Hyun Jung went to a table, “So, what do you think of Hyun Jung?”  Cho Hee tilted her head as she called out his name so he can get his drink.  He smiled at her and grabbed the drink, their fingertips brushing each other’s.  You smiled as you saw Cho Hee’s cheeks tinting pink.

“W… what were you talking about, Ae Cha? He’s just a customer,” Cho Hee said as Hyun Jung went back to his table.  You smiled and went back to the door, This is a great sign.  I know because when I was looking at the well, humans always turn pink when the person they like touch or talk to them.

After a few minutes of giddiness, you turn sour as you saw Cho Hee’s boyfriend walk through the door.  “Welcome,” you pouted, he smiled and was about to walk to the counter, but turn back to you, “Oh, what’s your name?”

You blinked at his question, “Ame Ricano.”  The guy was about to ask something else, but a customer came in, and you exhaled with relief as he left to the counter, He doesn’t need to know my name, why did he ask?

“Hey, babe,” the guy said as he arrived at the counter, Cho Hee was in deep thought, and the guy grabbed her cheeks, “What are you thinking about?”  Cho Hee smiled and pulled down his hand, “Nothing, so the usual?”  The guy furrowed his eyebrows and then asked, “I thought you said the girl was just a fill in.  Why is she here again?”

“She does have a name…”

“Yea, I know, it’s Ame Ricano,” the guy smiled and Cho Hee choked a laugh.

The guy pecked Cho Hee’s cheek and asked the same question.  “She’s just going to work here at lunch time and possibly at closing time too.”  The guy pecked her cheek again as you walked behind the counter, Cho Hee quickly pushed him away, “Ah, Ame, I forgot to fully introduce you guys,” she pointed a finger towards the pouty man, “This is Kim Hyung Jun.” 


You nodded and rummage through the things on the counter, So that’s the name of the person, who’s going to make this selective difficult.

Hyung Jun sighed as he watched you, and Cho Hee handed him his drink, “I’m sorry, I guess she’s shy right now.”  Hyung Jun nodded grabbed the cup and their fingertips brushed, you looked at Cho Hee’s face, not changing color, didn’t she say their lovers, why isn’t she blushing.



Author Note:

Hey, it's been a long time since i last updated, i'm sorry.  And i'm also sorry that this chapter might be a little weird, but i hope you like it^^ 

Questions on chapter: Does Chen like Seo Ya?  What's the imprint look like and how does it affect the story? Stay tuned

Does anyone have an idea of who 'Ae Chas' going to end up with, if you do please tell me ahaha^^ 

I promise, well i hope i will make the next chapter better. <(>.<)>

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Annyeong everyone.. I fixed the poll so come and vote^^


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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too