The Prank Part 1

Cupid's Day Out

Chapter 2

“Really? He’s that kind of person,” Sehun sarcastically said.  “It’s true Sehun, I mean he did pranks to basically everyone in school; he even pulled a prank on Kris, and that, that’s like writing your own name in the Death Note,” Chanyeol explained frantically.  All of them just stared at him, jaws drop, Luhan laughed, “Chanyeol, Sehunie was just being sarcastic, we all already know what Baekhyun does,” Luhan laughed so hard that he fell off the desk, Sehun help him back up.  “Remember when I first came to this school, and he put a snake in my book bag,” Joon sighed.  “And remember when he replaced my toothpaste with icing,” Kai chimed in, walking away from his desk to them.  They all looked up at the ceiling and sighed, “Yea.” 

Kris walked over to them, “And remember, when Baekhyun put itching powder in Kris hyungs suit…” Chanyeol laughed, while everybody straighten looking at Kris shadowed face, “Uh, Chan…”

“And when we went to a dinner party, he was itching the whole time, and his face…”


“was so hilarious, it looked like this..."

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQe9wpsZVATAr-gECiXTNU 'Must Itch'

 “CHANYEOL!” all of them scream, Chanyeol pouted, “What? We always talked about how hilarious it was,” Kai pointed behind Chanyeol, and Chanyeol slowly turned around.  His eyes grew big as he found Kris’s towering body behind him, smile twitching, Chanyeol nearly fell of his seat, “Ah Kris hy..hyung, …wah! You’re looking mighty handsome today,” Chanyeol patted down Kris’s uniform.  Kris looked around, took a deep breath, and smiled, “Chanyeol, I believe you’re in my spot.”  Chanyeol nodded and quickly left the seat, tripping in the process.  Kris took his seat, “So what was the thing about Baekhyun?”




“Bada  ba babaa, I’m lovin’ Sun Chips,” someone sang as he walked over to his locker, and opened it, “Let’s see... what prank should I do to the new kid?” he asked himself as he dug through it, "old lady scream can, Nah.  Oh how 'bout the exploding chalk," he thought a little, "nope... i already did that to Seo Ya...hmm,"  he looked around and, "Assa, this is perfect," he grabbed some type of box. 

Someone walked over and pat the other on the back, “Baekhyun, Watcha doin’?” the kid asked.  Baekhyun quickly, and gently put the box back and turned around, “Just a little of this and a little of that,” he flashed a smile, “How ‘bout you, Xiumin hyung?”  Xiumin laughed and held up a lunchbox, “D.O asked me to give this to you.” 

“Ah, I totally forgot, I forgot this,” Baekhyun grabbed it and hugged it to his chest, “D.O, how can I ever survive without you?” he said with tears swelling up in his eyes, Xiumin shook his head, “So… who are you pranking this time?”  Baekhyun whipped away his fake tears, “Why do you think I’m pranking someone?”

“Because you never open you’re locker unless you were, which now that I think about it, is basically every day.”  Baekhyun smirked and grabbed the box from his locker, quickly slipped it to his book bag, and closed the door, “The new kid.”




“So how old are you?” Seo Ya asked as you went down the hallway.  You tapped your finger on your chin, thinking, and then said, “I’m… uh… seve…seve… 18 years old.”  Seo Ya giggled a little, “No need to be nervous, we’re friends now.”  You brightened up a bit and nodded, “Mpp!” 

You arrived in front of the room, “This is class A106, also known as the devils’ playroom,” Seo Ya looked over at you, who have lost your color.  “Th..the de…devils’”

 “No, I mean…,” Seo Ya started until she thought of something, “Yea, it’s because we have 6 demons in this class, 12 in the whole school,” she felt your hand gripping tighter, she responded with a squeeze, “But don’t worry I’ll protect you from them.”  You smiled thankfully at her, Seo Ya looked at her watch and release her grip from your hand, “Ah, it’s almost class,” she open the door and walked in saying, “Just wait for the teacher, arraseo?”  You smiled a little and nodded.




“Yah, Seo Ya, have you met the new kid, is she cute?” Joon shouted over as soon as he saw her; they all turned to look at her.  She rolled her eyes and stomped to them, she looked around the room and notice Baekhyun wasn’t there, “Where’s Baekhyun?”

 “You didn’t answer my question,” Joon pouted, Seo Ya ignored and asked again, “Where’s Baekhyun?”

 “Wah! This is the first time you actually came and talk to us,” Chanyeol gleamed.  Seo Ya tapped her foot impatiently, “Baekhyun? Uh, he slipped out of class,” Sehun yawned.  Seo Ya eyes grew wide, “And you just let him slip out, I swear you demons are…”

“Demons?” Luhan interrupted.  Seo Ya smiled, and opened to say something, until the back door opened, and walked in Baekhyun.  “Yah, Baekhyun, Where were you?” Chanyeol asked wrapping his arm around Baekhyun’s neck, Baekhyun brightened when he saw Kris staring at him, “Kris hyung, I got you a donut,” Kris sighed and grabbed it with a smile.  He looked around and saw Seo Ya standing right in front of them, “Oh, Seo Ya, i see you finally got that chalk out of your hair, ”  Seo Ya glared at him and suddenly grabbed him by his collar with explicit force, “I swear Baekhyun if you, or the other demons hurt Ae Cha, or even bring up that topic again, I will gut you guys like, I gut the fish at my dad's market."

 “Okaaay, thats kind of to the extreme, don't you think?  And besides” Baekhyun grabbed her little wrist and peeled it away from his collar, “I have no idea who this ‘Ae Cha’ is so…”

  “Demons?  Fish?” Luhan interrupted again, they all looked at him and sighed, "Do you think that fall affected his head," Kai asked leaning over to Sehun, who just shrug, paying attention to the others.  Kris sighed and went in between Seo Ya and Baekhyun, “Seo Ya, what’s the problem again?”  Seo Ya huffed, “Baekhyun’s the problem, I don’t know what prank he’s going to pull, but…”

“Who said I’m going to pull a prank?”  Everybody rolled their eyes at him, Baekhyun giggled, very pleased.  Before anyone could say anything else, “Please take your seats,” said the teacher as she walked in.  Everyone took their seats,  “Stand,” Seo Ya said, “Bow,”

 “Annyeonghaeseyo!” All the students said in unison.

“You may be seated,” The teacher said, and opened her folder, “Ok, I was going to introduce the new student, but…” the teacher looked at the door, “apparently she’s not here today, so let’s just take…,” Seo Ya raised hand, “Yes, Ms. Kim?”

“What do you mean she’s not here today, I took her here, she was waiting outside the door.”

“Well, I guess she left early or something,” the teacher lifted up her glasses and started the attendance.  Seo Ya heard someone giggle, she turned and saw Baekhyun, smirking at her, What did this demon do? she wondered.
















I hope you guys like this second chapter,  Again also i'm sorry for my grammer.^^  And feel free to comment if you want to know anything that may seem confusing, or if you want to suggest something.  Thank you for reading (>^.^<)

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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too