
Cupid's Day Out

Chapter 17

“Why? I mean we don’t even know who she is, how can we help her?” although Chanyeol was usually confused when they had their meetings, he actually did have a point.  Cho Hee bit her lip, looking at the feathers, and then her eyes lite, “Where did you guys find the feathers?”

“At the school,” Kai and Baekhyun said in unison. 


Cho Hee smiled, “She goes to your school, and she goes to the park near my coffee shop; that narrows down the list.”  They all nodded and Cho Hee turned serious again, “Once we find her, we have to protect her at all cost, but we can’t let her know at the same time.  This is very important, we need to stay on full alert.”



“Hey want to go to school with me?” you asked as NuNu gaped.  NuNu shook her head wildly as stood up to face you, “I can’t.  Look at me, I’m a monster and…”

“NuNu!” NuNu was taken aback from your stern voice, “You are not a monster, and I can help you.”

“W-what do you mean?”  You smiled and went to your closet, grabbing a box that was secretly tucked inside, and walked to the bed, dumping the contents on the sheets.  NuNu widened her eyes, “What the heck are all these,” she picked up some photos, and smiled.  You grabbed a sack from the contents, “This is it.” NuNu looked at you and stared at the strange sack, “What’s that?”

“Something that will help you transform human like me,” you had a mischievous tint to your eye, and NuNu widened her eyes, “W-what?!”  You smiled and pulled out an orangey pill with a weird mark, out of the sack, “If you swallow this you can turn to human when you want like me, and you will still have shape shifting powers, but just add human to the list you can shape shift to.”

“Where did you get it?”  You shifted your eyes away from NuNu’s serious face, “Don’t tell me…”

“I had too!”

“No, you didn’t!”

“Yes, I did, I wanted you to enjoy the human world like me; go to school, walk around without being on a leash; be free.  I was thinking of you.”  NuNu sighed, speechless, then grabbed the pill in your hands, “What happens if your appa finds out?”  You saw the fear in her eyes and grabbed her hand with yours making her face you, “I won’t let him do anything, I’ll protect you, even if my title depends on it.”  NuNu nodded and looked at the pill; she closed her eyes and popped it in , swallowing it dry.

“I could’ve got you water!”  NuNu shook her head and smiled, “Thank You.”



You opened your eyes and looked at your clock, 5:30am.  Weird NuNu always woke me up during this time.  You looked around the dark room and spotted light coming from the bathroom; you the lights and opened the bathroom door.  “Ae Cha!” someone suddenly pounced on you, “OMG, Ae Cha it worked, it really worked!”  You realized it was NuNu and pried her off of you so you could get a better look: her eyes are now hazel brown; her hair is chestnut brown; her cheeks are rosy; she doesn’t have ears on top of her head; her teeth are normal, she looks exactly like a human.  “Can you change?”  She nodded and change to her true form, to a puppy, then back to human.

“I’m so happy!”  You smiled as she ran back to the mirror admiring herself, NuNu you can finally be free.  You laughed and went next to NuNu, “You can do anything you want till you get your uniform for school.”

“What do you mean I haven’t even…”

“I asked a favor from the same troll who got me at the school.”  NuNu nodded and then a light ball came up, “Ae Cha, you found your first selective right?”  You nodded and NuNu asked where.  You told her, but said that since you’re not very good with directions you talk to the animals. NuNu nodded and laughed, you turned and pouted at her, “What?” 

“You’re still short.”

You arrived at school, a very bright aura illuminating out of you as you walked up the stairs to the building.  You looked at the group that’s always there, and declared that you’re final going to see what the humans were crowding too.  You forced your way through the crowd and when you were almost to the center, you tripped and fell face first. 

“Hey, are you ok?” someone poked you on your shoulder, and helped you up from the floor.  You pouted as you grabbed your noise, “Ani, apa.”  The person laughed and you looked up at him; you squinted your eyes and tilted your head, who is he? I’ve never seen him around school before, but then again I am still kind of new.  You put your hand down and felt thick liquid come down your face, the boy stopped and looked at you, “Oh, your bleeding,” he immediately grabbed a handkerchief and place it on your nose, “I’ll take you to the nurse’s ok.” 

You nodded and held the handkerchief; he grabbed your hand and started walking until someone grabbed your shoulder, “Ae Cha?”  You turned around and smiled when you saw Sehun standing with a blank face then quickly furrowed his eyebrows, “What happen?”  Without warning he grabbed your hand that was holding the handkerchief on your nose, and started walking out of the crowd.  The person who had your other hand followed as well as soon as you left the crowd you felt the liquid falling again and you quickly ripped your hand out of Sehun’s grasp and put it on your nose.

He looked back and saw that another person had your hand, “Sehun,” his attention was fully fixed on the person beside you.  The person nodded, “its ok, I’ll take her to the nurse’s; you just stay here and please your fans.”  The person tugged at you to follow you look back at him not noticing that the others came out of the group as well; they all looked up at you as you entered the building.


You entered the nurse’s office, and looked over at the person, who was scrambling all over the office, when he finally found what he was looking for; he grabbed a chair and moved it in front of you.  You smiled, “I forgot to say thank you, so thank you.”  The person laughed as he patted on your scratched knee with a cotton ball; you flinched, “Owwy!” you glared at the cotton ball, “Evil cotton ball, you should obey your master, I’m sure he did not want you to hurt me… right?”  The person just looked at you silent, and then burst out laughing, “You’re an interesting character, oh by the way instead of master I go by Sungjong.”

“Sungjong,” you repeated to yourself and then smiled brightly holding out a hand, “I’m Ae Cha, Hwa Ae Cha!”  Sungjong smiled up at you and then took out a bandage, “Now bandage, don’t you hurt Ae Cha like the cotton ball did, and make she you stick to her good, so no bacteria comes and infects it,” he placed the bandage on your knee gently, and then looked up at you, “Is it doing what I told it to do?”

“Hmmm,” you scrunched up your face, “Well, for now it is.”  Sungjong chuckled and then leaned closer to you, grabbing your hand to look at your nose; you quickly snatched it back, “No the liquid will drop again.”  Sungjong tilted his head and his puppy eyes soften in curiosity, “Ae Cha, have you ever fallen before?”


“Yes, many times,” you said bluntly, “but this is the first time, liquid came out of my nose.”  See cupids never get hurt, even when they fall trip or whatever, there body’s quickly heal.  Of course, there are some things they can never heal from, like others powers and they own arrows.  Sungjong laughed at your straightforwardness and grabbed your hand again, then grabbed a damp cloth, wiping away the blood, “It seemed like it stopped bleeding, but you got a scratch on your nose.”  You pouted as he got a cotton ball and put liquid on it, “The evil cotton ball made its appearance is it going to hurt me again?”

“Well, the cotton ball isn’t actually evil, it’s killing all the bacteria, so it’s actually good, it just doesn’t know how to express itself,” you nodded as he pat your nose; you flinched at both the sting and the smell, but then Sungjong put a bandage on your nose.   “It feels weird,”

“But you look so cute like that,” he widened his eyes surprised by his comment.  You smiled and asked him, “Ah! I know this may seem weird and I’m a new student, well I’m not I the new new student since I’ve been here for about a week, but… I haven’t seen you before.”  Sungjong eyes soften and leaned back in his chair, “It would be weird if you have because for the past 3 months, I’ve been hospitalized.”

“Hospitalized? That’s sad,” you grabbed his hand in yours, “But are you all better?”  He blinked and nodded; you smiled and got up, “We should go to class, what’s your homeroom?”


“Wah! Me too!” you hooked your arm in his, “Let’s be friends.”  He laughed and rubbed his nape while smiling sheepishly at you.

“Class, I have exciting news,” the teacher said as Sungjong and you entered; the room gasped, and the teacher jumped and smiled, grabbing Sungjong while you walked back to your seat, “Sungjong has been released from the hospital!”  Everybody was silent as they looked at Sungjong with awe, then all of a sudden Seo Ya jumped up and ran to Sungjong, “Sungjong! I’m so happy you’re okay!”  Then everybody started crowding around him.

The teacher smiled and allowed everybody to have the whole period rekindling with Sungjong, since Sungjong is her favorite student.  You walked to Exo, “Annyeong!” you chimed and they looked up at you, “Hey,” they said bluntly.  You pouted, “Is that how you greet a friend? Oh, you should say hi to Sungjong, since…”

“We don’t need to,” Baekhyun smiled at you,not trying to laugh at the bandage on your nose, “we’ll talk to him when everybody stops crowding around him.” 


You smiled and nodded; Sehun kept quiet, not looking at you; you tilted your head and walked next to him, “Yah, Se---hunnah!” someone accidentally pushed you and you draped on his lap, “oof!”  Sehun’s eyes widen and as you were getting up, you turned and went face to face with Sehun, he stayed silent. 


You sighed, friends talk, are you telling me that were not friends?

“Ae Cha!” Seo Ya called out as she abruptly pulled you away from Sehun, she glared at him, and then turned to you, “Are you ok?  The demons didn’t take advantage of you did they? Oh God, why do you have a bandage, the demons did do something to you!”

“Seo Ya! Will you stop with the assumptions?” Kris asked, trying to keep his composure, Seo Ya was about to retort when, “Seo Ya! Don’t.”  Everybody looked and saw Sungjong, he turned to Exo, “How’s my best friends in the whole galaxy?”



Authors Note:

I hope you like this chapter and yes it is a little confusing since I wrote this really early in the morning haha^^ I hope you enjoy the talking to inanimated objects thing hahao.o Why did you still the pill and what do you mean by free? And why and who exactly is Sungjong?  I'm not just adding him in for fun he's actrually important in the story. Stay tuned/>o.o  Oh and would like to say thank to those who kept reading even if I get a little random, you guys are the best.-0.0-

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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too