Night Stroll

Cupid's Day Out

Chapter 22

Instead of going back to school, you spend the whole day with Mi Ah at your house.  It was passed 10 and there was still no sight of NuNu, “Ae Cha, stop pacing will ya; she’ll be back,” Mi Ah walked up to the pacing you and grabbed your shoulders, “Arraseo!”  You huffed and shook your head, “Ani! She should be here… right noow,” you turned into your true form and started fidgeting your wings, a nervous habit of yours, “What if she got lost?  What happens if she got kidnapped?” you gasped and grabbed unto Mi Ah’s shoulders, shaking her, “What happens if there’s an apocalypse going on and she’s in the middle of it?!!”

“Ok, calm down,” Mi Ah pulled your resisting hands off of her, “because if there really was an apocalypse we’ll all be dead, and I’m pretty sure NuNu has a better sense of direction than you.”  Mi Ah smiled and ushered you to your bed, “Just calm down and rest… ok?”  You shook your head and turned back to your human form, “ANI! I’m going to find her!” you ran out the door escaping Mi Ah’s grip. 

Mi Ah pouted and looked down at her phone, “NuNu just texted me that she’ll be home soon… maybe I should’ve told her that, but I wanted to see her scared face… oh well.”  Mi Ah then looked up at the ceiling to the door and back at the phone, “Oh Crap!” she ran out the door while typing something down on her phone.


“Well, I guess I have to go… Ae Cha won’t be able to sleep until I come back home,” NuNu said as she sipped down the last of Zelo’s Surprise.  Junhong pouted and then smiled as an idea popped into his head, “Ah! We can take you!  And we can even watch War Movies while we’re there!!”  Yongguk lifted his head and turned to NuNu, while nodding his head frantically, “NE! We should!”


NuNu smiled and Cho Hee went up to them, “I don’t think so… Ae Cha might be scared of having all you weirdoes at her house,” she looked at NuNu and smiled.  NuNu returned the smile and then took out her phone as she felt it vibrate “A text?” she opened it.

To: NuNu

From: The vain of my existence, Mi Duh>.<


Hi! NuNu! Umm so if you didn’t understand what I just said up there, let me just tell you Ae Cha left the building and well, I can’t find her, and you know how bad she is with directions… hopefully she will ask the ducks instead of those sneaky squirrels, so yea, umm GO FIND MY SWAN!!!

P.S. Oh and this is Mi Ah^^

NuNu gaped at the really weird and highly stupid text that she has ever received… well ok it wasn’t the weirdest one, since Ae Cha always is first place.  “Crap! This is bad! This is bad!”

“What’s bad?” Cho Hee asked as she stopped NuNu from pacing, in which she didn’t know she was doing.  NuNu grabbed unto Cho Hees shoulder and shook, “CODE RED CODE RED! THE SWAN HAS LEFT THE NEST! THE SWAN HAS LEFT THE NEST!”  Cho Hee stood there, too confuse to say anything, just as Yongguk stood up, “This is serious, the swan left the nest, I’m guessing she’s in danger ever since.”

NuNu nodded head frantically, “NE!”

“Well then we accept the mission!”

“Woah, woah, woah,” Cho Hee shook her head and waved her arms at them, “Can someone explain to me what’s going on?”  NuNu nodded, “Ne! Ae Cha left our house and she has a really bad sense of direction and…”

“How? I mean she comes here every day and…”

“Well, she usually asks ‘things’ for direction, but right now she’s looking for me, and she doesn’t know where I am, so she will wonder everywhere… OmG! What if she wondered off a cliff?!”  They all stared at her and then Cho Hee slammed her hand on the table, “Let’s go!”

“Wait what about your…”

“I’ll ask someone to fill in for me!” Cho Hee exclaimed as she ran into the kitchen.  After a few minutes she came back out in casual attire, “Noona is it really…”

“Ne, Ne! Of course it is… Eunji is taking over my shift… she’s going to be her any… oh there she is!” Cho Hee exclaimed as a girl ran in completely exhausted with sweat as if she dashed over there.  “Un-unni are you alright… I came here as fast as I could when you texted me,” she pulled out her phone, but quickly stopped as she stared at Cho Hee, “YAH!” she yelled with whatever energy she had left, “YOU LOOK PERFECTLY FINE!”

“Aw, and you do too!” Cho Hee exclaimed as she hugged the younger, “I’m sorry I sent you that message, but you know… I had an emergency.”

“What text did you send her?” Yongguk asked as they walked up to the two.  Eunji pulled her phone fiercely and pointed at the screen, “Who freakin’ does this to a person?!”  Yongguk grabbed the phone:

To: Eunji (Mee)

From: Trickster Unni (Do not trust her)

EUNJI!! HELP!! I can’t breathe… I think… I’m… ah Eunji… I’m on the floor and I can’t get up, I can’t even reach for my phone… Why?  I’m still too young to die… Why does this world forsake me! Why! WHY!... *Dead*

They all looked at Eunji, incredulously; NuNu covered with her hand as she put a hand on Eunjis back, “You must have been so worried… I’m sorry Cho Hee unni did this to you.”

“Finally someone who knows my pain!” Eunji exclaimed as she drew NuNu into a hug.  Everybody tilted their head at the sight; Youngjae shook his head, “You guys actually believed this text… I mean it’s highly unlikely for a person who can’t reach her phone is texting you, as well as she wrote dead… did you actually believe a dead person could write dead?”


“Yah! I’m in a very emotional state right now… so don’t go all smarty pants on me… Mr. Smarty pants!” Eunji poked Youngjae’s chest; Youngjae lifted an eyebrow and grabbed her wrist drawing her closer to him, “Thank you, for acknowledging that.”

“Ok!” Cho He clapped her hands drawing everybody’s attention back to her, “We really need to get going… Thanks again Eunji!” she yelled as she pushed everybody out the door.  Eunji stood there blankly and looked down at her hand, “That… was… RUDE!”



Mi Ah was yelling your name, calling every nickname you had, but still nothing.  She ran down the street, not paying attention to the crossroad as she tried to go across; she ran halfway through when the light change; she stopped like a stupid person and looked at the light heading towards her.  She would’ve gotten ran over if someone didn’t push her out of the way, then pull her to the sidewalk, “Are you ok?!”

Mi Ah blinked a few times and looked up at the man, seeing as he face lightened brightly; she tilted her head, “Who are you?”  The man chuckled and patted your hair, “Seems like you’re alright…”  Mi Ah shook her head frantically, “ANI! I lost my friend and I can’t find her and do you know how hard it is to find someone when you just moved here?!”


“Ne, here name is Ae Cha, Hwa Ae Cha… do you know her?”

“Ae Cha! Ne, I know her… ah that makes sense now,” the man exclaimed.  He looked down at Mi Ah, whose head was tilted to the side and grabbed her wrist, “Let’s go find her then!”  Mi Ah stood in placed then pouted; the man turned to her and she said, “I’m not allowed to go with strangers.”  The man chuckled and put his hand in hers, “I’m Sungjong… and I go to the same school as Ae Cha!” 


Mi Ah shook his hand, “I’m Mi Ah! I’m Ae Cha’s friend!” she walked alongside him, “Now were not strangers.”

---------------------------------- A few minutes earlier:

They all went home with Sungjong and collapsed on top of each other on the coach, “I’m soooo tired!” Luhan exclaimed as he the television, surfing the channels.  “Ne… I didn’t see Ae Cha though… which is odd,” Baekhyun pouted as he snuggled into Kai’s lap like a little puppy.  “It’s not that unusually… I mean she’s always leave during lunch… maybe she stayed at Noona’s café,” Sehun said as he was blowing away Chanyeol’s fire, “Yah! Chanyeol, stop that!”

“But I have to perfect to, you know!” Chanyeol pouted and snapped his fingers as blue embers arose at the fingertips, “See look what I could do now!”  They all nodded with approval, well until the embers travel down his hand… dangerous close to his cuffs.  Suho sighed and extinguished the embers with Lays water bottle… again.

Sungjong laughed and patted Chanyeol on the back, “You still haven’t perfected your skills yet since I was gone, but at least you could make blue fire now.”  Chanyeol smiled brightly at the commented as Baekhyun all of a sudden jumped from his spot on Kai’s lap with a yelp.  “What’s wrong, Baek?” they all asked at Baekhyun’s weird, but not unusual reaction.

“I don’t know,” he grabbed his phone and saw he had a message, “I guess my phone shocked me… how is that possible?”

“Oh, the phone didn’t shock you… I did, but umm, I guess it was a lucky coincidence,” Chen laughed as his electrical surges sunk back into his skin.  Baekhyun shook his head and smiled, “You’re mean,” he looked at his phone, “We have to go… like now!” Baekhyun said as he ran to everybody’s ear, except Sungjong, to tell them what was in the text.  They all widened their eyes and left for the door.

Kai and Sungjong was the only ones left, “We have to go look for someone… how ‘bout you go and explore outside while were gone… and later we’ll treat you whatever you want,” Kai said before he disappeared in a cloud of dust.



“YOU!” you widened your eyes and took a step back from a shadowy figure, “How did you find me?!”  You felt the tides of the shoreline soak your feet, “You were supposed to be dead!”


Authors Note:

Annyeong!! I’m back!! I am finally done with all my projects and essays and exams^^  I hope you enjoy this chapter^^ but if it’s confusing well just remember I just finished all exams>.<  Wonder who You are talking to at the end… figure out later^^ Stay Tuned ^(O.O)^


tumblr_inline_mqchmjrYVI1qz4rgp.gif  Luhan...*WINK*   Me... *Blink* haha

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callmedongsaeng #1
Chapter 33: Please update! I'm your new subscribers ~~
Prancis #2
Chapter 33: It good please update yaayy
Taelin #3
Chapter 32: Author-nim dif u abandoned this story it's heartbreaking i really love it
panda_88 #4
Chapter 32: Update soon! I love your stories :3
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 31: daebak..i really enjoy the reading...hope you will update as soon as posible :) ^^
..hello Youngie unnie! Lovely fic you have here! ^^
Chapter 31: Can they not throw aecha? I mean I think they can do something else than throwing her...
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: Why Is Teamin & Onew Doing On Earth Aren't They Part Of EXO's Planet Where Changmin Rules So Does That mean They Are Their To Get Rid Of The Cupid Princess Powers Or EXO's Powers!!!
ILoveKDramas1 #9
Chapter 20: so beak can teleport too