Requiem for a Dream

Night Classes : Supernatural *Discontinued*


An avalanche of dark chocolate hair tumbled out of her wet towel in a towsled mess, framing her slender, strong frame. Huffing as she spilled curses over the boy who caused this wet mess, Hyemi struggled to strip herself of her skinny jeans, that were sticking to her legs as strong as her own skin. As soon as she was able to, she gratefully gathered her soggy books for the very next period.

As the hours pass by, she's up for the Night Classes. Strapping her black boots by her knees, her hands grab her sword and she's off. It's only minutes before she gathered Ms. Jung and her classmates in a circle, spreading the map on the circled table. Eyeing the calm mentor, she nods, and Hyemi clears .

"As we all know, Princess of Asder - who's known as my mother - has sent us a message confirming that she declares a war against us. While the reason is still unkown, we should still fight back. In this solemn hour it is a consolation to recall and to dwell upon our repeated efforts for peace. This is no war of domination of material gain; no war to win. It's a war to establish and revive the rights of the individual. Under the name of liberty, who'll fight with me?" Her hand slammed the edge of the table, and the room echoed with roars of anticipation and inspiration.

She smiled, her eyes twinkling with pride at the courageous hearts, swelling her heart from the joy. They are determined to win, and she'll be their strength. She'll be the light they shall follow to end this age of darkness. "In a matter of 2 weeks or 3, Asder shall be released."

"How?" Hyuna's newest boyfriend, Choi Minho, wrapped his arms around her as she questioned her.

Hyemi smirked. "I was wondering if we could pay a surprising visit to my mother, she'd be amazed by our consideration, don't you think?"

"That will happen in the very 21st of december, thursday. Until then, we do nothing but train. Sparring, Archery, Material Arts, you name it." Ms.Jung pushed her slipping glasses above the bridge of her pointy noise.

Hyemi nods, before she continues. "I've also talked to the principal into sending the normal students into a surprising 'Winter holiday', so that they suspect nothing. In addition of that, the exams in the third week of December will be canceled, making those students steal the opportunity to study."

"Are we done here?" HyunRim gripped Kris' arm, eyes strong-willed.

"Yes, now get your arse moving, people!" Chen shoved each guy a sword. "Let's get cracking, ladies!"




"You've got it made now, Woohyun." Hyemi commented beside Ms.Jung, observing with her how they sparred.

Woohyun flashed her a flirty smile as he winked, circling his opponent carefully. She chuckled, and the tension eases into somthing lighter she can use to focus on planning. She stares at them all, a tiny smile with affection on her face. All of them were special to her, in a way or another. They were what she could call her closest meaning to a family. In a few months, they all accepted her - and respected her, charging to defend her if any ordinary student insults her. They sometimes describe love as an emotion that we can't control, one that overwhelms logic and common sense; and that's what she felt for every single one of them. As she just was turning to request an opponent from Ms.Jung, a blade poked her backbone.

He appeared before her, making her heart spring to her tightening throat. Black skinny jeans and a low shirt, showing his collarbone. His chiseled jaw lifted with a proud, pleasant smile. Hazel eyes glinting with mischievousness, and his soft, feather-like golden hair brushed away from his brow. And why oh why is he causing her heart to trip and stutter?

"We're currently, as a sparring group, are not even. Therefor, I'm the only one with no rival." His palm loosely turned his blade, using his other to toss his hair away from his eyes.

"If you don't mind getting your beaten by me, I'm fine with being your rival." Hyemi bit back a mischievous smile as she steadied the sword in her hand.

He playfully glared at her, and her cheeks flushed. "You're going to eat those words. Ms.Park."

"Let's see about that, Mr.Lu."




He lashed out, slaying his blade towards her, but's she's ready. Blocking him with the flat middle surface of her sword, she whirls beneath his outstretched arms and slam the end of the tip into his inner thigh. The only thing that's actually preventing him from wincing is his pride, and he smirks. "Not bad."

She sassily adds her palm to her round hip. "That point goes to my score."

They block, parry, and break apart. They've been sparring for the last 15 minutes, without him even breaking a bead of sweat, while her shirt was drenched in her perspiration. He's good, but she can't accept losing. Time to show him who's he dealing with. Their swords gleamed in the cool moonlight.

He charged, but she dodged to the side in one fluid move, so he swiveled back back to her direction. He steps back, and she charged foward, swinging the end of her weapon. He waits for the last moment, then he attacks with a terrifying speed and force, disarming her and holding her back by wrapping his arms around her.

"W-wait! That's not fair!" Hyemi spluttered, squirming around his warm, musk-scented arms. His hot breath was tickling the side of her ear as she could hear him smirk.

"Who said I'll be fair?" He was obviously enjoying being a tease.

She scoffed, nudging his ribs not-so-gently. "That's a dirty trick."

His grip tightened on her arms and waist, yet it didn't hurt her. As he leaned closer - if that was possible -, heat stings her cheeks in response, and she silently begged her heart to stop banging so loudly. "But no one will play fairly in a battle. You lost this fight, but don't lose the war."

Printing his lips on her cold, bare shoulder, her breath hitches in , and she stiffens from the shock. Luckily, no one was paying attention to them, since she was sheathed beneath the dark corner of the battlefield. Warmth spreads lazily above her chest, traveling to her cheeks. Before she could even respond, his arms fell loose from around her torse, and he walks away.

"Meet me by the fountain."




Hyemi didn't want to go there. Not an ounce of her body dared to move out of the exist. She was still feeling lightheaded from the aching, sudden kiss. Just the thought of facing Luhan again makes her breathing rapid and shallow. Her legs are shaking with the need of running away, far away. And what on earth was the meaning of that damned, sweet kiss? The anxiety deadened her mind and body while she tried calming her stupid tripping pulse. It was either she goes, and possibly get a free heart attack, or stay here, and get Luhan to be upset at her.

...Second choice, she was definitely going with the second choice.

But her legs carry her outside instead.

Groaning and cursing endlessly at herself for being such a weak-willed softie, Hyemi trudges regrettably towards the aging fountain. There was a circular lawn with a path around it. There was a central bed of shrubs around it. Sky sprinkled with stars, with a cool wind gently shoving the complaining clouds away from the brilliantly glowing moon. Hyemi carefully sat on the edge of the fountain, listening to the water trickling past the glass figure of the angelic baby.

Then something blocks her entire vision with a palm, and a wordless chuckle before the wonder of the musk's scent causes her stomach to backflip. "Promise me that you'll keep your eyes closed and follow my voice."

"But...Alright. I promise." She mumbled.

"No cheating." Luhan warned her, voice low and serious. She chuckled as he hesitantly lets go and grabs her hand to lead her.

Darkness slips to her eyes as she nervously follows him, close to his figure incase she trips on a fallen branch. He smiles, and add some gentle pressure to her soft palm as if to tell her that it'll be alright. She squeezed his palm back unconciously, focusing on the blinding darkness of her closed eyes. Placing his other hand on her waist, he leads her along.

After a few more minutes that felt like hours, she whines childishly. "Can I open them now?"

"No." He sternly replies back, glancing at her troubled but cute expression. "Dare to do that, and I'll leave you here."

"W-where are you taking me?" She squeaks.

He falls silent, but after a few moments, softly leans in to say: "Now, open them slowly."

She squints past the darkness, then gasps. "Y-you..."

Clusters of light were shimmering on the dark leaves that were waltzing with the breeze. The dew drops glistened fairly from the stem. It's bough twisted and glittered like crystal drops facing a curling flame. Snow added a different light too. They breathe, whispering woodland secrets. Aroma of bank and loan fill the air, joined together by the scent of star dust. It was the place where anyone felt closest to the mother nature. With every leave, there was a cluster of light joined with it.

It was the star-light tree.

"Luhan...It's beautiful." Hyemi couldn't tear her gaze from the glowing tree that was in contrast with the light and the dark shadows.

"I know." He hummed, satisfied by her reaction. Her eyes were sparkling a serene joy, while the light emitted shadows softly under her high cheekbones and long lashes.

As his out stretched hand leaned towards the stars of the leaves, she gasped, both astonished and confused. "Wait, what are you trying to do, Lu-"

His fingers land on the star, and he gently folds it around his palms. "Open your hands, Hyemi."

She obliges, eyeing him anxiously. With that, he places the light, cool object on the flat surface of her palm. Once she squints, studying the blinding figure, she stares in astonishment at him then the object.

A think necklace of fine light was between her fingers.

"Allow me to help you put it on." Her hand grabbed her hair, lifting it up so he can easily clasp it on. Once it dangled on her chest, he sits beneath the shade of the tree, and she follows him. "I asked a Nymph to make it for you."

"Luhan, I-"

"Ever since the day you came, I knew you were trouble."

She froze, his words stabbing her heart. "W-what?" Tears were climbing to the edge of her eyes as she stared at the boy who was calmly staring ahead. A smile tugged his lips above as he gently held her hand.

"And I guess I was right. Because now I'm so retardedly, insanely, and stupidly in love you."






There you go. There is his confession ^. I'm tired of hearing this cliche BS of girl's always having to be the first in confessing.

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Chapter 40: i don't know what to suggest reading your author note here. cause untill 2015 you still get a new reader and its me. i really hope you coutinue but its okay if you don't want too. i understand :) just keep this story. don't delete.
Chapter 40: I'm seriously... just.... if you want to continue this please do, I really want to know more, what will happen, and so many things of this story. I want to see an end, explanations, a story. But as a person who writes too, you can discontinue this because it is really hard to write with no inspiration, without a fuel to back you up. It may be hard for some readers if they won't (myself included) see what entirely happened in this story. But it is hard too, for the author, to write something against one's will even tho they really don't. So the decision is still yours:)
roanturin14 #3
Chapter 40: I think its better to continue your work. people (include me) really love your story. I think it's better to hiatus rather than delete all the entire chapters, it just so precious. In another side, at least I know someday the story will be end even I don't know when. At least you can try to finish the story...I hope you change your mind :)
Seems like an interesting story! I can't wait to get started reading! :)
Chapter 38: Wow...What a cliffhanger.....
Ferble45 #8
Chapter 36: Awww .. baekhyunnie didn't get to explain himself ...
Chapter 36: now I can ride along with your journey! hehehe