Hunting the Hunter III

Night Classes : Supernatural *Discontinued*

Ailee - I will show you



"I'm impressed. You found my hide-out in 25 seconds." The burning figure growled, moving in a prone position with her body resting on the ground.

"Be out of here, because I'm warning you." he snarled, making the fire's size grow.

 Crawling out of the hell hole, the serpent cackled. Her eyes were a haunted sap green glow, mesmerizing and pointed like a cat's. Her lengthy, charcoal locks stopping its luscious flow just above her waist. Glimmering, fragile scales molded together were covering her entire skin. Each scale as small as her fingernail. As soft as the petals of a lily, yet as firm as a ripe apple. Nails as hawk's claws, they were burrowed in the dirt as she stood up with the flame's pit behind her.

"Oh I would be out of here." She sneered, "But first, I want my snack!"

 Hyemi almost shrieked with extreme fear as the half-human, half-snake leaped towards her with her fangs on display, yet she was snatched off her feet with a gentle grasp against someone's chest. Her neck snapped up to stare at the familiar face. His dark, shimmering eyes crinckled on the sides as he gave her a sympathetic smile. He balanced himself on the tree's arm that was across the side. Impulsively, two shadows made an appearance beside them, and Hyemi yelped in surprise.

"Thanks for rescuing her, Tao. That was a close one." Luhan sighed as he glanced sideways at the nestled girl.

"Anytime, Hyung." Tao's eyes shifted back towards Luhan.

Chen's arms tensed up from beside them as he arched an arrow towards the enormous snake-woman. "Ok, let's finish this."

"Tao, take Hyemi back to the nurse's office." Luhan firmly instructed, his eyes flickering back to kris as the beast sprung mid-air to attack him, yet he fluidly swerved away with a kick.

"W-wait!" Hyemi burbled as he got on his feet. Her head turned with hesitate at Luhan's side. "Are you sure you guys will be alright?" She stammered.

The three in unsion chuckled. A soft, musical laugh bubbled from his side, and she blushed in embarrassment.  "Don't underestimate us, princess,"

Chen added as his re-adjusted his arrow. "After all, those are night classes."


"There. You should be alright by now." His graceful, lean build rose up as he exmained the bandage that covered her ankle. "Do you have anymore injuries?"

"No." Lifting her exhausted leg, Hyemi's eyes left the ivory cloth back to him. "Thank you for helping me back there, Tao."

"You're very welcome." He smiled tenderly as he cleared up the slight mess.

Her eyes were pinned by his back as she froze her leg mid-air. "...What was that creature, Tao?"

He paused, wondering what the perfect answer should be, before sighing in defeat. "A Melusine."

"A Melu- what?" She choked.

"A Melusine. A sometimes winged being with an upper body that resembles a woman and a fish or serpent-like lower body." Tao clarified, hanging back for a moment before going on. "She's a relative to the serpents, which are remarkable creatures related to the snake."

Needles stinged her spine as she registered what's he trying to say. "Aren't they mythical creatures?"

"Mythical creatures exsist, they just hide themselves from humans. That's the law, and it should never be broken." He muttered before running his eyes over the window's background.

 Sensing his curiosity over the situation they just left behind, she decided to spare him that let him leave. Hyemi faked a yawn, wrapping a palm around her lips. "That was draining! Well, I'm going to sleep now...Goodnight, Tao."

Hopping of the desk back towards the door, she suddenly heard him chortle. Her cranium slightly rolled to his side, likely bemused and perplexed. He gazed at her for a full minute with his dark eyes, then smiled, appreciative.

"That was a poor preformance, dear. But...Thank you." A small smile lightened his features, and she felt her face glowing with a red shade. A gust of exhilarating air trickled her face from the unlocked window, and she shivered. Once she unsealed her eyelids, he was gone. She gave out a laugh as she left the office, sauntering upon the immense hallway that was protected with intimidating shadows. Truthfully, she began getting used to it. If you re-called that three weeks ago, she was concerned about the whole thing, but now, it felt neutral.

She wasn't outcasted, neither did she feel like she belonged.

The questions in her mind were music notes that were left unfinished. Every strange, unconventional situation was added, yet it never made a harmonious melody.

Because it never made sense.

Frowning, she dug a pencil and a note out of her pocket and slid by the wall. Hyemi started recollecting the past, unusual scenes, scribbling on the crumpled, ripped paper.

1. The principal is a child.

2. Teachers were fairly mad.

3. Night classes are training them.

Her eyebrows knitted together. Now that she actually thought of it...What are they training them for? Shaking her head in confusion, she made a mental note reminding her to ask someone later.

4. Creatures in Mythology do exist.

5. She's the daughter of someone leading First Gods - Whoever they are.

6. She can die - literally- in her own dreams and in real life.

7. Her teacher is a ghost that doesn't mind if her students transform into werewolves and hunt the other classmates down.

8. Her mother killed her father.

She could effortlessly write more, but she would never find the answer for this puzzle. Thumping her crown by the wall, her eyes trailed down the ceiling. Her brain was tied up in knots, making an overwhelming sensation crawl down her body. was full of cotton, constantly dry. Another feeling kicked in, and this time, it gushed through her body, washing any depressing or confusing sense away. Confidence got her up her feet, brushing the dust away from her skirt. She was determined to find out the truth.

And this time, she wanted the whole part of it.

Marching straight-forward down the hall, it felt as if she was climbing the stairs of optimism. With every step up, her certainty grew, accepting that it was the right thing to do. She had the right to understand, since enough was enough. The explaination that was promised to be given was still unknown, and she wanted to discover what it was. The previous time, she ran away from it because she was scared and confused - which was, obviously, a natural reaction from every natural human. But now, she was sure of herself, and this time, she won't run away. She would listen to it all, and she-

The door infront of her opened, and there goes her crumbled prep speech.

The youngster rather jumped from the jolt, and her palm slammed her chest, aiming to calm her alarmed heart down. "Goodness! Hyemi! W-what are you doing here?"

Gulping, Hyemi felt herself tumbling down the stairs of conviction back to the ground of nervousness. "May I come in?" Tension sat down, leg by leg, curling a sly grin on his face, and Hyemi sat beside him on the couch.

"Tea or Coffee?" Standing smoothly infront of her, the principal's unbothered smile confused her more, as if she was waiting for her visit.

"Water, please." She nicely rejected, suddenly conscious of her parched throat.

Once she came back with a cup of water and green tea, the little one settled herself on the opposite chair, making herself comfortable. "What do you-"

"I think I'm ready, please tell me everything." Hyemi blurted, before covering with her hand straight away.





Crappy chapter, I know. But the next will be better. I promise ;_;...


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Chapter 40: i don't know what to suggest reading your author note here. cause untill 2015 you still get a new reader and its me. i really hope you coutinue but its okay if you don't want too. i understand :) just keep this story. don't delete.
Chapter 40: I'm seriously... just.... if you want to continue this please do, I really want to know more, what will happen, and so many things of this story. I want to see an end, explanations, a story. But as a person who writes too, you can discontinue this because it is really hard to write with no inspiration, without a fuel to back you up. It may be hard for some readers if they won't (myself included) see what entirely happened in this story. But it is hard too, for the author, to write something against one's will even tho they really don't. So the decision is still yours:)
roanturin14 #3
Chapter 40: I think its better to continue your work. people (include me) really love your story. I think it's better to hiatus rather than delete all the entire chapters, it just so precious. In another side, at least I know someday the story will be end even I don't know when. At least you can try to finish the story...I hope you change your mind :)
Seems like an interesting story! I can't wait to get started reading! :)
Chapter 38: Wow...What a cliffhanger.....
Ferble45 #8
Chapter 36: Awww .. baekhyunnie didn't get to explain himself ...
Chapter 36: now I can ride along with your journey! hehehe