Unrealistic Decisions

Night Classes : Supernatural *Discontinued*

"You did what?!" The girl yelped in disbelief as she sprang off her table's surface.

Hyemi hung her head in shame. "I called a saraph."

The child spluttered, mystified. "H-how..."

A shrug was all she got from the other shame-faced latter. so she sank back in her place. Her jaw unhinged. Arms slack at the sides. Eyes heavy with concentration. Silence stretched, and both pair kept in mind not to rest their eyes on each other. After a few minutes Hyemi calculated, she spoke up.

"I will move you to the advanced Night classes."

There was a visible jolt of surprise through Hyemi's face. "A-advanced?"

The principal shook her head. "Let me explain." Her gaze wandered off to the perplexed lass. "Dalton's private academy has two private sections for night classes. As you see, one is the standard night classes while the other is the night classes advanced. Advanced night classes are for extremely talented students. Therefor, I shall move you to night classes adavanced."

Her forehead crinckled in confusion and her eyebrows knitted. "Why?"

"Apparently, the accident you were responsible of just now wasn't an accident. You clearly excerpted more power than you intended, leading the effect of it to call the angel of fire." Her voice was low when she finally continues. "You have more power than the rest, Ms.Park. Lethal power. It will be dangerous for the others - and you- to stay at the standard night classes."


The sun had completed its tour for the day, and had now been replaced by myraid stars, which dotted the inky canopy. A low, waning gibbous moon hovered tenously in the twilight firmanent, bestowing a very dim light upon the land. It was a cool, windy night ; the swaying of trees and rustling of leaves could be heard but not seen, as the encompassing datkness had blotted out all the faintest light.

Briefly, a dark, wispy cloud eclipsed the crescent moon. For a few shadowy moments, it looked like there a halo around the cloud, a dull aura of lunar luminscence. A dark curtain fell over the land, twinkling spotlights adorning the velvet texture of the night. A dark mantle sweeping across the sky, studded with pulsing diamonds.

She moved restlessly on her bunk, thrashing with muffled screams. Her chest was wrapped in bands of iron, inexorably tightening. A cry mixed with fright and pain came out as a sob. Gasping for air, Hyemi sat bolt upright. Sweat streamed down her face as she searched the dark room with traumatic eyes. She scrambled back in the bed like a cornered prey, huddling against the headboard, trembling. Squeezing her eyes shut, she took in a long, slow, shaky breath, trying to force air into her compressed lungs.

"It was just a nightmare." She called aloud, confirming herself while clutching the pillow tightly to her chest. "Just a nightmare."

What was she doing here?

Why is she here?

How come she didn't object until now?

Disbelief made it impossible for Hyemi to think for a moment. She could not seem to get her brain to function.

That's right.

She was silent for too long.

Too many facts from her past were checked with evidence, so she didn't say anything about it since it was true. But advanced night classes? That's too much for her physical state. She could barely manage the standard one alone with minor injuries, so how about the advanced? She wouldn't make it through the next 30 minutes, by sure. She was a normal student in a normal school, having her two grandmothers as her legal guardians. Focusing on her studies and nothing else. A's straight student.

Then her world turned 180 degrees around.

Now she's the daughter of Cronus. Now she's a student in classes that we can safely tag dangerous. Now she has lethal powers. Now she can't trust herself in the dark. Now everyone wants her pendant.

Pulling off the smooth bed sheets, Hyemi stepped out of her bed, watchful not to make any unnecessary noise. Her pupils trailed off to her roommate, EunHee, who was tucked securely in her bed, peacefully in her dreamland that doesn't contain any types of spine-chilling monsters.

She was rather jealous of her.

Normal life.

Striking features.

No worries about night classes.

No life-threatening problems.

Perfectly normal.

How fortunate.

The wisps of the air tingled her skin, and she softly exhaled. Bitter cold existed behind the closed door, and now, as she looked, there seemed to be frozen icicles hanging from the gutters. The fire, for a brief time, seemed to be offering respite from the winter storm outside. A dance of light and shadows spilled from the fire place, glinting off a cobweb of frost on the window, turning the room into a sactuary of warm air.

Her thoughts roamed round and round with only the thoughts of unrealistic reality. Cold air was singing around, silence eating her surrondings. leaving the sigh of her situation shooting air out of with each breathe she exhaled.

Determination is going until her legs lose feeling, until her arms break, until her head feels like it's about to explode, until her brain tells her that she's done and she refuses to listen.

She can't take this anymore. All the madness. For nothing.

She will leave.

And never comeback.






Okay, before you hunt me down let me rant a little about school and this holiday of ours. First, I was sick. Like, ouch sick. Second, I have a party and I must wear heels. Did I ever mentioned how much it freaking hurt to walk in heels? Yes i heard before it hurts to walk on them, BUT I NEVER THOUGHT THEY WOULD HURT THIS MUCH -.-.

Any way, I started a new story. Action - drama - romance. The scenes kept popping in my brain, so. I. just.had.to.write.them. Starring with Sehun -OC- Lay~~!

Another note : I'm so sorry that this update is short - and crappy- but I promise that you will love the next chapter ^^


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Chapter 40: i don't know what to suggest reading your author note here. cause untill 2015 you still get a new reader and its me. i really hope you coutinue but its okay if you don't want too. i understand :) just keep this story. don't delete.
Chapter 40: I'm seriously... just.... if you want to continue this please do, I really want to know more, what will happen, and so many things of this story. I want to see an end, explanations, a story. But as a person who writes too, you can discontinue this because it is really hard to write with no inspiration, without a fuel to back you up. It may be hard for some readers if they won't (myself included) see what entirely happened in this story. But it is hard too, for the author, to write something against one's will even tho they really don't. So the decision is still yours:)
roanturin14 #3
Chapter 40: I think its better to continue your work. people (include me) really love your story. I think it's better to hiatus rather than delete all the entire chapters, it just so precious. In another side, at least I know someday the story will be end even I don't know when. At least you can try to finish the story...I hope you change your mind :)
Seems like an interesting story! I can't wait to get started reading! :)
Chapter 38: Wow...What a cliffhanger.....
Ferble45 #8
Chapter 36: Awww .. baekhyunnie didn't get to explain himself ...
Chapter 36: now I can ride along with your journey! hehehe