Chapter 11

That unique girl

*On the same day in the delivery van*

“Aww, my back’s soarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” Yoseob groaned.

“I just wanna fall on my comfy bedddd,” Gi Kwang joined in the groaning.

“Aish, just stop groaning, sleep on the van okay?” DooJoon scolded them.

“Yah, you don’t feel tired doesn’t mean others wouldn’t,” Hye In backed Yoseob and Gi Kwang up.

“Like I’m talking to you?” DooJoon retorted. He then noticed Hye In’s tired face.

“Yea yea, whatever you say,” Hye In yawned like a puppy cutely. DooJoon saw it and can’t help but chuckle. Luckily Hye In was too tired and did not notice it.

“Noona, let me drive, I slept just now so I am more somber, you know you look like you are going to fall asleep anytime, I cant risk it,” Jong Soo teased Hye In a bit.

Hye In shot him a glare before nodding and changing places with him.

So now it’s like that. Jong Soo, Hye In and DooJoon are in the front seat while Manager Hyung and the other b2st members are huddled at the small sofa bed that was placed behind by Hye In a few days ago, sleeping soundly. Suddenly, DooJoon felt something on his shoulder. He turned to see and found that Hye In had fell asleep on his shoulder. He smiled a little at her. He brushed her bangs that had broken free from the rubber band and curl them behind her ears. Just then, Hye In’s stomach grumbled. DooJoon then remembered Hye In had not eaten any lunch or dinner the whole day.

“Jong Soo ah, why hadn’t Hye In ate dinner just now?” DooJoon whispered to Jong Soo as he was afraid he would wake the others who were sleeping.

“We did not have enough money to buy one more packet. I had actually about not giving you any food but she said that you were dancing the whole day and definitely need some booster and even scolded me for being so inconsiderate. Looks like Hyung’s wish is going to come true,” Jong Soo whispered back while giggling a bit.

“What do you mean by my wish Jong Soo ah?” DooJoon asked questioningly.

“Aniyo, nothing, you will realize your wish sooner or later,” Jong Soo grinned like an idiot at DooJoon.

*Her and her selfless self, I wonder why there’s such a caring girl on earth.* DooJoon thought while smiling down at Hye In’s innocent sleeping face. Hye In’s sleeping face make DooJoon want to protect her. Jong Soo saw DooJoon’s smile and he saw something flashing in DooJoon’s eyes, it was… perhaps Love?

*The next day at the back door of cube*

“Your stomach’s grumbling noona,” Jong Soo told Hye In.

“Oh, gwenchana, perhaps I’m just a bit hungry,” Hye In replied nonchalantly.

“Have you had breakfast noona ah?” Jong Soo asked, concerned.

“Nae, Jong Soo ah, I’m really okay,” Hye In lied. She knew Jong Soo would make a fuss about it for she was not having proper meals again. It was somehow her habit to skip meals. She had promised Jong Soo the previous night that she would grab something to eat after dropping him off, but she didn’t. She was too tired and went home straight away.

“Eoh, noona, morning!” Gi Kwang greeted Hye In.

“Nae! Had a good sleep?” Hye In greeted back.

“It was a really good sleep,” Gi Kwang grinned, putting on his eye smile.

“It was but it would be better if DooJoon hyung did not kick me,” Yoseob said.

“Yah. Yoon DooJoon, aren’t you too mean? You should let your members sleep well at night shouldn’t you?” Hye in joked.

“I am the mean leader didn’t you know?” DooJoon joked back.

“By the way, have you had breakfast, I’ve been hearing your stomach grumbling since I saw you,” DooJoon asked.

“Yea, I had, stop being a busybody!” Hye In lied. Again.

DooJoon eyed Hye In suspiciously before saying “I know you haven’t, you better go get a bun or something later, I’m not easily deceived.”

“Noonaaaaaaa, you lied to me,” Jong Soo pouted cutely.

“I did drank milo this morning, so I ain’t exactly lying,” Hye In said, not backing down.

“You drank, not ate,” DooJoon narrowed his eyes at Hye In.

“Blah blah blah, whatever, get on the van now,” Hye In retorted.

“By the way, you promised that I could visit my company today, you can’t break your promise,” Hye In said.

“Yea yea, I wouldn’t,” DooJoon replied lazily before getting on the van.

“Yeah!!! I missed hyungs so muchhhh!” Jong Soo jumped happily before he highfived Hye In.

*At the broadcast station*

“Okay today you all are going on Win Win,” Manager Hyung explained.

“Hye In and Jong Soo you two know the procedure, and so boys, get working then!” Manager hyung said.

“This is yours and this is yours,” the stylist gave the boys their costumes and rushed them into the dressing room. The boys came out after a few minutes and immediately sat down for the stylist noonas to style their hair.

“Noona, don’t put too much gel nae?” Yoseob begged the stylist.

“Andwae, you are the most active one and you will surely mess up your hair,” stylist noona totally resisted yoseob’s aegyo.

“Aww…” Yoseob pretended to be hurt. This caused everyone to laugh. It was just pure adorable of yoseob.

Hye In then saw DooJoon talking to a younger stylist. They were talking and laughing like nobody’s business. Hye In pulled her eyes away from them. There was a weird feeling inside her that she just couldn’t describe. What she know was she hated that feeling.

After all of them were ready, that started recording for the variety show. The whole time B2st was recording, Hye In was not looking at them. Instead, she was trying to figure out what that feeling was. She somehow knew, but denied it. She felt that it was impossible for her to have that kind of feeling.

After their recording, they got on the van and drove off to Hye In’s company. The whole car ride, Hye In did not talk much and this somehow had DooJoon worried. It was unlike her. Even when DooJoon tried to annoy her, she just ignore him, she seem to be deep in thought. Actually, she was trying to avoid DooJoon. She did not want those feelings to be real, no she didn’t.

*At Hye In’s company*

“HYUNGGGGGGGGG!” Hye In simply just jumped off the van and directly went to hug her hyungs.

“Ah!!! Hye In!! You finally brought our maknae back! You know, she’s back!” Dong Hoon hyung whispered to Hye In.

“Oh jinja? Dong Hoon hyung, where is she?” Hye In whispered back.

DooJoon saw that Hye In was very happy when she was with her hyungs, it somehow angered him a bit. Why couldn’t she be like that when she was with him?*How could you think like that?* DooJoon mentally slapped himself. He still smiled when he saw Hye In hugging all of her hyungs happily. She practically just jumped on them

As for Hye In, her thought of DooJoon immediately disappeared when she saw her beloved hyungs.

“Dong Hoon hyung, you were the one who put the fake cockroach on the van right?” Jong Soo asked.

“You don’t say. Did anyone screamed?” Dong Hoon asked eagerly.

“Nae! It was totally the first time your prank ever worked!” Jong Soo burst out in laughter.

“Yah!” Dong Hoon smacked Jong Soo on the head.

“Hyung…” Jong Soo groaned.

“J-jong Soo?” a girl called out for Jong Soo. Jong Soo’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw her. She was the one who left him 2 years ago.

“Why are you here!” Jong Soo yelled at her sternly. Hye In and Sookyung immediately pulled Jong Soo back.

“Jong Soo.. I-I’m sorry..” the girl replied softly.

“No need to, just go,” Jong Soo said roughly. Jong Soo’s coldness practically scared B2st. They had never saw him like that.

“Jong Soo, don’t be like this, let me talk to her,” Hye In said to Jong Soo sternly.


“JONG SOO! Didn’t I tell you to shut up and let me deal with it?!” Hye In scolded Jong Soo and asked Dong Woon to bring him away. She then walked towards the girl who was sobbing quietly. She knew she had her own reasons why she left Jong Soo. She had seen how badly she had actually cried when she left Jong Soo.

“Come taeyeon,” Hye In gently wiped away her tears and brought her into the building. DooJoon saw how gentle she was to the girl and can’t help but smile a bit. He then turned back to Jong Soo who had his head in his hands.

*In the company*

“Unnie, I really didn’t mean to hurt Jong Soo.. I-I just..” Taeyeon stuttered.

“I know, I’ve seen how you had suffered when you left Jong Soo, but I need explaination, did you know how hard it was for hyungs and me to bring back the old Jong Soo?” Hye In put a comforting hand on taeyeon’s shoulder.

“Unnie… I had to go for surgery.. I had cancer and I couldn’t let Jong Soo see me in that state.. I can’t imagine how sad Jong soo will be if my surgery failed..” taeyeon explained.

“I know I’ve hurt Jong Soo too much.. I don’t need him to forgive me, but I just want to see him..” Taeyeon said quietly.

“No.. you have to explain to him. And what do you think you are doing? You should have told Jong Soo about your sickness! How could you suffer alone?” Hye In scolded Taeyeon.

“Mianhae.. I-I was scared that Jong Soo wouldn’t be able to take the blow,” Taeyeon whispered.

“ We will let Jong Soo know about it.” Hye In said while comforting Taeyeon who was crying.


Chapter 11 is up! So whats gonna happen between Jong Soo and Taeyeon? Keep reading nae? Thank you once again to my subbies and silent readers! I love you all!

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I'll make it up to you in October since I'll have a lot of free time in october. Thank you for understanding! Kamsahamida and tharanghaeyo!


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Chapter 34: Wuuu finally. I hope they get married bwahaha .xD
Chapter 19: the nerve of this girl....
xoxosenshine #3
Chapter 37: WOhoooo , so sweet so awesome ... good job . Love Beasttttt ♥♥♥
Chapter 37: hahaha aww . i like jung hye in . haha . this is super cute . goodjob there :)
IrradiatorBeta #5
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LenaLuvU #6
Chapter 37: Such a good story :) Ahhh!!! So in love with Doo Joonie~ Thank you Author-nim♥
PerfectlyImperfectxX #7
Chapter 37: Awwh! Thank you Author-nim! :3 and Merry Christmas!! :DD
cloudymogg #8
Chapter 37: Awwww what a christmas gift:33 Thank You!
shujun #9
Chapter 37: uwaa~ love it!!!