Just A Bet ?

There were cones around the corners and in the middle of the pitch . Two guys were practicing hardly with a distraught minds . Both of them were practicing physically but their minds are else where .

Taeyeon and Sooyoung didn't talked but they each take half of the pitch for their own training . Since today is not a practice day , there are no one at the HQ which is Uncle Kang's mansion for their training and relaxing place .

It's been three hours that both of the guys had been training and they shows no sign of stopping . Sweats are drenching their shirts and shorts . (A/N : No worries . They already changed to their training outfit)

Sooyoung turned to his back to look at Taeyeon  . "Hey Tae !" He exclaimed , causing Taeyeon to stop and looked back at him .

"What ?" 

Sooyoung juggled his ball twice before catching it . "Come on . We have been training for three hours straight ." Sooyoung said while slightly panting as he walked to the bench .

Taeyeon then shoot his ball toward Sooyoung before walking towards him . He sat down on the bench and took out his water bottle .

"Sooooo , are you done ?" Sooyoung asked . "Have you feel a bit better ?" He asked again .

Taeyeon closed his bottle cap and sighed . "..Yeah .... I guess so ." He said softly . He smiled a bit before looking at Sooyoung . "How about you then ?" Taeyeon asked .

"H-huh ? M-me ? There's nothing .." Sooyoung cleared his throat .

Taeyeon chuckled and hits Sooyoung's tummy . "Don't lie to me , fool . I know you went with Jessica after school for discussion , right? And I know that you won't leave Jessica's side for this training with me . And by seeing how you train just now , you must be feeling mad or frustrated . " Taeyeon said .

Sooyoung's turn to sigh . " I ..... i don't know , man ......" He looked down . "Her fiance was at her house ." He said sadly .

"Huh ? How come ?" Taeyeon looked at him .

"AISH ! That guy . I was having good time with her . I cooked with her and suddenly her fiance came . EISH !" Sooyoung pouted .

Taeyeon laughed . "Awwwww . Tsk tsk tsk . Bad timing bad timing ." He laughed .

"YAH ! Stop laughing !" Sooyoung whined .

"Okay okaaaay !" Taeyeon giggled before covering his mouth with his palm as Sooyoung playfully glared at him .

Sooyoung sighed . "The moment he arrived , he shamelessly asked about the food , thinking that Jessica cooked for him . And at last , I just retreated myself . After finishing my powerpoint slides , I immediately leave ." 

"Woaahh . Choi Sooyoung retreats himself from foooooood ? That's unusual ." Taeyeon raised his eyebrows .

Sooyoung pouted again . "THEN ! He sat on the couch with Jessica . As I was doing my slides , he starts to kiss Jessica IN FRONT OF ME , I mean BESIDE ME ..... and I heard her moans , man ! OHMYGODDD !" Sooyoung suddenly exclaimed excitedly .

"Woah woah woah ! Chill man chill man . Get back to the story !" Taeyeon laughed , causing Sooyoung to look at him . 

"Oh yeah , sorry . hehehe" He laughed . "No ! Like I mean , whaaaaat ? The first thing he visit his fiancee is to make out with her ? Like seriously ? Jessica told me that she has not been seeing her fiance for quite months and the moment he came to visit her , the first thing he does is to make out ?? MAKE OUT IN FRONT OF A STRANGER ? He's not even asking how has she been ? How's her school going ? DUDE ! LIKE WHATTTTTT ?! Seriously , dude . Seriously ." Sooyoung exclaimed .

Taeyeon stared at Sooyoung blankly . " Mannn ! Calm down . Calm down . I know that you really reaaaaaally like her ." He smiled .

"Aish ! I don't know what's good about that guy . His skin is whiter than mine but I'm TALLER than him and I think that I'm handsome than him . And I'm sure that I can treat Jessica better . I will treat her like princess , forever a princess in my heart ." Sooyoung pouted and sighed .

"Oooookayyy ... that's a bit cheesssyyy ." Taeyeon teased . "That will do ! You still have chance ! As long you have the will , you can do it ." He encouraged him .

"Chance ? What chance ? She's engaged ! Freaking engaged with her freaking childhood oppa !" Sooyoung exclaimed .

"DUDE !" Taeyeon holds Sooyoung's shoulder . "Like you said , she's engaged ." He continued .

"Y-yeah. She's engaged . So ?" Sooyoung looked at him .

Taeyeon smiled . "She's engaged , NOT married . You are not too late . There's still chance for you to make her heart change . Breaking up an engaged relationship is not as worse as breaking up a marriage relationship . Well , I'm not trying to teach you bad things though " Taeyeon laughed .

Sooyoung looked at him and to the floor . Back and forth . "You think so ?" He asked cautiously .

"Well . If you can make her like or love you , you must treasure and treat her better than her fiance . And makes her feel that she's precious to you and trust me , she will love you more than her fiance ." Taeyeon explained .

"I-I d-don't know , man . I wish I could ! I want to treasure her a lot but I of-often feel so nervous when I'm with her . It's just I have that ability to hide it ." Sooyoung whined .

Taeyeon smiled again . "I trust you and I know that you can do it . Trust your feelings and be courageous ." He continued .

Sooyoung looked at him and smiled as well . "Thanks , bro . I appreciate your advices . I will use your advice ." He chuckled . "And sooooo .... how's you and Tiffany ?" He asked and the mood suddenly goes down .

Taeyeon's smile faded . "Me and her ? W-well ... nothing ..."

Sooyoung frowned . "And you ! Don't lie to me either . Don't think I'm a fool , okay ? Tell me , dude ." He said seriously .

Taeyeon sighed . "W-we ........ broke up ."

"WHAT ?!" Sooyoung shouted . "But WHY ?????" He frowned again .

Taeyeon sighed again . "Alright . I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone . Okay ?" He said .

Sooyoung nodded . 

"It's a game ." 

"Huh ???"

"Everything's a game ! Our relationship is just part of a game !" Taeyeon exclaimed .

"W-what ? What do you mean ??" 

"All of this was just a bet , Sooyoung-ahhhh ." Taeyeon bit his lower lips , hoping his tears won't fall .

"Kim Taeyeon . I don't freaking understand . Explain to me properly , you idiot ." Sooyoung said seriously

"Our relationship is a bet . A bet between Siwon and Tiffany . They are still dating when she starts the bet with me till now i guess ." Taeyeon explained .

"Siwon ?? The Choi Siwon who is the captain of our school soccer team ? But why ?? They are couple ?? "

"Yeap . But I don't know now . She told me that she really broken up with him but I don't know . My mind are too messy . You were not in the school yet but last time I was super nerd and I am a poor guy who lives at a basement house , well I'm still now . I like Tiffany as a crush and I once tried to , you know , be friendly with her and more . Siwon despise me . He hates me just because I'm poor , easy to get bullied and because I like his girlfriend . And when the day that HEVSXII has our first friendly with the SONEs Team , we defeated them , making them felt humiliated in front of the students here and that makes his hate towards me increased . But I don't know that he will do this kind of thing  ." Taeyeon clenched his fist .

Sooyoung stared at him and sighed . "Dude .... Look . I know you are very very angry about this and I'm feeling your situation . But let's put Siwon's bet aside first . See ! Tiffany really loves you . I can see it . All of us can see it . Just look how she gaze at you . Her gaze towards you , her behavior towards you and her attitude towards you are filled with love . Well , you know girls . When they are really in love , you can see through their behavior . BUT if a girl acts like she loves you but she don't , it's obvious to see . They won't do much for you ." Sooyoung said .

"Look! She does everything for you . I know that she helped your mum to recover . I know that she bought you a loooot of things . Even though she bought all that using her parent's money , if you think she don't really loves you, you think that she will have the time to do all that ?? Spending time with you and your mum ? I don't think so ." Sooyoung shook his head .

"Did you see how much she cry just now ? She really really cried desperately for you . She kept mumbling that she wants you and I felt sympathy for her ." He said .

Taeyeon stared at the ground .  " But she knew that I hate liars ! Yet , she hides this thing and continue with it . I felt like I'm betrayed by the one that I love . I felt this once when I'm a kid and now I feel it again , this time , by her . I don't know , man . I really don't know . And dude , you are my friend . You should side me !" He exclaimed .

Sooyoung sighed . "This is not about who I'm siding with . I don't side Tiffany and I don't side you either . I'm in the middle . Well , of course I'm a bit mad that Tiffany agreed with the bet . But if she doesn't accept it , think . YOU won't get her as your girlfriend and now you see , she has fallen in love deeply with you . I don't know Siwon that well but I know that you are the best for Tiffany . If you're not , why does Tiffany bother to fall in love with you whereas she can continue be in love with Siwon ? You must have your own charms that attracts her ." He raised his eyebrows .

"I saw Siwon before though . He's handsome . He's tall . He's rich , I heard about it . A lot of girls quite like him , i heard that as well . But why must Tiffany fell in love with you so deeply ? You are .... hmmm .... not handsome but cute . You're short but that's cute . You are not rich . But why Tiffany choose you ? Think about it , bro ." He continued .

"I don't know ...... I can't think ." Taeyeon sighed .

"Think about it carefully ." Sooyoung smiled as he stood up and patted Taeyeon's shoulder . "Alright , enough with this . Let's go take a shower and chill in the gaming room ." He suggested .

Taeyeon gives a faint smile . "Alright . Let's go ."


With Tiffany

She cuddled with Taeyeon's pillow tightly , sniffing his scent as her tears can't stop flowing . 

"Babe ....." She mumbled .

"Miss Hwang .. Come . Have a small bite ?" Seungah asked worriedly . She scooped a spoon of the rice . Tiffany doesn't want to eat since Taeyeon left the mansion .

"I don't waaant !" She exclaimed as she sobbed loudly .

Seungah sighed concernly . "Miss Hwang . Eat a bit . What am I supposed to answer to Mr and Mrs Hwang ?"

"I told you I don't want , means I don't want !" She muffled in her cries as she hugs the pillow tighter .

"Okay , Ms Hwang . I'll put this here then . Just have a small bite please . I'll leave you for the moment ." Seungah put the plate on the nightstand before slowly walked out the room and went downstairs .

"So how ?" Eunji and the rest gathered .

Seungah shook her head , earning sighs from everyone .

"What happened to them ?" Eunji asked .

Everyone shrugged .

"They looked so happy few days ago . Even yesterday they looked fine . They are the cutest couple I ever seen , you know that . Better than that Siwon ." Eunji pouted .

"What are you guys gathering ?" Suddenly a deep voice interrupted .

Everyone get surprised and looked towards the door . "M-mr Hwang ! W-welcome home !" All of they greeted flusteredly .

Mr Hwang chuckled . "Why is everyone looks surprised ?" He asked . In fact , everyone are comfortable with Mr Hwang . Mr Hwang are much composed and calm than Mrs Hwang . In fact , everyone preferred Mr Hwang but sometimes he often obey to his wife .

"N-nothing . Why did you come home ea-early , Mr Hwang ?" Everyone asked as Tiffany are still crying up there and they are afraid that Mr Hwang will be mad at them .

"Oh nahhh . Mrs Hwang wants to go for a tea time with Mr and Mrs Choi till late night . I'm ..... I'm a bit lazy to follow . I want to spend my time with my daughter . " Mr Hwang innocently smiled . Mr Hwang is not like Mrs Hwang . In fact , he's not that close with Siwon's family or his parents . Only Mrs Hwang close with them . 

Mrs Hwang wants Siwon to be Tiffany's husband because he's wealthy and handsome but Mr Hwang don't care that much . He just follows her wife's preference . But he didn't ask or tell Tiffany's preference because for him , he thought that Tiffany likes her mum's decision so he just keep quiet .

He's the type that will listen to his wife and daughter but since they are too busy with their works , they don't interact much with their daughter . That's why Tiffany don't open up to them much . For Mrs Hwang , she preferred interacting with her future son-in-law more .

In this family , Mrs Hwang actually is the boss for everything . She's the one that runs everything . Since Mr Hwang listens to her , the maids firstly thought that he is very fierce person but he's not . He's the type that is quiet when his wife is around . In fact , he's the type who likes to make jokes .

"Sooooo , where's she ?" Mr Hwang looked around .

"She's .... she's in h-her room ...." They answered softly .

"Okay ... thanks . You guys can continue with your work ." Mr Hwang said as he starts to walk up .



No answer . Mr Hwang silently smiled .


He then leaned towards the door and his smile faded when he heard sobbing sounds . He then slowly turned the door knob and pushed the door forward , opening it .

He saw Tiffany was lying down in a fetal position , facing the door but with eyes closed while hugging something tightly while sobbing . He frowned and closed the door quietly before walked towards her .

He saw the untouched plate on the nightstand .

As he walked nearer to her , he can see her tears all over her cheeks . Her eyes looks swollen . Mr Hwang then softly sat on the bed and her hair .

"Sweety ?" He called out , causing Tiffany to open her eyes slowly . Somehow his heart stings when he saw the sadness on his daughter's face .

Tiffany looked at her dad before looked away and hugged the pillow tighter as she covers her face with the pillow . 

"Sweetheart . Can you tell daddy what's wrong ?" He her hair and tried to get the pillow away .

"No ." She muffled at the pillow .

"Hey ... Don't worry . Daddy won't tell mommy . Okay ? I promise . Come on . " Mr Hwang said soothingly . When she was a kid , Mr Hwang will do all the things with her . Mr Hwang spends time with her more than Mrs Hwang .

Tiffany sobbed and slowly pull away from the pillow .

"Is this because of Siwon ?" Mr Hwang asked .

Tiffany shook her head and cried louder . Mr Hwang then picked her up , making her to sit before hugging her . 

Like always when Mr Hwang used to soothe her when she were a kid . The moment she rested her head at her dad's shoulder , she can't helped but to wrap her arm around his neck and hugged him . "Dadddyyyy ....." She cried .

"Shhhh shhhh shhhhh . What's wrong , sweety ?" Mr Hwang felt guilty suddenly . It's been long time since Tiffany cried this hard and hugged him like this . He felt sad for his daughter . He do not know about her life stories and everything . For the first time , he suddenly felt like he is a useless dad .

"Tae-taeyeon ........" She cried louder .

"Why , sweety ? What did he do to you ? Mm ? Tell daddy , alright . Shhh. " He said calmly as he her back .

"I need h-him , d-daddy .... I lo-love him s-so much ......" Tiffany snuggled into her dad's neck .

Mr Hwang keep quiet . "You love him ?"

Tiffany nodded her head a lot of times . "I r-regret it , daddyyyyyy . I regret for agreeing w-with t-the bet . I'm in l-love w-with him , daddddyyyyyyy . I'm willing t-to do anything f-for him ...... P-please d-don't tell mommyy ..... " She sobbed .

Mr Hwang keeps quiet again . His daughter love someone else but he doesn't knew it . His own daughter does not tell him anything about her love life or what . That shows how uncapable he is as a dad . She must be so afraid to tell her own parents .

"Okay okay . I won't , alright ? Shhhhh now .. Stop crying , sweetheart ." Mr Hwang her hair . "I'm sorry . I'm sorry for not spending time with you and you must felt lonely , right ? I'm sorry , sweety ." He said in guilt . "Look . I'm not like your mom . I won't force you to love Siwon . I accept whoever you love as long he is trustworthy and capable to look after you . It doesn't matter to me whether he's rich or not ." He smiled . 

With that , Tiffany pulled away from the hug . "R-r-really , daddy ?" She sobbed .

Mr Hwang smiled and nodded . "Well , as long he doesn't break my princess's heart . But I can't say about your mom . You know your mom , right ?"

Tiffany sadly nodded her head .

"So ....... can you tell me more about this special guy ? The special guy that can change you to do your homeworks and do houseworks ?" Mr Hwang teased , causing Tiffany to giggle . 

"There you go . You look gorgeous when you smile . No wonder the guys fall in love with you . Aww . Stop crying .." Mr Hwang smiled and wiped Tiffany's tears with his thumbs .

"Sooo , tell me about this Taeyeon ." He smiled .

Tiffany looked at her dad and gave a shyly smile . She immediately took her phone and showed all of her selcas with him to her dad , earning some laugh from Mr Hwang due to their funny faces in the selcas .

"His name is Kim Taeyeon .. He's poor and he lives in a small basement house with his mom . In fact , he was rich . But one day , his dad found another lady and divorced with his mom and abandoning them . His dad married with other lady and throw Taeyeon and his mom out . He hates his dad . His dad was the cause of his sister's death ." Tiffany explained .

"Oh my ... Then what happened ?"

"He's a super nerd . He often get bullied by Siwon because he has crush on me and Siwon hates that . Then one day , SONEs soccer team has a friendly match with a random team upon the opening of our school new stadium . Everyone were there including the principal and teachers . Somehow , the random team was Taeyeon's futsal team . His team has guys from other nearby schools . All of us were so shocked and surprised ! He came in the pitch with a spiky yet messy hair and contacts ! He looked soooo handsome but I was denying back then because I don't quite like him last time . hehe . " Tiffany said excitedly , earning a fatherly smile from Mr Hwang .

"Then to everyone's surprise , he's actually a genius in soccer . He has a lot of cool tricks and he actually defeats SONEs team . He's the striker and he can dribble pass three defenders at one time ! Taeyeon always acted like he don't like sports but that day everyone's eyes were about to bulge out watching Taeyeon's tricks . " Tiffany explained with enthusiasm .

"Really ?  I thought SONEs Team were veryyyy hard to defeat ?" Mr Hwang asked .

"Exactly ! Then by then Siwon hates him more and that's when the bet came " Tiffany said sadly .

Mr Hwang looked at her . "Siwon is that type of person , huh ?" 

Tiffany slowly nodded .

"Look . Let's do not care about Siwon at the moment ? Just let your mom care about him ." Mr Hwang smiled . "Now , I want to listen to the story between you and Taeyeon ."

Tiffany looked at her dad with bright eyes before nodding excitedly . She starts to tell the story about how first she tried to get close with Taeyeon and they went to Kenya and when was her first fluttering moment with him and more . 

Mr Hwang can't stop smiling listening to how enthusiastic his daughter explaining . It reminds him of the older days where he always listen to Tiffany's story about her day at school and more .

The storytelling goes on till dinner time .




LOOK ! Taeny has chance to get back . Thanks to Sooyoung and unexpectedly , Mr Hwang . *claps* *claps* Sorry if this chapter has some confusing paragraph or what . Just comment ! (:






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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?