Just A Bet ?

Tiffany sat on the couch in her room as soon as she entered her room .

"Baby ..." Tiffany sobbed as she felt so guilty to Taeyeon after telling the truth to her parents .

The only one that she wants right now is Taeyeon and she needs him right now . 

She glanced at the digital clock on her nightstand and noticed that it's already 9.45pm . Thinking about Taeyeon , she wiped her tears with her palm and walked to her bed to take her phone .


To : Baby <3

Baby . Where are you ?? It's already 9.45 pm . I told you to reach home by 9.30pm , right ??


A minute's over .

Two minutes' over .

Five minutes' over .

Ten minutes' over .


"Why isn't he replying ???" She frowned . Taeyeon will usually her in a minute .


To : Baby <3

Babe . What are you doing right now ??? And where are you now ?? 


No reply .


To : Baby <3 

Kim Taeyeon . Where are you right now ?? And why aren't you replying my texts ???


No reply .


To : Baby <3

Babe . This is last warning . If you don't reply me , you will be sleeping at the backyard tonight . *pouts*


Tiffany sent a text again and bit her lower lips while waiting .

No reply .


To : Baby <3

Baby ... I'm kidding .. You can sleep with me tonight . But babe , where are you ??? Please reply me . Don't make me worry . Please . Is everything okay ??


No reply .


Tiffany then give up and starts dialling him .





"What's wrong with him ???" Tiffany mumbled worriedly .


To : Baby <3

KIM TAEYEON . WHY DO YOU REJECT MY CALLS ?? AND WHY DIDN'T REPLY TO MY TEXTS ?? What has happened , baby boy ? Please ....


No reply .


Tiffany sighed as she was so worried about Taeyeon . Since Taeyeon is not picking up her calls and texts , she decided to call someone else .


*ringringringringringring*  Please....

"Hello ?" Someone picked up .

"Auntie !" Tiffany exclaimed and smiled as Taeyeon's mum finally answered .

"Oh ? Tiffany ?" Mrs Kim asked . Luckily Mrs Kim right now having her small break .

"Yes , it's me . Auntie . Did you see Taeyeon or did he called you or something ??" Tiffany immediately asked Mrs Kim .

"Taeyeon ? Aigoo , that boy . What did he do ? No , I haven't seen him yet ." 

Tiffany's smile faded . "Oh .... I t-told him to come home by 9.30pm b-but he's still n-not home and he didn't pi-pick up my calls and reply to my texts ... I'm s-so worried ." Tears filled in Tiffany's eyes again but she tried to control it .

"Really ?? Aigoo . Alright alright . I will try to contact him . You don't worry . Taeyeon will be home soon ." Mrs Kim assured .

Tiffany nodded . "O-okay . Thank you , auntie ." And they hang up .

Tiffany checked her texts to see if Taeyeon has replied but to no avail .

"Baby ... Where are you ?? " She mumbled and hugged Taeyeon's pillow .


With Taeyeon 

The night are still bright at the busy street of Gangnam . Taeyeon alighted from the taxi and roamed randomly around the street . His mind are messed up . He can't believe with this situation . He just got played by the one that he truly loves . Is this love ? Or is this a game ?

Taeyeon now knew why Siwon are so cocky with him and showed so much confidence . He feel like a idiot . Like a fool . How can he get up to this bet ? 

His tears rolled down his cheeks as everyone mind their own businesses . 

Taeyeon walked and walked towards the nearest park . Luckily there are not so many people at the night . He sat down on the bench and put his bagpack by his side .

He looked down and his tears can't stop falling . He can't stop thinking about his moments with Tiffany . 


"Come , Tae . Your wishes , blow the candles and cut the cake . To both of the cakes . I bought two so everyone have enough ." Tiffany gave him the knife .

"I d-don't know w-what to say ..... Especially to you , Fany . Because of you , I celebrated my birthday with this awesome celebration even just by the awesome foods and just by the cakes . Thank you , mum , Uncle Im and all ."

I wish to be Tiffany Hwang's boyfriend and upgrade to her husband and to the father of her child and love her forever . Kyaaaa ~ Too cheesy ~~~~~ kekekeke . Wishes that my mum will be healthy forever and may god bless all of HEVSXII's guys and UncleIm and the rest .

"Be Tiffany's Hwang boyfriend ? Upgrade and becomes her husband and the father of her child ?? " Taeyeon scoffed . "It won't happen , I guess . Don't be delusional , Kim Taeyeon . You are not like Siwon . Tall , rich , handsome . You are just a hopeless poor , nerd boy who lives in a small basement . You don't deserve Tiffany at all ." He mumbled to himself .

"BOOO !" 

"KYAAAAAA ! WHO IS THAT ?! Ahhhhhh ~" 

Taeyeon heard cries from her . "Oh no ....." 

Seeing bright light , Tiffany then raised her head up and the first thing she see is Taeyeon who is grinning innocently at her . "Hi ~" He said .

Tiffany rushly wiped her tears and walked to him angrily . "Hi ?! Did you just BOO me in the total dark ?!" Tiffany exclaimed .

"Y-yeah ..." 

"YOU ! I HATE YOU ! I HATE YOU !" Tiffany punched his chest a lot of times as she felt so frustrated and angry to him .

Collecting his courage , Taeyeon manly grabbed her with his arms and hugged her tighter causing Tiffany to stop punching him . "W-what are y-you doing ?" She stutters .

"I'm sorry .... but I have something for you ... but don't say anything until the end . Okay ? I will explain everything later ." He whispered to her ears .



"I can't take it . I need to confess so I won't feel restless in here ." He points to his chest , indicating to his heart . "I have been in crush with you since last time . After spending more time with you , I realised that my feelings towards you has increased and increased ." He paused .

"It's o-okay if you're going to reject me . Well , I'm poor ... i can't buy you anything huge but take this ." Taeyeon gave her a small flower made from a tissue , thanks to his creative mind .

Tiffany just stared at him .

"Yeah ... I want to say that ......" He paused .

"I LOVE YOU TOO , KIM TAEYEON !" Tiffany exclaimed as a tear fell from her eyes .

"H-huh ?" Taeyeon froze . Did she just say that she loves me too ?????? OHMYGOD !

"Why are you so late in confessing , you stupid idiot oblivious Kim Taeyeon ?!" Tiffany glared at him as her tears dropped even more . Seeing he froze in his position , Tiffany wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his neck .

"I will be your girlfriend , Kim Taeyeon !" She mumbled in his neck .


"Is that truly came from your heart or is it just an empty word , Tiffany Hwang ??" Taeyeon ruffled his hair . "Why ??? "Why am I the one ?? Choi Siwon , you win . You win in your game ." Taeyeon sobbed .



Taeyeon checked his phone . It's from Tiffany . He decided not to read because thinking of her will cause his heart to continue aching .

Few minutes later , his phone beeped again . He ignored again .

He received about 5 texts from her . 


*ringringringrin* He checked his phone and again , It's Tiffany . He rejected the call .

Tiffany called him about thrice and he rejected all of it .

*beep* Another text came from Tiffany . He ignored as well .

Finally , his phone get silent . 


Taeyeon sighed and looked to the sky . The night is peaceful and make him a bit calmer now . The night breeze are comforting him as if the breeze understand his situation .

*ringringringring* "Mum ?" Taeyeon checked his phone . He wiped his tears and answered the call .

"Taeyeon-ah ." Taeyeon heard his mum . He never knew his mum has a comforting voice . His tears almost fell again . That's why people said , in the hardest times , mum's voice are the most comforting and soothing .

"Y-yes ?" He answered .

"Where are you now , my boy ? Tiffany is looking for you ." Mrs Kim asked .

"M-mum . Let's go home to our original home tonight . I want to sleep at our original home . The basement ." Taeyeon stammered a bit and he gulped to prevent him from crying .

"T-taeyeon ah ? What happened ? Did something happened ? Should I tell Tiffany ?" 

"No no no . Don't . I j-just miss our basement home ." Taeyeon said .

"....Alright then . Where are you now ?" Mrs Kim knew something's on and she knew by listening to her son's voice . But she won't continue asking .

"I'm at the park beside the Gangnam night market" Taeyeon answered .

"Okay okay . Why don't you meet me at our home ? Mum will leave now ." Mrs Kim said . She knew that Taeyeon has some problem and so she excused herself from the volunteering .

Taeyeon has a habit to go to any parks when he has difficult moments in life . He will always daydream or maybe cry and stay in the park for more than few hours . Hearing that Taeyeon is at the park now , Mrs Kim listened to him . 



"Tae ." Mrs Kim called out as she saw Taeyeon sat outside their basement door . The one that keep the key of the door is always Mrs Kim . 

"Mum ." Taeyeon immediately went to his mum and hugged her tightly . He rested his face on the crook of his mum's neck . Suddenly , Mrs Kim felt cold on her neck . Taeyeon cried . She became so worried but she did not ask Taeyeon immediately why . 

She patted and Taeyeon's back . "Shhh shhh ..." She soothes him . She's worried because Taeyeon did not cry for a long time . The last time he cried was when he was a kid .

Her son is the strong type . Emotionally and physically strong . Even how difficult his life , he will try not to cry and keep it welled in his heart . Seeing him like this , she wonders what has happened .

Taeyeon then pulled out from the hug .

His eyes are red and puffy , making Mrs Kim to know that he has been crying . She wiped his tears with her palm . "Aigoo .. What happened , my boy ?" She asked .

"M-mum . Can we stay here back ? Please ." Taeyeon begged .

"Huh ? Why ?" Mrs Kim asked .

"Can we just ?" Taeyeon looked at his mum .

"Kim Taeyeon . Answer mum . What's going on ? Why are you behaving like this ?" Mrs Kim cupped his face to make sure he's looking into her eyes so he can say truthly .

"N-nothing ." Taeyeon shook his head as he looked away .

"Kim Taeyeon . I'm your mum . I know when something's wrong and not . Tell me properly . What happened ? What happened between you and Tiffany ?"

"M-mummm ...." Taeyeon cried again and hugged his mum . "I've been played , mum . O-our relationship was just a g-game ." Taeyeon sobbed loudly .

"W-what ? What do you mean ?" Mrs Kim asked surprisedly 

"It's a b-bet . A bet by Tiffany and her boyfriend . This is just a game , mum ." 

Mrs Kim keep quiet . "A-are you sure ? Are you sure that you did not misunderstood or what ?" 

"No ! I personally heard everything from her own mouth when she talked to her parents !" Taeyeon let go of the hug and exclaimed . "Mum ... Please . Let's come back here . We will return everything that she bought for us . I don't want her things ." Taeyeon begged .

Mrs Kim looked down and sighed . "Okay okay . We will move back , alright ? Then how about our stuffs ?" Mrs Kim asked .

"I will take it back later . For now , we just buy some new clothes using my own money , okay ? I will try to find job again ." Taeyeon persuaded his mum . Luckily , Taeyeon get allowance two times a month from Uncle Kang for HEVS XII training . His allowance are $300 . So if two times a month , it's equal to $600 and it's enough for them .

Seeing how persistent her son was , Mrs Kim agreed . 

"Let's go in ." Taeyeon wiped his tears and took the keys from Mrs Kim as he went inside .

Mrs Kim stared at her son and sighed . Somehow , she doesn't hate Tiffany for doing this to Taeyeon but she feels thankful and yet disappointed . Feels disappointed because of this . But thankful to Tiffany because of her , Mrs Kim now has recovered from her sickness .

She will just wait and see how will this goes . She knew that Tiffany really loves her son because Tiffany's behavior and her gaze are totally different when she's with Taeyeon .

Mrs Kim will just follow what her son wants and see what will happen in the future . 



Short update for you guys . Enjoy enjoy .



Anyway , thank you for all the loves for this fic ! Oh mai gad . I can't believe I already reached 700th subscribers . Thank you thank you *bows* I will try to do my best and update 

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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?