ElementarySchool Part1

Just A Bet ?

AT KENYA's ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - any of the school will do .


"We reached !" Taeyeon exclaimed as soon he saw the school .  "The school is not quite big ... " He continued as he looked at the school and take a picture . The school is not big but enough for elementary students . There are only 10 classes here . Some walls already cracked and some painting looks dull and fading .

"Of course . The students are not that many since there is a lot of schools here ." Tiffany explained .

"Oooooo ~" Taeyeon just nodded . 

"Come on . Let's take the stuff and meet the principal ." Tiffany reminded as she took some of their stuffs .

"Good morning ! Are you Ms Hwang , the one that called me ?" A female suddenly appears .

"Yes . Just call me , Tiffany . Are you Mrs Ariana ?" Tiffany asked with a smile .

"Yes yes , I'm Mrs Ariana , the principal here . Welcome to Kenya's elementary school ." Mrs Ariana shakes hand with them . "Come . Follow me to my office first ." She said .

"Taeyeon . Bring our things and follow her first . I need to make a call first ." Tiffany said .

"Who are you calling ???" Taeyeon frowned .

"It's for me to know and for you to find out " Tiffany joked .

"Aigoo ~ Childish ! Not playing ~" Taeyeon stuck his tongue out . "Mrs Ariana . Let's go ." Taeyeon pretend to hmph to Tiffany . Ariana giggled seeing their antics .

"Hmph ~" Tiffany imitated back . 

"Alright then ." Taeyeon then follows Mrs Ariana who was leading him to the principal room .

Tiffany who was stil there then took out her phone and dialled a local number .


With Taeyeon 

"How long was this school established ?" Taeyeon asked as he looks around . They walked pass classes and Taeyeon smiles when the students get distracted and waved excitedly to the him , the new guest . "Hiiii ~~~" he grinned as he waved back .

"It's been 42 years already . So I already choose a class for both of you to take for today . Anyway , what is your name and what subject you want to teach the students ?" Ariana smiles as they entered into the principal room .

"Tiffany will teach them English while I will teach them in simple Maths . Oh , my name is Kim Taeyeon" Taeyeon smiles.

"Oh , Taeyeon . Alright then . The rest of the lesson , you may watch then . For today , there will be an assembly . Do you want to perform anything ?" 

"I think yes . I brought my guitar . We will perform that ." Taeyeon replied 

"That will be lovely . The kids really loves that . Anyway , why do you guys want to your project in here ? " Ariana asked .

"We thought that here has more meaning of love and happiness so we decided to come here ." Taeyeon smiles .

"Haha . The kids will really love it . " Ariana gave a motherly smiles . "Anyway , you and Tiffany looks cute together . Are you guys dating ?" She asked since Tiffany was still not here and they are waiting for her so they can go to the class .

"H-huh ? In fact , we are n-"

"Hey , Mrs Ariana . I'm sorry . I have something to do just now . "Tiffany suddenly came , interrupting Taeyeon to explain their relationship AGAIN .

"Oh it's okay . We are just having some talks . Let's go to the class now . Should we ?" Mrs Ariana suggested .

"Alright then ." Tiffany nodded with Taeyeon glaring at her . "What ?" She asked him .

"You interrupted me ...." Taeyeon make the -.- face . 

"Too bad ." Tiffany said back even though she don't know what is it .


"Class stand . Please greet them . They are our guests . "Mrs Ariana enters a class name 1E1 , elementary students year 1 . They are having Art lesson right now . 

"GOOD MORNING !" The students stood up and greet enthusiastically .

"Morning !" Taeyeon and Tiffany grinned and waved . 

"Alright . Continue ." Ariana tells the teacher to continue the class . "Taeyeon and Tiffany . You can sit at the back of the class . I have to go . Don't worry . Miss Honey who is here will help you . " Ariana walked to Miss Honey as Taeyeon and Tiffany went to the back .  "Their name are Mr Kim and Ms Hwang .. Help them if they need to ." Ariana said to Miss Honey .

"Sure , Mrs Ariana ." Miss Honey smiles and nodded .

Taeyeon looked around . The class is quite normal in size . However , the tables and chair are quite old and some are already cracked . He frowned . There are 40 students in each class .

When they sat at the back , Taeyeon took a picture from the back . He also took the student's happy face while doing their art . 

"Mr Kim , Ms Hwang . You can join and help them as well ." Miss Honey smiles again and said .

"Really ? I would like to .." Taeyeon grinned . He then walked to a group with four tables connected while Tiffany went to the another group .

"Hello , kidsss ~ My name is Taeyeon . You can call me Tae . So what are you guys doing now ?" Taeyeon speaks in English . Luckily he can speaks basic english properly with Tiffany's coaching .

"DRAWWW !" One kid replied excitedly .

"Ah ! Drawing ?! My favourite ~" Taeyeon pretends to be surprised , causing the kids to laugh . The art lesson for today is for them to draw anything that they want .

"Unclee .... What is thaaat ??" Another kid pointed to the camera .

"Oh . This is a camera . Want a picture ?" Taeyeon asked .

"YES !" The group answered loudly . 

"Alrighttt ~ 1......2......3 ! DONE !" Taeyeon shouts dorkily and shows them  .

Tiffany who was helping the other group giggled seeing Taeyeon . "Dork ."


Moments later . 

English class


"Hello kids !" Tiffany stands in front of the class and greeted excitedly . Taeyeon and the english teacher was sitting at the back . 

"HELLOOOOO! " All of them greeted back .

"Alrighttt ~ I'm your english teacher for the moment for todayyy ~ Is it okay ?~ " Tiffany smiles while asking .


"Good . Do you guys know how to spell ?" 

"Yesss !"

"Alright . Spell for me 'eating' ."

"E-A-T-I-N-G !" The kids says letter by letter .

"Clever ! How about difficulty ?" She asked and suddenly the class keep quiet . They don't know how to spell .

Tiffany laughed seeing the innocent face of them . "Okay . Let me teach you in a easy way okay ? Follow me . Mrs D , Mrs I , Mrs F , F , I , Mrs C , Mrs U , Mrs L , T , Y" Tiffany sings the short part by spelling . (A/N : Yes , the method from the Matilda's movie by Miss Honey haha)

"Mrs D , Mrs I , Mrs F , F , I , Mrs C , Mrs U , Mrs L , T , Y !" The kids easily follows throught the song . As expected , songs make their brain faster to memorise .

"GENIUS !" Tiffany can't stop complementing them . She kept teaching them new words and new sentences with patience and compliments . The kids can't stop concentrating on her teaching .


I think she do likes kids . She's kinda different in front of kids . With that eye-smile , with that soft voice . Hmm ~ 



"HELLO ~ KIDSSSS ~~~" Taeyeon greeted dorkily and waved making the whole class to laugh . "Do you know what is my name ??" He asked .

"TAEYEON !" The group that he helped just now answered .

"Yes .I'm your new Maths teacher , the handsome and cool hero , Taeyeon !" He funnily pose , making all of the kids including Tiffany and the Maths teacher to laugh . He learnt that sentence from Tiffany but he just added the handsome part by himself .

"Alright alright . Tell me what have you learnt . . "Taeyeon sat on the chair as he read the sentence and the translation on a paper that was written by Tiffany so he knew what to say .

"Addition !" Some kids shouted .

"Minus !" Some kids shouted again , referring to subtraction .

"TIMES !" Another group of kids shouted , referring to multiplication .

"Aha ! Gooood goooood ~ Can I test you kids ?" Taeyeon playfully squinted his eyes .

"YES YES !" The kids screamed excitedly for the question .

"What is 2+6 ?"

"8 !"

"Clever . What about 3x2 ?"

"6 !" 

"Great ! Okay , 4+9 is equal to ?" Taeyeon asked .

"13 !" 

"13 ? Nooooo ~ It's 12 !" taeyeon corrected .

"NO ! It's 13 !! " All of the kids shouted .

"No ! It is 12 !" Taeyeon kept on joking around .

The kids kept on laughing . "It is 13 !" They determinely answered while standing up .

"Okay okaaaaay . You are correct !" Taeyeon playfully pouted .


"Okay then ! Now ... how about 1+2-1 ?" He asked .

"Hmm ...." The kids counted . "2 !!!" Then they shouted together .

"2 ?? No . It should be 3 !" Taeyeon joked again .

"Aaaahh ! It's 2 !" The kids laughed while whining , making Taeyeon to laugh seeing the cuteness .

"hahaahaa . Alright , spell it for me then I will think again !" 

"T-W-O !" They spelled .

"Yeah ! Correct ! Okay , now we are going to continue with the multiplication of 8 & 9 " Taeyeon said as he continues teaching them with jokes . 

The kids could not stop laughing . 

Tiffany giggled when she saw how cute Taeyeon interacts with the kids . She took out her phone and secretly took a picture of the back view to instagram again .

Caption : Their new dorky maths teacher . hahahaaha


He's so kind towards kids . He will be a great daddy one day .... *blushed* WAIT AGAIN ! Why am I thinking like this again ?! Urghhhh !




Now the kids are sitting down , listening to their female and male teacher's instruction . Taeyeon is taking their happy pictures and videos and the back with Tiffany .

"Okay kids . Since we have our guest today  , we are going to play sports competition together . Is that okay ? Today we will extend our p.e time . " The female teacher asked .

"YES !" Again , they answered excitedly . Well , it's their playtime .

"Alright . For today , we split into two groups . 20 per group since we have 40 students . Make sure each group has 10 girls , 10 boys okay ? So it will equalize ." The male teacher turns to say .


Ten kids then ran to Tiffany and Taeyeon's side . "Uhhh .. So are we playing the games as well ?" Taeyeon asked as they did not know anything .

"Yeah . Is it okay with both of you ?" The female teacher , Ms Angel asked .

"Yup . We're alright ."Taeyeon and Tiffany nodded . Luckily they brought extra clothes and Tiffany wore sneakers as well .

"Good then . Okay kids . Are you ready ?" The male teacher , Mr Bruce asked the class .

" YESS !"

"Great . This board shows the four games that they are playing . We are playing captain ball , running , soccer for guys and frisbee for girls ." Mr Bruce explained . "Okay , please discuss your team name ?" He said to Taeyeon's group . 

"The handsomes !" Taeyeon joked . The boys cheered while the girls and Tiffany frowned . "Nooooo !" The girls including Tiffany argued . "Aiiiiii !" The boys including Taeyeon joked childishly .

"Alright then . How about The Princes and Princesses ?" He joked again ."YEAH !" Now all of them cheered . Since they are just elementary students , princes and princesses are a good name for them .

"Okay . Now one of you go there and write our team name ." Taeyeon ordered one kid to go but all of them goes together . "hahaha. They are cute ." Taeyeon shook his head while laughing .

"Yup , they do ." Tiffany agreed .

"Do you want to participate in this games ?" He asked .

"Uhuh . Why do you ask ?" 

"Well , I always saw you not playing p.e during our p.e class . You are lazy ..." Taeyeon said .

"You stalked me huh ?"

"I'm not ! I just saw you ."

"Just worry about yourself . You can't play properly during p.e ." Tiffany stuck her tongue out to Taeyeon .

"How did you know ?! You stalked me ?!" Taeyeon copied Tiffany's sentence .

"NO ! Aishh ~ " Tiffany pouted .

"I was just acting okay ? Do you see how I played soccer that time ?" He shows proud face .

"Yeah yeah yeaaaaah  ..." Tiffany pretends to answer him without feeling .

"Yahhh ~ Wait ... what is this ?" Taeyeon pointed to her ears . 

"Huh ? Why ?" 

"*flick" He laughed after playfully flicking her ears .

"OUCHHH ! YAH ! It hurts !" Tiffany shouted and pouted .

"Hahahaaha ! " Taeyeon kept on laughing because Tiffany just make an epic expression when her ears was flicked .

"YAH ! COME HERE !" Tiffany sees that the kids are at the side then she head-locked Taeyeon and messed his hair .

"Ahhh yah yah yaaaaah ! Not my hairrrr !" He screamed . Tiffany didn't let go until it's fully messy .

"YAAAAAHHHH ! *criesss* My precious hairrr ~" Taeyeon acted crying . "Hmph ! Small mindedddd ~" He then moved his index finger left to right and backforth . Giving up , he just scratched his head , making his hair more messy .

But Tiffany didn't expect that even though his hair are messy now , he still looks y with that sunglasses .


AAAAAHHHHHH ! What should I do to make him stop looking y and handsome ?! Why did I come here at the first placee ?!




Update ! This is only the first part in the school . There's a second part . 

Don't forget to comment . 




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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?