Chapter 5

A Life Never to Imagine


Bom woke to the sound of feet rustling and loud noises outside. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the time. 10:45 AM Her eyes widen as she quickly got out of bed and washed up. She went to the kitchen and saw everything was a mess in there. There was food al over the floor and some orange juice spilled on the floor. 


"What are you guys doing?", asked Bom as she squinted from the sudden brightness. Zelo turned around and saw her standing by the door of the kitchen and smiled. He went behind her and started leading her to the dinning table and pushed her shoulders down, forcing her to sit down. "Sit down noon. We are making breakfast," he said before running back to the stove. After 20 minutes, they were finished with breakfast. They placed the plate in front of Bom, and looked at her eagerly. 


On her plate was scrambled eggs that were a bit uncooked, bacon that was WAY over cooked, and toast that was the only perfect food there. She took a bit of the egg and placed it in . "How is it, noona?", asked Jongup as he clasped his hands together. 


"It's… good," smiled Bom. She didn't want to hurt their feelings, but the after taste of uncooked eggs stayed in . So she took a sip of her orange juice. She choked on her orange juice as took the cup away from her lips. There was too much sugar in the orange juice. It felt like she was taking spoonfuls of sugar and eating it. "I might have put too much sugar," said Yongguk sheepishly as he cupped the back of his neck. 


"It's okay. It's fine," reassured Bom as she patted his shoulder. 


"What are you doing today?", asked Youngjae as he sat next to her. Bom shrugged, "I've got to find a job. I'm going to learn how to start surviving by myself. By finding a job first and then learning how to fight like you guys. LIKE THIS!", shouted Bom as she gave her hardest punch to Youngjae who just raised an eyebrow. It was the lightest punch he had received in his whole life. 


"PUAAHHH!!", burst all the guys as they started laughing and rolling on the floor. "Gosh Bom! You earn the award of being a comedian," said Daehyun as he wiped a tear, "You got to learn how to punch properly first." He came up closer to her and took her hand, "You don't punch with your knuckles unless you want to break them," he curled her hands into a fist, "You want to punch with your fist. Like this," he directed her fist into his hands. Bom showed an 'O' face before nodding. 


She blushed and hid her face in her arms, "I'll never be able to protect myself," she groaned. The guys were still laughing at her, but she didn't mind. She missed hearing the sounds of laughter. She loved the sound. Ever since her mum died, she was never able to hear the sound of someone laughing and she has not laughed in awhile either. It felt like music in her ears. 


"Whatever. Let's stop bullying her. We've got to find her a job. Come on," said Yongguk as he signalled everyone to the door. They all got up and started putting on their shoes and heading out. Bom slipped her feet in her shoes, but just stared at her feet. Himchan was the last to leave but he stopped when he noticed Bom was staring at her feet. 


"What are you doing?", he asked. Bom looked up and looked back at her feet again, "I don't know," she whispered. Himchan was confused. He had no idea what she was talking about. "What do you don't know," 


"This," Bom pointed to her shoes, "I don't know how to do my shoelaces. I always had my maids doing it for me." Himchan chuckled to himself as he bent down and did her shoelaces for her. He got himself up and dusted his pants. "There. I'll teach you the song for you to tie your shoelaces later," he reached out his hand motioning her to grab it. 


Bom eyed his hand before looking at him, "What are you doing?" 


"You might fall over while walking out my princess," Himchan said sarcastically as he made a big show of bowing down. Bom rolled her eyes, "I'm not that spoiled and clumsy," she pushed passed him, proving to him that she was not clumsy, but that ended her tripping on her two feet. 


She started hearing Himchan laughing behind her. She lowered her head as she walked faster. Her face was red and she felt embarrassed. 


"YAH! What took you guys so long?", complained Jongup as they were at the bottom of the building looking at Bom and Himchan. "Why is your face red noona and why is Himchan hyung laughing so much?", asked Zelo as he pointed to Bom's embarrassed face. 


"Nothing," replied Bom as she kept walking straight. 


"Hyung?", asked Zelo. Himchan shook his head and slipped his arm around Bom's shoulders, "Nah. I will keep it a secret. Since I'm Bom's blonde hottie," Himchan gave a secret wink to Bom, while everyone looked at Himchan as if he was crazy, but Bom knew what he was talking about. She was stifling a laugh seeing how confused the other was. "Let's just go," said Bom as she walked further. 


*Mum, meeting this boys it has caused me to laugh again.* 

[A/N]: Please subscribe and comment :D 

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Panda90 #1
Chapter 44: I love it...<3 <3 <3
bommiejjang #2
Chapter 44: Thumbs up for author!!!!
Awesome story^^
Chapter 13: Omo.. I nearly started cryingat his flashback
Pamela71410 #4
Chapter 44: Aww I loved the story!!! Especially the ending! :)
jannasaleh #5
author nim, can u make story about CL and BYG? I JUST LOVE WITH OUR LEADERS hehe.. make y, lovey and funny story hehehe i love you from indonesia
finished reading!
kamsahamnida, author-nim...

fighting! ^ ^
Thank You for this wonderful story!! :D
Chapter 44: I'm so sad that this has ended (TTATT)
This was a wonderful story, thank you for a good job on this! Please make more Bom/B.A.P fanfics ^^
glotterjongup #9