Chapter 12

A Life Never to Imagine


"Bom. You have to be quiet," Himchan put a finger over his lips as he pushed the key into the key hole and turned it. CLICK! It was unlocked now. He turned the door knob as he and Bom quietly tip toed into the house. They both removed their shoes and started walking towards the living room, since their rooms were on the other side of the living room. But as they were walking, the lights . "What?", whispered Himchan as he looked up and his eyes widen, "Oh ." he squeaked. Bom's eyes widen as well and she quickly hid behind Himchan and grabbed onto his shirt. 


"Where were you guys?", he had his arms crossed and the rest of BAP were sleepily on the couch. "Uhhhh… garage," Himchan answered honestly. Youngjae opened his eyes and looked at them, "What the hell were you guys doing at the garage? Mr. BANG YONGGUK here freaking woke us up because he noticed Bom's shoes were gone and went to her room and noticed she was missing as well as you and woke the whole ING house up!", complained Youngjae. 


"S-Sorry, we should have told you," apologised Bom as she bowed down many times but Jongup stopped her. "It's not your fault," he looked behind her and glared at Himchan, "It's HIS fault. He should have told us in the first place, if not we wouldn't worry," 


"Shut up guys!" barked Yongguk as he glared at Himchan, "And you need to explain why were you at the garage?"


Himchan immediately pointed towards Bom, "IT WAS HER!", Yongguk raised an eyebrow, "She wanted to learn how to fight," Himchan explained. "Fight?", questioned Zelo, "Noona, why did you wanted to learn how to fight?" 


"I want to learn how to protect myself, like you guys did for me," said Bom as a tapped her feet on the ground. Yongguk soften and patted Bom's shoulders, "Anyways, its late. You guys need some sleep," Yongguk walked over to the living room and turned off the lights. Slowly everyone went back to their rooms, but Himchan stopped and grabbed Bom by the wrist and spun her around. He leant in and whispered in her ear, "Goodnight my Bomstar," and he gave a soft, quick kiss on her cheeks before going into his room. 


Bom stood there shocked at what just happened. She touched the place where Himchan kissed her and her skin felt like it was on fire. Her face was blazing a bright red colour, she was glad, again, that the lights were turned off. Bom turned around and quickly went into her room and climbed into her bed. She placed her hand over her chest as she started breathing deeply. Her heart was beating very fast as she tried to calm down again. 


"What is Himchan doing to me?", she furrowed her eyebrows as her eyelids grew heavier and heavier until she fell asleep. 


Bom wrinkled her nose as the strong sunlight shone into her room. She forced her eyes opened and saw her room brightly lit. She turned over to reach out for her phone. She squinted her eyes from the sudden brightness and checked the time. 12 PM She shot right out of bed and quickly jumped out of bed. "AISH! I slept for half the day," she cussed to herself as she sleepily walked out of the room. She walked into the living room and saw all of them there, with the TV on, but they weren't watching it. They were staring at Bom with their jaws hanging wide opened and their eyes nearly popped. 


Bom groggily rubbed her eyes and smacked her lips together before looking at the others. She slowly became confused why the boys were staring at her, "Ummm… why are you staring at me?", she asked. Youngjae was the first one who stopped staring and immediately got up and walked over to the clothes dryer and grabbed one of Zelo's basketball shorts. He threw it towards her and Bom with quick reflexes caught it. 


"What's this for?", she asked, but Youngjae didn't answer. He just blushed red in the face and turned away looking out the window. Yongguk immediately snapped out of his tranced and cleared his throat while nodding towards Bom's legs. She was really confused. Yongguk made all of the guys to look the other way. Bom slowly looked down and she clamped her hands over from screaming. She forgot to put shorts on. She would always sleep with an over-sized t-shirt and in the morning she would put shorts on. But guessing from her late night sleep, she totally forgot and just walked out of the room. She quickly slipped on her shorts, while her face was red as a beetroot and quickly went into the kitchen. 


Himchan followed Bom to the kitchen and saw Bom's back facing him. His eyes sparkled as he slowly crept up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear seductively, "Damn baby girl, you look y without those short," Bom blushed even more and swatted his hands away and she quickly ran away from him. She saw Yongguk standing by the door with his arms crossed and eyebrow raise towards Himchan. Bom sighed in relief as she ran behind Yongguk and hung onto his shirt. 


Himchan was laughing and rolling on the floor. Yongguk tried holding back his laughter too, but he couldn't hold it in. Soon, everyone was laughing expect Bom. Daehyun was the first one who stopped laughing as he wiped a tear from the corners of his eyes, "Bom, your the first girl that we ever bring over to our house to stay and you came out of the room not wearing shorts was an awkward situation." 


Bom rolled her eyes as she ran into her room in despair. But secretly she was kinda of happy to see everyone this happy. They treated as family and she felt as if she as known them all her life. She would never get this kind of joy in her house. She was glad that she has ran away from home and met BAP. 

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Panda90 #1
Chapter 44: I love it...<3 <3 <3
bommiejjang #2
Chapter 44: Thumbs up for author!!!!
Awesome story^^
Chapter 13: Omo.. I nearly started cryingat his flashback
Pamela71410 #4
Chapter 44: Aww I loved the story!!! Especially the ending! :)
jannasaleh #5
author nim, can u make story about CL and BYG? I JUST LOVE WITH OUR LEADERS hehe.. make y, lovey and funny story hehehe i love you from indonesia
finished reading!
kamsahamnida, author-nim...

fighting! ^ ^
Thank You for this wonderful story!! :D
Chapter 44: I'm so sad that this has ended (TTATT)
This was a wonderful story, thank you for a good job on this! Please make more Bom/B.A.P fanfics ^^
glotterjongup #9