Chapter 33

Still Singing Just For You




"OMONA, I love B2UTIES and ___Seobies." _____ giggled.

She had been going through her mentions to reply to a few.

She randomly came across an edited picture of Junhyung's kiss scene from 'Monstar'.

"Not true. This is Yoseob in a wig. KEKEKEKEKEKE."


-@: I am a JunSeob shipper, KiSeob shipper, DooSeob shipper, HyunSeob shipper, and a DongSeob shipper. That the only cheating I will forgive. Actually... I encourage it.-



“What the heck?” Minhee said from the video call they were in the middle of. “Unnie, have you lost it?”

“ANI!” ______ snickered. “This is what happens when I miss my boyfriend…I google him.”

Something suddenly hit Minhee.

“Aah, That reminds me!!!”


"Yah, Unnie, since when is Oppa a boxer?"

Now, ______ had stopped laughing.

"Mwoya?! You mean the dog breed, right?" she asked hopefully. ‘You better mean the freaking dog breed, little girl…’

"Dog? What? ANIYO, he said he's been boxing for a couple of months."

"......MWOYA?!?! Where is that?!?!" ______ shouted.

She had so many emotions right now.

"it’s in an interview that I'm watching. Unnie, I thought you and Oppa were monitoring each other."

"We do, but I’ve been so busy with my own scheduling that I hardly have the time to monitor what he is doing. Aish! What the heck?" She laughed. “It’s a joke, right? It has to be a joke!”

"I don’t know. AIGOOO~~~ Unnie, does Oppa want to beat up Ma Taehyun THAT BADLY? This is INSANE! This revelation is coming out of nowhere.”

"Actually, Uri Jagi did well at the last meeting. I think he just wants to show off the fact that he is a grown man and not a child anymore."

"Oppa will forever be mistaken for a child."

"Ara." ______ giggled.

 “If even you didn’t know about it, it must be a joke. Oppa doesn’t seem like the type.”

“I know, right?” ______ said under her breath. “My boyfriend is so completely random. You best believe he’s going to get an earful when I see him next.”

“Oh, I believe it.”

A couple of days later, ______ came home from work.

Bokshiri wasn't waiting for her by the door, which was unusual.

She looked around.


She walked around and looked through the apartment.

He came strolling out of the bedroom.

"Hawoo~" he howled softly.

"Hello to you too." She giggled. "Where were you?"

He pranced back into the bedroom and jumped onto the bed.

She followed him to find Yoseob asleep in her bed.

"Aigoo, it figures." She laughed. "That's why you didn't greet Umma? You had to keep Appa company and guard him while he sleeps?"

Bokshiri snuggled close to Yoseob and his face.

"Shhh..." Yoseob whined. "Aww, puppy kisses!~"

He moved his head onto ______'s lap, then put her hand on top of his head.

Bokshiri lay on top of his chest.

"Are you that tired that you walk into my dorm just to pass out on my bed?" She teased, his hair.

"Mhm. I miss your scent. It helps me to relax. Don't hate on my relaxation methods, Arasseo?"

She smiled.

"Oh Mian." She teased. "How long have you been sleeping here?"

Yoseob looked at his watch.

" that the time? I got in a two hour nap."

"I'm glad." She said. "I was worried about you not getting enough rest."

"Don't worry."

"I can't help it. If someone that J cared about wanted to become a trainee, I'd advise them against it."

"Waeyo?" He chuckled.

"It's a stressful life. Even though my time as a trainee didn’t last long, it still wasn't easy. It's even harder when you debut as an idol."

"Ah, did I forget to mention that to you?"

______ scrunched up her nose.


She slipped a pillow under his head and cuddled up next to him.

"Miss me that much?" Yoseob kissed the top of her head.

"Too much. HOW DO THEY DO IT?!"

"Stay strong."

"I was sad about Junhyungie Oppa and Hara's break up. I knew that it’s hard being in separate schedules but they love each other."

"Well, they set an example of what NOT to do. Let’s not follow their lead, Arasseo? Yaksok?"

He held out his pinky to her.

She smiled and hooked hers with his.

"Yaksokhalke." She whispered.

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Yah, Yang Byuntae!"

"Not that! I'm too tired for that. I just want to sleep for a while before I have to go back to being everyone's Yang Yoseob. I want to be dead to the world for a while."

"Arasseo." She giggled. "You seem to have forgotten where you live, I guess?"

"I've lived a lot of places lately. I've already forgotten what language I'm supposed to speak. I'm just glad I didn't walk into some random persons place and fall asleep."

"Yeah, at least you made it to the bed. Be glad you got through the door and didn’t pass out in the hall."

Yoseob whined.

"That would be bad."

"That's why I worry about you. My poor baby looks so tired." She frowned, caressing his cheek. "Remember when we started dating and you passed out in my bed?"

"You made me so much food then." He smiled. "Yah, don't do that now! You've been working a lot too! I just wish I could keep my eyes open long enough to make you on a little date."

He let out the longest yawn ever.

"Just take a nap. It would make me happier of you did." She said and yawned too. “Aish, your yawns are contagious. Geumanhae!”

Yoseob smirked and faked a yawn just to mess with her.

______ started to yawn and glared at him.

“Kekekeke…you’re cute.”

She rolled her eyes, grabbed her other pillow and smacked him with it.


She walked out and Bokshiri continued to cuddle up to Yoseob.

“Aww…Bokshiri-ya! Appa missed you too. Appa is sorry he can’t see you more often.” Yoseob said scratching the dog’s ears.

“Didn’t I tell you to sleep?” ______ poked her head back into the room.

Yoseob grinned.

“I’m sleep-talking, don’t interrupt me!”

______ smiled and shook her head.

‘I’ll let him sleep, he’ll get his scolding later.’ She thought.

When he woke up from his short nap, Yoseob went to look for ______.

She was sitting at her computer.

He slowly snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

“Boo…” he whispered into her ear, sending chills down her spine.

“….don’t do that!!!!” she whined. “You’re supposed to be sleeping.”

Yoseob smiled.

“Aniya, I’m fully energized now. For some reason, I have no problem falling asleep in your bed. If I was in my own, I’d be awake for hours and have to take sleeping pills.”

______ heard the word pills and turned around.

“Yah, what did you say?”

“Nothing.” He quickly shut up. “I don’t want to worry you, the insomnia gets to me sometimes. Even if I’m really tired, it’s hard to sleep.”

______ stared at him.

“I can’t help but worry, everything about you worries me.”

Yoseob had a confused look on his face.

He was unsure what she meant.

“Like what?”

______ narrowed her eyes at him.

"You really don’t know what I’m talking about?”

Yoseob shrugged.

“Ani. Wae?”

“Boxing, Yang Yoseob? Really?!" ______ shouted as the overly protective girlfriend came out.

"W-What?" he stammered, completely stunned.

"How long has THAT been going on?"

"W-W-Well...H-H-How did you know?"

"Minhee told me. So, how long?"

Yoseob smirked.

"Kim Minhee is a B2UTY now?"

"...No. Could you quit avoiding my question?"

"Awww Tokki.."



"No! I'm already worried about you."


"You look so tired..." She frowned. She looked at the clock. “You only slept for like…2 hours.”

Yoseob shrugged

"Well, four, if you count the first two. That power nap helped a lot. About the boxing thing, I did threaten Ma Taehyun that I'd do something if he let his Father hurt you again. I need to make it seem real."

"Are you kidding me, right now?" She just stared at him. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He shook his head.


"" She sighed. "You keep making me worry about you! I'm worried about you getting hurt. You can't afford to get bruises, especially not on your face. You have to be pretty."

"I'm not pretty.” He pouted. “Plus, didn't you say you don’t date ugly guys."

"True, but how will you be such a selca king on Instagram.”

“You followed me?”

“Tokki must’ve gotten lost in a sea of followers. I don’t mind. I just go on to look at your pictures. Suggestive, and y, by the way."

"Suggestive? y? Waeyo?" He chuckled,

"I don't know...maybe it's just me who finds it overly y."

"You missed me so much that you're trying to start an argument over nothing?"

"Psh...NO!" She scoffed. "Just don't make me worry, Arasseo?"

"Arasseo." He nodded. "Yah, Song ______, Boxing will be fine."

She glared at him not willing to listen.

She did NOT agree.

" know that I can't help but worry about my Jagi. Boxing is a violent sport."

"Ara, but soccer can be violent too. What if you get kicked and shatter your shin? Tokki-ya, you're as protective if me as I am of you."

______ was silent.

"Changing the subject. Mo matter what you say, I’m going to worry. I support your choice of hobby BUT...I’m not thrilled with it. So, back to work?"

"Yep...perfume time."

She smiled.

"At least you got a break."

"Sounds like you enjoyed my bream a much as I did."

She nodded.

"Probably more. I watched you sleep. My heart feels at ease. Since you got some sleep, I'm not so worried about the thought of you having a repeat of that first time we-..."

"We what?! What do you mean? If you're going to say 'broke up', don't! It didn't happen. EVER! Don't make up stories."


"Nope. Never happened…”

______ smiled.

"Arasseo. You know, while you were asleep, I was online."

"Oh yeah?"

"Do you know how adorable your fan service is?"

"Is it?" He chuckled. "What is so adorable about it?"

She nodded.

"The girls freak out when you touch them. If you even make eye contact with them, they spaz out of control."

"Yah, the guys do the same for you." He pointed out.

"Guys do that for you too. There was that fanboy that asked you to touch his head."

"Jealous?" He teased.

"Yeah…sooooo jealous!”

"I thought so..."

"Mhm, I would want to pet his head too." She nodded.


She made a face and kissed his nose.

"That’s for giving me a panic attack when I found out you were boxing!”

“Mianhae! I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you.”

“Arasseo.” She nodded. “Apology accepted.”

“Kamsa.” He smiled.

“You look so handsome without makeup." She said distracting herself with his amazing selcas.

"What about with?"


" ...." he grumbled.

"What about me?"

"I love you either way! Yah, Tokki-ya, do you want to come boxing with me?"

"...Psh..NO, not really! Since when would I, Song _____, ever want to do boxing?"

"Never. That’s why I asked." He chuckled. "You're my girly Tokki. You can come anyway."

"Yah...this is where I draw the line. We can go work out together if you want. Maybe we can go for a walk or a jog BUT boxing is a no-no for Song ______ie."

"Jogging date? CALL! We should plan to go.”

"Geurae, I'll add you into my schedule. I have a free day...4 months from now, does it work for you?”

“With how busy we both are, it’ll be closer to 2014.”

“2014 IT IS!!~” she squealed shaking his hand. “We have a deal.”

“Yah, Song ______, if this is about me keeping this a secret from you…I’m onto you.” He told her.

“Oh, it is.” She grinned. “Since you’ll be preparing for your comeback, with B2ST, I can visit on my breaks. That’s the perks of the set being right next to Cube.”

“CHEONGMAL?! You promise to visit?”

“Whenever I can.”

“You sure Ma Taehyun will allow it. If not…I learned a few things while box-…”

______ glared at him.

“Yah, Yang Yoseob.”

“What?” he said innocently. “I’m just saying…you know how he gets around me.”

“I know how you both get. Let’s keep it civil, shall we?”

"But...what if your Jagi wanted to show off his skills?"







Subbies, i haven't forgotten you guys! I PROMISE!

I've finally got the chance to update this story after OVER A MONTH!

I'm falling sooooooooo far behind.



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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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Nimii_K #1
Chapter 39: I'm still reading it in 2021 please see this and update 😭
claudiamacy #2
Chapter 39: Please update
ShineeIsBae123 #3
Chapter 3: Awesome story author-nim >.<!!! Plssssss update soon ^^
Chapter 39: Author-nim hwaiting! I totally understand your situation but don't give up! I definitely want to see this story until the end and I can't wait for the next update! ^^ <3
Chapter 38: Yoseobbie~!!!
Please update soon~! XD
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #6
Chapter 38: I love this story so much~~~~~
Please update! :)
___Seob couple <3
Chapter 38: Waaaa!!!! The update is finally out :D this has just motivated me to finish my homework C: update soon~ Saranghae author nim
Chapter 38: *laugh* seobie different character between work and private life~ so cuteeee~~~
___seob 5ever~~ ^^
foreverabrainfox #9
Chapter 38: Yay a new chapter ^^ and a great one! I love it x3 ___seob is the best couple ever~~~<3 and so are their supporters!
aimz_c #10
Chapter 11: what does mehrong mean please