Chapter 29

Still Singing Just For You





At the risk of pissing off Yoseob, AND Taehyun father, ______ found herself in a familiar place.

Taehyun's home was HUGE.

It reminded her of a castle from a fairy tale, except less cheerful.

"Agassi..." One of the maids called out to her.

______ turned to her and smiled.

" Oppa home?"

"Young Master keeps himself locked away. He barely speaks to his parents, unless they're screaming at each other. You were the only, nice, girl that the Young Master has ever brought home."

"I'm sure Oppa dates."

"Mhm...If you can call it that. They don't leave the room."

'Eww.....' ______ thought. ‘TMI! T….M…I!!!!!!!!!!’

The maid went to go get Taehyun.

"Young Master?”


“Miss ______ is here."

As soon as she said it, he jumped up.

"Mwoya?! EODI?"

She motioned for ______ to come in.

______ smiled as she entered the room.

“Oppa! So you ARE alive?” she teased.

Taehyun just smiled back at her.

“What? A text message isn’t enough to prove that I’m not dead?”

“OF COURSE NOT!” She scolded. “I need to hear from you so that I don’t worry.”

“Don’t stress yourself out. Your boyfriend wouldn’t like it.” Taehyun chuckled.

“Psh, since when do you care about what my Yoseobie likes?”

“I don’t…I just don’t want you to stress yourself out.”

______ sighed and just stared at him.

He was worried about her stressing out and he was the one that looked stressed.

"Taehyun Oppa, Gwaenchana?" ______ asked.

"Please don't hate me."

"What?! Why would I hate you?!"

" were happy before I reentered your life." He explained to her.

"Well, I admit, my relationship was drama free." She teased. "We never fought much and we were always happy."


"Don't be.” ______ shook her head at him. “It's crazy to always be happy. It's too perfect."

He raised his brows at her.

"Cheongmal?" He asked, not believing her.

______ smiled.

"YAH, OPPA! What am I, a doll?"


"What?" she blinked in confusion.

"You're an expensive, fragile, porcelain doll."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means you need to be handled with care. You deserve the world. I'm so glad that you got this far. You, more than anyone else, deserves to be where you are."

“Oppa…tell me what’s wrong. Is something bothering you?”

“I’ll tell you when I’m done figuring everything out. I don’t want to worsen the situation. I need to settle things, on my own. I’ll be sure to fill you in…soon. I don’t want to start back up with our drama if it’s going to be messed up because of this drama. There are two things that I care about, right now. Our friendship is the first one. The other one is this drama. It’s crucial to both of our careers.”

_______ nodded.

“You’re doing this…to prove yourself to your Abeoji, aren’t you?”

“Uri Abeoji is always convinced that I’ll fail and VERYTHING that I do. He makes sure to help me fail, if he can. I want to prove to him that I’m not a failure. I can do this, no matter how much he butts in.”

“So…the random girls are just…what?” ______ teased. “Fun on your break?”

“…..why would she tell you about the girls?” Taehyun grumbled, shaking his head.

“The maids and workers have always loved me, that’s why.” She giggled. “Are you sure that you’re alright, Oppa?”

“I’m fine.” Taehyun answered with a smile. “The harder I work, now, the sooner I can get the production back up and running. I won’t let this die. We’ve all worked too hard for that.”

When she left, ______ went to meet up with Yoseob at her place.

Yoseob took over her phone and posted a tweet.


-@: Best boyfriend ever, is here!-


"This dork, he takes over everyone's twitter account to make fans crazy." She muttered, shaking her head.

"Yeah, so?"

______ smiled and shook her head at him some more.

"Well, I went to see Taehyun Oppa today."


He just stared at her.

"What?!?! What's with that look?! Babo-ya, I needed to speak to him for business reasons!"


She rolled her eyes at him.

"AISH, you really have to get over this jealousy. It's getting old."

"Ara..." He growled through his teeth. "Let's pretend you didn't go to his house! Did you talk about resuming production on the drama?"

"He's working on it."

"Oh, you mean he's not just lazing around in his huge mansion?" Yoseob made a sarcastic remark.

______ narrowed her eyes at him.

"Really? that one more time." She warned.


"Aigoo...." She said putting her hand over his mouth. "I'm not going to talk about it if you're going to be annoying about it. He just said he's using the hiatus time to fix things. He doesn't want his project to die. It seemed like something was bothering him and he needed time to deal. We were friends, so I won't push him. Don't you push me or I'll bite!"

She grabbed his hand and brought it to .


She smiled innocently and kissed it.



-@------: @ is this Yoseob Oppa or ______ Unnie right now?-


-@: @------ It's ___Seob. The male half is just taking over ^^.-


-@: The Tokki half wants a mention party...or live chat. Lets trend #___Seob. Send your questions with that tag.-


As soon as the tweet was posted, they were hit by a tsunami of mentions.

Everyone said they'd rather have a live chat.

They opened up the chat room and ______'s camera.

The number of people in the room skyrocketed.

"You're going to make our fans faint! We already made a grown man spaz."

Yoseob chuckled.

"They like talking to us. This way, they can hear it from our mouths and know it’s us, not some imposter."

______ giggled.

"Yeah, you better run your twitter name by me. I mean, when you make a new account."

"WAE? Would you fall for imposter-Seob?"

"'s not like it matters. If it’s the same name, it's the same person, right?"


"Babo-ya!~" she giggled. "You're so weird."

They had the fans send them questions to answer.


-@------: @ Now that JunHara have supposedly broken up are you next? Please say NO! #___Seob-


Yoseob read it out loud and answered without hesitation.

"PSH! NO! Enough said." He scoffed. “I’m not going to speak about their relationship, because it has nothing to do with me. Also, because Junhyungie will beat me up. Us though…NO WAY!”


"Just a 'nope'? You have to be more enthusiastic about it."

"Keep it up and my answer will change!~" She said in a sing song tone.


"Nah, not going to happen." She said. "Next question!~~"

They made sure to read out the questions so that the viewers knew.


-@------: @ Yoseob Oppa, what do you think of couple outfits? Do you like or hate them? #___Seob-


"Hmmm...I approve. Wae? Think about it. If I got lost, I would tell someone to look for the girl who is dressed like me. That way, they'd know who to return me to."

________ looked down and tightly closed to keep the giggle in.


“Next question. This chat won’t be too long, Oppa needs to get to work soon."



-@SHAWOLMinheeKim: @ Yoseob Oppa can I have ______Unnie! #___Seob-


"Andwae. No, Kim Minhee, you may not."

"Later, Minhee, later."

"No, Minhee, no."

"Yes, Minhee, Yes."

"PASS!!! Next question!~~~" Yoseob shouted loudly.

"Weirdo." ______ laughed.


-@------: @ Do you trust each other? #___Seob-


"I trust him. I do trust him with everything that I am. I have a bit of jealousy...sometimes but it's not too bad....for the most part."

"I trust her too."

"No, he doesn't."

"I do."


"...I do trust you."


"It's other guys that I don't trust."


-@------: @ Oppa was jealous when the scandal happened, wasn't he? #___Seob-


"No...." He lied.

"Really now?"

"Fine, yes." He pouted. 'Sometimes I wish our fans would ask us our favorite colors or favorite foods. NOPE! They like to get personal. My image is going to die. Deader than dead.'

"I think that's a sore subject for him.  Next question?"



-@------: @ Oppa who is prettier, me or ______ Unnie? Be careful...kekekeke #___Seob-


"YAH! Someone must want me to die!" Yoseob exclaimed.

“Careful with that answer. Think about it. Either way, you’re in the dog house.” ______ warned.

"M-MWOYA? Bokshiri sleeps well anyway. How is that a valid threat?” he asked ______. He turned back to the camera. “You, missy, I'll pretend you never asked that question. Do you not love Oppa?"

"AISH! That's the wrong answer!"

"YAH! No matter what it's the wrong answer...." He pouted. "I'll just refuse to answer on the grounds that I may not live to see tomorrow. Aish…Uri Bokshiri sleeps better than I do. I still don’t get how that is a threat.”

“He sleeps with me.”


______ kicked Yoseob under the table.

“………Aish…..” She muttered. 'Such a guy...'



-@------: @ Who is cuter, you or ______ Unnie? #___Seob-



"She is. Violent…but cute.” He said rubbing his shin. “I'm naturally adorable but her aegyo is better. I can't resist."

"Who’s violent?!~~” she pouted. “You’re being a poop. Hmph…JAGIYA!~~ BAEGOPAYO!~~~~~~~"



"Aish! Next....Question." He said through his teeth. "It's obvious that she is cuter."



-@------: @ EXTREMELY VALID QUESTION…ANSWER PLEASE?! I die from cuteness overload everytime I watch a ___Seob fancam! Why don't you ever kiss on cam?!?!-


"Are you writing is from heaven? A BIT DEMANDING HMM??!?!?! Aigoo…” he chuckled. “Anyway…I don't speak ghost, do you, Tokki?"

"Apparently I do." She nodded. "She's haunting us because she loves us so much."

"We don't kiss. AISH, what kind of people do you think we are? What is this 'kisseu' that you speak of?"

"Ppoppo?" she suggested. “Could it be?”

"Ani! ANI! ANI! Aye, that's not it." Yoseob waved his hands around. "Get your mind out of the gutter!"

The fans were enjoying their craziness.



-@---: @ How do you two stay so cute? #___Seob-


"Simple. We're just cute." He replied bluntly. “Put together, we’re doubly cute. NEXT!”



-@------: @ With separate schedules, how do you stay together for so long? Yoseob Oppa is always on the phone. Are you're talking to Unnie, when you say you're playing games? Don't lie! I found this GIF! ♥ #___Seob-



"IGE MWOYA?!?!" he shouted pointing at the screen. "What is this?"

"Omona!" ______ laughed. "Jagiya, what the heck?!?!"

".....I'm part snake."

"Of course. That explains it." she said sarcastically as she posted a gif that she found.



-@------: @ Wouldn't a snake eat a bunny though? Such a dangerous relationship. XD-


"Aish, you guys...."

"Snakes aren't too cute though. You're too squishy to be a snake."

"GEURAE! You guys caught me! I'm not part snake. However,I do send her a text saying 'BOO' so she doesn't fall asleep. I bug her when she's on her schedules. For some reason it's not reciprocated."

"I'm professional. Instead, I text Kikwang Oppa or Junhyungie Oppa."


"So they can grab the nearest SOFT object and clobber you with it."

"...........mean..." he said pointing a finger at her. “At least it’s not some hard object. So thoughtful of you!~”


-@------: @. Where's the FlufferNugget?! We love Bokshiri! #___Seob-


"FlufferNugget." Yoseob snickered. "He is a nugget of fluffiness."

"You're a nugget of fluffiness."

"Like Appa, like Aegi!!" Yoseob shot back.

"Aah, Jagiya...JJANG!"

"Ara." He said going to get the fluffy dog.

"While he does that, I'll answer some more questions."


-@------: @ Unnie, do you love Oppa more than you loved any of the other guys you may have dated? #___Seob-


"Definitely." She said honestly. "We've been through a lot together. All the hate and scandals made us stronger."


-@------: @ What advice do you have for boys and girl that are trying to get into the music business? #___Seob-


"'s difficult. I started just for fun. I wanted to make videos because I was bored and singing makes me happy. If singing is what you enjoy doing, don't be afraid to put yourself out there. If you're shy, just do it. No matter how nerve wracking it is. Then, start dating the cutest idol there is. Yang Yoseob and Song ______ are taken though, so look elsewhere."

The viewers loved that.

"Kidding, about the last part. Just let people know your face and voice. Whether the comments are bad or good, don't give up. Put your own identity into all you do. Being you, is key.”

“Key to what?” Yoseob chimed in. "What are you talking about?"

He walked back into the room cradling the furry puppy.


“Did you talk about me?”


“Sure…” he nodded showing Bokshiri to the camera. “FlufferNugget just woke up. Ah, that’s what we’ll call Bokshiri’s fanclub. Thanks to ------ for the fanclub name. Imaginary cookies for you!~ I can’t give you a real cookie, because…well…the computer screen won’t accept it.”

They answered a few more questions before the last one.

“We’ll take one more question.” ______ said. “The first question is the one we’ll answer.”


-@------: @ If you broke up, do you think, you would be able to remain good friends? #___Seob-


______ sighed.

‘Did they have to ask that one? Seriously? Why that?!?!’

"Of course."









"Too many feelings. I just don't think I could do it."

'She stayed friends with the other two but she can't stay friends with ME?! What is that?!?!'

"It's best that we don't break up then. Mianhae, I can't stay friends if we were to end things for good."

After the chat closed, Yoseob looked at ______.

“YAH! What was with THAT answer?” he exclaimed.

He was hurt and angry.

“I’m just being honest. If, god forbid, we ever broke up. I wouldn’t be able to stay friends with you. I just can’t. You’re saying that you could remain close, if we broke up?”

“Well, it wouldn’t be easy, or painless…but….”


“You’re right….” He sighed. “I don’t feel as insecure about your friendship with Ma Taehyun and Kim Munhee anymore.”

“Good. You’re okay with me not telling you that I went to see him?”

“If you told me, I’d never have let you go. You know me well.’

“I do.”

“That was the worst live chat…EVER!” Yoseob whined. “It got so personal! Did you see how many questions we were getting? At least it was both of us. Whenever I do it alone, I’m overwhelmed. Why did they have to go there?”

“Because we let them?” she laughed.

“Let’s look through the question, BEFOREHAND, next time….arasseo? I feel like I froze up from those, on the spot, questions. I could feel my image shattering into billions of tiny pieces. The one about Daniel's scandaltoo.”

“Yeah, you skipped over that one pretty fast. Well, as much as I agree that we did answer some personal questions…it’s nice to know that our ___Seobies are still here. Anyone who watched today, know that I’m still with you. If we keep proving to the world that we’re still together, and don’t plan to go our separate ways…the antis can’t hurt us. Haters can make up more rumors BUT we can set the record straight.”

“Aah, Uri Tokki really is the best.”

Before Yoseob headed off to his schedule they took a selca with Bokshiri.


-@: ___Seob and FlufferNugget, Family Pic ♥ -





Who else wants to participate in a ___Seob live chat? I know that I would!! ♥



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UPDATE!! As much as I would LOVE to update, my hours at work have increased. Its getting hard to focus on my stories. MIANHAE! Ill post ASAP! I ♥ you!!!


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Nimii_K #1
Chapter 39: I'm still reading it in 2021 please see this and update 😭
claudiamacy #2
Chapter 39: Please update
ShineeIsBae123 #3
Chapter 3: Awesome story author-nim >.<!!! Plssssss update soon ^^
Chapter 39: Author-nim hwaiting! I totally understand your situation but don't give up! I definitely want to see this story until the end and I can't wait for the next update! ^^ <3
Chapter 38: Yoseobbie~!!!
Please update soon~! XD
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #6
Chapter 38: I love this story so much~~~~~
Please update! :)
___Seob couple <3
Chapter 38: Waaaa!!!! The update is finally out :D this has just motivated me to finish my homework C: update soon~ Saranghae author nim
Chapter 38: *laugh* seobie different character between work and private life~ so cuteeee~~~
___seob 5ever~~ ^^
foreverabrainfox #9
Chapter 38: Yay a new chapter ^^ and a great one! I love it x3 ___seob is the best couple ever~~~<3 and so are their supporters!
aimz_c #10
Chapter 11: what does mehrong mean please