
Dawn of the Rising Star


The next morning, you woke up feeling surprisingly healthy. You touched your forehead, “Nope, no fever already”, you confirmed. It must have been the medicine which Kai gave last night. Speaking of last night, it was still difficult for you to believe that Kai just talked to you nicely. Maybe he’s changing, you thought and smiled. You headed to the bathroom, washed up yourself and headed down to meet Aunt Marie. Since it was a Saturday, you had no school and the boys were probably still in bed. You went to the kitchen and saw Aunt pouring water in to the kettle. You crept silently behind and back hugged her, smelling her hair.

“Good morning Aunt”, you beamed.

“Ouh! Lyorin, you gave me a shock! What are you doing here?” You went to sit on the waist-high kitchen counter. Aunt went over and touched your forehead.

“I’m fine Aunt. I’m all better now. Thanks.” You grabbed the nearest cookie jar that you could reach, twisted the lid open and ate a cookie. You were hungry after not eating properly for the past few days. “You need help?” You asked while chewing on the chocolate chip cookie. You pitied how your Aunt had to prepare the meals for 14 people now. It must be tiring for her but she never once complained.

Aunt shook her head in response. “You just stay right there and will you stop eating the cookies, sweetie? You need to eat a proper breakfast meal.”

“Yeah I know, but you haven’t prepared it yet. I offered my help but you refused. Oh well, just do your thing while I enjoy my cookies,” you stuck out your tongue cutely. Aunt who noticed your aegyo, went to pinch your cheek and laugh.

“How about you help me wake the boys up? I’m almost done here,” Aunt joked. You rolled your eyes and ignored the request. You were so not going to wake up 12 grown-up boys. “Come on Lyorin, be nice and go wake up your oppas.” You nearly choked when you heard “oppas”. EWWWW! WHAT, NO?!  “They took care of you while you were sick.” Then suddenly you heard voices coming from the living room which was just in front of the kitchen. You mumbled a ‘yes’ in relief knowing that they woke up already and you didn’t have to trouble yourself.

“Good morning Aunt Marie…eh? Lyorin?” Tao peeped in to the kitchen, Kris and D.O followed suit. They looked at you with concern eyes.

“What?” You asked nonchalantly with your legs swinging to and fro, still sitting on the kitchen counter.

“Are you alright? Are you feeling better already?” D.O went over to you and touched your forehead. You rolled your eyes. Tao jumped up and sat beside you while Kris went to stand in front of you. Soon, you were encircled by them.

“I’m fine, thank you.” You answered as you grabbed another piece of cookie. Within minutes, the rest of the boys came to the main dining room. You got down from the kitchen counter and went over to carry the plates to the dining table, but Kris prevented you from doing so.

“It’s okay Lyorin. Just go and sit. We’ll carry the plates.” You pouted. Tao pulled you out of the kitchen to the dining room.

“Lyorin ah, I miss you!” Sehun ran to you and gave a tight hug. Your eyes widened in shock at the sudden physical contact. You could hear some of the boys chuckling at the back. You were embarrassed of course, but remained calm and unexcited.

“Errr Sehun, what is there to miss?”

“Aish this girl. You were absent from school yesterday and I didn’t get to see you the whole day since you were…hmmm sleeping. The car ride to school was so boring without you” Kai who heard Sehun, gave the maknae a smack from the back. “OUCH! HYUNG!” Sehun frowned while you laughed. “See, I made Lyorin laugh. Don’t get yourself sick again okay or I will be with the boring Kai…” but before he could finish his sentence, Kai smacked him again.

“Sehun, don’t make Kai get angry or else, he will teleport you somewhere and not bring you back.” Chen jokingly warn the youngest member. So, Kai can teleport people as well, you questioned in your head.

“I’m not scared. I shall summon my wind strength to prevent him from doing so.” Sehun stuck out his tongue. Kai then tackled Sehun playfully and put him on a headlock.

“You know, being the youngest and the last to obtain powers, you aren’t as strong as you think you are.” Sehun struggled and eventually broke free. He rubbed his head and pouted cutely.

“Aww Kai, don’t be so mean to our maknae. He’ll get better.” Luhan went over to Sehun and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

“Okay guys, can we just eat breakfast now?” Chanyeol interrupted the light atmosphere.



Lyorin had stayed with EXO for quite a while but she had yet a clue on her history or her parents. EXO promised to let her know once everything was in place. What was it, she had no idea. How long will it take, she had no idea as well. But because she was dying to know everything, she was willing to wait and be patient. She perfectly knew that EXO was the key to her mysterious past and she had no other option but to trust them. However, she could be patient for as long she can but she definitely could not stand how restricted her life now. As days past, she started to get restless with the boys constantly around her. She was not allowed to go out like how she used to and because of that, her friendship with Yoona was tested. Previously, they often went shopping, watched the movies, had stayovers at Lyorin's house back then and talked and talked till the wee hours of the night. But now everything had changed and she could not do any of those activities. Her weekends were mostly spent at the mansion watching TV alone while the boys had their training at the basement. Yes, the mansion had a huge basement that she wasn’t even allowed to enter since it would be dangerous; the EXO boys claimed. Half the time, she was alone since Aunt Marie was also busy working shifts at the hospital. Occassionally, actually only twice, that EXO actually brought her out to the woods for a stroll. So one day, she decided to give it a shot by asking the boys.


It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and everyone was at the living room except Aunt who had to work; some were watching the TV while some just busy fiddling with their own little gadgets, the mobiles, ipods and electronic games. Seriously, how can they survive this boredom? Don’t they have social lives? Like hang out together outside? Grrrr!

“Don’t you guys go out?” Lyorin asked but none of the boys heard, so she was ignored. “Aren’t you guys bored?!” Lyorin let out an exasperated cry. This time, it definitely caught their attention. She was close to madness with the boredom she was experiencing. After calming herself she asked in a gentler tone, “I mean, don’t you guys like go out, go to the mall or go watch movies? Aren’t you guys bored staying at home during the weekends for nearly two months?”

“We used to do that” Baekhyun looked at Lyorin and placed his mobile down on the table. Judging from his expression, he was not too happy having to stay home either but was helpless.

“What do you mean by ‘used to’?” puzzled by his answer.

“Lyorin, we used to hang during the weekends and did stuffs like what normal boys do but right now, we can’t do that.” Chen hoped his answer was enough for Lyorin, but of course, she was not satisfied. The other boys looked down, not wanting to make any eye contact with her.

“Why? Why did you stop? Please don’t tell me that…”

“Yes, it is dangerous out there. If you want us to have activities, we can do it here, indoor. Tao, get the monopoly please.” Kris ordered. He sounded a tad irritated with Lyorin asking too many questions that they can’t answer.

“Monopoly? Seriously?!” She let out a frustrated cry and stood up. “This conversation is not going anywhere, is it? Listen, it’s not about doing activities only, it’s about going out, you know, like breathing fresh air outside. Ever since I stepped in here, I’m not allowed to leave unless to go school. I can’t even do my morning jogs! The hours I watched TV in this house are probably more than the total hours I watched for the past 17 years of my life back before I met you guys. Yes, we can do activities as and when you want, but the main issue is, I want to go out!“

“And the main concern is, you can’t go out, get it?” Kris stood up as well. Kris, being the cold leader as compared to Suho was definitely getting annoyed at Lyorin’s outburst. He was not the type that could easily tolerate when someone speaks to him in a disdainful manner in which Lyorin just did. Well obviously, Lyorin didn’t care.

“Why? Is it because it’s dangerous out there” Lyorin said in a mocking tone.

Kai who was beginning to get annoyed as well, stood up and walked over to her. “Do not speak to Kris hyung like that!” He glared. 

Suho witnessed the situation getting intense and decided to intervene.“Kai, don’t.” pulling Kai away from Lyorin. He walked over to her and gently took her hand. “Lyorin, listen okay. It’s not that we don’t allow you to hang out with your friends but we can’t let you since it’s not safe. We’re sorry that you have to be controlled this way but trust me it’s for your own good.” Suho spoke calmly like a big brother advising his younger sister.

Lyorin cooled down and spoke, “What is so dangerous out there that all of us can’t be outside?”

“I’m sorry Lyorin, I can’t tell you who exactly they are.“ Suho gave her a hurtful smile.

“You’re not telling me stuffs, then how am I supposed to know? Why? Is it because you don’t trust me enough?! I’ve been living for the past 17 years safe and sound without anyone or anything coming my way. Urgh! ” Lyorin got fed up at the same replies she was getting. She was frustrated. She was not allowed to question yet she must obey them.

“That’s because we can’t tell you! Stop making it hard for us as well! “ Kris said loudly almost yelling. The rest of the boys remained silent. Some looked at you, while some just looked down but all of them heard what was going on. Suho gave Kris a pleading look signalling him not to raise his voice. None of the boys liked it when Kris gets angry.

“Whatever, you can’t control me.” Lyorin said it casually without a tinge of fear. She walked past them and headed upstairs to her room. No one can deny how stubborn she was.

Back in the living room, Suho sighed while Kris just shook his head, appalled at Lyorin’s attitude. They discussed whether to allow Lyorin to go out; some of the boys protested, saying it was just too dangerous, while a handful actually sympathised with her. 

In her room, Lyorin whipped out her mobile and started texting Yoona. She could not be bothered with EXO anymore and chose to defy their orders.


Lyorin: Hi babe! Wanna hang out later? I’m bored.

Yoona: Eh? OF COURSE! I miss you =(

Lyorin: I miss you too, love. I meet you at 7pm? Usual place?

Yoona: Okay sure! See you there!

Lyorin: Thanks Yoona. See you!


Lyorin went to her wardrobe and looked through her clothing. She finally decided on a loose denim shirt with black skinny jeans. She let her wavy hair down and applied light make-up. She didn’t really like make-up but since she was meeting the beautiful Yoona, it was best to look pretty as well. Yoona was the opposite of Lyorin. She was more feminine and gentle. She had long straight hair and fair skin. She was the belle in the eyes of many guys in school. Lyorin had always envy her looks, while Yoona on the other hand, preferred Lyorin’s sporty look; nice body figure, slightly tan skin and wavy hair. Both of them were direct opposite but were beautiful in their own ways.

Lyorin slipped on the shoulder bag and took one last glance in the mirror. She texted Aunt already, telling her that she will be out. Aunt didn’t reply to her text, probably busy. She slid the phone in her pocket, held her breathe nervously before heading out of her room. She hoped the boys were not at the living room, but obviously, they were there. She walked down the stretch of stairs and could feel pairs of eyes gazing towards her. She gulped nervously but tried to put on a cool front. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Luhan walked up to her.

“Lyorin, where are you going?” Luhan asked politely.

“Luhan oppa, I’m going to meet Yoona at the coffee house. Please let me go.” She looked at him with begging eyes. Luhan had always been Lyorin’s favourite out of the boys.

“Okay, go and take care alright,” he smiled. She was surprised at his response and quickly gave him a hug.

“Thank you!” she beamed. Lyorin could hear some of the boys cried in protest.

“Hyung, no!” Tao objected.

“Luhan, who gave you the right to let her go?!” Kris was outraged. Being the leader, he disapproved Luhan’s action of letting Lyorin go without seeking him first.

“I will take responsibility if anything happens to her.” Luhan turned his head to Kris and said out loud in a composed tone.

Lyorin felt burdened, “Oppa, don’t. I will not…”

“Just go and have fun, Lyorin. Don’t worry about it. Do you have money? Here take this.” Luhan cupped her cheeks while he placed some cash in her palm. Lyorin refused to accept the money since she had her own but Luhan insisted. She took and gave him another hug.

“Hyung, you’re spoiling her.” Baekhyun interrupted.

“Like I’ve said, I will take responsibility.”

“Me too!” Chanyeol joined. “I will take responsibility as well. Go and have fun. Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?” Chanyeol grinned.

“Yes, don’t do anything stupid and don’t stay too late. Okay, go now before I change my mind” Xiumin patted Lyorin’s head.

“Luhan oppa, Yeol oppa and Xiumin oppa, thanks! I will not stay late. You guys are the best!” Lyorin joyfully exclaimed and went towards the front door, ignoring the rest of the boys.

Just when she was about to step out of the mansion, Sehun stopped her. He then grabbed her phone from her pocket and fiddled with it. Lyorin tilted her head, confused at what he was doing. After about a minute of fiddling with her phone, he passed it back to her. “Lyorin ah, keep your phone with you always, alright? If you come across anything, call us immediately. I’ve already saved my number on the quick dial and a few of hyungs’ numbers as well. Promise me you will be safe?” He pouted and held out his pinky.

Lyorin melted at the sight of Sehun’s cute face. She twisted her pinky with Sehun’s “Yes, Sehun. Thanks! Really thank you! I promise I won’t do anything stupid and will call immediately if there is anything wrong.” With that in mind, she left the mansion.


To be continued...





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You. My dear author. Are insanely amazing! I read the sequel too and i loved it!!! I cried for Yoona TT TT I couldn't handle it. But I'm just so happy everyone is happy in the end <3
For someone who's not a native English speaker, your skills at it are almost spot on!
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 60: Oo sequel =)
Chapter 45: I like the story, but i don't like when luhan fall inlove with yoona. I thought the exo boys only love lyorin
Chapter 60: Great story... I hope that Lyorin will end up with Kai... Why is it that EXO and Mr. Lee always keeping a secret to Lyorin?? It's only make the matters worse because she didn't know anything... At first, I detest Yongguk, and then I like him a little bit after he say that he will protect Lyorin and then I hate him for his mistakes when he's drunk and overdrown with jealousy... So, I'm guessing that Lyorin was not a simple star right?? Her mother maybe the star to BAP clan and fall in Love with the choosen one from EXO clan... 2 different person with a a bigger role and power have give birth to beautiful daughter who fate has choosen her to be EXO star and the one who can bring all the clan united again... I kind of like this story if there is less drama in this story... Thank god, there was less drama in this story with Sori being all y toward Lyorin and Yuri bullied Lyorin.. I'm glad... I don't really like drama and the heroin in this story, eventhough weak, stubborn amd vulnerable but she's not playing a role Damsel in Distress although sometimes she can be quite stubborn but, yup she can survive without EXO 24/7 help her like the incident when she had hanging with Yunna for the 1st time after leaving with EXO, she did not showing them they are afraid and they were scared... she even protect Yoona eventhough she can run faster..I like her strong, fierce, stubborn and athletic character... I like feisty character rather than Damsel in Distress..
Chapter 3: I don't know why... But I hate the stories that start off with the parent forcing the kid to do something that is against her will.. And yet the kid isn't doing anything to fight back... The aunt should understand that she didn't want to be there and not force her to do everything.. I swear... Idk... It just annoys me....>__<
Chapter 60: Aw yongguk t.t Off to sequel ~
Chapter 60: I like this story!!! Poor YongGuk, he did wrong, I know and it is only fair that she wants him to stay away from her and her beloved ones, but still... poor bb.
Chapter 60: i like your story,,^^