
Dawn of the Rising Star


"Lotte World (Largest Indoor Theme Park)"

Lyorin read the sign board and instantly knew exactly where she was. This was the place she had wanted to go for so long. Now that the dream place was just right in front, she beamed excited like a child and skipped towards the entrance. However, she stopped short after realising that there weren’t people in the park. It was just them. She wondered whether if the park was closed for the day.

“Guys, why are there no people?” Lyorin asked as she scanned the place.

“It’s just us, Lyorin.” Baekhyun took her hand and dragged her in.

Lyorin was suspicious. “Us? What do you mean?”

“We rented the whole place!” Sehun said it casually as though renting the entire theme park was something normal for them.

Lyorin turned surprised and stopped walking for a bit. “Are you kidding me?” She asked, with a shocked expression.

“Yes, we’re kidding. Apparently, people decided not to come to this theme park today because they believed it is part of the Bermuda triangle.” Chen answered sarcastically. Lyorin stared at him in disbelief. He chuckled and then confessed, “Lyorin ah, we’re not kidding. It’s really just us. So, feel free to take as many rides as you want and as many times as you want without worries.” He patted her head.

 “This must have cost a bomb right?” Lyorin asked.

“Who cares about money? Just enjoy!” Sehun tugged her arm and pulled her towards the various rides.

Lyorin mumbled, “Tsk, rich kids!”

“Hey, speak for yourself!” Chanyeol heard your comment and in.

“Honestly, where does all the money come from?” Lyorin asked. She was curious. She was aware how rich these guys were; the mansion, cars and school fees. They didn’t even have jobs yet all of them could well afford it all. Actually, it likewise for her. Her parents left her a fortune before they left. The money was enough to support her entire life even without having a job! 

Suho smiled angelically at her and answered, “Family wealth, my dear.”

“How much wealth is there? I mean, renting the largest indoor theme park in the world just for us must have been really expensive, right?” Lyorin loved the surprise but the whole idea was just too pricey.

Suho chuckled. “Don’t worry. Let’s just say, the wealth is enough to support perhaps, a few –“ He did some counting with his fingers with a frown. He seemed to be at lost. Finally, he shook his head and replied, “Maybe a few hundred more?”

“A few hundred what?” Lyorin questioned.

“Generations.” Suho answered and laughed when he noticed Lyorin’s eyes widened. “Come on, you shouldn’t think about the cost.” He ruffled her hair.

Lyorin roamed freely around the theme park, trying as many rollercoaster rides as possible. Her fatigue totally disappeared and all she could feel at the moment was happiness. She was an adrenaline junkie, thus the theme park was definitely a place for her. EXO guys were scrambling around the place as well, as excited as her. It had been so long since they had fun and decided to enjoy the time to the fullest. They took the carousel, Ferris wheel and even tried the food that was available just for them.

Lyorin was with Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Tao, Kris and Kai. The rest of the guys seemed to have dispersed and were nowhere to be found. The place was huge so it was hard finding the guys. Thankfully, she managed to stick around with a few. They were about to enter into one of the scary rides when suddenly, she looked at the people she was with.

She pulled Tao and asked, “Tao oppa, can I sit with you for the ride?”

“Sorry Lyorin, I’m sitting with Kris hyung.” He answered with a wink.

Lyorin then quickly grabbed Chanyeol and asked him, but before she could, he was already seated with Baekhyun. She sighed and looked at the last remaining person; Kai. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to sit with him. However, ever since the party, she could not help but be very nervous around Kai.

Kai saw her expression changed after knowing that she was left with him. “You can sit alone, while I sit here.” He moved towards the seat behind hers.

 However, before he could settle down, Lyorin pulled his arm and pleaded with a soft voice. “No Kai, I want to sit with you.” She then went and sat at the seat beside his and buckled her seatbelt. Kai was surprised at her reply.  Truthfully, he was hurt at first thinking that she didn’t want to sit with him but now he was screaming excitedly inside. Kai noticed that she was struggling to put on and tightened the belt. Swiftly, his hands reached out and fixed it for her.

Lyorin watched timidly as Kai’s hand went to her waist to fix the belt. She stared at his arms and realised the prominent veins and muscles. She knew the guys were athletically built but that was the first time she noticed Kai’s lean arms so closely. She could feel her face turning hot. Kai effortlessly tightened the belt for her. He was so close to her that his heart beat was racing. However, he noticed her flustered face and decided to . “It’s not nice to stare at someone. I know I’m good looking.” He said with a smirk. “Okay all done. Is this tight enough for you?” He asked. Lyorin nodded, but looked away from him after the remark he made. She was slightly embarrassed at being caught staring at him. “Good. By the way, someone needs to eat more.” He let go of the belt and turned to the front.

Lyorin mumbled a soft thank you. The rollercoaster began to move after everyone had settled comfortably. Lyorin never once turned to Kai. She just stared in front. “Are you scared?”Kai asked as the rollercoaster trudged uphill.

“No.” Lyorin answered.

The ride reached its peak and was about to go downhill with full speed. Lyorin stretched her arms up in the air and screamed her lungs out. She was someone who is not afraid of rollercoaster rides. She loved the speed, the height, the adrenaline rush and the wind that blew across her face. For the entire ride, Kai was watching her. He was truly amazed at her braveness and down-to-earth spirit. She wasn’t like all the girls he dated. They would either cry in fear or hold on to him like a leech. Whereas Lyorin didn’t look like she was afraid at all. Kai watched further as the wind making her hair flow freely and her eyes all sparkling beautifully. Without doubt, Kai was falling for her.

He was falling hard for her.

The ride came to a stop. “OH MY GOD! THAT WAS THE BEST RIDE EVER!” Lyorin gushed excitedly. Kai was chuckling at her reactions. “Can we ride it one more time?” She begged.

The rest of the guys had unbuckled and gotten off their seats. Lyorin pouted, realising that no one was interested for another ride. However, she heard a voice replied.

“Okay.” Kai said.

Lyorin faced Kai and smiled brightly, “Thank you! Let’s go!”

Once again, Kai was mesmerised not just by her beauty but everything about her was just perfect to him



Finally, the day had turned dark but the surprise was not yet over. Lyorin was so happy and satisfied that she kept smiling. The guys were glad she enjoyed it and the smile on her face was enough for them. Shethought the day was over, however, the guys brought her somewhere else for dinner and more surprises.

Leaving Lotte World, the guys and Lyorin made way towards a restaurant--lounge where they would be having dinner.  Lyorin was famished and so were the guys. They ordered dinner and rested on the sofa located at the lounge. While having dinner, the lights suddenly went out. At the moment, the room was filled with the guys’ voices as Lyorin listened intently on the birthday song they were singing for her. She was slightly shy because the attention turned to her. However, she appreciated their kind gesture and was touched by it. Then she saw candle lights and knew the birthday cake was coming. Once the song was done, the lights went back on.

“Happy Birthday, Lyorin.” Kris wished with a wide smile. That was the first time Lyorin saw his smiling face. If not, he was forever the grumpy and serious papa bear. She noticed the cake that he held in front of her. “Make a wish before you blow the candles.” He gently reminded.

Lyorin closed her eyes and wished. It was a secret that only she knew. Carefully, she extinguished the flames with her blow.

“So, what did you wish for?” Lay slung his arm around her shoulder and asked her candidly.

“Hmm, I wished for you guys to find yourselves girlfriends.” Lyorin lied.

“WHAT?!” Lay responded with surprise.

“Once you have girlfriends, maybe you guys would be busy and won’t dwell so much about me and that means I can finally get my freedom!” Lyorin sniggered. Noticing that the guys didn’t seem excited with her response, she confessed “I’m kidding okay?”

After eating the cake, they gathered around. It was time for presents. To be honest, even if they didn’t prepare any presents for her, she was already happy to have spent quality time with them. Kris and Suho shared a gift and gave her a watch. It was a customised EXO watch. She thanked them for the gift after which she teasingly asked, “Is this like an upgraded version of a watch with a more advanced tracking device?  Suho sheepishly nodded while Kris turned away, pretending to miss her question. “Oh well, I knew it! Anyways, thank you!” She wasn’t angry. She kind of expected it.

After which the rest started showing off their presents; iPod, iPad, a pair of converse, a pair of running shoes, story books and perfumes. Obviously, Lyorin was delighted to have received so many presents but she was looking forward to someone’s gift; specifically, someone who seemed to be quiet all along.

It was Kai’s turn to present his gift. After seeing his brothers’ gifts, he was feeling rather self-conscious. Their presents were expensive and branded as compared to his. He tried to ignore and remain quiet throughout but when it was finally his turn, he gulped anxiously. Everyone was staring at him, including Lyorin. With a heavy heart he muttered, “I don’t have any gift for you.” He hid the gift behind him, too afraid to reveal it.

“Oh, really? Then, what’s this?” Luhan snatched the box from behind Kai’s back. Kai could lie to the rest, but he definitely couldn’t lie to Luhan. He could read his mind after all. Kai was speechless. Luhan just blew his cover and now he had to face everyone awkwardly.

Lyorin looked at the box and took it from Luhan. “Aish Kai, you don’t have to be shy.” She said it casually turning the atmosphere back to normal. Kai looked away and didn’t bother looking at her unwrapping the gift. If he could teleport out of the room at the moment, he would.

Once she tore the wrap open, Lyorin brought the gift up and looked at it with mesmerised eyes. It was a beautiful snow crystal ball. She looked inside the clear glass and saw 12 small figurines and 1 girl in the middle. She looked closely and found out that the 12 guys represented EXO while the girl was actually; her.  She shook the crystal ball and let the snow filled it. It was pretty.

No, it wasn’t just pretty, it was perfect.

“K-Kai, did you m-make this?” Lyorin struggled with her words because she was simply too amazed by the gift.

Kai stood up and answered her monotonously, “Yes. If you don’t like –“

Before he could end his sentence, Lyorin jumped straight at him and gave him the tightest hug he ever received. “Thank you, Kai. This is perfect. I love it. I love it so much.” She sniffed and buried her face on his chest. Kai was surprised. He wasn’t expecting more than a thank you. However, now that she was hugging him, it felt so unreal.

Meanwhile the rest of the guys looked at Kai’s gift and commented. “Whoa Kai, I didn’t know you’re good at making this.” “When did you make this?”

“Yah Kai, do you have to really make me that small?” Xiumin pouted while looking at the figurine of him that Kai had created.

Lyorin finally let go of Kai and looked down in embarrassment. She wasn’t just thankful; she was really touched by his gift. Considering that he made it, it was even more meaningful. Thus, the hug was necessary but it came out a bit too rash because they weren’t particularly close; yet. However, Kai lifted up her chin and stared at her twinkling eyes. Immediately, she looked away from him.

“Lyorin, look at me.” Kai spoke in his usual deep voice. Slowly, she turned her gaze at him. “I’m glad you love it.” He continued giving her a smile that she had never seen from him. 

Eventually, everything finally came to an end. Lyorin was already yawning non-stop. She was beyond tired but glad that the day turned out better than expected. It was nearly 12 midnight, they hopped in to their cars and rode back home after a long eventful day.



Back in the mansion, Aunt Marie was watching the TV all by herself. She didn’t join them for the party because she believed that EXO and Lyorin still needed the bonding time together. Sometimes she wondered what would happen if she wasn’t around with heranymore. She was afraid that Lyorin would struggle and find it difficult to live with EXO. However, based on the past months they’re together, she was confident that Lyorin had finally settled in with them wholeheartedly.

She was switching channels when suddenly there were knocking sounds coming from the front door. To be precise, it was more like banging sounds.

“Coming up. Hold on.” She shouted for them to stop banging the door. “Aish these kids, don’t they have their own keys?” She mumbled while she reached out for the key and unlocked it.

All this while, she wasn’t suspecting anything. However once she opened the door, she froze. Immediately, she tried to shut the door but failed. The door was slammed open causing her to fall backwards.

“Wh-what do you want?!” Aunt yelled.



To be continued...



Wow, who could it be??

Kai, stop being so grouchy and shy please...

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You. My dear author. Are insanely amazing! I read the sequel too and i loved it!!! I cried for Yoona TT TT I couldn't handle it. But I'm just so happy everyone is happy in the end <3
For someone who's not a native English speaker, your skills at it are almost spot on!
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 60: Oo sequel =)
Chapter 45: I like the story, but i don't like when luhan fall inlove with yoona. I thought the exo boys only love lyorin
Chapter 60: Great story... I hope that Lyorin will end up with Kai... Why is it that EXO and Mr. Lee always keeping a secret to Lyorin?? It's only make the matters worse because she didn't know anything... At first, I detest Yongguk, and then I like him a little bit after he say that he will protect Lyorin and then I hate him for his mistakes when he's drunk and overdrown with jealousy... So, I'm guessing that Lyorin was not a simple star right?? Her mother maybe the star to BAP clan and fall in Love with the choosen one from EXO clan... 2 different person with a a bigger role and power have give birth to beautiful daughter who fate has choosen her to be EXO star and the one who can bring all the clan united again... I kind of like this story if there is less drama in this story... Thank god, there was less drama in this story with Sori being all y toward Lyorin and Yuri bullied Lyorin.. I'm glad... I don't really like drama and the heroin in this story, eventhough weak, stubborn amd vulnerable but she's not playing a role Damsel in Distress although sometimes she can be quite stubborn but, yup she can survive without EXO 24/7 help her like the incident when she had hanging with Yunna for the 1st time after leaving with EXO, she did not showing them they are afraid and they were scared... she even protect Yoona eventhough she can run faster..I like her strong, fierce, stubborn and athletic character... I like feisty character rather than Damsel in Distress..
Chapter 3: I don't know why... But I hate the stories that start off with the parent forcing the kid to do something that is against her will.. And yet the kid isn't doing anything to fight back... The aunt should understand that she didn't want to be there and not force her to do everything.. I swear... Idk... It just annoys me....>__<
Chapter 60: Aw yongguk t.t Off to sequel ~
Chapter 60: I like this story!!! Poor YongGuk, he did wrong, I know and it is only fair that she wants him to stay away from her and her beloved ones, but still... poor bb.
Chapter 60: i like your story,,^^