Friends, again?

Dawn of the Rising Star


Lyorin walked and allowed Hyunsik to drag her to nowhere. She recalled the scene that happened. She was glad nothing serious took place. However, she could not help but felt regretful for telling off Yongguk. She pictured his teary eyes and pleading look, which made her more miserable and apologetic. Seeing her dejected face, Hyunsik stopped walking and knelt to her eye-level.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He asked worriedly. Lyorin looked up and faced him.

“I’m fine.”

“You sure? Get in the car. I’ll drive you back.” Hyunsik opened the car door and let her in. Lyorin was hesitant at first. Hyunsik was after all, a part of BTOB. He possessed powers just like EXO and; Yongguk. “Come on. Don’t be scared. I owe you some explanations.” He assured her.

Lyorin got in the car as requested. Within seconds, the engine roared and off they went. The journey was quiet. Hyunsik wanted to start the conversation but he didn’t know how to. Thankfully, Lyorin was the first to break the silence.

“A-are you r-really a member of BTOB?” Lyorin asked timidly, stuttering with her words. Hyunsik glanced at her in concern. He could see the immense fear in her eyes. This was exactly why he didn’t want her to know about his background.

“Yes, I am part of BTOB.” Hyunsik answered with a smile. Lyorin looked at him with frightened eyes. Hyunsik her cheek tenderly, “Don’t be scared. I’m sure you know our history right? We’re on the same side. I won’t do anything to harm you.”

“So, you know who I am?”

Hyunsik chuckled, “Of course I know you, silly. You’re Kim Lyorin, a senior in high school and a cross country runner – “

“I didn’t mean it that way. As in, you know EXO?” Lyorin corrected the misunderstanding.

“Oh right, yeah I know EXO.” Hyunsik answered. “You’re EXO’s Star. I know that, Lyorin.”

“Okay, looks like I’m the only one who is still clueless as ever.” Lyorin sighed.

“Hey, don’t blame EXO. They’re not supposed to tell you. Plus, I didn’t want you to know.” Hyunsik consoled.

“Is that why you’re avoiding me?” Lyorin asked.

“Hmm, sort of.”

“Now that I know, will you stop ignoring me?”

Hyunsik stiffened up. “No, that’s not it. I –“

“That’s a pretty lame reason for ignoring me, do you know that? Besides, didn’t you say we’re on the same side?” Lyorin interrupted before Hyunsik could answer. “Why? Did Kai or Sehun warn you to stay away from me? Ignore those guys! I can be friends with whoever I want. Now that I know who you are, I’m pretty sure they won’t get angry if we hang out like how we used to.”

“No, Lyorin. It wasn’t them. I was the one –“

Once again Lyorin cut in, “If you ignore me in school again, I’m going to hate you.” She pouted.

Hyunsik wanted to say that it was him who chose to stay away from her, but he wasn’t able to fully explain his stand. “You’re not angry at me? I mean, I lied to you and didn’t tell you the truth.”

“Well, technically, I lied to you too because I kept my identity hidden. So, I guess we’re even now.”

“Hmm, I supposed so.” Hyunsik scratched his head. He was conflicted. He didn’t want to lose Lyorin yet he didn’t want her to get hurt by being close to her.

“So, tell me what your powers are like?” Lyorin asked curiously.

“I can hypnotise someone just by staring at their eyes. Basically my eyes can sort of cast a spell on someone? I don’t know how to explain it but I can instil fear and pain with my eyes. I can poison their mind and infiltrate through their souls and – “ Hyunsik tensed up a bit, “kill them.” He then turned to Lyorin who was amazed. “Aish, it’s embarrassing talking about my powers okay?”

“Wow, how cool! This is what you call, death glare.” Lyorin exclaimed.

“No, Lyorin. This ain’t cool at all.” Hyunsik muttered inaudibly.

The conversation abruptly stopped, when the car drove in the mansion’s carpark. Lyorin didn’t realise how quick the time passed. However, she was puzzled. “Eh? How did you know where I live?”

Hyunsik got out of the car and walked over to her side and opened the door for her. “Okay time to go now.” He announced as he helped Lyorin unbuckled her seatbelt.

“You haven’t answered my question.” Lyorin said and refused to leave the car.

“It’s an obvious question. It’s like you’re asking me how I know EXO guys have powers. Lyorin you have to go now, I don’t want to bump in to any of your EXO guys.” He looked around the mansion.

“Oh right.” Lyorin got out of the car.

Suddenly Kai appeared right in between them. “What are you doing here?” He hissed as he pulled Lyorin closer to him. The rest of the EXO guys soon barged out of the mansion and joined them.

“Hey hey hey, he sent me back okay?” Lyorin pushed Kai and stood protectively in front of Hyunsik. Hyunsik gave a triumphant smile which made Kai more furious. “Don’t hurt Hyunsik, he’s a nice kid and harmless. Plus, he’s helpless and powerless you know.” Lyorin gave Hyunsik a wink while she pretended to be afraid that EXO would hurt him.

Kris and Suho stepped forward. “Lyorin, come here. We won’t do anything to your friend.” Suho held his hand for her to take.

“Suho oppa, you promise you’ll let him go unharm?” Lyorin mocked further, putting on a pitiful face.

“Yes, I promise.”

“Oppa, I’m afraid.” Lyorin stayed put on Hyunsik’s side while facing EXO.

“Come take my hand.” Suho held out his hand.

Instead of accepting his hand, Lyorin started laughing out of a sudden. The boys including Hyunsik stared at her sudden burst of laughter. “HAHAHAHA! Chill guys, I was just acting.”

“What are you saying?” Kai asked her seriously.

“Hyunsik is a BTOB member. I know already that. Tsk!” Lyorin declared. “For how long do you want to hide it from me, huh? Now that you know and I know, don’t stop me from being friends with him okay?”

“Lyorin, you don’t understand –“ Hyunsik tried to explain. He wanted to tell her that it wasn’t EXO who stopped them. It was him. He was the one who wanted to stay away from her.

“Shh, let me do the talking.” Lyorin shushed him. “Suho oppa you promised right? You promised not to do anything to him right? So, can he leave in peace now?”

Suho walked up to her and Hyunsik, “Yes.”

“Okay Hyunsik, you can go now. See you around.” Lyorin gave him a wave. Instantly, Hyunsik walked towards his car, started the engine and drove away within seconds. She then turned to face EXO who apparently had unamused expressions. 

Sehun walked up to her and said, “If I say don’t get close to him, will you listen?” Lyorin shook her head and flashed a smirk. “You’re really stubborn, do you know that?” With a heavy sigh, the guys walked slowly back to the mansion. Kai was the only one who stood firmly with his fists still tightly clenched. Lyorin could see that he was still upset over what just happened. She walked over to him and looked up at his expressionless face.

“Kai, are you mad?” Lyorin gazed in his eyes. Honestly, even though Kai could be such a jerk, Lyorin felt very attracted to him. Despite only having brief conversations with him all this while, her heart would flutter hearing his deep, low voice. There was something about him that intrigued her and if she was given a chance, she would want to get closer to him.

Kai looked away, not wanting to look at her. He was sulking like a kid as he avoided the attention that was given. Lyorin snorted softly at how adorable he was. “What’s so funny?” He questioned.

“Nothing –“ Lyorin answered with a chuckle. “You look kind of cute when mad.” She let it slipped out her tongue accidentally. “Woops –“ She face palmed after sensing how awkward the situation had become. She turned red from embarrassment and wanted to leave but Kai caught her arm before she managed to.

“Is that why you’re always making me mad?” Kai asked with a smirk. Lyorin looked at him with wide eyes. She was glad he felt better but his question caught her off guard.

However, Lyorin answered cooly, “Hmm Kai, I said kind of cute but not there yet. You have to work on it, Mister.” It was her turn to give him a smirk. She pulled her arm from his grasp and walked away slowly. However, after taking a few steps, she stopped and turned to face him. “Maybe you should smile more because you look handsome and –“ She took a step backwards, still facing him. “I mean really look handsome and not kind of handsome.” With that, she turned around towards the mansion.

 “Smart girl.” Kai whispered as looked at her back figure walking away.


To be continued...



Thank you for reading! ^___^ 

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You. My dear author. Are insanely amazing! I read the sequel too and i loved it!!! I cried for Yoona TT TT I couldn't handle it. But I'm just so happy everyone is happy in the end <3
For someone who's not a native English speaker, your skills at it are almost spot on!
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 60: Oo sequel =)
Chapter 45: I like the story, but i don't like when luhan fall inlove with yoona. I thought the exo boys only love lyorin
Chapter 60: Great story... I hope that Lyorin will end up with Kai... Why is it that EXO and Mr. Lee always keeping a secret to Lyorin?? It's only make the matters worse because she didn't know anything... At first, I detest Yongguk, and then I like him a little bit after he say that he will protect Lyorin and then I hate him for his mistakes when he's drunk and overdrown with jealousy... So, I'm guessing that Lyorin was not a simple star right?? Her mother maybe the star to BAP clan and fall in Love with the choosen one from EXO clan... 2 different person with a a bigger role and power have give birth to beautiful daughter who fate has choosen her to be EXO star and the one who can bring all the clan united again... I kind of like this story if there is less drama in this story... Thank god, there was less drama in this story with Sori being all y toward Lyorin and Yuri bullied Lyorin.. I'm glad... I don't really like drama and the heroin in this story, eventhough weak, stubborn amd vulnerable but she's not playing a role Damsel in Distress although sometimes she can be quite stubborn but, yup she can survive without EXO 24/7 help her like the incident when she had hanging with Yunna for the 1st time after leaving with EXO, she did not showing them they are afraid and they were scared... she even protect Yoona eventhough she can run faster..I like her strong, fierce, stubborn and athletic character... I like feisty character rather than Damsel in Distress..
Chapter 3: I don't know why... But I hate the stories that start off with the parent forcing the kid to do something that is against her will.. And yet the kid isn't doing anything to fight back... The aunt should understand that she didn't want to be there and not force her to do everything.. I swear... Idk... It just annoys me....>__<
Chapter 60: Aw yongguk t.t Off to sequel ~
Chapter 60: I like this story!!! Poor YongGuk, he did wrong, I know and it is only fair that she wants him to stay away from her and her beloved ones, but still... poor bb.
Chapter 60: i like your story,,^^