
Dawn of the Rising Star


Kai sat in his room alone. His heart had never felt so relieved. Seeing Lyorin all fine made him at ease. He crouched down and searched for a wooden box under his bed. Slowly, he opened the lid to the box. The guys knew what was the box’s content. Everyone knew how precious this box was.


“Why must we wait till she reaches 20 years old?” Kai asked the man.

The man placed his right hand on Kai’s shoulder and looked at him with soft eyes. “Kai, I want her to enjoy her youth without thinking about anything else. By that age, she will understand it clearer. The next few years will be the hardest for EXO. She needs to survive these coming few years. She needs to live, Kai.” The man was desperate.

“I don’t know if I’m capable.” Kai looked down, pessimistic.

The man lifted the young boy’s chin, “Kai, look at me. You’re the most capable person. You and EXO are the only people able to protect her. I have no one else. Please do me this favour. Please?” The man begged. Tears swelled his eyes.

“I promise.” Kai ended.


Kai closed the lid, and placed the box back under his bed. The box was the symbol of his promise and he would never ever forget it.




Stepping out of the bathroom, Lyorin dried up her wet hair with the towel. She walked towards her bed and settled down. Dressed in a navy blue pullover and a pair of white pyjama shorts, she was already set to sleep when a knock was heard. She slumped irritably and called out, “What?”

The door opened and Chen’s head peeked inside, “Are you hungry? We are having barbeque at the backyard.” He asked and went inside the room followed by Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

Chanyeol was holding 3 hotdogs with his mouth full. “D-do yo-you want s-some hotd-dog?” He asked in between chewing.

Lyorin glared at him, “You’re spitting all over my bed!” He snickered and gave you a guilty look. “Anyway, I’m not hungry. You guys go ahead okay?” She answered.

“You sure? We have plenty of food to last the whole night!” Baekhyun exclaimed. Lyorin just shook her head and gave them a tired smile. “You’re tired?” Baekhyun asked.

“Yeah. I’m sleepy already.” Lyorin answered with a yawn.

Baekhyun got up from sitting on her bed and pushed the bed covers. “Come on sleepyhead.” He made sure she was all snug and comfortable. Lyorin closed her eyes slowly and drifted to sleep right away. “Wow, she must be really exhausted.” Baekhyun remarked.

The guys left the room and joined the rest at the backyard for late night barbeque. Tao and Kris were on the pit, grilling the hotdogs, corn and meat. Chanyeol provided the fire to the charcoal while Sehun provided the wind to sustain the heat.

Aunt Marie joined them for an hour before having to leave for work. “I’m sorry guys, night shift again. Take care okay? See you tomorrow!”

“Bye Aunt! See you!” The guys responded.

They continued the night; laughing, joking and happily eating away. However, Suho didn’t seem to enjoy the moment to the fullest. Something was weighing his mind. Kai noticed the leader’s distraught expression. He took a spot beside him, “Suho hyung, what’s wrong?” He asked.

Suho sipped the Sprite drink and began, “I don’t know Kai. Now that Lyorin is back with us, we need to start telling her what she needs to know. And –“ Suho looked up to see the younger member’s face, “I’m just afraid it might be too painful for her.”

Kai let out a sigh and rubbed his temples. After one problem was solved, another one came. They knew about Lyorin’s father, who he was and what he did. Telling her about her father might be simple but telling her about what happened to her father was difficult. Her father was no ordinary man, for sure.

Kai patted Suho’s shoulder and said, “Hyung, we need to tell her sooner or later. It might hurt but we have to.” Suho nodded in agreement.


In a distance, Sehun, Luhan and Lay were playing a game of charade. Laughter filled the night as the guys joked and teased at each other’s antics. It was already nearly 3AM in the morning but all of them were still as energetic and playful as ever.

“Sehun, what is that supposed to be?” Luhan frowned watching the youngest member acting out in a weird manner. He scratched his head trying to guess the name of the movie that Sehun was supposed to act out. A minute passed and their team failed.

“Aww Hyung, it’s X-MEN!” Sehun blurted out.

“What?! Since when X-MEN means, acting cool with shades and posing around aimlessly?” Luhan slapped his forehead.

“I was playing the role of Cyclops!” Sehun defended. Both of them laughed at the hilarious situation.

Lay and Tao were on the other team, preparing for their turn when suddenly Tao spotted a familiar figure at the second floor balcony. “Is that Lyorin?” Tao rubbed his eyes.

Lay turned his head and saw the same figure, “Yeah it’s her. Why is she up? Are we too loud?”

Sehun jumped from his seat, waving his arms up in the arm. “Lyorin, want to join us?!” He yelled at her. Seeing no response, he yelled even louder causing the rest of the boys to stop and look. “Lyorin, over here! Come down, we still have loads of food!” Once again, there was no response.

Kai stood up and watched Lyorin from the backyard. She was looking straight towards the lake, not turning her head at all. Sensing something was amiss he voiced, “Something is not right.” In a flash, he teleported to the balcony, while the rest of the guys rushed into the house, using the normal way. Kris instantly sprung up from the ground and flew up to the second level.

One of the first ones to reach, Kris saw Lyorin standing still with her eyes shut. “What is she doing?” He asked softly to Kai who was at the other side of her.

“She’s sleepwalking.” Kai answered softly as well. Lyorin had her eyes shut and was standing still. When they called out her name, she didn’t respond.

Kris nodded and understood. “Lyorin ah.” He went and gently tapped her shoulder. The rest of the boys had already reached the balcony and were clueless as well. Kris nudged once more hoping she would wake up. However, out of a sudden, Lyorin went limp. Both Kai and Kris managed to catch her from falling to the floor. Kris held on to her in his arm and lightly tapped her cheeks, “Lyorin, wake up.” Seeing no response from her, he turned panicked.

“Hyung, let’s get her inside.” Kai proposed.

Kris slid his arms underneath Lyorin and carried her inside. As he walked in, he called out for Lay. “Lay! Check on her.” Lay scurried forward. Kris gently placed her on the bed and moved away, letting Lay examined her. Lay took her wrist to check on her pulse and hover his palm on top of her forehead. Worried expressions plastered across the boys’ faces.

Lay faced Kris, “Hyung, she’s perfectly fine.”

“How is she fine? She just fainted.” Kris wasn’t going to rest the situation just like that. He wasn’t convinced. Lyorin just collapsed suddenly and didn’t respond to them. How could she be okay?

Lay checked once again. “Hyung, she’s really fine. There is no physical injury, her pulse is normal and blood pressure is fine as well. I’m positive. Maybe she’s just too tired. Let her rest and you can ask her once she wakes up. I have the feeling; this has something to do with her father.” He said.

The boys looked at each other and understood what Lay had just said. Even so, it didn’t stop them from constantly worrying for her.

Suho sat on the edge of the bed, her face gently. “Lyorin ah, do you know how precious you are to us?” 


To be continued...




HELLO!! SIGGGGH I'm still having major withdrawals from SMTOWNSG. ;;;~~~;;; 

Anyways, the concert way beyond amazing. Despite the heavy rain which drenched me thoroughly, as well as losing my voice, IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! 


Thankfully I didn't get sick.


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You. My dear author. Are insanely amazing! I read the sequel too and i loved it!!! I cried for Yoona TT TT I couldn't handle it. But I'm just so happy everyone is happy in the end <3
For someone who's not a native English speaker, your skills at it are almost spot on!
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 60: Oo sequel =)
Chapter 45: I like the story, but i don't like when luhan fall inlove with yoona. I thought the exo boys only love lyorin
Chapter 60: Great story... I hope that Lyorin will end up with Kai... Why is it that EXO and Mr. Lee always keeping a secret to Lyorin?? It's only make the matters worse because she didn't know anything... At first, I detest Yongguk, and then I like him a little bit after he say that he will protect Lyorin and then I hate him for his mistakes when he's drunk and overdrown with jealousy... So, I'm guessing that Lyorin was not a simple star right?? Her mother maybe the star to BAP clan and fall in Love with the choosen one from EXO clan... 2 different person with a a bigger role and power have give birth to beautiful daughter who fate has choosen her to be EXO star and the one who can bring all the clan united again... I kind of like this story if there is less drama in this story... Thank god, there was less drama in this story with Sori being all y toward Lyorin and Yuri bullied Lyorin.. I'm glad... I don't really like drama and the heroin in this story, eventhough weak, stubborn amd vulnerable but she's not playing a role Damsel in Distress although sometimes she can be quite stubborn but, yup she can survive without EXO 24/7 help her like the incident when she had hanging with Yunna for the 1st time after leaving with EXO, she did not showing them they are afraid and they were scared... she even protect Yoona eventhough she can run faster..I like her strong, fierce, stubborn and athletic character... I like feisty character rather than Damsel in Distress..
Chapter 3: I don't know why... But I hate the stories that start off with the parent forcing the kid to do something that is against her will.. And yet the kid isn't doing anything to fight back... The aunt should understand that she didn't want to be there and not force her to do everything.. I swear... Idk... It just annoys me....>__<
Chapter 60: Aw yongguk t.t Off to sequel ~
Chapter 60: I like this story!!! Poor YongGuk, he did wrong, I know and it is only fair that she wants him to stay away from her and her beloved ones, but still... poor bb.
Chapter 60: i like your story,,^^