
Dawn of the Rising Star


 Lyorin trudged up the flight of stairs towards the front door of the mansion. She felt slightly better after pouring out her worries to her one and only best friend; Yoona. But, her doubtful feelings towards EXO seemed to have heightened and she wasn’t sure if she was able to pretend that nothing happened. She trusted them but if they were to hide things away from her, what was the point of staying and living with them anyway? It was already 11pm as she pushed the door open, hoping that no one would still be awake.

“Lyorin, where have you been?” D.O asked as he made his way out of the kitchen. So, the boys weren’t asleep yet.

With a heavy sigh, she answered, “I was out with a friend.”

Luhan walked over with a questioning look, “I called but you didn’t pick up.” Lyorin looked at him and mumbled an inaudible sorry before walking away. Luhan who noticed the off mood, asked in concern, “Lyorin, is everything okay?” He was holding onto her hand but Lyorin pulled away, which caused him to shudder a little by her strange behaviour. Lyorin had never acted indifferently towards Luhan, knowing that he was one of her favourites in EXO.

“I’m fine.” Lyorin answered and brushed him away coldly. Truthfully, she wasn’t in the mood to speak to any of them. Yongguk’s words still echoed in her head. Without caring about the clueless stares she was receiving, she headed straight to her room.

D.O was as confused as Luhan. “Hyung, what just happened?”

Days passed and Lyorin’s mood was not getting any better. She refused to talk to them and would eat her meals in her room. The EXO boys were clueless for her sudden change in behaviour. Every one of them tried to recall and reflect what could have triggered the cold disposition from Lyorin. They only had themselves to blame since they were the only ones Lyorin was not talking to.

One night, they collectively decided to ask her.

“Luhan, you should go and ask her what’s wrong?” Kris ordered.

“What? Why me?!” Luhan retorted.

“Hyung, she likes you the best.” Chen explained.

“She likes Chanyeol too and Sehun!” Luhan exclaimed. The rest of them looked at him with unamused expressions. “Okay, I’m scared to ask her alright, especially after that night, when she just ignored me.” He confessed.

 “Fine, I’ll do it.” Chanyeol volunteered.


Chanyeol gently knocked on Lyorin’s door. “Lyorin, are you there? Can we come in?” He placed his pixie-like ear nearer and heard a ‘yes’ before slowly entering the room. The rest of the guys followed closely behind.

Lyorin was sitting on the window ledge. She put away the book she was reading and looked at the guys uninterestedly. Chanyeol made his way and sat facing her.  Kris, Luhan, Sehun and Suho tried to find space around the room and settled down. Ignoring the rest, she looked straight at Chanyeol, “What is it?”

Chanyeol was slightly taken aback by Lyorin’s hostility. “Lyorin ah, are you okay? Is something bothering you?” He asked tenderly.

“Am I supposed to be bothered by something?” Without answering, Lyorin shot him back a question.

Chanyeol’s eyes widened at the snappy response. “Woah. What’s wrong? Why are you angry?” He asked once again hoping she would actually answer this time.

Lyorin glared and finally jumped straight to the problem. “Chanyeol, I want you to answer me truthfully. Are you guys hiding something from me?” Her cold expression didn’t falter as she kept her piercing look at him.

The sudden question caught Chanyeol off guard and he stuttered, “Lyo-Lyorin, why a-are you asking this ss-suddenly?” He was utterly shocked when Lyorin didn’t call him by her usual endearing tone, ‘Chanyeol oppa’. The guys who witnessed the whole conversation became tensed and approached them. Kai and the rest came into the room as well after receiving the telepathic call from Luhan.

Kai pushed his way towards Lyorin and questioned, “What’s with the question?” He asked in his usual low and deep voice. Lyorin looked away from them and stared outside the window. She tried to calm down a little.

After composing her thoughts, she asked in a much gentler tone. “You guys know about my dad, don’t you?” Suho became tensed, Kris fidgeted while the rest looked down. “He was just like you guys, am I right?”

“How did you know?” Sehun blurted unintentionally causing the rest of EXO to gawk at him. Realising the mistake he made, Sehun covered his mouth.

“So, it is true then.” Lyorin spoke out. “You don’t have to ask me where I know all this. I just don’t understand why you have to keep this vital info away from me.”

Suho walked over and her back. “Lyorin, we’re sorry but there are things we aren’t supposed to let you know.”

“Why is that?! Because it’s unsafe to tell me this?! You know what, I’m leaving. I don’t have any reasons to be living with you guys since you’re keeping things away from me anyway. So much for wanting to tell me keep me safe.” Lyorin snapped sarcastically. Having said that, she stormed her way, grabbed her jacket, her cell phone and wallet; and made her way out of the room.

EXO looked at her with panicked faces. Kai grabbed her arm and spun her around, preventing her from leaving. “Where are you going?” It was already late. Lyorin looked at him and jerked her arm away from his grip. “It’s late. Please.” Kai pleaded but Lyorin refused to listen and walk away.

“Kai, it’s okay. She still has the watch with her. Give her time to cool down.” D.O assured him. The rest of EXO watched Lyorin leave the house. As much as they didn’t want her to go, it was best to let her cool down.

They were the reason why she left.


After Lyorin’s sudden departure, everyone could not sleep that night. Kris had to contact Aunt who was working night shift, and told her about Lyorin sudden outburst. Aunt was worried but Kris promised that they would find and bring her back home safe. The guys sprawled in the living room thinking of a solution. They decided to give Mr Lee a call in the middle of the night; hoping he would actually answer. Thankfully, the call went through and everyone gathered for the video call.

“EXO, what’s going on?” Mr Lee asked with his eyebrows creasing in worry. He was summoned in the middle of the night, and could only mean that something had happened. He put on his glasses and scrutinized the guys’ miserable faces.

Kris adjusted his seat so that his face was clearly viewed by the clan master. “I’m sorry Mr Lee for disturbing your night but we are facing a problem right now. Lyorin, had just left the house in fury and –“ Kris stopped; trying to find the right words to continue. “Mr Lee, she seems to know about her father being a chosen one.”

The EXO guys expected a shocking reaction from Mr Lee, however, he remained calm. He seemed to have foreseen such event. “Aish. I should have told her everything. She will eventually find out one day. I didn’t expect it to be this soon, though.”

“How did she manage to find out?” Baekhyun asked.

Mr Lee looked away from the web camera and submerged deep in his thoughts. After the brief silence, he spoke, “EXO, there is something special about Lyorin that you guys have yet to know. Her existence is not just vital for us, but also for the rest of the other clans.” Seeing the confused expressions given from EXO, he elaborated further, “I know of that person who might have told Lyorin about her father. You know them too. Remember what the Book of Fate states; pure blood will connect the legends even if they stand on different grounds.”

EXO guys recalled one of the phrases written on the Book of Fate. Despite the animosity between the clans; especially between BAP and EXO, they are still connected by a thin yet strong string that binds them together. They are after all the only people on Earth that held special abilities.

“So, anyone from BTOB or BAP might have told her?” Tao deduced. “It cannot be from any of the BAP. We’re left with BTOB.”

“Hyunsik.” Kai scoffed, clenching his fists.

Mr Lee tried to mediate the situation. “It doesn’t matter who told her. What matters now is to make sure she comes back to you guys. Suho and Kris, just do the necessary and tell her what you know.”

Suho stood up and directed a question, “What about her mother?”

Mr Lee turned pale out of a sudden. EXO guys knew about Lyorin’s father but they had no clue about her mother. As much as he wanted to tell Lyorin as well as EXO, he was not willing to sacrifice the risk. Just like Lyorin, her mother was a special lady; a very special one.

“Mr Lee, what’s wrong?” Kai sensed something was amiss.

Mr Lee snapped out of his thought. “Nothing, everything is fine. There is nothing to say about her mother. Okay, I think it’s enough for tonight. Bring Lyorin back and explain to her nicely. She is stubborn and rash but she is forgiving. I will talk to you some other time. Till then, always remember your promise.” He reminded them of their duty.

EXO guys slumped in despair thinking of how to search for Lyorin. It was already midnight. Kai paced around the room anxiously, “So, where do we find her? How about we split? I can cover more grounds, so I’ll –“

Kris interrupted Kai’s babbling, “Kai, calm down. We’ll find her the next morning. She needs time by herself.”

“But hyung, what if something happens to her?!” Kai reinstated his stand.

“Kai, listen to Kris hyung. We can’t afford to aggravate her anymore. She’ll come back to us.” Suho spoke. Even though his heart was racing with worry, he believed that Lyorin would never leave them. He was apologetic towards her knowing that she actually trusted them.

“URGH!” Kai let out a frustration cry as everyone agreed with Kris and decided to let Lyorin stay out for the night to collect her feelings. He hated not having Lyorin within his sight. He hated how everyone seemed calm about it. Most importantly, he hated how vulnerable he was at the possibility of losing her and the promise he made.





Yongguk stared blankly at his phone. It had been a week since he last met and contacted Lyorin. His heart was dying to give her a call just to hear her voice but he was too afraid. Her last words were still ringing in his head; telling him to stop bothering her.

At the moment, Zelo walked into Yongguk's room. "Hyung, do we have any mission tonight?" It was a full moon night. It was one of the many nights that BAP had to carry out their duty.

"I don't know. I have yet to receive any orders." Yongguk answered, still looking solemn. Just when he thought there was no mission tonight, he received a text message with a picture attached with it, from Mr Kim, their clan master.

Target: Lee Jin Hyun; a serial who will eventually land his daughter as one of his victim. Assassinate him. The Book of Fate speaks only the truth.

“Oh, is that from Mr Kim?” Zelo probed as he went closer towards Yongguk who was reading the new text. Yongguk nodded. He passed the phone to Zelo who automatically tracked the location of the guy as well as his background.  Within seconds, with the help of Zelo’s innate ability, the forsaken one was easily tracked. “Hyung, he’s just right at the corner of street of Doksan-dong. Shall I call the rest?” Zelo waited for the leader’s instruction.

“Yes.” Yongguk commanded and instantly prepared himself for the mission. He stared at the tattoo of a sun on his right arm. Putting aside all his worries, he silently prayed. That night, he was more determined than ever to carry out the mission successfully.




“Zelo! Are you sure this is the correct location?” Himchan called out to the maknae, who happened to shut his eyes trying to work his magic. Jongup went over to Zelo and blocked his path.

Zelo woke up from his trance and stared right at the German shepherd in front of him, with its tongue hanging out, causing saliva to drip. “Hyung, why are you?” The shepherd bounced on top of Zelo, making him stumbled back. The shepherd his face playfully. Zelo chuckled and struggled, “Hyung, stop.”

Daehyun who was slightly annoyed, went to pick up the dog, “Jongup, change yourself now!” The dog whimpered and eventually transformed into its usual self; Jongup. “Last warning; don’t fool around before a mission. Do you understand?” Daehyun reminded the two youngest.

“Jongup, do not shapeshift yourself unnecessarily. You need to conserve your energy. Plus, we can’t afford to expose ourselves.” Young Jae explained in a much gentler tone. Zelo and Jongup understood and gave an apologetic look.

“Shh, quiet.” Yongguk hissed. BAP guys were on the rooftop of a 28-storey building, overlooking the busy street. Right at the corner of the street was an alley that led to the residential area of the Doksan neighbourhood. If Zelo’s tracking was correct, the target would be making his way along the alley at the moment.

Daehyun scanned through the faces of people walking with his eyes. Even though they were at the highest point of the building and could only see glimpses of people’s silhouette, Daehyun was the only one that could magnify and distinguish the people.  “Yongguk hyung, he’s that one.” Daehyun pointed towards a man wearing a cap and all black. He was turning his way into the alley, alone.

“Okay, good. Young Jae and Himchan, do as required. We will follow you closely just in case you need back up.” Yongguk commanded. He then turned towards the two, “Himchan, don’t play around with the target. Once you have that killing shot, just do it. Do you get me?” Himchan nodded. “Young Jae, be careful alright. And you too, Himchan.”


To be continued...



HI HI HI! So, BAP powers are revealed....

Anyways, if you aren't sure what the story is about, feel free to ask okay? I'll be glad to fill in the details. But it's best if you stick around and stay longer until the end of the story. LMAO. 

My exams are almost....almost over...and then next week i'll be going to



Pray that the weather is going to be fine..

Pray that the idols will perform safely..

Most importantly, pray that I get to survive the day....oh dear God......imma cry..


Bye my lovely readers. Thank you for your time and I LOVE YOU! ^__^

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You. My dear author. Are insanely amazing! I read the sequel too and i loved it!!! I cried for Yoona TT TT I couldn't handle it. But I'm just so happy everyone is happy in the end <3
For someone who's not a native English speaker, your skills at it are almost spot on!
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 60: Oo sequel =)
Chapter 45: I like the story, but i don't like when luhan fall inlove with yoona. I thought the exo boys only love lyorin
Chapter 60: Great story... I hope that Lyorin will end up with Kai... Why is it that EXO and Mr. Lee always keeping a secret to Lyorin?? It's only make the matters worse because she didn't know anything... At first, I detest Yongguk, and then I like him a little bit after he say that he will protect Lyorin and then I hate him for his mistakes when he's drunk and overdrown with jealousy... So, I'm guessing that Lyorin was not a simple star right?? Her mother maybe the star to BAP clan and fall in Love with the choosen one from EXO clan... 2 different person with a a bigger role and power have give birth to beautiful daughter who fate has choosen her to be EXO star and the one who can bring all the clan united again... I kind of like this story if there is less drama in this story... Thank god, there was less drama in this story with Sori being all y toward Lyorin and Yuri bullied Lyorin.. I'm glad... I don't really like drama and the heroin in this story, eventhough weak, stubborn amd vulnerable but she's not playing a role Damsel in Distress although sometimes she can be quite stubborn but, yup she can survive without EXO 24/7 help her like the incident when she had hanging with Yunna for the 1st time after leaving with EXO, she did not showing them they are afraid and they were scared... she even protect Yoona eventhough she can run faster..I like her strong, fierce, stubborn and athletic character... I like feisty character rather than Damsel in Distress..
Chapter 3: I don't know why... But I hate the stories that start off with the parent forcing the kid to do something that is against her will.. And yet the kid isn't doing anything to fight back... The aunt should understand that she didn't want to be there and not force her to do everything.. I swear... Idk... It just annoys me....>__<
Chapter 60: Aw yongguk t.t Off to sequel ~
Chapter 60: I like this story!!! Poor YongGuk, he did wrong, I know and it is only fair that she wants him to stay away from her and her beloved ones, but still... poor bb.
Chapter 60: i like your story,,^^