Please Don't

Help Me, Not Him

Jisun saw Junhyung holding your hand and she screamed. You held his hand tighter, flinching from her piercing scream. Junhyung said, "What do you want?" Jisun looked at you and said, "You get everything you ever want. Can't that be enough? Why do you have to take everything from me too? I have nothing and you have everything. Everything I've ever wanted. I don't know why I have to put in the effort to earn something when you do absolutely nothing and receive all the I've ever wanted. You took my reputation as the smart girl and I landed in second place. I have never been second in anything until you came along. Not only did you take that, but you took away my boyfriend. Seeing him get pulled into you little by little made me want to kill you. But that didn't stop there. You just had to take more away from me." She then looked at Junhyung and back at you. "How did you break through Junhyung that easily? I've tried so hard to get to him and all you did was treat him like and he ran to you. HE TREATS EVERYONE LIKE EXCEPT YOU." She paused. "You already had a happy life with your loving family and your best friend Daniel. Why do you have to keep taking my only chances of happiness? You're never under pressure and you always have that disgusting smile on your face. IT'S SO ING ANNOYING." She then revealed what she was hiding behind her back. It was a knife.

Seeing the knife, Junhyung pulled you behind him. He told her, "Killing her isn't going to help you with anything." Jisun looked at him and smirked. "What does she have that I don't?" Junhyung didn't say anything. Jisun took one step closer and Junhyung stepped back. "Junhyung-ah.. just come to me, won't you? I'll treat you so well. You don't have to love me." Junhyung shook his head. Jisun then yelled, "THEN I'LL KILL THAT ." Junhyung then stepped forward, letting go of you. You tried to hold him back, not wanting him to get hurt but he insisted. He went in front of Jisun and said, "I'm sorry." And he went on his knees. "Jisun, I'm begging you. Don't hurt _____." A tear fell down Jisun's face. She whispered, "This is what I've been waiting for. But those weren't the words I was expecting." Junhyung then said, "Please. Don't." Jisun said, "Don't what?" Junhyung lifted his head up and said, "Don't hurt her." Jisun leaned down and said, "Move. Before I hurt you instead." He didn't budge. He instead said, "I'd rather have you kill me then hurt her." You yelled, "Junhyung-ah!!" Jisun softly asked, "Why?" Junhyung put his head down and said, "Because I love her." You were in complete shock and Jisun looked up at the sky, more tears falling down, and she looked at you and said, "YOU ING ." And she lifted her knife.

You ran after her and Junhyung moved his head and someone yelled, "JISUN! DON'T!" Annie grabbed her arm to stop her and Jisun turned around to move Annie off until Dongwoon grabbed Annie by the waist and twisted her away from Jisun. The knife stabbed the least expected.

Dongwoon fell to the ground with a knife stuck on the side of his body. He was grabbing it as blood started to pour out. "DONGWOON" Annie went to him, took out the knife and wrapped her jacket around the wound trying to stop the blood. You took out your phone and called 911. Junhyung grabbed Jisun by her collar. Jisun, too, was at shock. Junhyung was at a loss of words but he finally said, "You're ing crazy." He then threw her onto the ground.

You guys all ran to Dongwoon and Annie started crying saying, "I knew someone was going to get hurt. Dongwoon, why did you have to come to protect _____. I could've stopped Jisun." Dongwoon said, "I wasn't protecting _____. I was protecting you." Annie stopped her sobbing and said, "What?" Dongwoon looked at you and said, "On behalf of ______." Annie kept crying and just pushed her jacket into his wound harder, trying to stop his blood.

An ambulance came and took Dongwoon and Annie away. The police took away Jisun and you were left with Junhyung. Sick from seeing everything that happened, you walked in your house. It was a bad day for your mom to not be home at night. Junhyung followed you inside but you stopped him. "Sorry. I don't feel well. I just want to stay by myself." Junhyung grabbed your wrist and said, "I don't trust you." You looked at him and he said, "I know you're going to cry by yourself. I'm not letting that happen." You began to get teary and said, "Why can't I cry after everything that's happened?" Junhyung came up close to you, looking down on your face and he said, "You can cry. Just not by yourself."

You were in bed, under your covers, facing the wall. You started to cry, feeling guilty of what Junhyung, Annie, and Dongwoon went through because of you. You wanted to leave, so that they'll stay in peace. You didn't realize how loud you were crying until Junhyung came next to you, pulled you up and held your face. "I know what you're thinking. You probably want to leave so that everyone would be happy without you." You looked up at him and said, "How.." He stopped you and said, "I feel like that everyday." He pulled you into his arms and you started to cry on his shoulder. He said, "No one would be happy without you." You wrapped your arms around his waist and held him tight and cried. Junhyung was surprised at your action but he smiled. You just needed someone to hold while you cried and he was there.

Junhyung put you down in bed, your arms still around him. You were acting like a little girl and Junhyung couldn't help but smile. You fell asleep and Junhyung just looked at you as you were sleeping. You were still crying in your sleep and he wiped them away for you. He couldn't help but lean down and kiss you in the lips.

Truth was that you were dreaming and as you kept hugging Junhyung, you thought you were holding someone else. Happy to be hugging his warm body as your heart fluttered with joy being next to him. When Junhyung kissed you, you thought this significant other was kissing you which you gladly accepted.

The next day though, you forgot that Junhyung was with you and no one was next to you when you woke up. What was certain though was that it wasn't Junhyung you loved. It was someone else.

Sorry Junhyung lovers, it's not Junhyung that 'you' love. There's only two other boys it can be. I'm pretty certain it's obvious who but when will you admit this to yourself? When will he find out? Or will you tell him? How will Junhyung act? OHHHHH, MORE DRAMAAA~ ^__^

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________Hana #1
miyualice #4
Chapter 38: OMG! I can't believe I finished this story in less than a day! :D It's sooo addicting :D <3 Thank You xginachoi for writing such an amazing story, and thank you for sharing it with us :D FIGHTING~!! :)))))
Chapter 38: My my.. this is sweet =) Man.. i envy her for having three guys falling for her. But she chose the right one ;) Gosh! Dan is a conceited one, just like how he is in rl. This is really an amazing fanfic. Do write more, of course, featuring my ultimate bias, Dandan <3
mimerzpham #6
Chapter 38: one of the best fanfics i ever read<3 thank you ! ^___^ i really love the ending so cutee!<3
Chapter 38: Seriously!! Daniel is too sweet. I am fangirling non-stop. And to imagine beast and daniel in good friendship make me squeel more.. I really love it! The last words from Daniel can melt me like crazy.. I love you!!
OMGGG!! I LOVE THIS FANFIC!! <333333 i cried and laughed and smiled like an idiot reading this CVGASDHBCJF <3
woow, for a twist this story had. First did I think she was going to become dongwon's girl, then junhyung and at the end she become Daniel's girl. Totally love it <3