The Fight

Help Me, Not Him

Dongwoon walked you home and you were silent during the whole walk. You couldn't get over Daniel and you felt awkward with Dongwoon because you never cried in front of him before. When you guys got to your house, he put his hand on your shoulder. You didn't even notice. "Hey, look. You should just forget about it as of right now. It's taking over your life." You kept walking and he made you face him. "____, smile. Please?" You faked a smile but that didn't fool him. He whispered in your ear, "I don't know if I ever told you but when you smile, you light up the whole world." That really did make you smile. He patted your shoulder and said, "There we go! Now don't think about coming to school with a sad face on. You don't want to make Kikwang feel bad now do you?" You shook your head. "Good girl, now sleep tight!" He messed up your hair. "Thanks Dongwoon." He smiled and said, "Anytime."

From afar, Junhyung saw everything. He was actually waiting for you to come home to ask you for your help. When he saw you, he got the courage to ask you but when he saw Dongwoon with you, he ran away and hid. He watched you and Dongwoon. He couldn't hear what you guys were saying but your smile said everything. After you went back inside and Dongwoon going back home, Junhyung left too. He was really angry now.

The next day, you went back to school but everyone was crowded around inside your classroom. You tried to pass through but everyone was so big since they were mostly guys. You heard a crash and you saw Kikwang watching. He saw you and dragged you outside. "Don't go in there." He told you. "Why? What's going on?" He ignored you and said "Just stay out here." He stood next to you and made sure you didn't go back in. You were dying to know what was going on. It quieted down and you saw Junhyung coming out. Junhyung stopped when he saw you. He looked at you. This time when he looked at you, it didn't frighten you. He looked at you with care, as if he was protecting you. You saw blood on his lips and your eyes widened. He walked away and Kikwang followed him.

You rushed inside as the crowd died and your jaw dropped. Dongwoon was getting up and it was obvious that he was beat up. You ran up to him and grabbed his face, examining the blood near his mouth and then you saw how messy the classroom got with the tables and chairs everywhere. "Son Dongwoon! What happened! Why did he beat you up?" He looked at you and put your hands down. "I'm fine." He forced a smile. He got his table back to its proper place and sat down. You were furious.

You ran outside and Dongwoon ran after you. You ran for Junhyung's classroom. Dongwoon tried to stop you, telling you he was fine. You ignored him and stormed into Junhyung's classroom. You walked up to Junhyung. He looked at you and you slapped him across the face. Everyone got quiet and stared. "How could you beat up your friend that easily?" you said. He didn't say anything. Dongwoon's eyes were wide open. No one would've expected you to do something like that.

Suddenly someone grabbed your hair and pulled on it. You fell to the ground and saw that it was Jisun. "I warned you ." She grabbed your collar and was about to slap you until Junhyung grabbed her wrist. "You mess with her, you mess with me."

Everyone looked at him.

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________Hana #1
miyualice #4
Chapter 38: OMG! I can't believe I finished this story in less than a day! :D It's sooo addicting :D <3 Thank You xginachoi for writing such an amazing story, and thank you for sharing it with us :D FIGHTING~!! :)))))
Chapter 38: My my.. this is sweet =) Man.. i envy her for having three guys falling for her. But she chose the right one ;) Gosh! Dan is a conceited one, just like how he is in rl. This is really an amazing fanfic. Do write more, of course, featuring my ultimate bias, Dandan <3
mimerzpham #6
Chapter 38: one of the best fanfics i ever read<3 thank you ! ^___^ i really love the ending so cutee!<3
Chapter 38: Seriously!! Daniel is too sweet. I am fangirling non-stop. And to imagine beast and daniel in good friendship make me squeel more.. I really love it! The last words from Daniel can melt me like crazy.. I love you!!
OMGGG!! I LOVE THIS FANFIC!! <333333 i cried and laughed and smiled like an idiot reading this CVGASDHBCJF <3
woow, for a twist this story had. First did I think she was going to become dongwon's girl, then junhyung and at the end she become Daniel's girl. Totally love it <3