His Story

Help Me, Not Him

You and Dongwoon went to a nearby park to talk. You guys were on the swings and he wouldn't talk. He was embarrassed. You asked him, "So Son Dongwoon, since when?" He looked up at you and said, "Quite a long time. I just realized and admitted it to myself when Junhyung beat me up to it." You looked at him, confused. "Junhyung?" Dongwoon said, "Aiya, Junhyung's fight with me is a much longer story." It seemed like he didn't want to talk about it so you asked, "then since when?"

"Well, we've known each other since elementary school right?" You blushed because you had a big crush on him back then. He continued, "remember when you ran into me while you were playing tag? Do you remember what I said to you and how you responded?" He was smiling. Of course you remembered.

You were running, playing tag with your close girlfriends when you suddenly ran into a tall boy and fell on your . You started to cry on the ground. This boy leaned in and wiped away your tears. When you looked into his eyes, he had the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen. He smiled and said, "I'm sorry. I was in your way." You stopped crying and started to turn tomato red. He laughed and while he looked into your eyes, he said, "You're cute!" His nametag said Son Dongwoon and he offered to help you up. You were so shy that you got up and ran off. While running away though, you tripped and fell on your face. It hurt more but you didn't cry because you knew he was watching. After that day, you kept running into him and he would always say, "Hi _____" yet you always ignored him shyly. Despite you ignoring him, he never failed to say hi to you with a bright smile.

"Oh gosh, that was so embarrassing." You said. "Really? I thought it was so cute." You could feel yourself turning tomato red again. He laughed and said, "just like back then." He continued with his story. "I was always interested in you. Back then, I just wanted to be friends with you but you always ran away from me. But now that I think about it, I think I liked you because I would always get jealous over you and Daniel. You would always talk to him and play with him but you never spoke a word to me. Then in junior high, we never saw each other. But there was this one time I saw you. You were in PE playing volleyball and you got hit in the head." He started to laugh. You didn't remember when because you were so clumsy in PE that you always got hurt. "I remember I laughed when I saw you getting hit. Then in freshman year, I was so surprised to see you at Sam-Ahn High. It was actually a mix of being surprised and happy. This time, I said hi to you and you said hi back. I still remember. But then I saw Daniel and I got upset again. Then there was Jisun and I fooled myself into thinking that I like her but then two years later, Junhyung comes up to me and punches me in the face. That's when it hit me that she's not the one I love. It was you." You were moved by his story.

"Well, tell me what happened with Junhyung." You said. "Junhyung is.. so mysterious and unpredictable."

"He came up to me asking me what you were to me. It was random and I didn't know what to say so he grabbed me and demanded an answer. I wouldn't reply so he punched me and yelled something like 'You have a girlfriend you , stop messing with other girls.'" You looked at Dongwoon and he shrugged. "So I asked him why he cared and he didn't answer me. He just told me that I shouldn't juggle with two girls. It's like he knew about my feelings for you. I laughed at him and he punched me more and he said something about how if I break your heart then he'll break me apart. Do you have some kind of history with him?" You were in so much confusion as to why Junhyung would do that. "No, I have absolutely no history with him. This is all weird to me right now." Dongwoon was confused now too. "Well, it's good that I broke up with Jisun at least since it seems like she's more fond of Junhyung than me." You rolled your eyes. "I never understood why you were still with her." He laughed.

After a bit of silence, Dongwoon said "I know you had a crush on me though in elementary school." He smiled. You looked at him, "Was it obvious?" "Or maybe I'm just quick with that stuff." You guys laughed and he said, "Don't worry though, I'm not going to pressure you to like me or anything...but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try." He winked. You didn't know what to say, it was awkward for you.

What you both didn't know was that Daniel was sitting down on the bench, behind the swings and listened to every word. --I'm glad someone's taking care of _____.--

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________Hana #1
miyualice #4
Chapter 38: OMG! I can't believe I finished this story in less than a day! :D It's sooo addicting :D <3 Thank You xginachoi for writing such an amazing story, and thank you for sharing it with us :D FIGHTING~!! :)))))
Chapter 38: My my.. this is sweet =) Man.. i envy her for having three guys falling for her. But she chose the right one ;) Gosh! Dan is a conceited one, just like how he is in rl. This is really an amazing fanfic. Do write more, of course, featuring my ultimate bias, Dandan <3
mimerzpham #6
Chapter 38: one of the best fanfics i ever read<3 thank you ! ^___^ i really love the ending so cutee!<3
Chapter 38: Seriously!! Daniel is too sweet. I am fangirling non-stop. And to imagine beast and daniel in good friendship make me squeel more.. I really love it! The last words from Daniel can melt me like crazy.. I love you!!
OMGGG!! I LOVE THIS FANFIC!! <333333 i cried and laughed and smiled like an idiot reading this CVGASDHBCJF <3
woow, for a twist this story had. First did I think she was going to become dongwon's girl, then junhyung and at the end she become Daniel's girl. Totally love it <3