I'm So Sorry

Help Me, Not Him

It was finally Friday. This week went by so slowly. On the bright side, Dongwoon didn't make anything awkward. You went to your locker during break to see if Daniel saw your note. You opened your locker and the note was still there, right where you left it. You fell in disappointment but you still left it there.

During lunch, you went back to your locker to get your textbook. You were debating whether to give up and throw away your note or not. You thought that since Daniel had a reason to go your locker (for his textbook), he came back but now he didn't have a reason. You crumpled up your note and threw it away in the nearest trash can. You went to go eat lunch in the cafeteria with Kikwang and Doojoon.

While you guys were eating, someone came and sat down next to you. He threw a math notebook right in front of you. You looked up and it was Junhyung. Kikwang and Doojoon looked up, shocked too. Not looking at you, Junhyung said, "I need help." You grabbed his notebook and said, "with what?" He looked at you, surprised that you were actually gonna help him. "Number ... 7" Doojoon said, "So you understand numbers 1 to 6?" Junhyung glared at him. He then looked down and said, "No." You tried to hide your laughter. "Just.. help me, will you?" You looked at him. "You were so demanding when you told me you didn't need help. Now you're demanding me to help you? Either way, you're always demanding." Kikwang and Doojoon started laughing. Junhyung looked at you and said, "Do you want money?" You laughed and said, "I wasn't trying to say that. I'll help you but we only have five minutes of lunch left." He grabbed your hand and wrote his number. "Just text me when you finish school" and he left. Doojoon looked at you seriously and said, "After you text him, you're probably the only girl's number on his phone besides his mom." You said, "No way. I'm sure Jisun found out his number somehow." Doojoon looked at you, confused, and said, "She's not a girl." You guys all started laughing.

In class, you told Dongwoon what happened. He wasn't happy. "So he's going to go over to your house? Just you two?" You understood what he meant and said, "nothing's going to happen, I promise!" Dongwoon was still upset and said, "You guys barely know each other!" You replied, "Exactly." Dongwoon then said, "But something's weird about Junhyung with you. I don't know. I have a bad feeling ______.. Can you guys just go to the library?" You rolled your eyes and said, "Okay, DAD." He started to laugh. "I swear, sooner or later you're going to be tutoring every single boy in this school." You guys started to laugh.

Your singing coach came up to you after school and talked to you about the school's upcoming talent show. "____, there's a special performance where three of our students get to sing with three famous singers. Right now, I'm thinking of having you sing that performance. As for the other two, I'm not sure yet but I really want you to." You were excited and immediately accepted her request. You were curious as to who the three singers you got to sing with would be.

You texted Junhyung and told him you were done with school. He replied and said, "Meet me at the front." He was so simple and straightforward. You tried to imagine how your study session would go with him. At first you imagined him threatening you to be a better tutor. Then you started to imagine his simple and straightforward words and how boring and awkward it would be. One thing was for certain, you weren't excited.

You went to your locker, thinking of what books he would need. When you opened your locker, something fell on the floor. Surprised, you picked it up. It looked like it was crumpled up but straightened again. You turned the paper over to realize it was the note.

Why didn't you tell me Daniel?

I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm so sorry _____.
Just remember that no matter how many times you try to throw me away, I will always come back. Just like this note. I will forever be by your side _____. I'm so sorry.

You reread his note over and over and over again. You started to cry, not able to control your tears. You took out a pen and wrote back to him right away. You put it back in your locker.

You ran out crying. You completely forgot about Junhyung but he was able to catch you and grabbed your arm while you were running out the front. You saw Junhyung and he saw your tears. He leaned in to see your face closer and asked, "hey, are you ... crying?" You wiped away your tears and said, "No, I was just yawning. Let's go!" you grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the city library. You were embarrassed but Junhyung was worried.

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________Hana #1
miyualice #4
Chapter 38: OMG! I can't believe I finished this story in less than a day! :D It's sooo addicting :D <3 Thank You xginachoi for writing such an amazing story, and thank you for sharing it with us :D FIGHTING~!! :)))))
Chapter 38: My my.. this is sweet =) Man.. i envy her for having three guys falling for her. But she chose the right one ;) Gosh! Dan is a conceited one, just like how he is in rl. This is really an amazing fanfic. Do write more, of course, featuring my ultimate bias, Dandan <3
mimerzpham #6
Chapter 38: one of the best fanfics i ever read<3 thank you ! ^___^ i really love the ending so cutee!<3
Chapter 38: Seriously!! Daniel is too sweet. I am fangirling non-stop. And to imagine beast and daniel in good friendship make me squeel more.. I really love it! The last words from Daniel can melt me like crazy.. I love you!!
OMGGG!! I LOVE THIS FANFIC!! <333333 i cried and laughed and smiled like an idiot reading this CVGASDHBCJF <3
woow, for a twist this story had. First did I think she was going to become dongwon's girl, then junhyung and at the end she become Daniel's girl. Totally love it <3