Sad and Happy moments

From Normal To SuperStar


A few months passed and you're practicing really hard for your debut. It was finally the day college to be over and summer vacation will come and .. Senior year graduation. Meanings, Infinite will graduate from college and be a better person. You fixed your loose curled hair and looked at your outfit infront of the mirror. Since it's hot outside, you wore :-
Again, it's been such a long time since you last saw Hoya and l think he don't mind that much now. But you still call or text him now and then and checked what he's doing or wheather he meet any other girl there with Soyoung. So far, he didnt. He stopped calling you when you're extremely busy with training and sometimes, you have to go home around 3 in the morning and dropped dead on your bed from exhaustion.
You totally forgot to call Hoya or when he called you, you're sleeping. Soyoung will come to your house later to go to college together. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. *Soyoung!* You grinned and ran to the door while wearing your trying to put on your high heels. You met Soyoung a month ago but that's not enough to catch up what was happening at college.
You flunged open the door and beamed. "Soyoung-ah!", you pulled her into a hug and both of you squeled. "Yeojin-ah! I miss you so much. How have you been?", Soyoung pulled away from you and grinned. "Same old, same old. I've been getting busier each day since my debut date is near and l didn't call Hoya for a long time", you said sadly. "Well, don't worry! You're gonna meet him later so let's go!", Soyoung pulled you out and you noticed a car was waiting outside.
The person came out and it was Daehyun! "Hey, Yeojin-ah!", he waved and went over to you. You looked like you're expecting someone else to come out of the car too when you're looking around. Daehyun and Soyoung knew whom you wanted the see the most. "He's not here. You'll meet him at college", Daehyun said. Hoya told him something about what he'll do in the future and Daehyun was against it.
"After the graduation, Hoya wanted to see you at the garden. There's, um, something he wants to tell you", Daehyun said, looking at you symphatetically. You were too excited to focus on his emotion you just nodded. "Okay, then girls. Let's go~", he opened the back door for you and closed, and jogged the other side to open the door for Soyoung. 15 minutes later, you've arrived at the college and it was hectic! There were cars here and there and people wearing graduation outfits.
*Probably the Seniors.* You smiled looking at how happy they all are. You, Daehyun and Soyoug walked in the entrance and was greeted by the rest of BAP except Yonggul and Himchan because they'll be graduating too, and Sungjong. They all ran to you first and greeted you. Sungjong nearly toppled you over when he gave you the biggest bear hug. "Noona! Where have you been! I miss you a lot", Sugjong said when he finally released you from his hug.
"Training", you said and smiled. "Where are the rest?", Daehyun asked. "They'll be out in a minute", Youngjae said. He looked even more excited than the Seniors. *Maybe he love graduating.* You chuckled silently. "Yeojin-ah, let's go and drink something!", Soyoung linked arms with you and both you walked to the refreshment table. You were laughing with you Soyoung when someone tapped your shoulder. You gasped and turned around.
"Oppa!", you beamed but feeling a bit disappointed. Myungsoo grinned. "Hey! How are you?" "I'm good. Um, where's .. Hoya?", you looked around him but he's nowhere to be found. Myungsoo's expression changed. "He .. um, he'll be out in a minute. Dont worry", Myungsoo smiled. You nodded.
"Want a drink?" "Nah. I drank a lot just now because l was too nervous about graduating", he chuckled. "I'm sure you'll be a great photographer! You're so good at it", you beamed. Myungsoo grinned. "Thanks!" As you were talking with Myungsoo, someone was watching you. *I'm sorry. l have to do this since you're busy and I'll be busy in the future too. But I promise something great will happen one day.* The person moved out from his spot and went over the you and Myungsoo.
Once you saw Hoya, you excitedly waved but stopped when he looked ... Awkward? Why is he looking awkward? You noticed Myungsoo was looking a bit uncomfortable too. "Um, I'll get going now. Nice talking to you, Yeojin-ah", he smiled and walked over to BAP. "Hi!", you greeted Hoya and grinned.
"Hi ...", he half smiled. You sensed something was wrong and pulled him out of the crowd, into the garden. "How have you been doing, oppa?", you asked and smiled up at him. "Good. I've been studying and studying", he replied and took a seat beside you on the bench.
You nodded and the atmosphere turned awkward. *Why is it so awkward? l don't get it. Hoya oppa is not the person that's usually quiet. He always have something to say.* "So ...", you said and looked at him. *l know l should talk something but what I'm going to say to her later blocked my mind and covered most of it.* Hoya though regretfully. "Um...", Hoya mentally sighed and he knew he have to get rid of what he's about to say right now.
"Yeojin, I have to something to tell you", he said. You turned your head towards him and looked at him curiously. "Seems serious...", you said. You have no idea why but your heart is beating like crazy. Like you knew what he wanted to say to you. Hoya nodded and gazed at you for a couple of minutes, making you sweat. "I -" "Hoya!", Sunggyu called, cutting him off. He sighed.
"Yeah?", he looked at Sunggyu that's waving him over. "lt's time for the graduation ceremony to start. Come on!" Hoya turned his gaze towards you. "I- I'll tell you later ..", he said and stood up, making his way towards the auditorium. You tilted your head curiously as he disappeared then something made you felt like crying. *Why do l feel like I want to cry watching him disappear like that?...*
You shrugged the thought off and walked towards the auditorium. You met BAP and Soyoung there and forced a smile but you don't really feel like smiling. You felt so confuse of what happened just now. Soyoung looked over at you. "You okay? Did Ho - Um, someone told you something?", Soyoung asked.
Now you were even more confused. "No. But Hoya oppa wanted to tell me something but he kind of .. hesitated. He said he'll tell me later", you replied. Soyoung nodded. She felt bad about this. No one expected Hoya to do such decision. After a few more students went up to get their certificates, it's finally Hoya's turn.
You clapped along with the others. When he turned around to go down, he searched all over the crowd and his eyes landed on the person that he really want to hug and kiss. You. You were clapping and beaming widely. You will definitely come to his arms once he open it for you anytime but once he told you what he really wanted to tell, you'll... Cry. He shook the thought off and walked down the podium.
After a few more hours of giving out certificates, speeches from the headmaster, honor roll student (It's Hoya) and another more speeches, it's finally time for tea. Everyone gathered back at the gymnasium and chatted excitedly. You were sitting at the corner when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and saw Dongwoo. "Hey!", you beamed. He half smiled and gestured you towards the garden.
"Why?", you asked. "Hoya have to tell you something. Be strong okay?", he said and looked at you symphatetically. *Weird..* You thought and made your way towards the garden and sure enough, Hoya was waiting at you on the bench where you sat last time. You approached him and he looked up startled. *Why is he so surprise? It looks like he's in such a deep thought.*
"Um .. l .. l have to tell you something ...", he mumbled. You can't take this anymore. What's wrong with the people today?! Why are they all acting so strange? "What is oppa? Just tell me okay! I can't bear with all the looks you all have me!", you snapped. Hoya saw how angry you are. He cleared his throat and gazed softly at you.
"Yeojin-ah, you do know that I love you right? A lot. And I know that you feel the same way towards me too but .. It's better if we move on. It's not like what you think it is. We are still a couple but .. Well, since you're busy with your schedule and I'm busy with my future plans of enrolling my father's company, l don't think we can concentrate on our relationship. We're getting busier and busier nowadays so ... I think we should stop seeing each other", Hoya softly said at you.
You felt crying. So all this time, the looks you were receiving are because of they felt sorry towards you? You suddenly felt angry and sad. "Do you know that l came all the way here to meet you?! I even want to add extra hours for my training tomorrow just because I want to see you! I can't believe you're selfish oppa!", you said as tears are beginning to flow out easily. Hoya bit his lip.
He hated it when you cried because of him. But he knew better. "I'm sorry. But one day, I'll come back to you and we'll be happy together. l promise. Take care", he said and walked away from you at the exact same entrance when we wanted to go for his graduation ceremony. *So that's why I felt like crying. I thought I'm just wing ridiculous...* You put your hands on your aching heart.
Days, month, years had pass since the last day you met Hoya. You've debuted exactly 6 months after that unforgetful day. You became a successful idol and almost the whole Asia and Europe knew who you are. You're 21 now. You still kept in touch with BAP, Infinite and Soyoung. But everytime you asked them about Hoya, they will either said they don't know or pretend that they have to go somewhere and quickly hung up.
You would grabbed your pillow, placed your face on it and screamed. Minho came home from New York last year during Christmas. He expected that Hoya have propose to you but instead, he saw your sad expression everytime he bring the topic about Hoya up. *Stupid guy. I knew you won't be able to keep your promise to me.* He growled.
On Tuesday morning, you finally have your goodbye stage and you've given a week break. You felt sad and happy at the same time. Sad because you won't be able to interact with your fans but happy because you finally get a break from work! You were having fun in your dreamland when your phone rang. You just let it ring and ring but after 10 minutes, it still won't stop.
You groaned and looked at your watch. *It's freaking 8! l need my beauty sleep!* You snatched the phone and without checking the caller ID, you answered it with full of annoyance. "Who is this?!" The person behind the line laughed. Your eyes widened and suddenly, you felt embarassed.
"S-Soyoung ah! Sorry... l was finally having a week off", you pouted. "That's okay, girlfriend. Anyway, you have to come with me now. I want to bring you to my friend's press conference!", she said excitedly. Soyoung is still in college like you as a Senior. "Who?", you asked while yawning. "My friend. Just .. Someone. You'll know who later. Get ready okay? l'll be there in an hour and make sure you wear something fabulous! By~", she hung up leaving you dumbfounded. "l didn't even said yes!", you wailed but grudgingly made your way towards the bathroom. After washing you decided to wear this :-
As you're putting on your purple heels, the doorbell rang and you immediately knew who it is. "Hey! Long time no see~", Soyoung chuckled as you hugged her with a grin but then you frowned. "You do know that this is finally my break? I was sleeping!", you wailed. Soyoung laughed. "You are all over the TV! Of course I know that. Anyway, you have to follow me and once you're there, you won't regret it", she smiled while dragging you her brand new white car.
You bought a red Lamborghini but you barely have time to drive due to your tight schedule. "So .. Did Hoya ever come to your thoughts sometime?", Soyoung asked, not moving her eyes away from the road as she drive. You nodded. "Sometimes when I'm alone and there's nothing to do. l've dreamt that he was at the backstage area, supporting me but .. lt was a dream anyway", you pouted.
Soyoung laughed. "Thats okay." You glared at her. "Easy for you to say! You're getting married to Daehyun oppa soon", you muttered and fixed your gaze out the window. "Yeah.. But we have to postpone it a bit longer since there's someone else that's getting married with us too! It will be like, two couples in one wedding", Soyoung's eyes lit up. "Who are the other couple?", you asked.
She mysteriously smiled. "You'll know who when you get the wedding invitation~" You shrugged and pulled out your phone to check if there was any messages. There were 5 of it and all of them are the ones that closest to you. More like best friends. It's from Yunho, Changmin, IU, Suzy and Sehun. You smiled and replied to all of their messages.
After a half an hour of driving, Soyoung pulled her car to a stop infront of a big building. "Whose press conference is this?", you asked. Soyoung, again, with her mysterious smile and shrugged. "You'll know who later. Come on!", she went out of the car and linked arms with you. There were a few reporters there and they recognized you immediately.
"Omo! Isn't that Choi Yeojin?!"
"It is her! Ohmygod!"
They started snapping pictures of you while you smiled and bowed politely. Same goes to Soyoung. "What is she doing at his press conference? Are they dating?", one reporter asked and you heard them. You looked over to Soyoung. "Your friend is a guy?" She just nodded and walked into the entrance of the press conference venue.
The seats are filled with reporters and its quite noisy there. Once you made your entrance everyone turned to look who is it and gasped.
"Choi Yeojin!"
"What is she doing here?"
"Ohmygod! I have to take her picture! She look so pretty!"
Again, you smiled and bowed while taking a seat at the back with Soyoung away from the reporters. "Seriously. Why are they so surprise to see me here? Who is this friend of yours?", you asked Soyoung. She hushed you and pointed infront. "He's coming~", and grinned.
You looked forward and your jaw dropped. It ... It's ... "Hoya..", you whispered. He's wearing a black suit and his hair are styled spike up. He looked so handsome. "Y-you ... Why didnt you tell me this?!", you whispered. "Hoya oppa told me not to tell you. l have to follow your prince charming's order", she shrugged and grinned. You looked infront and he sat down on the chairs.
The camera began clicking here and there. Questions are thrown at him one by one until a question made your heart stopped. You froze. A reporter stood up and asked him, "Since you're 24 now and you can get married at this age, do you have a girlfriend?", she asked.
All eyes turned to you and they began to whisper if Choi Yeojin really is his girlfriend. Hoya grinned. *Just the question I'm waiting for.* He nodded and stood up. Everyone's eyes widened and more pictures are taken.
"Yes, I do. I have a girl that I love way back from college and since she's busy with her schedule and I'll be busy handling mine, l took a decision to seperate from her and said that one day, something big will happen and I decided today is the perfect day since she's having a week off", he searched the crowd and his soft eyes landed on you. You ducked your head while trying to catch your breath.
Hoya chuckled while Soyoung tried to pull you back up. "Why are you embarassed? You performed to thousands of people before!", Soyoung said and tried her best to pull you up. You shook your head. Hoya decided to make you more embarassed. He silently laughed.
"If you would please, stop ducking your head behind the chairs, Yeojin. Stand up and let people see who is my fortunate girlfriend", he grinned. You face-palmed yourself. "Fortunate girlfriend? l am so gonna kill you after this Lee Howon", you hissed. To your surprise, Soyoung rose you up with the help of a few reporters.
The flashes of the cameras went wild. You blinked and glared at Hoya. He began walking towards you and everyone gasped. Even you. *This is so embarassing!* You thought. "How have you been, pretty?", Hoya whispered lovingly at you, making sure that only the both of you can hear. You glared at him. "I am so gonna kill you....", you said and he laughed. "She accepted my propose to her!", he grinned and kissed your cheek. "WHAT?! Lee Howon!", you punched his chest and he laughed.
Everyone went "Awww ..." Soyoung wiped a tear from her face and beamed. *Finally, the day both you are waiting for came.* "I am so happy for you guys!", she squeled and stood up hugging her two best friends. The three of you laughed.
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bapdaehyunnie #1
Chapter 52: I love the story but i was hoping for yeojin and daehyun to get back together >_<
cocoxox #2
Chapter 51: aww i was hoping yeojin and daehyun would somehow end up together again :(
good story tho ^^
Chapter 52: Awwwwwww......
Very good fic
Chapter 51: YAAAAAAAAAAAAA <3 You really don't know how I was happy that I could read that story! :D It was one of my favourite story in my whole life! JINJA!!! :p Ahh~ I'm sorry that I'm commenting just now, but I just came back from my grandparent's house where I was for three days because of Christmas! :p But I can tell you that if you won't delete that story from asian fanfics I will come back here to read this again :) Because of THAT story I was more interested in Hoya and he became my bias from Infinite :) With Sunggyu oppa~ :D So I'm really thankful that you imagined, wrote and update it :) I hope that in future you won't loose your imagination and maybe someday you meet your oppas, go to Korea or write a bestseller, because in my opinion you are a really good writer :) I wish you all the best in the future and I hope that your next stories will be better than the older ones :p Thank you for your hard work :) You did a good job :) Stay healthy!!! :) CONGRATULATION, SARANGHAE & FIGHTING ! <3
PS. And I'm really happy that Yeojin end up with Hoya! :p His perfect for her in this story~ And Daehyun found his love too :p
Chapter 52: Great story! Although I really want Yeojin to end up with Daehyun. haha
Chapter 52: Good story!!! ^_^
panda_yang #7
Chapter 52: Love your story.