Hanging out

From Normal To SuperStar


"Woah. You look cute!", Minho beamed looking you up and down. "And you look handsome!", you laughed. 
You wore:-
And Minho wore:-
"Now that both of us look good, let's go~", Minho took your hand and both of you fled downstairs. "Guys! Where are you both going?", your mum asked from the dining room. "Mom?" "Aunty?" You and Minho said in unison. "Um, yeah? Why are you so surprise?", your mum asked.
"W-well, aren't you busy? Especially it's Sunday. The weekend! Where people always go in and out of your boutique", you said. Your mum laughed. "I don't always have to be there. I hired more workers so it's fine. And now, we have 15 workers!", your mum said excitedly.
The boutique is quite big and it can fit about 150 people in there. "Woah~ Congrats. Woo~", you "excitedly" said then laughed with Minho. "Haha. Now go and have fun while i'm gonna rest for the whole~ day~", your mum grinned, drank another sip of her coffee and walked upstairs to her room.
"It's our turn to go now. Come on!", Minho smiled and you followed him outside towards his car. "Where are we going now?", you asked. "Um, don't know. You decide", Minho chuckled and started driving around the town. You rolled your eyes.
"Seriously, oppa. When will you change? You always ask the girl where they want to go. You should plan it out before", you said but actually, you kind of like his attitude. It's ... Random. "I'm not that kind of person. I like something unexpected happen. Life will be so much fun like that", he replied.
"I have two choices in my mind... Bowling and ice-skating", you suggested. Minho grinned. "Cool! We'll take both." "Both?! How? It's 1 in the afternoon. We won't be able to make and now i'm feeling hungry so we have to stop somewhere and eat first", you said.
"Arasso,arasso. We'll eat then find a good bowling place. Just play about 2 games then we'll move on to ice-skating", Minho said then continued, "l hate this." You turned your head to look at him.
"What?" "I planned everything out! It's not fun", he replied and frowned. You laughed and poked his forehead. "Stop frowning. You look old. Oh wait. You are old", you teased. "Haha. So your boyfriend's old then? He's the same age as me, FYI!", Minho said.
"Nah, my boyfriend is perfect", you stucked your tongue at Minho. He kept quiet. How he wish he's your boyfriend but he can't do that since you and Minho are so close. They can even call themselve siblings. They knew each other's personality well.
After 15 minutes of driving, Minho stopped at Pizza Hut. "Come on. Let's eat here!", Minho walked out of the car and opened the door for you. "You know .. Some people come to Pizza Hut just to eat their pasta not pizza and one of the people is ME!", you grinned.
"And ME!", Minho pointed at himself. Both of you laughed and again, Minho opened the restaurant's door for you causing the waiter that's supposed to open the door for both of you stopped walking and blurted, "Oh." Minho chuckled.
"Table for two", you told him. He nodded and his eyes cannot leave yours. You looked away uncomfortably and waited for the waited to show you their table but he didn't even move an inch. "AHEM! Table for two. Go,go", Minho waved his hand infront of the waiter's face.
He blinked a couple of times and said, "Oh, yes. Of course...", he quickly walked to the table at the corner. When you walked pass him to sit at the other side, his eyes followed your every move and you looked at Minho for help.
He got the hint. "Excuse me, but please. Do not look at my girlfriend like that. It's not appropiate, thank you", Minho smiled and sat down. "Oh. Okay. Here's the menu and i'll .. c-come back again to order", he gave the menu to you and Minho then jogged to the cashier.
You laughed. "That is so cool of you." "Yep. Anyway, what do you want to eat?" You were about to tell him whn both of you said in unison, "Fettucinne Carbonara!" You blinked. "You still remember my favourite Pizza Hut dish?" Minho nodded.
"Of course! And i'll order -" "Spaghetti Bolognese", you said and winked. "l remember yours too", you said. "Okay, then. For pizza, um, I don't think i want to eat pizza....", Minho said. "Same here. Let's just eat pasta", you said and called for the waiter.
"Yes? May i help you?", the waiter asked. This time, it's not the same waiter. "Yeah. 1 Fettucinne Carbonara and 1 Spaghetti Bolognese. Drinks?", Minho asked. "Ice Lemon Tea", you looked at the waiter and he wrote it down. "Pepsi", Minho said.
The waiter nodded and walked to the front desk. You and Minho shared some personal jokes and laughed at a video on Youtube. The food finally arrived and both of you ate happily while talking about Minho's life at New York.
"It's great to be at New York! Especially Christmast. I stayed at New York for Christmast last year, too. Remeber?" "Yes. Of course i remember and you will stay there for this year's Christmast too", you muttered.
"Sorry again.. But i really have a lot to do for next year. It's my final year and i have to do my best and become the most wanted doctor in Seoul later!", Minho beamed. "Okay,okay. l understand and i have to train hard to become the best idol", you said.
After a half an hour, Minho paid for the food and went out with you. "Next, bowling!", Minho said and drove to the place. This time, you rejected Minho's offer to pay for the bowling.
You paid for two games and rent the bowling shoes. "After you take your bowling shoes, you can proceed to Lane 4", the person behind the cashier said. You nodded and retrieved your shoes. "Are you good at bowling?", Minho asked.
"I don't know. I've played once but that's like, 6 years ago. It's a school field trip", you said. "6 years ago? Oh right! That day, you went home with a sour expression and you sulked at you room. That was the funniest! I always play bowling at New York with my friends and i'm always the winner", Minho winked.
You playfully pushed him. If there's one thing you're weak at, it will be bowling. Bowling is the worse indoor sport you've ever met. But, who knows? As time passed, maybe, just maybe you'll be good at bowling. "Okay. Do you want me insert your name or nickname?", Minho asked infront of the computer where you have to put a name in and your score will be revealed.
"My nickname. l won't put my name there in case someone try to bad-mouth me by saying ‘Choi Yeojin, an idol with bad bowling skills’ ", you said and made Minho laughed. "Okay,okay. Since you like purple i'll put there PurpleAddict and i'll just put NY for mine", Minho said and began typing.
"Done! I'm going first", Minho walked at the ball and took one with the size 12. He aimed at the pins and the ball zoomed past the lane and ... "STRIKE! YES!", he pumped his fist in the air and turned to you with a face that you just want to punch it right at that moment.
"Your turn, Miss PurpleAddict", Minho winked and took his seat watching you. You stood up and made your way to ball. You were searching for a ball size 9 when someone held it out for you. "Here. You're searching for this ball right?" You looked up, startled.
Minho was trying to see his face clearly but his back was facing him. "Uh, thanks", you said to the guy. He have brown coloured hair and a handsome face. He wore a V-neck blue coloured shirt with a black jeans. "I'm Onew by the way. What's your name?", he smiled.
You smiled back. "Yeojin." Minho can't stand watching you smiling with a stranger so he decided to see what happened. "Yeojin-ah, who is —", Minho turned to look at the guy and his eyes widened.
"Onew hyung!" "Minho!" "Whaaat?", you looked back and forth from Onew to Minho and back to Onew. "You guys know each other?", you asked. "YEAH!", the said in unison.
"Yeojin-ah, don't you remember Onew hyung? He's my bestest friend ever since first grade! l introduced you to him", Minho said. You thought back when you're like, 6 years old. It's been such a long time so, yep. "I can't remember anything", you admitted.
"Oh, that's okay. Hyung, you remember Yeojin? My cousin?", Minho asked Onew. "Yeah! How could you, Yeojin-ah? l remembered you. You're so cute back then i think i might have a crush on you. But, Taemin fell in love with you, though. He's the same age as you! Remember him?", Onew asked.
"Yes. l do remember Taemin oppa. He's such a sweet guy. Where is he now?", you asked. Lee Taemin is the same age as you. You knew him since you're 6 years old. It's one of Minho's friends.
Taemin is Jonghyun's little brother and Taemin have a secret crush on you till both of you are 8 years old, he totally fell in love with your cute and friendly personality. But both of you seperated from each other when you're 13 years old. Your parents decided to move out to another house far away from your old house and unfortunately, you have to change school.
Taemin was very sad back then and you lost contact with each other since that day. "He's studying in Japan now. But he came back for the holidays a week ago. Want me to call him and everyone else? It will so much fun to be reunited again!", Onew excitedly clapped his hands. You laughed at his cute expression.
"Sure!", Minho said and Onew called each and every one of them. "Yeah! I really met them and guess what? Yeojin is so much prettier now so you better get your at the bowling place,arasso?", he said through the phone. *It's probably Taemin oppa* You guessed while taking a sip of cola Minho just ordered a few minutes ago.
"Done! Everyone will come here in half an hour", he said. "Did you come alone?", you asked. "Ah! Speaking of alone, where the heck is Key? l came with Key and he said he wanted to go to the toilet", Onew rolled his eyes. "How's life hyung?", Minho asked, grinning.
"Life? GREAT. Studying like the world have no tomorrow is totally worth it. I'm still training to be a dentist for another year", Onew said and beamed. "Dentist? That's great! What about Key oppa?", you asked. "Him? Pfft. He wants to be a make-up artist. How weird is that?", Onew put on a disgusted face.
Onew's phone suddenly rang. "Yah! Where are you?", Onew said. Onew nodded and laughed. "Diarrhea? I told you that food is expired and you won't listen", Onew rolled his eyes and you giggled. "Anyway, come back here fast. You'll be extremely shock", Onew said.
He nodded. "Arasso", and hung up the phone. "Key?", Minho asked and Onew nodded. You heard a scream somewhere and suddenly two arms flung around your neck, hugging you tightly. "YEOJIN-AH! I miss you~", Taemin grinned and hugged you. You coughed. "O-okay... Please. Let me go", you croaked.
Taemin let you go only to have another pair of arms flunged around your neck. "l miss you so so so much!", Jonghyun said. You sighed. "l miss you too, oppa", you said. "You didn't even say you miss me", Taemin pouted. "Aww, i missed you too!", you grinned and surprisingly, Taemin gave you a kiss on the cheek.
You blushed. "Woah! Taemin", Onew said, slightly shock but impressed too. "Anyway, that doesn't matter. Why didn't you call me since the last day you moved out?!", Taemin said and pushed Minho out of the way and sat across you. "Yah!", Minho glared at Taemin.
"Um, busy. l wanted to call you but .. Minho oppa's parents...", you glancdd at Minho for his approval. He nodded, letting you to go on. "Died in an accident", you said. Everyone's eyes widened. "We're sorry, Minho", Jonghyun said. "That's okay. It's been years anyway", Minho smiled.
But you knee deep down inside, whenever it's raining heavily, Minho will always have the same sad expression and his face will never smile for the rest of the day no matter how much yo put an effort to make him laugh. Minho's parents died in an accident.
They were arguing while his dad were driving and it rained heavily. Minho was waiting at school, excited to go home. He was 15 years old that time. They were all supposed to go somewhere for a vacation. Minho waited for about 2 hours until his homeroom teacher came saying that his parents got into an accident.
He cried for the whole week and your parents decided to take care of him like their own son. "Yeojin-ah! lt's your turn to bowl", Minho called snapping you back to reality. You nodded and took the size 9 ball. *l know i'll at this.* You said.
You aimed the ball at the arrow and ... surprise,surprise... Everyone laughed. The ball went straight into the hole. "l told you i at this! l won't play anymore", you pouted. "Don't give up, Miss give up", Minho teased. You glared at him and took out your phone, handing it to Taemin for his number.
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bapdaehyunnie #1
Chapter 52: I love the story but i was hoping for yeojin and daehyun to get back together >_<
cocoxox #2
Chapter 51: aww i was hoping yeojin and daehyun would somehow end up together again :(
good story tho ^^
Chapter 52: Awwwwwww......
Very good fic
Chapter 51: YAAAAAAAAAAAAA <3 You really don't know how I was happy that I could read that story! :D It was one of my favourite story in my whole life! JINJA!!! :p Ahh~ I'm sorry that I'm commenting just now, but I just came back from my grandparent's house where I was for three days because of Christmas! :p But I can tell you that if you won't delete that story from asian fanfics I will come back here to read this again :) Because of THAT story I was more interested in Hoya and he became my bias from Infinite :) With Sunggyu oppa~ :D So I'm really thankful that you imagined, wrote and update it :) I hope that in future you won't loose your imagination and maybe someday you meet your oppas, go to Korea or write a bestseller, because in my opinion you are a really good writer :) I wish you all the best in the future and I hope that your next stories will be better than the older ones :p Thank you for your hard work :) You did a good job :) Stay healthy!!! :) CONGRATULATION, SARANGHAE & FIGHTING ! <3
PS. And I'm really happy that Yeojin end up with Hoya! :p His perfect for her in this story~ And Daehyun found his love too :p
Chapter 52: Great story! Although I really want Yeojin to end up with Daehyun. haha
Chapter 52: Good story!!! ^_^
panda_yang #7
Chapter 52: Love your story.