A Night To Remember

From Normal To SuperStar

When both of you reached the place where Daehyun have to leave you alone, he stopped. "Yeojin-ah", he faced you. "Hmm?" you tilted your head in confusion. Daehyun gazed at you for quite a long time. *You look so beautiful under the moonlight. I won't say this yet, but l promise I'll tell you later. I'm such a coward.* Daehyun smiled at you then ran forward before turning back around and yelled, "Don't be too scared,arasso?" He gave you a wink and disappeared from sight.

You looked around, curiously. *What the heck happened? Where's my parents?!* You began walking to the beach when someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside the bush. Both of you fell over. You gasped and started kicking and shouting. *YAH! Whoever you are, LET GO OF ME!", you shouted. The person sighed and you stopped immediately. Your eyes widened. "Hoya-sshi?! Wh-what are you doing here?" "I was forced by my annoying brother."

"Forced to do what? .... Wait! Don't tell me both of you want to kidnap  me because your resort are going to bankrupt or your mom's boutique! And- and you want to sell me!", you went on and on. Hoya rolled his eyes. "Are you serious? We're not that kind of person! And FYI, my parents' business and going VERY well. I don't need you to help us. You're the last person on Earth, I'll ask for help. Anyway, come on. It's hot in here and - ", Hoya pushed you aside. 

You gasped. *Ottoke?! I was on top of him the whole time!* "Don't look so shocked. I did that to a lot of girls before", he walked away. "Tsch. Playboy", you muttered. "I heard that!" Hoya shouted and continued walking to the beach. You stucked out your tongue at him and began running to catch up with Hoya.*As expected, ice-cream guy is such a mean, cruel person. Can't believe l fell for him on the first place.* As soon as you saw the sign, "Paradise Beach", someone yelled, "HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAAAAY!!". Your eyes widened in surprise.

Your mom,dad,Daehyun and Hoya grinned widely. Actually, Hoya just looked away and glared at his brother for forcing him here.


As soon as you went to your room to take a shower, your mom walked to the kitchen and called Daehyun. "Yoboseyo?", Daehyun answered. "Daehyun-ah, it's Yeojin's mum." "Oh,yes! What can l do for you?" "It's about her birthday party later tonight. I need help to shock her on the way to the beach." "Shock her? What do you mean?", Daehyun asked,confused. "Like, the person have to hide inside a bush or dustbin or anything, then grabbed her and she'll be shock!", your mom said, like it's the most awesome idea ever.

"Oh .... Okay." *It's not the best idea but ... it won't hurt if we try.* "So, help me to find someone to do this, okay?" "Ne~ I will!", Daehyun then called his brother. It took a long time for Hoya to pick up. *Pshh. Flirt guy must be at the bar.* "What?", Hoya answered,annoyed. He was surrounded by beautiful ladies at the bar. "Hyung, l need your help!" 'If it's not important, l won't do it." "It's important to me! Yeojin wil have a birthday party soon. I need you to make her shock. Just hide in the bush and grabbed her so suddenly. Okay?" "What do l get if l help you?" "Anything you want." "Hmm ..." Hoya was thinking about what he can ask his brother and an idea popped up.

"Let me be the bartender at the cocktail shack tomorrow." Daehyun rolled on the sofa laughing his heart out. "THAT'S IT?!" Hoya frowned. "What? You want me to make you run around the resort ?" "No. But, thanks. Annyeong~" Daehyun pressed End. "YAAHHH! Jung Daehyun! I didn't even say yes! YAAAHHHH!!", Hoya yelled causing the people inside the bar to look at him. The ladies back away one by one. "No no! Tifffany-ah. We're not done yet!" TIffany shrugged and went to the other guy. Hoya rubbed his temple. *I'm so gonna get you Jung Daehyun.*

------Flashback End---------

*I almost gonna have another girlfriend.* He frowned and sat down on one of the chairs far away from the commotion. "Mom! Dad! Did you guys planned all of this?!", you asked, shocked but touched at the same time. "Tsch, no. The aliens planned this", Hoya said. "Hyung!", Daehyun hissed. You didn't mind his harsh words this time because you're really happy. "Yep. We planned it. But, all of these decorations, Daehyun did it", your dad smiled gratefully at him.

Daehyun bowed, "It's nothing." *Anything for my crush....* He thought. You looked around and laughed. "Don't tell me I'm eating a sand cake!" "Nope! It's a vanilla sponge cake shaped like a sand castle. Your parents told me you love building sandcastles." Daehyun grinned. You walked towards Daehyun and hugged him. Daehyun's body stiffened immediately. "Komawo ....", you whispered. He nodded and you released him. "THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!", you grinned and hugged both of them tightly.

"Thought you forgot about us~", your mom winked. You blushed and looked down. "Time to start this party!" Daehyun switched on the speacker and music filled the whole beach. "The customers will complain!", you asked, outraged. "Don't worry. Their rooms are soundproof", he winked. Daehyun was about to call Hoya to join in but stopped. *Eh? Where did he go?* The spot where Hoya sat is empty. Daehyun shurgged. *That's Hoya. After he did something, he'll just walk away.* Daehyun joined you and your parents and talked happily with them.

Meanwhile, Hoya walked to this room with a frown. *What's so special about that girl?* He slammed the door shut and went to take a shower.

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bapdaehyunnie #1
Chapter 52: I love the story but i was hoping for yeojin and daehyun to get back together >_<
cocoxox #2
Chapter 51: aww i was hoping yeojin and daehyun would somehow end up together again :(
good story tho ^^
Chapter 52: Awwwwwww......
Very good fic
Chapter 51: YAAAAAAAAAAAAA <3 You really don't know how I was happy that I could read that story! :D It was one of my favourite story in my whole life! JINJA!!! :p Ahh~ I'm sorry that I'm commenting just now, but I just came back from my grandparent's house where I was for three days because of Christmas! :p But I can tell you that if you won't delete that story from asian fanfics I will come back here to read this again :) Because of THAT story I was more interested in Hoya and he became my bias from Infinite :) With Sunggyu oppa~ :D So I'm really thankful that you imagined, wrote and update it :) I hope that in future you won't loose your imagination and maybe someday you meet your oppas, go to Korea or write a bestseller, because in my opinion you are a really good writer :) I wish you all the best in the future and I hope that your next stories will be better than the older ones :p Thank you for your hard work :) You did a good job :) Stay healthy!!! :) CONGRATULATION, SARANGHAE & FIGHTING ! <3
PS. And I'm really happy that Yeojin end up with Hoya! :p His perfect for her in this story~ And Daehyun found his love too :p
Chapter 52: Great story! Although I really want Yeojin to end up with Daehyun. haha
Chapter 52: Good story!!! ^_^
panda_yang #7
Chapter 52: Love your story.