
From Normal To SuperStar

The next day, you woke up exactly at sunrise. You love to see to sun rise everyday. Even sunset sometimes. You started to clean your bed, tucking the blankets perfectly at the sides.

You walked to the bathroom, washed your face then brushed your teeth and lastly, went down to eat your breakfast. "Hi,honey", your mum smiled, while cutting up pancakes.

"Hi mum. Where's dad?", you asked. "Oh, he went for a business trip yesterday." "Really?! He didn't even tell me about it." "Well, you seem to have a lot of fun with Daehyun's friends yesterday. Anyway, how was it? Fun?"

"It's awesome. All of Daehyun's oppa friends are really friendly and kind." "Good to hear that. I have to go to my boutique now. Won't be back by 1. Bye", she kissed your cheek and left you alone at the big dining room.

With pancakes. You're used to it. After eating, the maid picked up the plates and you thanked them then walked upstairs to study. After seem like hours of studying, your phone suddenly rang.

You jogged to the other side of the bed and picked the phone up. "Yoboseyo?", you answered. "Hey,sweetheart~", Daehyun said then laughed.

You giggled. "Annyeong! So, what's up?" "Uh .. The ... Roof?" Daehyun said playfully. "Whatever,oppa. Why did you call? Anything important?" "Hey! We're a couple now. l can call you anytime,anywhere,whenever i like it. Arasso?"

"Yeah,yeah. Fine." "So ... What are you doing?" "Nothing much. Just studying." "What? Wow. The exam's another 3 months." "I'm hardworking." You chuckled. "Anyway, since you're studying, we can't have our first date then."

"WHAT? I mean, really?! Uh, actually, i'll change my mind. Where are you taking me?" Daehyun grinned and said, "You'll see. Go and get ready i'll be there in an hour." "Okay! Bye~", you hung up and quickly wash your face and brush your teeth and finally, change your clothes into casual attire.

After about one hour and a half, Daehyun rang your bell. You sighed. *Finally.* You've been waiting for half an hour. You even tripped on the way down the stairs because you're scared you'll be late but it turns out, Daehyun was the one that's late.

You opened the door and saw Daehyun grinning. "Sorry i'm late. I got stuck in traffic and l bought this!", he handed you a bunch of pink and yellow flowers. "Oppa! Thank you", you smiled while hugging the flowers.

"You're welcome. Now let's go", both of you walked to the car and being a gentleman, Daehyun opened the door for you and you went inside, thanking him. Daehyun jogged to the side of the car and started driving.

"Where are we going?", you asked. "We'll go to a park and eat ice-cream then watch a movie then lastly, ice skating", he listed out the plans that he made last night after the day at the amusement park.

"Wow. That's a lot", you smiled, appreciate of what he did to make you feel satisfied. "For me, that is so not a lot. l can do more if you want", he beamed. "Should we ... Go for a holiday together somewhere?", you winked.

"Uh ...", Daehyun's face was red. You burst out laughing. "I was just joking! Gosh, oppa. You should have seen your face. I forgot to take my camera out. Pabo", you grinned. "Thanks", he stucked his tongue out.

You smiled and looked at the scenery outside the window. About half an hour later, the car finally came to a stop infront of a big park full of children running,ice-cream parlours,bicycles zooming past and parents chatting.

"Kaja!", Daehyun went out of the car and pulled open the door for you. He casually grabbed your hand and held it tightly around his hand and smiled down at you. You smiled and both of you walked aimlessly.

You was looking around the park when a bicycle almost hit you but Daehyun quickly grabbed your shoulders and turned you around. Both of you are safe and the rider apologized for the hundreth times but there's this poor little kid was crying because her ice-cream dropped on the ground.

Since you love children, you walked up to her. "Aigoo, poor you. Don't cry. Where's your mum?", you asked her. Daehyun looked at you and smiled. He,too, love children so he crouched on the ground along with you.

"My mum is (sobs) over there...", she pointed towards a bench that was so far away. "You went to the ice-cream parlour all by yourself?", Daehyun asked,amazed. The girl nodded. "What's your name?", Daehyun asked.

"Yun Hee", she replied while wiping away her tears. "Ottoke? Your ice-cream dropped. Never mind. Unnie will buy you a new one,okay?", you grinned. You stood up and picked her up to the parlour along with Daehyun by your side. "Aunty, can i have one ice-cream?",

Daehyun asked. "Sure, what flavour would you like?", she asked, smiling. "Umm, what flavour do you want?", Daehyun looked at Yunhee. "Chocolate!", she replied. "Here's your ice-cream!",

the parlour handed the ice-cream at Yunhee whose face brightened immediately. "Komawo~", both you and Daehyun said. "Are you newly-weds? You both fit each other perfectly!", the parlour grinned.

"Uh, we're actually -", you began but was cut off by another customer. "I'm sorry", the parlour said and turned her attention to the customer. Both of walked away,embarassed except for Daehyun.

"Cool. Newly-weds. It does look like that,huh?", he chuckled and played around with Yunhee. You rolled your eyes. "Yunhee-ah. Where's your mum again?", you asked.

"There!", she pointed, struggling for you to put her down. After you put her down, she ran to her mum. "Yunhee-ah! Where dis you go? I've searched around for you", her mum said while hugging her tightly.

"I was with that unnie and oppa. They are really nice! They bought me ice-cream. Look, omma!", Yunhee showed her ice-cream and happily it. Her mom smiled at both of you. "Kamsahamnida.. But, why did you buy her ice-cream? l thought i gave her enough money", she sounded confused.

"You did. But there was an accident earlier and Yunhee dropped her ice-cream on the floor", Daehyun explained. "Oh. Thank you again. Anyway, we have to go and meet her dad now. Annyeong!", both Yunhee and her mon waved.

You and Daehyun waved back, smiling. "Mission clear!", Daehyun said. You laughed. "Should we buy out ice-cream now?" "Yeah. I'm kinds thirsty...", Daehyun took your hand and both of you swinged hands on the way to the parlour.

After you've finished eating ice-cream under a big tree, Daehyun laid on your lap and looked at you. You looked dowb and smiled. "You even look pretty down here!", Daehyun said, beaming.

"And you .. Look much more handsome up here!", you grinned and both of you laughed. "So, we spent one hour and a half at the park. Ready for a movie?", Daehyun asked while sitting up-right again.

"Sure. What kind of genres are we watching?" "Romance~" You rolled your eyes. "Fine", you was about to stand up and when Daehyun grabbed your hand and made you sit back down. "Why?", you asked.

"What? You have to kiss me first then this prince over here can get up and make the princess happy!", Daehyun said. "Oppa~ Come on. We're in public." "Oh... Public. What about at the amusement park? There could be about... 100 people saw us kissing."

"Fine", you gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran off to the car. Daehyun laughed. *She's so cute. l can even pinch her cheeks for one hundred times!*

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bapdaehyunnie #1
Chapter 52: I love the story but i was hoping for yeojin and daehyun to get back together >_<
cocoxox #2
Chapter 51: aww i was hoping yeojin and daehyun would somehow end up together again :(
good story tho ^^
Chapter 52: Awwwwwww......
Very good fic
Chapter 51: YAAAAAAAAAAAAA <3 You really don't know how I was happy that I could read that story! :D It was one of my favourite story in my whole life! JINJA!!! :p Ahh~ I'm sorry that I'm commenting just now, but I just came back from my grandparent's house where I was for three days because of Christmas! :p But I can tell you that if you won't delete that story from asian fanfics I will come back here to read this again :) Because of THAT story I was more interested in Hoya and he became my bias from Infinite :) With Sunggyu oppa~ :D So I'm really thankful that you imagined, wrote and update it :) I hope that in future you won't loose your imagination and maybe someday you meet your oppas, go to Korea or write a bestseller, because in my opinion you are a really good writer :) I wish you all the best in the future and I hope that your next stories will be better than the older ones :p Thank you for your hard work :) You did a good job :) Stay healthy!!! :) CONGRATULATION, SARANGHAE & FIGHTING ! <3
PS. And I'm really happy that Yeojin end up with Hoya! :p His perfect for her in this story~ And Daehyun found his love too :p
Chapter 52: Great story! Although I really want Yeojin to end up with Daehyun. haha
Chapter 52: Good story!!! ^_^
panda_yang #7
Chapter 52: Love your story.