A talk with Minho and Lotte World

From Normal To SuperStar


"Woah. So this is where Yeojin practice her dance?", Hoya asked and looked around, amazed. *Her house even have a practice room. Why didn't l think about that before?*

Hoya thought. His house have a third floor too but he decorated it like a space room. With black ceilings and walls and space wallpaper where there's Milky Way galaxy, astronaut and the planets.

The roof can even open halfway and Hoya always star gaze when he's bored or there's nothing else to do. Recently, he always go up there around midnight and looked at the stars, thinking about you.

Minho nodded. "Yeah. She spent way too much time here for the past few weeks and she even practiced at the company. Unbelieveable", Minho shook his head.

"She's working hard. That's what l like about her", Hoya smiled softly. "Speaking of that ... Are you serious about dating Yeojin?", Minho asked and looked at him with 100% seriousness.

"Um .. yeah. Why?" Minho hesitated at first but he blurted it out. "Actually .. l'm in love with my own cousin and l know l shouldn't do that. It's just that .. The feeling just .. Came to me. But now I don't really care that much because as long as she's happy with you, I'm happy too. But you have to take care of her properly when l go back to New York, arasso?",Minho said.

Hoya gulped. Forget it if Minho's younger than him. He's way to scary. "Yeah.. I promise", Hoya said confidently. "Good. Anyway, Yeojin said you're good at dancing and she love it when she see you dance. I'm pretty good at dancing too so .. Wanna do a duet?", Minho asked and Hoya laughed.

"Duet? Haha. Sure~", he grinned and Minho pressed Play on the speaker and the music blasted off. "Like A G6. Good choice", Hoya said as his body began to find the correct, powerful moves and in no time, he began dancing.

They both danced like it's some sort of a battle. Minho is really competitive so he won't give up eventhough his leg will break. After Like A G6 is over, the danced to a couple more of songs and dropped on the floor, breathing like crazy.

"Good ... Dancing skills .. Now I know ... Why Yeojin like it so much", Minho said as he took a deep breath. "Thanks. You're ... Good too", Hoya said and stood up to drink some water. "Can I have some water?", Hoya asked as his eyes moved towards the water dispenser that looked tasty at the moment.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot there's water. Yeojin bought that last week. She's too lazy to go down and take it herself", Minho chuckled and handed Hoya a cup full of water.

"Thanks", Hoya said and gulped down the water in one shot. Minho did the same. "Um, there's an hour left until Yeojin is fully healthy again. Wanna hang out at my room? l have all sorts of video games", Minho beamed.

"Sure!", Hoya hi-fived with him and they ran down towards Minho's room like 7 year olds. An hour later, your stomach was a lot better and you sighed in relief.

*lt's a good thing that the pain is not for the whole day or my one day break will be such a waste.* You washed your face and gently dabbed it dry with a towel.

*Hoya oppa came. l wonder what they're doing. Minho oppa can be too over-protective and ask him a lot of questions.* You opened the door and looked around. It's awfully quiet up there so you made your way downstairs and bumped into the house maid.

"Um, do you know where Minho oppa is?", you asked. She shook her head. "Haven't seen them for the last 2 hours", she replied and walked to the kitchen and went out through the back door.

"Why walk so far when the front is just a meter away?", you said to the wall and shook your head disapprovingly. You climbed up the stairs and when you stepped infront of Minho's room, you can hear shouts behind the door and ...

"Guns? What are you guys doing in there?!", you opened the door only to have a pillow slammed into your face. You grabbed the pillow, threw it to the corner of the room and glared at them but another pillow was slammed into your face too.

"O-oh .. Yeojin. You're okay now! Yaay~", Minho said awkwardly and paused the game. You managed to look towards the flat screen TV.

They were playing Black Ops. "Who. Did. That?", you asked through clenched teeth while fixing your now messy hair. "He did it!", Hoya and Minho pointed towards each other. "Hey! You did it too!", they said in unison then turned towards you with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry. We were so into the game and we thought you're the enemy or something", Minho said. You rolled your eyes and grabbed Hoya's arm. "Come on, oppa. We have a date", you marched down the stairs and Hoya followed you behind but he stopped and looked at Minho.

"You're cool. We should keep in touch with each other when you're in New York", Hoya said. Minho nodded. "Sure! Let's hang out sometime when Yeojin's not around. l still have two more weeks." Hoya nodded and jogged downstairs to catch up with you.

"Hey! That's mine!", you yelled after Hoya as he ran away like a little kid with your sandwich. "It's mine now. I'm hungry!", he yelled back and pretended to take a big bite of it. They were walking leisurely at the park until Hoya decided to tease you for a bit.

You walked towards him but he walked backwards, facing you. You walked forward again but he went backwards. You rolled your eyes. "Oh, come on, oppa! Just give me the sandwich. l didn't eat anything since morning and it's 2pm now", you pouted.

"Okay, fine. But ... you have to catch me first to get this! Bye! Catch me if — Ouch!", Hoya bumped into someone and both of them landed on the floor rubbing their heads. You crouched down on the ground to help Hoya.

"Yah! Are you out of your mind? Why do you have to walk backward like that - hyung?!", Myungsoo said. Both you and Hoya looked up only to see Infinite there.

Your face lit up. "GUYS!", you beamed and hugged every one of them. "Noona! l miss you so much", Sungjong said while you're hugging him. "I miss you too! l've been a lot busier lately. Sorry l didn't keep in touch with you guys", you said.

They shook their heads. "That's okay. We know it's pretty tough to be an idol", Sunggyu said. You grinned. "Well, since we're all here, let's go somewhere and hang out!"

"Great idea! l was thinking if you guys want to go to Lotte World?", Woohyun asked and looked around. Since there was not much choices, they all nodded approvingly and Woohyun jumped around happily.

"Let's GO!", he ran to the car. Dongwoo, Woohyun, Sunggyu and Sungyeol are in one car while you, Hoya, Myungsoo and Sungjong are in Hoya's car. Dongwoo drove the car with extra care which means in other words, really slow.

"Hyung, do you really have to follow Dongwoo hyung? He is so slow like a snail!", Sungjong complained. "Oh, yeah! l didn't even think about that. Sorry", Hoya chuckled and cut Dongwoo off, leading the way to Lotte World.

Sungjong threw his hands up and sighed. You laughed and sang along with whatever's playing on the radio. "Hyung! Ppali! Even Hoya got tired of waiting and he cut you off. I knew Sunggyu hyung should be the one that's suppose to drive", Sungyeol said.

"Aish. I have to concentrate so don't say another word", Dongwoo said and stared at the road ahead. They all sighed and played with their phones instead.

After an hour or so, Hoya's car finally pulled up to a stop at the parking lot. "Is Dongwoo oppa here yet?", you asked and looked behind. "Don't think so. He'll take a few moments to come here", Myungsoo said and shook his head.

"I'll call him", Sungjong said and pulled out his phone and started dialing. "Hyung! Where are you?", Sungjong asked when Sunggyu answered Dongwoo's phone instead.

Sunggyu sighed miserably. "We're like, a half an hour to arrive there. This guy right here is so slow l think even a snail can win!" "Hey! I said I'm concentrating okay?", Dongwoo yelled.

"Fine, fine. Concentrate", Sunggyu said. "Um, we'll go in first then. We'll meet you there! Call me when you're here", Sungjong said and hung up. "We have to go in first?", you asked.

"Yeah", Sungjong nodded and all of you walked to the ticket counter. "So, what should we do first?", Hoya asked and looked around. It's full of people eventhough it's winter.

"ls it safe to ride the roller coaster? It will be slippery", Myungsoo said. "Now, you want to ask that?", Sungjong rolled his eyes. "Yah! Don't roll your eyes infront of me", Myungsoo said and Sungjong stucked his tongue out.

"This kid. l have no idea where he learned to be this rude to his hyung", Myungsoo muttered while you laughed. It's really funny when Infinite argued with each other.

"I think we can ride the roller coaster. Anyway, let's grab some late lunch. It's 3.30 now and Yeojin didn't even have her breakfast yet", Hoya said and you linked arms with him and wandered around the park towards the food court while Sungjong and Myungsoo stayed away from each other.

After some arguments about where they should eat, they've finally made a decision to eat McDonalds. "Finally...", you sighed and trudged to the counter to order the food.

Sungjong and Myungsoo are the ones that's fighting over which restaurant they all should go and this time, you're not even smiling. You ordered Double Cheese Burger and Hoya picked Quater Pounder.

Myungsoo and Sungjong picked Fillet - o - Fish and glared at each other. "Copy cat!", Sungjong said. "I'm sorry. l think you're blind. I'm not a cat!", Myungsoo said.

"Guys,guys. Just stop fighting okay?", Hoya said and massaged his temple while waiting for the food. Even the person behind the counter gave them weird looks.

All of you each picked up your trays and wandered around the restaurant to look for empty seats. "You can sit over here. We're not using it anymore", a guy said to you.

You looked up and smiled. "Thanks!" He nodded and left with his friends. "I found a place!", you called Hoya, Sungjong and Myungsoo. Hoya took a seat beside you.

Sungjong and Myungsoo have no choice but to sit with each other. "l wish Sungyeol hyung is here", Myungsoo muttered and ate his burger.

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bapdaehyunnie #1
Chapter 52: I love the story but i was hoping for yeojin and daehyun to get back together >_<
cocoxox #2
Chapter 51: aww i was hoping yeojin and daehyun would somehow end up together again :(
good story tho ^^
Chapter 52: Awwwwwww......
Very good fic
Chapter 51: YAAAAAAAAAAAAA <3 You really don't know how I was happy that I could read that story! :D It was one of my favourite story in my whole life! JINJA!!! :p Ahh~ I'm sorry that I'm commenting just now, but I just came back from my grandparent's house where I was for three days because of Christmas! :p But I can tell you that if you won't delete that story from asian fanfics I will come back here to read this again :) Because of THAT story I was more interested in Hoya and he became my bias from Infinite :) With Sunggyu oppa~ :D So I'm really thankful that you imagined, wrote and update it :) I hope that in future you won't loose your imagination and maybe someday you meet your oppas, go to Korea or write a bestseller, because in my opinion you are a really good writer :) I wish you all the best in the future and I hope that your next stories will be better than the older ones :p Thank you for your hard work :) You did a good job :) Stay healthy!!! :) CONGRATULATION, SARANGHAE & FIGHTING ! <3
PS. And I'm really happy that Yeojin end up with Hoya! :p His perfect for her in this story~ And Daehyun found his love too :p
Chapter 52: Great story! Although I really want Yeojin to end up with Daehyun. haha
Chapter 52: Good story!!! ^_^
panda_yang #7
Chapter 52: Love your story.